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专题09 介词解析版直击考点新高考英语语法填空必考点一站式特训全国通用.docx

1、专题09 介词解析版直击考点新高考英语语法填空必考点一站式特训全国通用专题09介词(解析版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1(2021黑龙江牡丹江市牡丹江一中)She had a gift _ writing and her special writing style had a great influence _ later writers.Afor; to Bin; in Cfor; on Din; on【答案】C【详解】考查介词和固定搭配。句意:她有写作天赋,并且她的特殊的写作风格对以后的作家产生了很大的影响。固定搭配:have a gift for doing sth.“

2、有做某事的天赋”;have a great influence on对.产生影响。故选C。2(2021天津高三期末)If you enjoy reading, then _do that whenever you want.Aby all means Bby no means Canything but Dnothing but【答案】A【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:如果你喜欢阅读,那么无论什么时候你想读都可以。A. by all means 一定,务必;B. by no means 决不;C. anything but 根本不;D. nothing but 只不过。根据前文的“If you

3、 enjoy reading”和“do that whenever you want.”可知,此处应该是肯定之意,故选A。3(2021全国高二期末)The judge scolded the lawyer because he didnt keep his remarks to the topic _ discussion.Aon Bwithin Cat Dunder【答案】D【详解】考查介词与其它词类的搭配。句意:法官斥责律师,因为他没有把他的言论紧扣正在讨论的话题。介词under可表示“正在过程中”。结合句意,分析句子可知,under与discussion构成介词短语,作后置定语修饰名词t

4、he topic,表示“正在讨论中的话题”。其它几个介词无法与discussion搭配。故选D项。4(2021天津)_ struggles and setbacks, laborers are taking their fate into their own hands.AIn exchange for BIn spite of COn behalf of DOn account of【答案】B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管有斗争和挫折,但是劳动者们把命运掌握在自己手中。A. In exchange of作为的交换;B. In spite of尽管;C. On behalf of代表;D

5、. On account of由于。根据句意可知,尽管有斗争和挫折,但是劳动者们把命运掌握在自己手中。前后之间是转折关系。故选 B。5(2021黑龙江哈尔滨市哈尔滨三中)The finder of a wallet who takes it home may be guilty _ a theft.Afor Bin Cat Dof【答案】D【详解】考查介词。句意:拾到钱包并把它带回家的人可能犯了盗窃罪。A. for为了;B. in在里面;C. at在;D. of关于。be guilty of 犯有罪。根据“The finder of a wallet who takes it home”可知,

6、拾到钱包带回家可能犯有盗窃罪。故选D。6(2021天津南开区高三零模)Mr. Smith sold that magnificent cottage of his on the sea 2,000,000 dollars.Aat Bfor Cto Dby【答案】B【详解】考查介词的用法。句意:史密斯先生以二百万元的价格卖掉了他那座豪华的海边别墅。表示以多少价格卖掉某物用介词for。故选B。7(2021天津南开区高三零模)The new product is beyond all praise and has quickly taken over the market _ its superio

7、r quality.Ain terms of Bon account ofCon behalf of Don top of【答案】B【详解】考查介词短语。句意:这款新产品很快获得了极高的赞扬,并且因其超级好的质量而迅速占领了市场。A. in terms of就而言;B. on account of由于;C. on behalf of代表;D. on top of在顶端。商品能够迅速占领市场,是由于超级好的质量,所以前后是因果关系。故B选项正确。8(2021天津高三二模)Well have to revise our original plan the present situation.Ain

8、 return for Bin view of Cin addition to Din comparison with【答案】B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:考虑到目前的情况,我们不得不修改原来的计划。A. in return for作为的报答; B. in view of考虑到; addition to 此外;D. in comparison with 与比较。根据句意可知,此处应该表示“鉴于,考虑到”。故选B。9(2021银川市第六中学高三三模)I cant find your sister, where is she?Shes gone away _ the weekend.A

9、in Bat Cfor Don【答案】C【详解】考查介词词义辨析。句意:我找不到你姐姐了,她去哪里了?她已经走了,去度周末了。A.in在.里; 向,朝;C.for 为了;D.on在.上。根据“ Shes gone away”可知,她已经走了,去度周末了。for the weekend “ 去度周末”。故选C项。10(期末模拟卷四-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期期末专项复习(外研版)The step you have taken is _ much risk.Aone of Bthe one ofCthe one Dthat one【答案】B【详解】考查“介词 of+ 抽象名词”

10、和代词的用法。句意:你所采取的步骤风险很大。空中所填的 the one代替前面的 the step。“be + of+ 抽象名词”结构表示“具有某方面的特征”。故选B。11(2021江西高一期末)_ me, I dont want to say something about the matter.AAs for BBecause of CAs a result of DThanks to【答案】A【详解】考查介词短语。句意:就我而言,关于这件事我不想说什么。A. As for关于,至于;B. Because of因为;C. As a result of 由于;D. Thanks to由于。说

11、话者对于某件事情表明态度,可用短语as for sb.(至于某人/就某人而言),结合句意,故选A。12(2021天津高一期末)Each summer definitely seems hotter than the last. Experts say this bad weather has occurred_ climate change.Adue to Bleading to Clack of Dregardless of【答案】A【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:每年夏天似乎都比去年更热。专家表示,这种恶劣天气是由于气候变化造成的。A. due to 由于;B. leading to 通向;导

12、致;C. lack of 缺少;D. regardless of 不管。根据句意,可知此处表示由于气候变化,才出现了恶劣天气,故选A。13(2021天津高一期末)Our lives may be changed_ recognition by 3D printing in the near future.Abeyond Bat Cupon Dwithin【答案】A【详解】考查介词。句意:在不久的将来,3D打印可能会让我们的生活发生翻天覆地的变化。固定搭配beyond recognition“完全改了模样;面目全非”符合句意,故选A。14(2021广东高二期末)_ the challenge,

13、the engineers worked day and night, trying to find quick solutions.AIn response to BIn addition to CIn exchange for DIn return for【答案】A【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:为了应对挑战,工程师们夜以继日地工作,试图找到快速解决方案。A. In response to对的回应;B. In addition to除了之外;C. In exchange for作为的交换;D. In return for作为的报答。根据句意可知,此处指“为了应对”,用in response

14、 to,为介词短语作状语。故选A项。15(2021天津高二期末)I wont feel_ until you come back safely.Ain harmony Bon the horizon Con standby Dat ease【答案】D【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:只有你平安回来,我才会安心。A. in harmony协调一致;B. on the horizon即将来临;C. on standby待命;D. at ease安心、舒适。根据“until you come back safely”可知此处表示“安心”,故选D。16(2021天津高二期末)I managed to f

15、ind a solution _ the problem.Ato Bof Cfor Dwith【答案】A【详解】考查介词。句意:我设法找到解决这个问题的方法。a solution to sth“某事的解决方案”是固定搭配。故选A项。17(2021天津高二期末)She knew it was dangerous to visit him at night, but she set out _ the risk.Aregardless of Bin case of Cin time of Dbecause of【答案】A【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:她知道晚上去看望他很危险,但她不顾风险就出发了

16、。A. regardless of不管;B. in case of万一;C. in time of在的时候;D. because of因为。根据句意可知,明知道有危险,她还是出发了,说明她不顾风险。故选A项。18(2021黑龙江哈尔滨市第六中学校高一期末)Who will be _ the department when Sophie leaves?Ain possession of Bin celebration ofCin need of Din charge of【答案】D【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:Sophie走后,谁来负责这个部门? possession of占有,拥

17、有; celebration of为庆祝; need of需要; charge of负责,主管。根据when Sophie leaves可知此处表示询问Sophie走后,谁来负责这个部门。故选D项。19(2021广东高二期末)_, he stood out_ competence from all his fellows.ABad-tempered as he was; in terms ofBAs he was bad-tempered; in spite ofCBad-tempered though he was; in favour ofDThough he wa

18、s bad-tempered; by means of【答案】A【详解】考查部分倒装和固定短语辨析。句意:他虽然脾气坏,但在能力上却比他的同事突出。第一空,as/though引导让步状语从句时置于句首时,采用形式倒装,即把强调的内容提至句首,主谓并不倒装,此处强调表语Bad-tempered,Bad-tempered;第二空,A. in terms of根据,就而言;B. in spite of尽管;C. in favour of赞成,支持;D. by means of依靠。根据后文“competence from all his fellows”指在能力方面而言,他比同事突出,应用in te

19、rms of。故选D。20(2021广东高二期末)_ was it_ distinguished her_ her classmates?AWhat; that; from BWhich; that; fromCWhat; which; with DWhich; which; with【答案】A【详解】考查强调句的疑问句和介词。句意:是什么使她和她的同学不同?此句是一个强调句的特殊疑问句,特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+is/was+it+that/who+其他部分?因此第一个空是what,意为“什么”,作was的表语;由what was it可知第二个空是tha

20、t;第三个空是介词from,固定短语distinguish from“区别,与不同的是”。故选A项。21(2021黑龙江哈师大附中高一期末)A plane shot _ the sky and then in a flash it was _.Aover; vanished Bthrough; disappeared Cinto; missed Dacross; gone【答案】D【详解】考查介词,动词和形容词。句意:一架飞机向天空射击,然后瞬间就消失了。A.over在.上面; vanished消失;B.through通过;disappeared消失;C.into进入;missed消失;D.a

21、cross横过;gone消失。整个天空,应遍布,横跨天空,用介词across,through一般指通过立体空间;前三个词语意为消失,是不及物动词,前面不能有be动词,gone意 为“消失”是形容词作表语,故选D。22(2021黑龙江大庆中学高二期末)How did the students react _ the conclusion that iron has a slow reaction _ water?Ato, to Bto, with Cwith , to Don , to【答案】B【详解】考查介词。句意:学生们对铁与水反应缓慢的结论有什么反应?短语react to“对作出反应”,宾

22、语是the conclusion,此处表示对结论做出的反应;sth. have a reaction with sth.“和有反应”,此处表示“铁与水反应缓慢”。故选B项。23(2021长春市第二十九中学高一期末)_ the next several decades, she held many important positions.AOn BWith COver DIn【答案】C【详解】考查介词辨析。句意:在接下来的几十年里,她担任了许多重要职位。A. On在上面;B. With和;C. Over越过;D. In在里面。根据后文“the next several decades”表示在接下

23、来的几十年里,应用over the decades。故选C。24(2021黑龙江哈尔滨三中高三期末)When a Costco customer walks in the door, he or she expects that the products will be high quality and offered at a low price.Ato Bof Cat Dabout【答案】B【详解】考查介词辨析和固定用法。句意:当一个Costco的顾客走进来的时候,他或她期望产品的质量高,价格低。A.to朝; B.of用在名词前表示某物的特点;C.at在;D.about关于。分析可知,be

24、动词后一般加of再加名词,表示某物的特点,本句中of high quality,意为“高质量的”,故选B。25(2021天津高三期末)As a philosopher _, the secret _happiness is to think about positive things and stay optimistic.Aretells; on Breminds; to Cremarks; of Drespects; in【答案】C【详解】考查动词词义辨析和固定搭配。句意:正如一位哲学家所说,幸福的秘诀是多想积极的事情并保持乐观。A. retells复述;B. reminds提醒;C. r

25、emarks谈论,说起;D. respects尊敬。根据句意,“幸福的秘诀是多想积极的事情并保持乐观”这句话是一位哲学家所说的(remark);固定搭配,the secret of,的秘诀,故选C项。26(2021天津市宝坻区第一中学高三期末)The organization is _ smaller class size, because it believes this can promote better student performance.Ain memory of Bin place of Cin favor of Din need of【答案】C【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:

26、该组织支持小班制,因为它相信这样可以促进更好的学生表现。A. in memory of纪念;B. in place of代替;C. in favor of支持;D. in need of需要。根据“because it believes this can promote better student performance.”可知,因为可以促进更好的学生表现,该组织支持小班制。故选C。27(2021天津和平区高三期末)He suggested me buy a new phone because the old one has been damaged _.Abeyond repair Bou

27、t of control Cwithin reach Dunder consideration【答案】A【详解】考查介词短语。句意:他建议我买一部新手机,因为旧的那部已经损坏得无法修理了。A. beyond repair无法修理;B. out of control失去控制;C. within reach在附近;D. under consideration在考虑之中。根据“He suggested me buy a new phone”可知,手机已经无法修理,所以建议买新的。故选A。28(2021天津滨海新区高三期末)_ his excellent performance in the comp

28、etition, his teammates all advocated him being their caption.AIn terms of BIn view of CIn addition to DIn spite of【答案】B【详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:鉴于他在比赛中的出色表现,他的队友们都主张他当他们的解说。A. In terms of依据,按照;B. In view of鉴于,考虑到;C. In addition to另外;D. In spite of尽管。根据上文“his excellent performance in the competition”可知鉴于他在比赛中

29、的出色表现,他的队友们都主张他当他们的解说,应用in view of。故选B。29(2021天津高三一模)As the traditional Spring Festival is approaching, shop owners from all walks of life offer large discounts _ high sales income from their customers.Ain anticipation of Bin celebration ofCin explanation of Din possession of【答案】A【详解】考查介词词组辨析。A. in

30、anticipation of期待,预期;B. in celebration of庆祝;C. in explanation of解释;D. in possession of拥有。句意:随着春节的临近,各行各业的店主都提供大折扣,期待来自他们客户的高销售收入。提供折扣的目的是期待有高的销售收入,故选A。30(2021天津高三二模)(2016浙江)That young man is honest , cooperative , always there when you need his help._, hes reliable.AOr else BIn shortCBy the way DFor one thing【答案】B【分析】【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:这个年轻人诚实,有合作精神,当你需要他的帮助的时候,他总是在那里。简言之,他很可靠。A.否则;B.简言之;C.顺便说一下;D.首先。根据句意和各选项分析,故选B。【点睛】介词短语的考查通常是一些易混的相似的介词短语,但

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