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1、Unit5WearegoingtoworkaspackagersontheassemblyUnit 5 We are going to work as packagers on the assembly line.lead-in & Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语3(基础模块)(高教版)第五单元的lead-in 和Listening and Speaking两部分,具体内容:流水线上的工作流程和具体工作内容,听、说有关流水线工作的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。流水线上的

2、工作流程相对于学生来讲是比较陌生的话题,教师需要创设较为真实的语言环境,来引导学生积极参与到课堂活动中来。2. 教学重点、难点(1) 教学重点:学生能听懂流水线工作的流程和具体工作内容,并能利用所学词汇和句式进行有关流水线工作的对话。(2) 教学难点:学生能利用所学有关流水线工作流程的词汇和句式进行相关实际生活中的对话练习。二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 通过对话学习,学生能掌握以下词汇:packager, assembly line, workshop, social practice, wrap, dress up, seal。(2) 通过对话听和说的练习,学生能用first, then

3、, after that, the last 来描述生产线上的工作过程,并能掌握基本句型:What are we going to do? What / How should we .?First, you should . Then . Whats next? Is that it?After that, . Finally, . Thats all.2. 能力目标(1) 学生能听懂流水线上的工作流程和具体工作内容并进行排序练习。(2) 学生能利用所学词汇和句式来完成工作备忘录和描述工作流程。3. 情感目标学生能了解今后要进入的相关工作场所的工作流程,增强学习的成就感。三、教学步骤Step

4、I Lead-in1. Free talk:T: What did you do on your summer vacation? Have you ever done a part-time job? What are they?(Present some pictures of part-time jobs to enlarge Ss vocabulary, such as: work as a guide/ a salesman, work in a shop or a supermarket or a factory, and serve in the railway station

5、.)2. Show the pictures of Activity 1 and some other pictures of social practice one by one, and ask:“What did they do?” “Where did they do the social practice?”Picture 1: work on the assembly linePicture 2: serve at the bus stationPicture 3: go to a factory to help make postersPicture 4: work as wai

6、ters / waitresses in a restaurantPicture 5 .(When Ss cant speak out more about social practice, present some words and phrases to help them.)After discussing, ask students to read the new words and phrases above.3. Show a video of working on the assembly line and ask students:“What words can we use

7、to describe the orders of the work?”(Encourage Ss to express themselves together, and show the words “First, then, after that, at last” on the screen.)Step II Listening1. (Activity 4) T: Now, lets listen to a dialogue and think about the question: “What are the Ss going to do?”Ss listen to the dialo

8、gue and then answer the question. If Ss cant answer it, T can ask them other questions: Where are they going? What are they going to do in the factory? To reduce the difficulty of the activity.2. (Activity 5) T: Here are four pictures about working process. Can you describe them in simple sentences?

9、If Ss have some difficulty in doing it, T plays the tape to help Ss complete it. Then ask Ss to listen to the tape again and order the pictures. T can tell Ss to pay attention to the key words about order, such as: first, then, after that, at last and so on to help Ss complete the activity perfectly

10、. At last, ask Ss to check the answers.3. (Activity 6) T: Just now, we know the working process on a doll factory. In order to make it clear, Zhang Ming want to write a memo. First, lets look at it. Do you know how to write a memo? All right, use the key words and main phrases to fill in the blanks.

11、 Then, lets listen to the tape again, and try to write down the key words and phrases.At last, check the answers one by one and T shows the answers on the screen.When Ss do it, T can play the tape of main information for several times to help Ss do it easily.Step III Speaking1. Ask Ss to read aloud

12、after the tape and underline the words and sentences for working process. (Activity 7)2. Ask Ss to point out the sentences and teacher writes them down on the blackboard.What are we going to do? What / How should we .?First, you should . Then . Whats next? Is that it?After that, . Finally, . Thats a

13、ll.3. Ask Ss to read these sentences aloud together.4. Pair work: (Activity 8)(1) Present some pictures of working places and some sentences about working process, and let Ss make up a short dialogue about working as packagers on the assembly line. (Teacher can make a dialogue with one of the studen

14、ts first as a model. Ss make up their own dialogues with the help of the above sentence structures on the blackboard.)(2) Let Ss work in pairs and make a dialogue about one working process, and then ask some pairs to act out the dialogues.5. Discuss and act.(Divide the class into eight groups and as

15、k Ss to perform the dialogue according to the groups.)First, ask Ss to discuss the detailed process about serving the customers in a restaurant and in a hotel to check in the guests in the group.Then, ask Ss to show their serving process on the blackboard. Evaluate which group is the best by all the

16、 Ss and tell the reasons.Thirdly, ask Ss to prepare the dialogue according to the best serving process and choose two Ss of each group to perform the dialogue in front of the blackboard.All Ss evaluate the best performers to inspire them.Step IV SummaryAsk Ss to review the words and phrases they hav

17、e learned in class, and then summarize thesentence structures of giving suggestions. Read them together.Step V Homework1. Ask Ss to recite the dialogue of listening after class.2. Ask Ss to copy the new words and phrases of this part.3. Ask Ss to write down more information about their social practi

18、ce after class and showthem on the next class.五、板书设计Unit 5 We are going to work as packagers on the assembly line.packager, assembly line, workshop, social practice, wrap, dress up, sealWhat are we going to do? What / How should we .?First, you should . Then . Whats next? Is that it?After that, . Fi

19、nally, . Thats all.Unit 5 We are going to work as packagers on the assembly line.reading and writing一、教材分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语3(基础模块)(高教版)第五单元的reading and writing部分。课文通过介绍北京新星职业学校学生在暑假里进行的一次为期两周的社会实践活动,训练学生通过阅读获取细节信息的能力,并通过根据关键词句,运用表示时间顺序的词,衔接活动中的关键句的写作要求,培养学生读、写两方面的语言运用能力。2. 教学重点、难点(1) 教学重点: 通过略读和精读文章,学

20、生能读懂文中新星职业学校学生参加的社会实践项目的内容。 根据提供的关键词,描述并能运用表时间顺序的词衔接活动过程。(2) 教学难点:在阅读过程中,如何引导学生运用恰当的略读、跳读和精读策略。二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 通过呈现图片和句子,复习和学习assembly line, poster, director of the workshop, plastic bag, divide into groups, social practice, sales training, environment-friendly bags, mobile phone chains, manager of

21、 the company等词汇的意思。(2) 通过精读,学生能从阅读材料中提取具体社会实践活动的信息。2. 能力目标(1) 通过文中材料的学习, 训练学生略读和精读的能力。(2) 学生能根据提供的词汇描述实践活动,并运用表时间顺序的词衔接具体活动顺序。3. 情感目标通过不同社会实践内容的学习,让学生了解更多实际生活中的工作流程,扩大生活知识面,从而增加学习的乐趣和成就感。三、教学步骤Divide the class into six groups to help Ss complete the tasks of the class. Use the competition method to

22、arouse Ss interest of studying.Step I Lead-in1. Brain-stormingReview and learn the words and phrases by looking at the pictures.Teacher shows different pictures on the screen to review the words and phrases appeared in this lesson: assembly line, poster, director of the workshop, plastic bag, divide

23、 into groups, sales training, environment-friendly bags, mobile phone chains, manager of the company, social practice.Ss who knows the meaning of each word or phrase can just stand up and answer, if theanswer is right, the group which the student stay in can get a star.2. Show us the homework the so

24、cial practice that each group took part in before.According to the last phrase “social practice”, ask Ss to show the social practice that each group took part in before, and then all Ss evaluate the best group.Step II Reading1. Skimming (go through the text quickly)T: Since you have taken part in so

25、 many social practice, lets look at a report about students in Beijing Xinxing Vocational School.First, go through the text quickly and find out one sentence to conclude the report. (If Ss cant understand it, ask another question “Whats the main idea of the report?”. The answer is the first sentence

26、 of the text.)Then, match the main idea with each part. (Teacher divided the report into 4 parts by himself and show the main idea of each part on the screen, then ask Ss to match. Ss can discuss it in the group, then give the answer by one student.)Part one (para1) Students took part in different a

27、ctivities.Part two (para2-5) Beijing Xinxing Vocational School students participated a social practice.Part three (para6-para8) Beijing Xinxing Vocational School has organized such social practice for 3 times.Part four (para9) The social practice is meaningful.2. Scanning (read the text carefully)(1

28、) Ask Ss to list social activities Ss in Beijing Xinxing Vocational School participated in by reading paragraph 2 to 5.According to the match exercise on the screen, teacher points out paragraphs from 2 to 5 in the report tell us different activities that Ss took part in. So here ask Ss to list thes

29、e social activities by reading these four paragraphs carefully.Then discuss it in the group.After it, teacher asks each group to show their answers on the blackboard.(2) Ask Ss to do true or false exercises by reading the text again.( ) The students made their sales plan before they went out to sell

30、 the bags.( ) They competed to see who sold the most plastic bags.( ) Students all welcome such social practice.( ) Lu Yiyan is manager of the company.( ) Li Kai said his communication skills had been improved after taking part in the social practice.When answering true of false questions, Ss should

31、 tell the reasons. While Ss doing it, teacher can tell them to find out the sentences which associated with these sentences.Then they can judge true of false.3. Help Zhang Ming complete the reportT: Since Zhang Ming thought the social practice was important for him,he decided to write a report about

32、 the social practice. But he has some difficulty in doing it, can you help him to complete the report?Show the passage of activity 13 on the screen.Ask Ss to read the text again and discuss it in the group first. Three minutes later, asks Ss to tell the answers one by one.Step III Writing1. Describe the pictures with the given key sen

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