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江苏省版高中英语 素能提升演练十五 Unit3 译林牛津版必修5.docx

1、江苏省版高中英语 素能提升演练十五 Unit3 译林牛津版必修5素能提升演练(十五)必修5 Unit 3 . 用下列句型翻译句子1. 地上湿了,昨天晚上一定下雨了。(must have done表示对过去发生的事情作肯定推测)_2. 过马路时一定要小心。(状语从句的省略)_3. 我们的国家越来越强大了。(比较级+and+比较级越来越)_4. 毫无疑问我们做得对。(There is no doubt that. . . 毫无疑问)_5. 一方面孩子们需要有组织的活动,另一方面他们也需要时间和自由来放松自己。(on (the) one hand. . . on the other hand一方面另

2、一方面)_. 单项填空1. 2012郑州模拟Banks was the first_ crops from one continent to another on a large scale, _to develop local economies with new imports. A. to have moved; to help B. to move; to helpC. to move; helping D. moving; helping2. 2012杭州模拟Despite all the benefits of building a factory here, only a few

3、 people argued _ the project. A. in terms of B. in need of C. in praise of D. in favour of3. 2012石家庄模拟 _there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty. A. When B. As far asC. As long as D. While4. He _ his plan for dropping out of the university regardless of his parents opposit

4、ion. A. pushed along B. pushed ahead with C. pushed for D. pushed forward 5. The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son_ at his uncles. A. adapted B. adoptedC. adjusted D. applied6. 2012嘉兴模拟Was the suspect pronounced guilty? Yes, the new evidence _ the first witness story.

5、A. confirmed B. claimedC. declared D. observed7. 2012合肥模拟He stood there without daring to lift his head as a _ of his wrong action. A. summary B. consequenceC. conclusion D. effect8. 2012南昌模拟Every country has the responsibility to ensure a safe, _and healthy development of the nuclear energy. A. fle

6、xible B. reliableC. available D. acceptable9. I would like a job which pays more, but _ I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment. A. in other words B. on the other handC. for one thing D. as a matter of fact10. 2012潍坊模拟My son prefers us to email each other once a week _ spend half an hour on the phon

7、e every night. A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. instead of 11. Could you do me a _ and take the box up to the sixth floor? With pleasure. No problem at all. A. favour B. goodC. pleasure D. kindness12. How can you borrow my computer without my _? Oh, I forgot to tell you. I hope you dont

8、mind. A. permit B. permissionC. belief D. instructions13.2012沧州模拟Exam-takers “virtue” will be taken into _ in the 2012 nationwide public servants exam. A. focus B. target C. consideration D. contribution14. How about your school? Oh, very good. You cant find _ one in this city. A. the better B. the

9、bestC. a better D. better15. 2012福州模拟Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him. A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he had begun. 完形填空2012泰州模拟I always long for romantic moments, like a little girl longing for candies. However, my husband is my complete 1 .

10、His inability to bring romantic moments into our life has made me get tired of our 2 . One day, I finally told him that I wanted a divorce. “Why? ” he asked, 3 . “I am tired; there are no 4 for everything in the world! ” I answered.He kept 5 , seeming to be in deep thought, with a lighted cigarette

11、in his hand. Finally he asked, “What can I do to change your 6 ? ”Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered, “Lets say, I want a flower on a mountain cliff and picking the flower will cause your 7 . Will you do it for me? ”He answered, “I will give you my answer tomorrow. ”I 8 the next morning, f

12、inding a piece of paper on the dining table, which read: “My dear, I would not pick that flower for you, but please allow me to 9 . ”My feeling of disappointment only 10 , but I continued reading:“You always leave the 11 keys behind, so I have to save my legs to 12 home to open the door for you. You

13、 always like to stay indoors and I 13 that you will feel too lonely, so I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and stories. You always stare 14 the computer and that will do nothing 15 for your eyes, so I have to save my eyes so that when we grow 16 , I can help to clip your nails. Thus, my dear,

14、 17 I am sure that there is someone who loves you more than I do, I could not pick that flower yet, and die. ”My tears fell on the 18 and I continued reading: “Now that you have finished reading my answer, if you are 19 , please open the front door for I am standing outside 20 your favorite bread an

15、d fresh milk. ”Love, not words, wins arguments. 1. A. supporter B. oppositeC. follower D. advocate2. A. marriage B. connectionC. career D. future3. A. annoyed B. shockedC. frightened D. amused4. A. results B. signs C. causes D. reasons5. A. easy B. normal C. silent D. calm6. A. habit B. feeling C. a

16、ttitude D. mind7. A. death B. injury C. happiness D. trouble8. A. hurried up B. looked upC. woke up D. went up9. A. love B. explain C. stay D. change10. A. arose B. disappearedC. reduced D. increased 11. A. car B. office C. bicycle D. house12. A. leave B. walk C. rush D. get13. A. worry B. think C.

17、believe D. remind14. A. at B. to C. on D. in15. A. bad B. goodC. terrible D. important16. A. weak B. ill C. old D. close17. A. unless B. if C. since D. because18. A. photos B. flowers C. floor D. letter19. A. hungry B. thirstyC. satisfied D. regretted20. A. buying B. bringingC. heating D. catching.

18、阅读理解Chelsea Clinton To Become NBC Correspondent(通讯记者)Chelsea Clinton, the 31-year-old daughter of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, is stepping into her own spotlight. According to the New York Times, NBC has hired Clinton to become a full-time special corr

19、espondent for NBC News. Her feature stories will reportedly be used in the “Making a Difference” series, which runs on “NBC Nightly News”. The sections attract people who volunteer to improve the lives of others in their communities. When Bill Clinton won the presidency in 1992, the first lady asked

20、 the press to keep Chelsea out of the public eye. As a young adult, Chelsea continued to avoid media attention in order to attend college and quietly enter the business world. Once her mother decided to run for the presidency in 2007, however, Chelsea made hundreds of public appearances, mostly on c

21、ollege campuses, to support the campaign. More recently, she has worked for New York University and promoted her fathers latest book. She is currently pursuing a doctors degree at Oxford. Clinton is the second daughter of a president hired by NBC News; Jenna Bush Hager, daughter of former President

22、George W. Bush, works as a correspondent for NBCs “Today” show. 1. Chelsea Clinton continued to stay out of media attention to _. A. improve the lives of othersB. help her father in the electionC. study and go to the business circleD. support her mother for the presidency2. What does the underlined

23、word “runs” mean in Paragraph 2? A. is shown B. flows C. is managed D. spreads3. Which is the right order of the events? a. Chelsea helped to sell Bill Clintons latest book. b. Chelsea pursues her doctors degree. c. Chelsea supported her mothers career. d. Chelsea was out of the publics attention. A

24、. d, a, c, b B. c, d, b, a C. c, b, d, a D. d, c, a, b4. According to the text, we can conclude that_ . A. Chelsea Clinton is the second daughter of Bill ClintonB. Chelsea Clinton is in favour of her parents career C. Chelsea Clinton always follows her mothers adviceD. Jenna Bush Hager is a correspo

25、ndent for “NBC Nightly News”答案解析. 1. The ground is wet. It must have rained last night. 2.Be careful when crossing the street. 3.Our country has become stronger and stronger. 4.There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing. 5.On (the) one hand, children need organized activities. On the other

26、 hand, they also need time and freedom to relax. . 1.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。句意:班克斯是第一个大规模地把农作物从一个洲运到另一个洲的人,从而用这种新的进口物资促进了当地经济的发展。the first to do sth. 意为“第一个做某事”,序数词后面由动词不定式作定语;helping to develop local economies with new imports在句子中作状语,表示自然而然的结果。2.【解析】选D。考查短语辨析。句意:尽管在这儿建一家工厂有优势,但是只有少数人赞成这项计划。in terms of依据;按照

27、;在方面,以措辞;in need of需要;in praise of赞扬;in favour of支持,赞成。根据句意选D。3.【解析】选D。考查连词。句意:尽管没有确凿的证据,但是多数人认为他有罪。while尽管,引导让步状语从句,符合句意。when当的时候;as far as远到;据;as long as只要,均与题意不符。【变式备选】 _Stella shows a sense of humor, sometimes, she is somewhat hard to get along with. A. Since B. When C. As D. While【解析】选D。考查连词。句意

28、:尽管斯特拉有幽默感,但有时候人们很难与她相处。while引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,符合句意。4.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:他不顾父母的反对,毅然按照自己的计划从大学退学了。push ahead with 义无反顾地进行,符合句意。push along 把推向前;push for一再强烈要求;push forward 继续前进。5.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:贫穷的母亲生病在床,她不得不把小儿子寄养在他叔叔家。adapt适应,修改,改编;adopt收养,寄养, 采用,采纳;adjust调整;apply申请,应用。6.【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:那个犯罪嫌疑人被定

29、罪了吗?是的,新的证据证明了第一个目击证人的话。confirm证明,证实;claim声称,认领;declare宣布,声明;observe观察, 注意到。7.【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。句意:他站在那里,因为他的错误行为而不敢抬头。as a consequence of由于,因为,符合题意。summary总结,概况;conclusion结论;effect影响, 效果。8.【解析】选B。考查形容词辨析。句意:每个国家都有责任确保核能源的安全、可靠、健康发展。flexible灵活的;reliable可靠的,可信赖的;available可利用的;acceptable可接受的。根据句意可知,答案选B。9.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意:我想找一份薪水高的工作,但是另一方面,我很喜欢我当前的这份工作。in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing一方面;as a matter of fact实际上。10.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句

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