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1、高中英语新高考英语思维到底如何提高语篇解读的要素 高中英语新高考英语思维到底如何提高:语篇解读的要素1语篇解读的七种逻辑关系:1. Cause & Effect (因果)2. Definition&Explanation (定义和解释)3. Contrast & Comparison (对比和比较)4. Facts & Evaluation (事实和评价)5. Solutions & Functions (途径和功能)6. General & Specific (一般和具体)注:这是最常见的一种,先说主题,然后具体解释,这种解释可以分为几个方面(aspects),也可以是对主题的解释(para

2、phrase)等。7. Example & Experiment (例子和实验)注:但凡涉及到例子和或实验,基本都会伴随结果或评价,这个读者需要注意的。这七种关系或明或暗,结果都会通过一种手段使出去,那就是:连贯和衔接,这里面也有一些标志词。但凡它们的出现,说明作者要使用七种武器了。标志词有:指代(it, they),递进(also, besides),举例(for example), 对比(now, but, however),某些副词(fortunately,sadly)等等。无论如何,我在阅读讲解的时候,都反复强调:所读即所考。即:你读的每一个句子留下的思考点都应是命题人设问点,或者至少

3、是干扰点。所以,这里我介绍一个方法:学会阅读的过程中对作者提问,即PQA法:process - question the author。2文本主题的主线意识和词义意识我们都需要明白一个道理,任何文章都有一条主线,这条主线,分“明暗”两种线索。暗线一般都是作者的观点,明线一般都是事实(这是个人阅读感受,没有定论)。我们要做的是,通过明线推测暗线,换句话说,通过事实推理观点。这个观点会可能分为多角色的。主线的提取最好的方式就是每个段落关键词的提取,这就需要有词义意识了。这个关键词起到概括作用。然后串联关键词,基本就形成了意义线索了。具体说明如下:1、主线意识定义:主线是指文章发展的线索,分“明暗”



6、velopmentchangessights其次,每段再用一个形容词概括how,How:globalcityenjoyable lifewitnessing developmentrapid changesattractive sights词义概括把601个词的一篇课文浓缩为10个英文词,建构概括关系的上位词。根据global city,enjoyable life, witnessing development, rapid changes, attractive sights关键词词义拓展what/how信息,把每个词义转换为内容充实的句式;模仿课文结构,关注句子之间的逻辑关联。读者可能问

7、:读后写有必要吗?答案是肯定的,因为“人是以语言来展示和证实自己的存在的”。最后说明的,主线意识和前面说的文本特征结构是一致的,对任何一个的充分的理解都有助于另外一个的把握。3文体解读的段内逻辑简述语言是思维的物质外壳,是人们表达情感和交流思想的工具。任何题材和体裁的文本,都是作者用语言来表达情感和交流思想的表现形式。为了实现一定的表达目的,作者会遵循一定的标准来选择材料,运用一定的技巧来组织语言,按照一定的逻辑来发展段落,形成篇章。了解句子的逻辑-语义关系是从微观的角度解读每个句子之间的关系(Clause relation)语篇中常见的一种宏观结构组织,是语篇中一个或一组小句与另一个或一组小

8、句之间的逻辑-语义关系。这种语义关系可细分为三种小句关系:Winter(1997)& Hoey(1983)problem-solutionhypothetical-realgeneralparticular看起来和语篇结构差不多,其实段落就是小语篇(不光段落,有时一个单词都是语篇的可能),包括单方向的依靠关系, 如因果、让步、条件、假设、递进等关系, 也包括双方向的依靠关系, 或叫相互关系,如主次关系,并连关系。这样的小句之间都蕴含着前后相依赖的因素, 一个或多个小句所表达的内容是以另一个或多个小句所表达的内容为前提。注:这种划分和不少学者(例如黄国文)的划分还是有差别的,但容易理解,所以笔者

9、推荐这种。举例:(依靠关系)The scientists saythat being able to measure the students interest level will enableeducatorsto adjust the materials in real time and re-engage the student.Witchel also believesthat the technology can provide the filmmakers with honest audience opinions and in the future also be used i

10、n developing more understanding companion robots.(一般的、概括性的或抽象性的内容-具体的例证或细节)It is expectedthat the technology might be applied to many fieldssuch as education, film-making and making better companion robots.(双向依靠并列关系)Although its hard to tell the father of this amazing technology, history suggests th

11、at it could have been the fruit of not one but five key people.First,Morton Heilig introduced users to 3D films.Then, theres Jaron Lanier, the first person to use the term“Virtual Reality”. Douglas Engelbart invented the computer mouse. IvanSutherland is the inventor of the first HMD and Myron Krueg

12、er, the audio wiz.(扩展关系)According to a study published in the journal Neuron, memory champions arent all that different to us.Pople with an average memory can greatly improve their memory ability by using whats known as the “mind palace” method.其它综合:However, like any technology, virtual reality has

13、its negative effects.For example(一般-具体关系), some people become addicted to virtual reality games, which does greatharm to their real world life. Apart from this(依靠关系), concerns have also been raised about thedetrimentaleffects caused by desensitization. This means(扩展关系)that people are no longer influ

14、enced by theirviolent behaviour in the games and therefore dont feel bad if they “kill”others.我个人认为,了解这些最大的用途就是清晰文章的脉络,尤其是过渡关系。举一个人教版课文为例:在第一段,通过疑问句的排比修辞到中心句,然后最后一个疑问句和前面是扩展关系,但这个扩展句引出下文,第二段和这个句子形成了一般具体关系。我们可以设计这样的文体:Decide the organization of the passage by figuring out the transitional sentences b

15、etween paragraphs.“However, there was one band that started ina different way.”What was theMonkees way of forming a band?How does the authorshow that it was started differently?4文本解读中的常用简化手段:话题功能修辞这个部分在葛炳芳主持的书里有更详细的研究,读者是老师,建议一定去读读;如果是学生就不要看了。简述如下:1、以话题为中心组织语言具有特定的语境要素,能满足特定的交际需要,容易与学生的生活经验和情感体验有机结合

16、,因而便于学生做到“整进整出”,留下深刻印象2、不同语篇具有不同的功能,不同功能的发挥都要求有相应的语言形式与之配合。3、领悟语言表达的艺术性,树立有效交际的意识。这么说吧,这个划分就是讲前三个小结整合起来了,不过这里加了个语言的领悟,这不是我这篇文章要讲的重点,所以这里就是略略说一下。话题为中心组织语言会强调意义为先的原则,这个不难理解,因为我们教材单元都是按照话题划分的,目的就是让教师根据话题来开展教学。要说功能,基本就是前面说的在了解文体特征、结构基础上进行解读。下面举个例子,以一篇记叙文为例:功能(感知整理叙事文体特有的语言:时空、事件演进、心理)What are the time a

17、nd place mentioned in the passage?With the time going by, how did the events evolve? Together with the events, how did Steven and Brad think?这样的功能解读,就突出了语言表达法而不是语言点。timeeventsstate of mindFirst in kindergartenFrom the moment thathad his starring role, playingheard applause and took his bowknew he wa

18、nted toIn his mind, imagined himself By sixth gradewas used to starring played RomeolikedWhen he got olderMeanwhileWhen he saw thatopening cast callread the “trade”begged; was forced to askdreamed ofcouldnt believearrived early at the theater wherepicked up ; studied; mouthed.figured could pass(when

19、) Steven asked Brad to ThenNextYou have to listen to mine, too.Steven readBrads turn to readcouldnt believe再说修辞,在文章开头的引子部分已经说明了,下面再举个例子:修辞 (感知整理文本中的修辞)“Deal,”Steven answered. Then he read, and, as usual, he was good. Next, it was Bradsturn. Steven couldnt believe what he was seeing and hearing.Why h

20、adnt Brad ever tried out for a play?Where had he gotten all this talent all of a sudden? He asked his brother, “Why havent you tried before?”结论:Strong feeling is effectively expressed here through three (rhetorical) questions.5Why, what, how的简化分析法cwhy, what, how是王蔷教授非常推崇的解读文本的手法,着重从整体解读,但我把它应用到每一段同样

21、效果显著。如果长期训练,下面就是十分钟不到就会解读出来,适合时间很紧张的备课。Finding fossile man框架图:正文:We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.Butthere are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write.(为什么用but?涉及到写作手法:对比法,为了强调sagas的必要性)Theonlyway that they ca

22、n preserve their history is to recount it as sagas - legends handed down from one generation of storytellers to another.(哪一个词突出了saga的重要性?only。破折号的作用是什么?解释sagas。)These legends are usefulbecausethey can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what the

23、y did.(为什么说saga重要?)Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.(这两句起什么作用,说明什么?举例,说明前面一句)这样我们来体会作者的行文特点:首先了解:why(作者为什么写):介绍saga其

24、次了解:what(作者写的目的):突出古人保存历史的艰难,为下文引出fossil做好铺垫.最后了解:how(作者如何写):比较法(comparison)、举例法(example)、诠释法(definition)Butthe first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten.Soarchaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out wher

25、e the first modern men came from.首先了解:why(作者为什么写):这一段的but是个转折,说明了sagas并不靠谱,作者通过if they had any和forgotten来表达,即:有没有sagas都难说;有的话,也会被忘记。其次了解:what(作者写的目的):还是为下文正式引出主题埋下伏笔。本段是过渡段,提出一个问题。最后了解:how(作者如何写):因果法(so)Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier t

26、o shape than other kinds. They mayalsohave used wood and skins,butthese have rotted away. Stone does not decay, andsothe tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.首先了解:why(作者为什么写):介绍tools of stone。这就和标题对应了。其次了解:what(作者写的目的):突出tools of stone的不平凡。最后了解:how(作者如何写):因果法(because)、对比法(they may alsobut;so)。

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