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届河北省定州中学高三承智班上学期第二次月考 英语.docx

1、届河北省定州中学高三承智班上学期第二次月考 英语2018届河北省定州中学高三(承智班)上学期第二次月考 英语第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.答案是C。1. What did the gi

2、rl do last summer holiday?A. She went on a trip. B. She stayed at home. C. She visited her parents.2. What is the man going to do?A. Go home. B. Visit his friend. C. Go to the cinema.3. Where probably are the speakers?A. In the street. B. In a restaurant. C. At home.4. How much should the lady pay?A

3、. 120 yuan. B. 200 yuan. C. 240 yuan.5. What do we know about the boy?A. Hell feel hungry.B. He often gets up late.C. He must be late for school.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How

4、 often does the man play tennis?A. Every day. B. Twice a year. C. Several times a week.7. What does the woman think of the mans weight?A. Hes got a problem.B. He doesnt have to worry.C. He should exercise more. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues. B

5、. Classmates. C. Library assistant and student.9. What is the problem with the man?A. He breaks the new rule.B. He borrows wrong books.C. He hasnt returned the books.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the woman feel worried?A. Her file is gone. B. Shes lost her work. C. Her computers crashed.11. What doe

6、s the man think of the computer?A. It isnt new. B. It isnt expensive. C. It isnt smart.12. What kind of a person is Myron?A. Outspoken. B. Helpful. C. Serious.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How many people went to the Blue Water World with Tina?A. 3. B. 4. C. 5.14. Who stayed at home to see to the guests?A. M

7、ary. B. Grace. C. Susan.15. What did Jim do at the Blue Water World?A. He won a gift. B. He ate ice cream. C. He bought a souvenir.16. What was probably the most exciting thing for Tina?A. She acted in a film. B. She met a film star. C. She saw many fishes.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What is the text mai

8、nly about?A. Tips on writing stories.B. Tips on giving speeches.C. Tips on solving problems.18. What should a main character be?A. A great hero. B. An acceptable hero. C. A real hero.19. Which of the following can make your story interesting?A. A big problem. B. A popular character. C. A good struct

9、ure.20. What kind of ending is the best?A. The issue is raised. B. The issue is settled. C. The issue is avoided.二、阅读理解Last Sunday, an earthquake struck the Napa Valley area of northern California. It happened in the middle of the night, becoming the strongest earthquake to strike the Napa Valley in

10、 15 years. No one was killed, but many people were treated in hospitals.I said to my seven year old twins, Brad and Brett, and three year old Meghan, “We have so much, and these poor people in trouble now have nothing. Well share what we have with them.”I filled a box with foods and clothes. While I

11、 was doing this, I advised the boys to choose their toys and donate some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched quietly as the boys took out their old toys and put them together. Then she walked away. A few minutes later she came back with Lucy, her much loved doll. She put the doll on top of

12、 the other toys. “Oh, dear,” I said. “You dont have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghan said, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe shell make another little girl happy, too.”I looked at Meghan for a long moment. She taught me a lesson. Its easy to give something that we dont want any more, but

13、 hard to give what we cherish(珍爱), isnt it?21How many children does the writer have?A. One B. TwoC. Three D. Four22Which of the following is TRUE?A. The earthquake caused many deaths.B. The earthquake is the biggest in history.C. The earthquake happened at night.D. The earthquake hit the city of Cal

14、ifornia.23What did Meghan take out for the people in trouble?A. A toy B. ClothesC. A doll D. Food24Whats the best title of this passage?A. A Family Story B. The Spirit of GivingC. A white night D. A Sad Experience25What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Its really selfless to give what we have

15、.B. Its really selfless to give what we love.C. Its really selfless to give what we want.D. Its really selfless to give what we dont want.A stylish detective bursts into a secret villa and finds huge amounts of cash in fridges, closets and beds. Meanwhile, the villas owner, a government official, cr

16、awls on the floor and begs for his life.This is the dramatic opening scene in Chinas latest TV show, In the Name of the People, which made its remarkable first show last month. The series, about Chinas anti-corruption (反贪) campaign, has attracted millions of viewers across the country. Some have com

17、pared it to the American political drama, House of Cards, which has a huge Chinese following.In the Name of the People describes the internal power struggle of the Chinese Communist Party in the fictional city of Jingzhou, featuring stories about Chinese politics that are often talked about but neve

18、r seen on mainstream television.Viewers have been lapping it up. “This TV drama feels so real. It really cheers people up,” one viewer wrote on social media network Weibo. “I shed tears after watching this drama. This is the tumor of corruption that has been harming the people,” said another Weibo c

19、ommenter. What makes In the Name of the People remarkable is not just how frankly it describes the ugly side of Chinese politics, but that it also has the blessing of the countrys powerful top prosecutors office (最高检察机关).More than a decade ago, anti-corruption dramas suddenly disappeared from Chines

20、e television. Authorities in 2004 had decided to restrict the production of such dramas as too many were of poor quality. But when Chinese President Xi Jinping took power in 2012 and launched a sweeping campaign against graft (受贿), anti-corruption got back in vogue. In the Name of the People is thus

21、 the latest piece, publicizing the governments victory in its anti-corruption campaign.At least it does a decent job in entertaining viewers. The author said he aimed to show that corrupt officials were not all “monsters” and were real people, but at the end of the day, the good people always win. “

22、We all badly need heroes, upright law-enforcing heroes like Hou Liangping,” he said.26In paragraph 1, the description of the opening scene is used to _.A. make a comparisonB. show the style of this dramaC. draw readers attentionD. make a conclusion27In the Name of the People and House of Cards have

23、something in common because _.A. they both have a large group of followersB. they are both played on mainstream televisionC. they both touch political and economic areasD. they are both supported by the government28The purpose of this text is to _.A. show different opinions on In the Name of the Peo

24、pleB. analyze governments policy of anti-corruptionC. compare In the Name of the People with House of CardsD. introduce the latest TV series In the Name of the People29What would be the best title for the text?A. China Won Victory in Anti-corruption CampaignB. China embraces TV Corruption DramaC. Ho

25、w Do TV Series Attract Viewers?D. Why Are Corruption Dramas Popular?Jon Hoffman was sitting at a red light when he saw a man run out of a store carrying a plastic donation jar full of cash. The Plano, Texas, detective# dressed in plain clothes but wearing his badge and gun, caught the man and pinned

26、 him to the hood of his car. But Hoffman had trouble containing the thief, and they got into a struggle.“The detective has a martial (军事的) arts background, and he said he thought the suspect must have a martial arts background, too, because he was able to break away so easily,” a Plano police spokes

27、person said.The detective called out for help as a crowd gathered. Among those watching: Andre Harvey and Kirby Sample, two day laborers. Harvey did what has become common these dayshe took out his phone and hit record. “I hate to say it, but I thought that this policeman was doing something stupid,

28、” Harvey said. “But when he asked for help, I thought, well, there wont be a shooting if I get over there in time.” Harvey jumped into action while he was still recording the videoas did Sample.“Harvey caught hold of the suspects arms, while Kirby seized his legs, and they were able to get the suspe

29、ct to the ground to help Detective Hoffman put the handcuffs (手铐)on,” said the police spokesperson. The 27-year-old suspect was charged with resisting arrest and other offenses. The charity jar he stole held less than $ 50.“Ive been on the wrong side of the law several times in my life,” Harvey told

30、 WFAA. “It feels good to be on the right side and do something positive.”After the arrest, the three men got to know each other over steaks and ribs at a local steak house Hoffmans treat, as a thank-you. But the rescuers say Hoffman deserves credit too. “It could have turned real ugly,” Sample told

31、KFOR. com. “He handled himself like a real professional.”30What made Hoffman call for help when arresting the suspect?A. He was not on duty. B. He couldnt control the suspect.C. He needed witnesses to support him. D. He wanted to push the thief into the car.31Why did Harvey and Kirby record the scene at the beginning?A. To follow the fashion B. To record the cops violence.C. To keep track of the criminal. D. To avoid being involved in the incident.32What can be inferred about Harvey?A. He was ready to violate the law. B.

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