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1、名词练习题名词练习题写出下列名词的复数形式puter 5.sheep _7.tomato 8.child 9.tooth10.foot 11.wife 12.potato _17.zoo 18. life 19. story 20.leaf 21. baby 22.dress 23.butterfly 24. deer 25.class 26.brush 27.key _29.mouse 30. man 、汉译英1Tom 的足球3学生们的课桌5姑姑的卡片7蚂蚁们的早餐9姐姐的连衣裙

2、2. 老师们的自行车 4. 哥哥的文具盒 6.猴子们的香蕉 8. 妈妈的包 10女孩们的苹果 、把下列句子翻译成英文1这些 是 Peter 的篮球吗? 2这个是老师的钢笔吗? 3有一些书在 Sam 的课桌上。 4有一些孩子们在教室里。 四、改错 (圈出错处,在横线上改正过来)1.There are some butterflys on the table. 2.This is Alice dress. 3.Ilike tomato very much. 五、将下列句子变成复数形式。1This dog is brown.2.There is a book and a pen on the tab

3、le.3.That woman is a teacher.能力测试卷 (名词)一、 将下列名词变成复数形式。1.planetreelessonmonthappleshirt2. boxbusbrushwatchclassfox3.knifelifeleafWifethief4.dayboymonkeybabycountrystory5.photoradiopianotomatohero6. childtoothmanSheepChinese二、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“V ”1The house is my brother. 2.He has visited many country.

4、3.They are Englishs. 4.This is Tom red bike. 三、选择填空1There are two in the room.A. Chineses B. Englishman2.The old man will have out.A. two tooths B. two teeth3. are sold in this bookstore.A. Children s books B. Children books4.Some friends of will come here.A. John s B. John5.Can you give me ?A. some

5、 papers B. a piece of paper6.There are on the floor.A. some box B. some boxes四、将下列句子变成复数形式。1This sheep is white.2.There is a desk and a chair in the room.3.That man is a doctor.代词练习题、 根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Mary is a friend of . ( I )2.This is ( she ) ruler. ( I ) is in the bag.3.Her brother is too youn

6、g to look after ( he )4.This is ( I ) book. This book is ( I ).5.These pens are ( we ).二、填写下列表格。人称代词我我们你,你们他她它他们主 格宾 格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词三、改写下列句子Eg, This is my book. This book is mine.1.That is her ruler. 2.These are their footballs. 3.This is my backpack . 4.Those are your boxes. 四、 把下列句子改写成复数。1.Th

7、is is a butterfly. 2.That is a bus. 3.It is a mouse. 五、 改错。1.This is mi ne lamp. 2.These are ours books. 3.That are their teacher. 4.The house is my brother. 5.He has visited many coun try. 6.They are Chin eses. 7.This is Tom red bike. 能力测试卷 (代词)帮下面的好朋友团圆 (连线)3.I am a boy . name is Peter.4.-Whats na

8、me?- My name is Tony.5.It smy puppy. name is Mimi.三、选择( ) 1.Your book is not so old as .A. him B. he C. his D. she ( ) 2. book is it ? Its .A. Whose her B. Whose hers C. Who hers D. Whom her( ) 3. He is a friend of .A. our B. us C. my D. mine四、改错1.I, you and he are all teachers.2.This is mine teddy

9、bear.3.These are ours bags.4.These is their teachers.冠词和数词专项练习二、选择填空1.There is “ m in the word “ primary ” B.a C.the D./2.This is orange bike .A.a B.a n C.the D/3.It always takes us half hour to have long walk after supper .A.a,a B,a ,the C.a n , a D.a n , the4.E nglish is useful la nguage in wo

10、rld , the B.a , the C.the , / D./ , the5.We are going to cin ema this evening .A.the B./ C/a D.a n6.He s standing on other side of river .A.a , a B.the , the C.the , a D.a , the7. potato is a vegetable , not fruit .A.The , an B.The , a C.A, the D.A n, /8.He was first to come .A.The B.a C.the D

11、./9.Do you see book on table ?A.the , a B.a, an C.a n , an D.a , the10.Where s desk ? It s in middle of the room .A./ , / B./ , a C.a , / D.the , the11.He is frie nd of mi ne .A.a n B./ C.the D.a12.There is uni versity n ear the farm .A.a B.a n C.the D./13.He died in autu mn of 1989 .A./ B.the C.a D

12、.a n14.1 have book . I t s in terest ing one . I like readi ng books very much .A.a, an,/ B.a , / , the C.a n , an , the D./ , an , /15.Today is Children s Day .A.a B.a n C.the D/16.This is bag . That is eraser .A.a, a B.a , an C.a n , a D. an , an四、用代词填空:1. , and are all good friends .A.We , you ,

13、they B.You , they , we C.We , they , you D.They , you , we2. classroom is big , but is much bigger tha n .A.We , they , us B.Our , their , our C.Our , theirs , ours D.Our , theirs , we3.She lost pen . Will you lend her ?A.her , yours B.his , your C.hers , you D.their , yourself4.“ What are ydoing ?

14、” “am looking at in the mirror ? ” B.myself C.itself D.himself5. , and all enjoy music .A.She , you , I B.I , she , you C.You , she , I D.I , you , she能力测试卷(冠词和数词)一、写出相邻的数词1. twenty 2. five 3. twelve 4. fifty-eight 5. ninety 6. seventy 7. thirty-eight 8. one hundred 9. one thousand 10. one 二、选择正

15、确答案1.There are days in a year.A. three hun dreds sixty-five B. three hun dreds and sixty-fiveC. three hun dred and sixty-five D. three hun dred and sixty five2.There arestude nts in this school.A. eight hun dreds and forty-sixB.eight hun dred and forty sixD. eight hun dred forty-sixC.eight hun dred

16、and forty-six3.My brother is inA. Three Class, One GradeB.Class Three, Grade OneC.Grade One, Class ThreeD.class three, grade one4.He was doing some wash ing5.A. the fourthB. the thirdC. a thirdD. third8.Tom was to get to school and I was .A. first; ninth B. the first; the ninth C. a first; a ninth D

17、. the sec ond; ninth9.Whatthe date today? It .A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudy D. June 4 th般现在时态专项练习写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式postlikeridestudyeatvisithavewatchstoppassgiveflyjumprisewriteteachgoreadswimdo单项选择( )1. you have a book ?A Do B. Are C. Is D. Have( )2.Does Li Lei like to watch TV?A. Yes, he like. B.

18、 No, he doesnt.C. Yes, hed like. D. No, he likes.( )3.She doesnt her homework in the afternoon.A. doing B. to do C. does D. do( )4.How Mr. Smith to England?A. do, go B. is , go C. does, go D. does , goes( )5. she home at six every day?A. Is , leave B. Does , leave C. Is , leaves D. Does , left三、 用下列

19、动词的适当形式填空1.I ( get ) up at 6 o clock every day.2.My father (have) a lovely dog.3.He (go ) to school on foot.4.She (do ) not like watching TV .6.They (play) football every Sunday afternoon.四、 按要求完成下列各题2.Does he play basketball every weekend? ( 肯定回答 ) Yes, .3.She looks like her sister.( 变一般疑问句 ) she l

20、ike her sister ?4.Peter and Sam look the same.( 般疑问句) they the same ?5.Do they always go to the movie ( 电影院 ) on Sundays ? (否定回答 )No, .五、英汉互译1.Tom经常放学后(after school)踢足球。2.我喜欢唱歌。3.He often goes to school on foot.4.Children like to play this game.能力测试卷 (一般现在时)、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式gostopwritebuyhavedoflygiv

21、eswimrideplaywatchstudycryreadworkrisecomecarry、用动词的适当形式填空1.He (go) to school on foot.2.She _ not like watching TV. (do)3.My father _ (have) a lovely dog.4.I often _ ( get ) up at six every morning5.My mother _ ( work) in a school.三、英汉互译1. 他经常在周六的时候读英语。2.Peter 每天都帮助妈妈做家务。3.Tom always plays football

22、after school.4I get up at six oclock every day.5.The coat fits (适合 ) me very well.现在进行时态专项练习写出下列动词的现在分词形式stay _ work take _do spend give _listen _ look ride _suffer _ make pleaserefuse _ put winclose sit begin _operate _ run opendie _ tie lie二、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1.Mary and Lucy are (dance) now.2.Listen! S

23、omeone iv (play) the piano in the next room.3.He is (sweep) the floor at the moment.4.Look ! The cat (eat) the fish on the table.5.A: you (study) French ?B: Yes , I am.6.She often (dance) after school.7.My father and mother (swim) in the pond.8.My sister is (fly) a kite in the garden.9.We are (watch

24、) TV now.10.Be quiet ! The baby (sleep) now.三、 改错1.Wearecleanningourclassroom.2.Sheissing inthenextroom.3.Whatam youdoing?4.MaryBeijing.iscomeingbackfrom5.HeoftenflyingkitesonSundays.6.Theyisreadingbooksnow.7.Mybrotheris playstheguitarnow.8.Sallyisdanceingintheroom.watchi ng10.Do you liste ning the

25、radio四、英汉互译1.他正在教室里做作业。2.We are readi ng En glish now.3.Peter 和 Billy 正在操场上(in the playground )打篮球。4.Look ! A bird is flying in the sky.5.公共汽车来了。6.刘先生经常在周日的时候(on Su ndays)看英语书。7.He isn play ing games. He is study ing.8.孩子们在摘(pick)苹果。9.That son of yours is always making troubles ( 捣舌L ).10.你们正在做什么?9.

26、能力测试卷(现在进行时态)、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式及现在分词形式play sit do stop put swim skate dance fly _ lie 用动词的适当形式填空1. I am (watch) TV now.2. He _ (play) in the classroom now3. She often _ (dance) after school.4. My sister is _ (fly) a kite in the park.5. My parents(父母) (swim) in the pond.三、改错1.I watchi

27、ng TV at home now.2.My father is plays the piano.1 He often flying kites on Sundays. 2 They is reading books. 3 She is dancing in the room. 三、英汉互译1Billy 正在教室里做作业。2 My mother always cleans the house on Saturdays.1.你正在做什么?2.他们没有踢足球,他们在打篮球。3.The bus is coming.把下列陈述句变成否定句 。1.My father watches TV every d

28、ay .My father TV every day .2.Kate often does her homework at six .Kate often her homework at six.3.Igo to school at seven .I _ to school at seven .4.She usually goes home by bus .She usually home by bus .5.They are good stude nts .They good stude nts .6.He is clever .He clever .7.He has some bread for breakfast every morni ng .He bread for breakfast every morni ng .8.1ofte n drink some tea in the after noon .I ofte n tea in the after noon .9.He has some eggs .He

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