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人教必修5 unit 12 词汇学习手册.docx

1、人教必修5 unit 12 词汇学习手册2019 世纪金榜学习方略 人教必修5 电子稿【核心知识速记手册】Unit 1 Great scientists重点单词.音形记词1. _ vt.打败;战胜;使受挫n.失败2. _adj.熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n.专家;行家3. _vt.照顾;护理;出席;参加4. _vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光5. _n.治愈;痊愈vt.治愈;治疗6. _n.受害者7. _adj.严重的;剧烈的;严厉的8. _n.泵;抽水机vt.(用泵)抽(水)9. _vt.责备;谴责n.过失;责备10. _n.柄;把手vt.处理;操纵11. _vt.& n.连接;联系12. _n.图

2、表13. _vi. & vt. (使)旋转;纺(线或纱)14. _n. 镭15. _n. 细菌;微生物16. _n.线索;提示17. _vt. 分析18. _adj. 致命的19. _n. 特征;特性20. _adj.有创造力/性的;独创的答案:1. defeat;2. expert;3. attend;4. expose;5. cure;6.victim;7. severe;8. pump;9. blame;10. handle;11. link;12. chart;13. spin;14. radium;15. germ;16. clue;17. analyse;18. deadly;19

3、. characteristic;20. creative;语境串记(1) The medical _ had to _ himself to the Ebola virus in order to _ the_ who were infected by the_ virus.这位医学专家为了战胜这种疾病并治好那些被这种严重的病毒感染的患者们不得不把自己暴露在埃博拉病毒面前。(2)Professor Wang _ a conference yesterday, where he _ the person who wrongly _ a _ to a _.王教授昨天参加一个会议,在会上,他责备了

4、那个错误地把一个把手连接在一个水泵上的那个人。(3)Its known to us all that _ is radioactive, which is its _, and we also find that its a _ _ to kill _ in food.(4) According to the _, the doctor_ the different ways of _ the _disease, and he thought _ is a good idea.根据图表,医生分析了战胜这种致命疾病的各种不同的方法,他认为旋转是一个好主意。答案:(1) expert;expose

5、;cure;victims;severe(2) attended;blamed;linked;handle; pump(3) radium; characteristic; creative; clue; germs(4) chart; analysed; defeating; deadly; spinning.派生记词1._n.画家;油漆匠2. _ n.医生;内科医师3. _ vt.吸收;吸引;使专心4. _ vt.怀疑 n.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯5. _ n.附近;邻近6. _ adv. & adj. 向后地(的); 相反地(的);退步地(的)7. _ n.询问8. _ vt.命令;指示;教导9

6、. _;运动;动作10. _ adj.小心的;谨慎的11. _ vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃12. _ adj.热情的;热心的13. _ vt.预见;预知14. _ adj.科学的联想:_ n.科学 _ n.科学家15. _ vt. & vi. 结束;推断出联想:_ n.结论;结束16. _ vt.宣布;通知联想:_ n.宣布;通知17. _ n.挑战vt.向挑战联想:_adj.具有挑战性的17. _ vt.污染;弄脏联想:_adj.污染了的 _ n.污染19. _ vt. & vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助联想:_ n.捐献;贡献20. _ adj.积极的;肯定的;确实的联想:_ adj.消

7、极的;否定的21. _vt.传染;感染联想:_ adj.传染的22. _ vt.建设;修建联想:_ n.建设;建筑物23. _vt.&vi.调查联想:_ n.调查答案:1. painter;2. physician;3. absorb;4. suspect;5. neighbourhood;6. backward;7. enquiry;8. instruct;9. movement;10. cautious;11. reject;12. enthusiastic;13. foresee;14. scientific;联想:science;scientist;15. conclude;联想:co

8、nclusion;16. announce;联想:announcement;17. challenge;联想:challenging;17. pollute;联想:polluted;pollution;19. contribute 联想:contribution20. positive ;联想:negative;21. infect;联想:infections;22. construct;联想:construction;23.investigate;联想:investigation;语境串记1. In our _, a _ married a _ last week, and they _ t

9、hat they can _their bright future.在我们邻近,一位画家和一位医生于上周结婚了,他们宣称他们可以预见他们光明的未来。2. One day, a _was _ himself in stealing a new bike when he heard an _ _ about the _of atoms.一天,一位嫌疑犯正专心偷一辆新的自行车,这时,他听到一个关于原子运动热心的询问。3. Believe it or not, an officer _his soldiers to be _ about the _ that keeping _ always is a

10、 big _.信不信由你,一位军官教导他的士兵要对一直积极是一个巨大的挑战这一结论小心谨慎4. A group of workers who were _ by a strange virus in the _ areas are now _a lake, and they _ any form of _ it.一群在落后地区感染上了一种奇怪病毒的工人现在正在建设一个湖,他们拒绝任何形式的对它的污染。5.A research _ the_ way of cold in a _ method and he _a lot to his job.一位研究者以科学的方法调查了感冒的传染途径,他为工作奉

11、献了太多。答案:(1) neighbourhood; painter; physician; announced; foresee(2) suspect; absorbing; enthusiastic;enquiry; movement(3) instructed; cautious; conclusion ; positive; challenge(4) infected; backward; constructing; reject; polluting(5) investigated; infections; scientific; contributed.合成记词1. outbrea

12、k n.爆发;发作(尤指疾病或战争)2. firework n.烟火(燃放)语境串记If there was no _ of blood in a year in that area, the people there would set _ to celebrate it on a special day.在那一地区,如果一年之内没有洪水爆发,那里的人们通常会在一个特别的日子里燃放烟花来庆祝它。答案:outbreak; fireworks核心短语1. _ _提出2. _ _ _ 提出结论3. _ _ 使显露;暴露4. _ _将和联系或连接起来5. _ _除之外;此外6. (_)_ _ 对严格

13、的7. _ _讲得通;有意义8. _ _想起9. _ _考虑10. _ _数以千计的11. _ _ _对感兴趣12. _ _ _ _决定做某事13. _ _ 查明;弄清楚14. _ _ 调查15. _ _ _ 一团16. _ _ 死于17. _ _ 确定地;无疑18. _ _ _犯错误19. _ _ _ 惊讶于20. _ _ 导致21. _ _有时;偶尔22. _ _ 从事23. _ _ _ _在的中心24. _ _总之25. _ _照顾26. _ _ _治好某人的27. _ _ _ 专心于28. _ _ _ 因而责备某人29. _ _在建设中30. _ _ 有助于答案:1. put forw

14、ard;2. draw a conclusion;3. exposeto;4. linkto ;5. apart from ;6. (be)strict with;7. make sense;8. think of;9. think about;10.thousands of;11.become interested in;12. be determined to do sth.;13. find out ;14. look into ;15. a cloud of ;16. die of;17. with certainty;18. make a mistake;19. be astonis

15、hed at;20. lead to;21. at times;22. work on;23. at the center of ;24. in conclusion;25. attend to;26. cure sb. of ;27. be absorbed in ;28. blame sb. for ;29. under construction 30. contribute to;短语类记答案:1. put短语put forward put upput away put up with2.除外(不包括在内)butexcept except forapart from3.除外(包括在内)b

16、esidesin additionin addition toapart from4. sense短语make sense make no sense make sense of【写作句式】1. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。(neither.nor.)_.2. 风景如此迷人,令我流连忘返。(so.that.)The scenery_ I dont want to leave.3. 每次我遇到麻烦,他都会尽全力帮助我。(every time)_, hell do everything in his power to help me out.4.我们似乎是世界上最幸福的人。(it

17、seemed that.)_ people in the world.5.只有通过使用英语的方法学英语,你才能学好它。(only+状语从句)_.答案:1. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. 2. is so beautiful here that;3. Every time I get into trouble4. It seemed that we were the happiest;5.Only if you learn English by using it can you learn it well.话题作文 (2016北京高

18、考)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国历史很感兴趣,并请你介绍一位你喜欢的中国历史人物。请你给Jim回信,内容包括: 1该人物是谁;2该人物的主要贡献;3该人物对你的影响。 注意:1.词数不少于50;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,_Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Jim, I am delighted to hear from you. Its an honor to know _ (你对很热心) Chinese history. When it comes to _(我最喜爱的人物) in Chinese histor

19、y, it must be Li Bai of Tang Dynasty. He _ (被认为是)the greatest romantic poet. Over 900 poems of him survived and _ (被广泛阅读) by later generation. He expressed his emotions in poems directly _(每次他遭受挫折) by his unsuccessful career, which formed his unique style of writing. This really _ (教导) me. Are you i

20、nterested in Li Bai? Please tell me and Ill send you some books. Yours Li Hua答案:you are enthusiastic about; my favorite figure; was considered as; were widely read;every time he was frustrated;instructsUnit 2 The United Kingdom重点单词.音形记词1. _n. 王国2. _n. 省;行政区3. _n. 矛盾;冲突4. _n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷5. _n. 货币;通货6

21、. _n. 港口(城市)7. _n. 传真(机)vt. 用传真传输(文件)8. _prep. 加上;和 adj. 加的;正的;零上的9. _n. 争吵;争论;吵架 vi. 争吵;吵架10. _n. 婚礼11. _adj. 相同的;类似的12. _vt. 折叠;对折13. _adj. 王室的;皇家的;高贵的14. _n. 制服15. _ n. 机会;时机16. _adj. 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的17. _n. 塑像;雕像18. _ n.共产主义19. _vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊20. _n.罐;壶21. _n. 错误;过失;谬误22. _n. 时态23. _adj. 一致的24. _n.经线;

22、经度25. _n.格林尼治(英城市)答案:1. kingdom;2. province;3. conflict;4. credit ;5. currency;6. port ;7. fax;8. plu;9. quarrel ;10. wedding;11. alike ;12.fold ;13. royal;14.uniform 15. opportunity ;16. splendid;17. statue;18. communism ;19. thrill ;20. pot ;21. error ;22. tense;23. consistent;24. longitude;25. Gr

23、eenwich ;语境串记(1) During the Warring States Period in Chinese history, there were many _ among the _and their _ as well as their _ _ was different too.在中国历史上的战国时期,各诸侯国之间冲突不断,他们的货币和皇家制服也不一样。(2) Qingdao is a _ city of Shangdong _, which has a long _ coast where many new couples take their _ to have the

24、ir _ photos taken every year.青岛是山东省的一个港口城市,它有很长的海岸线,在那里,每年都会有许多新婚夫妇抓住机会拍婚纱照。(3) Two young men had a _ about whether the two _ _ are _ in material, because they wouldnt like to make a mistake when buying one of them.两个年轻人对关两个相似的罐子是否在材料上一致吵开了,因为他们不想在购买其中一个时犯下错误。(4)Standing on the _ in _to have a photo taken may be a _ experience for you, but dont forget to _

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