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1、浙江省计算机等级考试二级C程序设计上机考试题库上机程序调试及程序设计练习 一、程序填空(1) 找Armstrong(水仙花)数:#include #include void main() int i,a,b,c; for(i=100;i=999;i+) a=i/100; _1_ c=i%10; 371=3*3*3+7*7*7+1*1*1 / b=i%100/10; if (_2_) / a*a*a+b*b*b+c*c*c = = i printf(%d is a Armstrong number!n,i); (2) 输入1 个整数后,输出该数的位数。(例:输入3214则输出 4,输入-2315

2、6则输出5)。#include void main() int n,k=0; scanf(%d,&n); while( _1_ ) k+; _2_; printf(%dn,k); / n!=0 / n=n/10 _ 3 _ lB彄QevetepT_OMepWNKTfiY倧Qe #include #include void main() int n,s=0; scanf(%d,&n); _ 1 _ while(n!=0) _ 2 _ n=n/10; printf(%dn,s); 234 R6彄Q 9fi彄Qe -312 R6彄Q 60_ / if (nP/n0_OY7傚zff弿Qe 12345f

3、iR6彄Q 543218傚zff弿Qe -34567fi R6彄Q -765430_ #include #include long f(long n) long m,y=0; m=fabs(n); while(m!=0) y=y*10+m%10; _1_ if(n=0) return y; else _2_ void main() / m=m/10 8 / return -y ; printf(%ldt,f(12345); printf(%ldn,f(-34567); _ 5 _ _u(Qep ffiNW&N2N-R -dbg vepWW&0_ #include #include #inclu

4、de void f(char *s) int i=0; while(si!=0) if(isdigit(si) _1_(s+i,s+i+1); / strcpy _2_ i+; void main() char str80; gets(str); f(str); puts(str); / else _ 6 _ _u( find QepW(彄QevW&N2N-gbf/T&Qsthe徺N*SU嬐0_YggR0徳VQsvk!epfiYg g*bR0徳V00_ #include int find(char *str) char *fstr=the; int i=0,j,n=0; while (stri

5、!=0) for(_1_) / j=0; j=3 _ 7 _ 彄QevN_N*,QWkfi_Wk_sTffiy #include void main() char c; c=getchar(); if(_1_) c=c+5; else if (c=v & c=a&c=u / c=(c-a+5)%26+a; _ 8 _ _W&N2 s N-bg vW&cR -d0_ #include void main() char s80; int i,j; gets(s); for(i=j=0; _1_; i+) if(si != c) sj=si; _2_ sj=0; puts(s); / si != 0

6、 / j+; _ 9 _ x=1fi 2fi 厖fi 10filB f(x)=x*x-5*x+sin(x)vg_YP0_ #include #include #define f(x) x*x-5*x+sin(x) 3 of 25 4/21/2010 void main() int x; float max; _1_ for(x=2;xmax) max=f(x); _ 10 _彄QeN N*etepfic u1,R0Yvz弿Q徺N N*ep0_ #include void swap(_1_) /*NcbN$N*epvOMn*/ int temp; temp = *pa; *pa = *pb; *

7、pb = temp; void main() int a,b,c,temp; scanf(%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c); if(ab) swap(&a,&b); if(bc) swap(&b,&c); if(_2_) swap(&a,&b); printf(%d,%d,%d,a,b,c); / int *pa, int *pb / if ( ab ) _ 11 _u(Qep ffiS粬depN-v_epfi彄Qeep x7fi彄QgN:7 1 3 4 6 #include void f(int *a,int *m) int i, j ; for(i=0;i*m;i+) if(ai0) /

8、epQC vR -d for(j=i-;j*m-1;j+) aj=aj+1; _1_; / *m = *m-1; void main() int i,n=7,x7=1,-2,3,4,-5,6,-7; _2_; for(i=0;in;i+) printf(%5d,xi); printf(n); / f (x, &n) ; 4 of 25 4/21/2010 _ 12 _u(Qep f 嫛NepY7y_, 1.1+2.2*x+3.3*x*x+4.4*x*x*x+5.5*x*x*x*x _S x=1.7 evP0_ #include float f(float, float*, int); void

9、 main() float b5=1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5 ; printf(%fn, f(1.7,b,5) ); float f( _1_ ) float y=a0, t=1; int i; for(i=1; in; i+) t=t*x; y=y+ai*t; _2_ / float x, float *a, int n / return y; _ 13 _R_R+邒W&N2N-傫eWk0_epW0_TQvNW&Qsvk!ep0_ #include #include void main() char a80; int n3=0, i; gets(a) ; _1_ / fo

10、r ( i=0; ai!=0; i+) if (tolower(ai)=a & tolower(ai)=z) /*邒WkN*ep*/ n0+; else if (_2_) /*邒epWN*ep*/ n1+; else n2+; for(i=0;i=0 & ai=9 _ 14 _彄QevSA徾R6etep _OY7彄QeSA徾R6ep # include # include char trans(int x) n 7徢Qep DtoH QeplcbN:SAQm徾R6epfiv_lcbgNW&N2_b_,彄Q0_ 79fi_彄QSAQm徾R6 4f0_ if(x10) return 0+x; el

11、se _1_ int DtoH(int n,char *str) int i=0; while(n!=0) / return a+x-10; 5 of 25 4/21/2010 _2_ n/=16;i+; return i-1; void main() int i,k,n; char *str; scanf(%d,&n); k=DtoH(n,str); / stri=trans(n%16); / la,7槝vg 6_ str f/c_c_攬0_e9N:7 char str80; for (i=0;i=k;i+) printf(%c,strk-i); _ 15 _彄QevSA徾R6kcetep

12、#include void Dec2Bin(int m) int bin32,j; for(j=0;m!=0;j+) n 7徢Qep Dec2Bin lcbN:N徾R6epfiv_lcbg湉Q0_ binj= _1_; m=m/2; for( ; j!=0; j- ) printf(%d, _2_ ); void main() int n; scanf(%d,&n); Dec2Bin(n); / m%2 / binj-1 _ 16 _epR4v, 10_ 2 yWGN:1fikdTffiT_yPWGN:嬪yRMN寴yNKT0_嫛epR4, 30 yvP0_ #include _1_ void

13、main() printf(%ldn,f(30) ; / long f(int n); b3_ long f(int); long f(int n) if( _2_ ) return 1; else / n=1 | n=2 6 of 25 4/21/2010 return f(n-1)+f(n-2); _ 17 _嬪zff弸VOMfu_vsWGb-fiOXW(gN-fiq6TffiR4h彄Q徺Nfu_vOo0_ #include struct STUDENT char name16; int math; int english; int computer; int average; ; voi

14、d GetAverage(struct STUDENT *pst) int sum=0; sum = _1_; pst-average = sum/3; /* 嫛sWGb- */ / pst-math+pst-english+pst-computer void main() int i; struct STUDENT st4=Jessica,98,95,90,Mike,80,80,90, Linda,87,76,70,Peter,90,100,99; for(i=0;i4;i+) GetAverage(_2_); / st + i printf(NametMathtEnglishtComput

15、Averagen); for(i=0;i4;i+) printf(%st%dt%dt%dt%dn,,sti.math,sti.english, puter,sti.average); _ 18 _彄Qe m0_ n_墎lB彄QeepWGYN 0 0_彄QNvg_YQlep0_ #include void main() int m, n, k; while ( scanf(%d%d, &m, &n), _1_ ); for (_2_ ; n%k!=0 | m%k!=0 ; k-) ; printf(%dn, k); / m=0|nn?n:m _ 19 _lBQ a N-T_v鴲N

16、$N*QC vTfiv_徺NTXeW(ep b N-fic k蠄L 3 N*QC v_b_,彄Q0_OY7 b1=a0+a1fi fi b9=a8+a90_ #include void main() 7 of 25 4/21/2010 int a10,b10,i; printf(nInput 10 numbers: ); for (i=0; i10;i+) scanf(%d, &ai); for (i=1; i10; i+) bi=_1_; for (i=1; i0 filB m O_2 v m k!e,Nb3IN nfi 2 v m+1 k!eYNb3IN n0_ #include void

17、 main() int m=0,t=1,n; while( _ 1 _); while(!(t=n) _ 2 _ m+; printf(%dn,m); / scanf(%d,&n), n=0 / 4S鲌h従_, / t=t*2; N0_zffe96_ _ 1 _ 彄QeN_N*W&N2fi_b-W&N2vbg 傫eWkvW&R -dTffi彄Q0_ #include #include void main() char str256; int i,j,k=0,n; gets(str); n=strlen(str); for(i=0;in;i+) / la,7槝vg 6_XR N_L7 #incl

18、ude /*1*/ if (tolower(stri)z) / if (tolower(stri)=a & tolower(stri)R0W&N2 _弿cR0W&N2 #include #include t Tffib0_OY7彄Qe t N-fiQ_W&N2N-vW&c ABCDfiR6W&N2 t N:ABCDDCBA0_ void fun(char *s,char *t) int i,sl; sl=strlen(s); for(i=0;isl;i+) ti=si; for(i=0;isl;i+) /*1*/ tsl+i=ssl-i; /*2*/ tsl=0; void main() ch

19、ar s100,t100; scanf(%s,s); fun(s,t); printf(%s,t); / tsl+i=ssl-1-i; / tsl+i =0; _ 3 _ 徯Le鰪Qe 10 N*epfiq6TffiR_R+彄QQvN-vg_YP0_g_,P0_ #include void main() float x,max,min; int i; /* 1 */ for(i=0;imax) max=x; if(xmin) min=x; printf(%f,%fn,max,min); / for(i=1; i=10; i+) / if(i=1) max=x;min=x; _ 4 _ u( b

20、l 10 N*etepc SGc0_ #include #define N 10 void main() int i, j, min, temp ; int aN=5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 9, 8, 7, 6, 0 ; 9 of 25 4/21/2010 printf(nThe array is:n); /* 彄QepQC */ for (i=0;iN;i+) printf(%5d,ai); for (i=0;iN-1;i+) min = i; for (j=i+1; jN; j+) /* 1 */ /* cdO */ if (aminaj ) min =j; temp=amin; amin=aj; aj=temp; / e9b- /*epcnNcb*/ temp=amin; amin=ai; ai=temp; printf(nThe sorted numbers: n); /* 彄Qcg for (i=0;iN;i+) printf(%5d,a

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