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1、新苏教译林小学英语3A6B单词和词组复习牛津小学英语3A-6B英语单词&词组复习 3A Phrases(词组):get up 起床,all right 好的,go to school 去学校,go home 回家,go to bed 上床睡觉,see you 再见 Phrases(词组):not bad还不错,not so good不太好 Phrases(词组): look at看, my new blouse我的新衬衣,its nice 很漂亮,how nice 真漂亮 Phrases(词组):go to the park 去公园,go to the cinema去电影院,go to the

2、 zoo 去动物园,by bike骑自行车,by plane 乘飞机,go to Xian 去西安 Phrases(词组):turn on the TV打开电视,turn off the light关灯,close the door 关门,open the door 开门 Phrases(词组):some cakes一些蛋糕,an ice cream 一个冰淇淋,a glass of milk一杯牛奶,a glass of orange juice一杯桔子汁,a cup of tea 一杯茶,a cup of coffee一杯咖啡3B4words四会单词: bag 书包,tape胶带,book

3、书 Phrases: come here过来,on the desk在课桌上,in your pencil box在你铅笔盒里,in English用英语,I see我明白了,a school bag一个书包,a toy train 一列玩具火车,4words四会单词: key 钥匙,clock闹钟,watch手表 Phrases: come in 进来,have a look看一眼,here you are给你4words四会单词: boy 男孩,girl女孩,man男人 Phrases: family photo全家福4words四会单词: one 一,two 二,three 三 Phra

4、ses: go to school 去学校,have lunch 吃午饭,go home回家,watch TV 看电视,its time to 到的时间了4words四会单词: car 小汽车,bus 公共汽车,bike 自行车4words四会单词: bed 床,desk课桌,chair椅子 Phrases: in the kitchen在厨房,in the fridge在冰箱里,in the study 在书房,I dont know 我不知道4words四会单词: cake 蛋糕,pie 派,hot dog热狗 Phrases: What about? 怎么样 soft drink 软饮料

5、,a hot dog一个热狗,a bar of chocolate一块巧克力, a carton of milk一盒牛奶,sound good 听起来不错4words四会单词: cap 帽子(一边有沿帽),hat (四边都有沿帽),vest背心 Phrases: how much 多少钱,4words四会单词: guitar 吉他,piano钢琴,violin小提琴 Phrases: play the piano弹钢琴,play the violin拉小提琴,play football踢足球4words四会单词: run 跑,swim游泳,jog慢跑 Phrases: a good idea好

6、主意,go swimming去游泳4A 4 words: pen钢笔,ball pen圆珠笔,pencil铅笔,book书 3 words(三会单词): copybook抄写本,ruler尺子,rubber橡皮,pencil case铅笔盒,bookmark书签,card卡片,notebook笔记本,school bag书包 Phrases: Heres a card for you.送你一张卡片。Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐! 4 drills四会句型: May I have? This is for 4 words: dog 狗,cat猫,tiger老虎,lion狮子

7、 3 words: shop商店,bear熊,rabbit兔子,monkey猴子,desk课桌,photo照片,green绿色,blue蓝色 Phrases: a nice monkey一只漂亮的猴子,on the desk在课桌上,have a look看一眼, 4 drills:Whats this/that? Its a. This is /Thats my/your/his/her 4 words: key钥匙,purse女式钱包,fan扇子,tape胶带 3 words: an umbrella一把伞,water bottle水壶,storybook故事书,classroom教室,T

8、V room 电视房,computer room电脑室 Phrases: over there 在那边,in the classroom在教室里,come here 过来,Let me see.让我想想, Not at all. 没关系 a water bottle一个水壶,excuse me 对不起,打扰一下,my storybook我的故事书,on the desk在课桌上 4 drills:Is this/that/my/your/his/her? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Wheres my/ your/his/her? Perhaps its in/on 4

9、 words: car小汽车,bike自行车,bus公共汽车,kite 风筝 3 words: puppet玩偶,puzzle拼图,balloon气球,doll洋娃娃,colour颜色 Phrases: in English 用英语,Me, too. 我也一样。Very much 非常,come here过来,look at 看 4 drills:Whats this/that in English? Its a Do you like? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 4 words: a pair of shoes一双鞋,sweater毛衣,jacket夹克,big大,sm

10、all 小,long长,short短 3 words: a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤,a pair of gloves一双手套,a pair of socks一双袜子,a pair of shorts一条短裤,scarf围巾,dress连衣裙,skirt 裙子,shirt 衬衣,father父亲,mother母亲,funny 滑稽的,pretty漂亮的 Phrases: too small 太小,try on试穿,look at看too long太长,Lets go. 我们一起去吧。so funny这么滑稽,so big这么大,too short太短,dont worry 别担心,

11、a big one 一个大的 4 drills:Whose is this/ are they? Its / Theyre Theis/ are too 4 words: one一,two二,three三,four四,five五,six六,seven七,eight八,nine九,ten十 3 words: eleven十一,twelve十二,thirteen十三,fourteen十四,fifteen十五,sixteen十六,seventeen十七,eighteen十八, nineteen 十九,twenty二十,thirty三十,forty四十,fifty五十,sixty六十,seventy七

12、十,eighty八十,ninety九十,a hundred 一佰 Phrases: have breakfast 吃早饭,seven thirty-five七点三十五,go to school 去学校,at seven forty 在七点四十分,come home回家,at four fifteen在四点十五,in the afternoon在下午,excuse me 打扰一下,go to the cinema去电影院,its time to do到的时间了,go by bus 乘公共汽车去 4 drills:Whats the time, please? Its 4 words: eat 吃

13、 ,drink 喝,write写,read 读,close 关上,open 打开 3 words: draw 画画,copy抄写,give 给,sit down坐下,stand up起立,boy 男孩,girl女孩,word 单词,new 新的 Phrases: Thats all right. 没关系Dont be late again. 别再迟到 Sit down.坐下, Open your books. 打开你们的书, Stand up .起立 Read the new words. 读新单词, Dont draw in your books. 别在书上画,in your copyboo

14、k 在你们的抄写本上, Draw a dog for me. 给我画一只狗 eight forty-five 八点四十五,do the puzzle做拼图,go to bed上床睡觉 4 drills: please. Dont 4 words: tired 累的,ill 病的,hot 热的,cold 冷,hungry饿thirsty渴 3 words: happy 快乐,water水,cake蛋糕,a glass of 一杯 Phrases: have some cakes 吃一些蛋糕,a glass of water一杯水,look happy看上去很高兴,get a new car得到一

15、辆新轿车 4 drills:Whats the matter? Im4B 4 words: student学生,teacher老师,doctor医生,nurse护士,男孩,girl女孩,man男人,woman女人,new 新的 3 words: wow, sir先生,tree树,climb向上爬 Phrases: welcome to欢迎到in the tree在树上,let me see 让我想想,come down下来,climb trees爬树 4 drills:Whos that? Hes/Shes a. Are you ?Yes,I am./No, Im a. 4 words: gr

16、andfather祖父,grandmother祖母,father父亲, mother 母亲,brother 兄弟,sister 姐妹,white白色,friend朋友, 3 words: ear耳朵,nose鼻子,head头,hair头发,in 在里面,oclock点钟,eye眼睛,mouth嘴巴 Phrases: the boy with big eyes那个大眼睛的男孩,in the white skirt穿白裙子,be late for迟到 ,in the car在小汽车里, 4 drills:Hes/Shes(my) Is thatyour? The one in the 4 word

17、s: policeman警察,policewoman女警察,driver司机,worker工人,farmer农民,cook厨师,waiter服务员,waitress女服务员, 3 words: about关于,old老的,name名字 Phrases: old woman 老太太,in the red sweater 穿红毛衣, 4 drills:Whats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/Shes a/an What are their job? Theyre How old are you/is he /she? Im /Hes/Shes 4 words: buy买,ap

18、ple苹果,orange橘子,banana香蕉,peach桃,grape葡萄,pear梨,some 一些, 3 words: fruit水果,or或者,pineapple菠萝,watermelon西瓜,good好的,great太棒了, Phrases: how many有多少 4 drills:What are these/those? Theyre How many kilos? .kilos, please. 4 words: station车站,hospital医院,by train乘火车,by taxi乘出租车,by plain乘飞机,on foot步行 3 words: airpor

19、t机场,library图书馆,theatre剧院,supermarket超市,by minibus乘小巴,ball球,play玩,football足球,how怎样,park公园,there那里,for为/给,please请 Phrases: go to the theatre去剧院,go there去那里,by bus乘公共汽车,excuse me打扰一下,the bus for the theatre去剧院的公共汽车,go by taxi乘出租车去,be free有空, 4 drills:Shall we go ? All right/OK. Is thisfor ? 4 wor

20、ds: pie 派,noodle面条,sweet甜,tea茶,coffee咖啡,juice果汁,milk奶, 3 words: snack bar快餐店, biscuit 饼干,chocolate巧克力,move移动,then那时,an ice-cream 一个冰淇淋,hamburger 汉堡,a cup of 一杯,basketball篮球,get up起床,dear亲爱的, Phrases: an apple pie一个苹果派,how/what about you你呢,something to drink一些喝的东西,Anything else?还要别的吗?go and play bask

21、etball去打篮球,I cant move now.我现在不能动了。 4 drills:How much is it/ are they?/ Theyre yuan. 4 words: chair椅子,blackboard黑板,computer电脑,picture图片,bookcase书橱,office办公室,playground操场,classroom教室,our我们的, 3 words: open day 开放日,bright明亮的,sometimes有时,a music room一间音乐教室,piano钢琴,song-book歌本,window窗户,watch TV看电视,map地图,

22、box盒子,table桌子, Phrases: big and bright又大又明亮,in class在班上,in your classroom在你教室里,the music room音乐教室,near the window靠近窗户,on the piano在钢琴上,lots of许多,in the library在图书馆,a new T-shirt一件新T恤衫, 4 drills:Whats in/on/near? Theres a/Therere somein /on/near 4 words: knife 小刀,glass玻璃杯,cup小茶杯,bottle瓶子,table桌子,frid

23、ge冰箱,egg蛋,bread面包,rice米饭, 3 words: fork叉子,spoon汤匙,plate盘子,cupboard碗橱,chopstick筷子,use用,dinner正餐,bowl碗,a carton of一盒, Phrases: Whats for breakfast? 早餐吃什么?in the cupboard在碗橱里,on the table在桌子上,in the fridge在冰箱里,use chopsticks用筷子,a pair of chopsticks一双筷子, 4 drills:Wheres /Where are the/my? Its/Theyre The

24、res noin /on /near5A 4 words: day天,all全部,a reading room阅览室,sure当然,floor地板,garden花园,house 房子,flower花, 3 words: first首先,term学期,back回来,each other相互,glad高兴,building建筑物,a sports hall体育馆,table tennis 乒乓球,second第二,toilet厕所,swing秋千,slide滑梯,saw跷跷板,4 drills:Is there a /anin /on/near? Yes, there is/ No, there

25、isnt. Are there anyin/on/near? Yes, there are/ No, there arent. How many are there in/on /near? Theres / Therere Phrases: the first day第一天,the new term新学期,all the students所有的学生,be back at school回到学校,be happy to see sb. 见到某人很高兴,each other相互,a new building一座新大楼,a lot of许多,reading room 阅览室,in the build

26、ing在大楼里,a table tennis room乒乓球室,on the first floor在一楼,computer room电脑室,on the second floor在二楼,near the house在你房子附近, 4 words: live生活,study书屋,bedroom卧室,large 大,beside在旁边,wall墙,between在之间,bed床,under在下面,behind在后面,doormen门 3 words: parent(父)母,bathroom浴室,kitchen厨房,dinning-room餐厅,sitting-room客厅,world世界,tel

27、ephone电话,sofa沙发,lamp灯,mouth嘴,4 drills:Whats in/on/under/behind/beside/between? Theres a/anin/on/under/behind/beside/betweenTherere some in/on/under/behind/beside/betweenThere isnt a/an There arent any Phrases: in a new house 在新房子里,near her school在她学校附近,very much非常,in your bed room在你卧室里,beside my bed

28、在我的床旁边,on the bed在床上,on the wall在墙上,between the map and the bed在地图和床之间, 4 words: lesson课,song歌,sing唱,dance跳舞,play演奏,learn学,listen听,swim游泳,make做,ride骑,put放,can能 3 words: violin 小提琴,start开始,follow跟随,together一起,skate滑冰,ski滑雪,model模型4 drills:Can you? Yes, I /we can. / No, I /we cant. I can What can you

29、do? Phrases: in the afternoon在下午,in the music room在音乐教室,have a Music lesson上音乐课,sing a song唱首歌,listen to听,follow me跟我来,sing together 一起唱,make a puppet做玩偶,make a model plane做模型飞机,play the guitar弹吉他,play the violin拉小提琴 4 words: family家庭,thing事情,vase花瓶,horse马,chicken小鸡,duck鸭,pig猪,evening傍晚,need需要,work工

30、作,candle蜡烛 3 words: Halloween万圣节,tomorrow明天,mask面具,pumpkin南瓜,change改变,Saturday星期六,Sunday星期天4 drills:Do you like? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like What do you like? I like Phrases: in the sitting-room在客厅,buy things买东西,a Halloween party万圣节晚会,buy some masks买一些面具,pumpkin lanterns南瓜灯,Heres your change.这是找给你的钱。a bus driver一位公共汽车司机,on Saturdays and Sundays 在周六和周日,play table tennis打乒乓球,with our friends和朋友在一起,in the evening在晚上,listen to music听音乐, 4 words: morning早晨,ring(钟、铃等)响,sweep扫,Maths数学,sleep

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