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1、单元卷1Unit 1School life PART ONELISTENING COMPREHENSION(30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Directions:In this section,youll hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices.Listen to the conversations carefully and

2、then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter(A,B or C)You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11Why did the woman miss the football match?AShe was ill.BHer bike broke down.CShe looked after her sister at home.2What was the result of the match?AThe mans class won.BThe woma

3、ns class won.CThe two teams tied.Conversation 23Whats the womans problem?AThe bedroom is noisy.BThe classroom is noisy.CThe library is too far away.4How long is the library open every day?A12 hours. B10 hours. C11 hours.Conversation 35Where are they talking?AOn the way to their office.BAt the flower

4、 shop.CAt the mans home.6Why has the man bought so many flowers?ATheyre fresh and attractive.BTheyre at a low price.CHe wants to open a flower shop.Conversation 47What does the woman ask the man to do tonight?APlay tennis.BJoin her for dinner.CHelp with her schoolwork.8What is the man going to do in

5、 Miami?AGo sightseeing.BAttend a wedding.CSet up a coffee shop.9What does the man decide to do at the end of the conversation?APut off his trip. BCome back early. CTake tennis lessons.Conversation 510Who is the woman most probably speaking to?AA pilot. BA railwayman. CA teacher.11What do we know abo

6、ut the train?AIt takes half an hour to Allegheny College.BIt is for long journey travelers.CIt is a slow train.12What is the woman going to do then?ATo change to another train.BTo give up the journey.CTo buy a ticket for this train.Conversation 613What does the girls mother most likely do?AShe may b

7、e a doctor.BShe may be a banker.CShe may be a teacher.14Where is the girls mother most likely now?AAt home. BIn the school. CIn the hospital.15Whats the mans telephone number?A85532299. B85533299. C85533229.Section B(7.5 marks)Directions:In this section,youll hear a minitalk.Listen carefully and the

8、n fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.Youll hear the minitalk TWICE.PlaceDescriptionThe Capital BuildingThe senators and representatives vote on _16_ for the country.The Supreme CourtIt is the _17_ court in the United States.The

9、 Library of CongressIt has _18_ every book in the USA.The Washington MonumentIt is one of the most popular sights in Washington.The White HouseThe _19_ lives here.The Lincoln MemorialIt is one of _20_ places in America to remember Abraham Lincoln.听力材料Conversation 1W:How was the football match yester

10、day?M:My bike broke down on the way to school,so I missed it.How about you?W:I had to look after my sister at home.She was ill.M:Im sorry to hear that.Do you know the result?W:Yes,our class beat your class at 32.Conversation 2W:This bedroom is very noisy.I cant read here.M:Why not go to the library?

11、No one is allowed to speak in the reading room,not even a whisper.W:Great!Thats what I am looking for.Is it far from here?M:No.Not at all.Its only a stones throw away.Have you seen that big building near the school gate?W:That building?Oh,yes,I see.Do you know the library hours?M:Yes.Its open from 8

12、 to 12 in the morning,from 2 to 6 in the afternoon and from 7 to 10 in the evening.Conversation 3M:Say,Wendy.How about helping me carry some of these flowers back to the office?If I try and do it myself,I think Ill break my back.W:Wow,where did you get so many flowersrob a flower shop?Or no,dont tel

13、l me youre going to open a flower stall in the office.M:Great,very funny.I was at the flower shop and they were having a special sale on flowers that werent very popular.I found some really beautiful and attractive ones,though.Take a look.W:Tulip,American rose,cherry blossom,lily and violet.Are you

14、planning to get a job with the gardener or something?That would be fun.M:Well,thats all very attractive and charming,but I bought these flowers because they were good buys.I couldnt afford them normally.But today I bought them for just fifty cents each.If you help me carry them,Ill let you have one.

15、W:Well,if you let me pick one,I suppose its a deal.Conversation 4M:Oh,Christina,is that you?How have you been?W:Im Okay.Ive just been busy with school.We really should get together and have a chat.How about joining me for dinner tonight?M:Id love to,but Im leaving for Miami at 8 tonight because my b

16、rother is getting married on Saturday morning.W:Congratulations!I hope that you have a nice time there.M:Well,what are you doing now?Maybe we can go to the coffee shop and chat for a while.W:I really wish I could,but Im on my way to the tennis courts.M:Tennis courts?I didnt know you could play tenni

17、s.W:Im taking tennis lessons.My roommate is on a tennis team and shes got me interested in the sport.Do you know how to play?M:A little,but I havent played for years.When I come back from my trip,Ill join you in taking lessons.W:Its a deal.Just give me a call when you get back.Conversation 5W:Excuse

18、 me,can you tell me if I can go directly to Allegheny College from here?M:Allegheny College?Oh,yes.The train goes in about 3 minutes.But it is a stopping train.W:Stopping?You mean it is a slow one?M:Yes,it stops at every station.I took it a week ago.W:Right,and how long is that journey?M:That will t

19、ake about,er,one and a half hours.W:Oh,dear.M:Well,thats the only train to there,I guess.W:I have to do that,then.Thank you.Conversation 6M:Hello,may I speak to Mrs Brown?W:Sorry,mum isnt in.Whos that speaking?M:John Smith.I work in the same school as your mother.Could you tell me when she will be b

20、ack?W:Im not sure.She left for the bank half an hour ago.Then she might go to the hospital.Shall I take a message for her?M:All right,please tell her to call me when she is back.I have something important to discuss with her.And my number is 85533299.W:OK,so thats 85533299.M:Thats correct.Thank you

21、very much.W:You are welcome.MinitalkGood morning,everyone.I want to welcome you to Washington DC.Tour USA is going to take you around the nations capital this morning.Im Martha Anderson and Ill be your guide.The tour will take two hours,so we will be back about noon.We are starting at the Capital Bu

22、ilding,where the senators and representatives vote on laws for the country.And there across the street is the Supreme Court,the highest court in the United States.Next to the Court is the Library of Congress.Just imagine,the Library of Congress has a copy of every book in the United States!Here is t

23、he Washington Monument.It is such a beautiful tall monument,reaching up into the sky.That is one of the most popular sights in Washington.And there is the White House where the American president lives.Now we are coming to the Lincoln Memorial.This is one of the most loved places in America,because

24、Abraham Lincoln was such a great man.Now the bus is going across the Potomac River to Arlington National Cemetery,where so many American heroes are buried.If you have any questions about Washington,please ask me.I hope you have enjoyed seeing Washington DC. with Tour USA.答案1. C2.B3.A4.C5.A6.B7.B8.B9

25、C10.B11.C12.C13.C14.C15.B16.laws17.highest18.a copy of19.president20.the most lovedPART TWOLANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and DChoose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21This gir

26、l is familiar to me.Maybe she is the girl _I met in the street yesterday.Awhom Bwhich Cas Dwhat答案A先行词the girl指人,定语从句中缺少宾语,因此应用whom引导定语从句。22Im not sure whether this is the book _my brother read the day before yesterday.Awhose Bas Cwhat Dwhich答案D先行词the book指物,定语从句中缺少宾语,因此应用which引导定语从句。关系代词as引导限制性定语从句时

27、,仅用于the,等结构中。23Im sorry that I dont know much about American films,because this is the first American film_I have ever seen.Awhich Bthat Cwhat Das答案B先行词American film前面有序数词the first修饰,因此只能用that引导定语从句。24Only those _know something about painting can be let in.Awho Bhe Cwhich Dwhat答案A句意

28、:只有那些对绘画有所了解的人才被允许进来。those为先行词且指人,定语从句中缺少主语,故定语从句用who来引导。25The moment _I will never forget is when my English teacher gave me some advice on how to improve my writing.Athat Bwhether Cwhat Dhow答案A句意:我的英语老师给我提了一些如何提高我的写作水平的建议的时候是我永远也不会忘记的时刻。分析句子结构可知, 空格处为定语从句的引导词,而B、C、D三项均不能引导定语从句。26Women _drink more

29、than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _dont.Awho;/ B/;whoCwho;who D/;/答案C句意:每天喝咖啡超过两杯的妇女与那些不喝这么多咖啡的妇女比起来患心脏病的可能性要大。两个引导词在从句中都作主语,修饰指人的先行词,所以用who引导且不能省略。27It was_weather that everyone wanted to go outing.Aso fine Bsuch fine Cso a fine Dsuch a fine答案B句意

30、:天气如此好,大家都想出去郊游。weather是不可数名词,可排除C、D两项;so修饰形容词或副词,所以A项错误。故选B。28Would you please keep silent?The weather report_and I want to listen.Ais broadcast Bis being broadcastChas been broadcast Dhad been broadcast答案B句意:请你保持安静好吗?正在广播天气预报,我想听一下。根据句意可知,broadcast此处应表被动,表进行,所以用is being broadcast。故选B。 29His daughter is busy making_for the entrance examination to be held in June.Agifts BspeechesCpreparations Dchoices答案C句意:他女儿正忙着为6月份进行的入学考试作准备。gift“礼物”;speech“演讲”;preparation“准备”;choice“选择”。故选C。30In order to go to a famous university,

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