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本文(最新人教新目标八年级上册英语Unit 10If you go to the party youll have a great time全单元导学案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

最新人教新目标八年级上册英语Unit 10If you go to the party youll have a great time全单元导学案.docx

1、最新人教新目标八年级上册英语Unit 10 If you go to the party youll have a great time全单元导学案第10单元 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!Section A单词meeting n.会议;集会;会面 video n.录像带;录像 organize v.组织;筹备 chocolate n.巧克力 upset adj.难过;失望;沮丧 taxi n.出租汽车;的士 advice n.劝告;建议短语stay at home待在家里 have a class meeting 开班会pot

2、ato chips炸土豆片;炸薯条 go to the party 去参加聚会have a great/good time玩得开心 give sb. some advice给某人提一些建议句型1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time. 如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得很开心。2. What will happen if they have the party today? 如果他们今天举办聚会,将会发生什么?3. If we ask people to bring food, theyll just bring potato chips

3、and chocolate. 如果我们让大家带食物来,他们只会带薯片和巧克力。Section B单词travel v. n.旅行;游历 teenager n.(1319岁的)青少年normal adj.正常的;一般的 unless conj.除非;如果不certainly adv.无疑;肯定;当然;行 wallet n.钱包mile n.英里 angry adj.生气的;发怒的careless adj. 粗心的;不小心的 understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人的mistake n.错误;失误 himself pron.他自己advise v.劝告;建议 careful adj.

4、小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的solve v.解决;解答 step n.步;步骤trust v.相信;信任 experience n.经验;经历else adv.别的;其他的 agent n.代理人;经纪人expert n.专家 halfway adj.&adv.在中途;部分地做(或达到)短语in the end最后 travel around the world环游世界keep to oneself保守秘密 run away逃避;逃跑in half分成两半 solve a problem 解决问题go to college上大学 make(a lot of)money 赚(许多)钱 句型1.

5、 Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends.有时他们有学业方面的问题,有时有朋友方面的问题。2. He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. 他认为(解决问题的)第一步是找一个你信任的人倾诉。语法1.if引导的条件状语从句2.should 的用法知识目标掌握if引导的条件状语从句;学会be going to和will构成的一段将来时。能力目标能够学会用英语熟练地谈论结果及寻求建议;

6、能够用目标语言写建议帮助他人解决困惑。情感目标能深入地了解自己及他人,及时为他人提供建议,培养善于分析的能力和乐于助人的品质。【课时建议】本单元建议5课时Section A (1a2d).1课时Section A (3a3c).1课时Section B (1a1d)1课时Section B (2a2e)1课时Section B (3aSelf Check)1课时词汇短语:采用图片及在实际操作中运用的方法。基本句子:采用多媒体展示及交际法。语法:if引导的条件状语从句交际法,实际操作。Section A 第1课时(1a2d)类别学习重点重点单词meeting, video, organize,

7、chocolate重点短语have a great time, stay at home, have a class meeting, half the class, leave early, potato chips重点句式1. If you go to the party, youll have a great time.2. If we have it today, half the class wont come.3. If we do that, more people will want to play the games.课前预习写一写1.会议;集会;会面meeting 2.录像

8、带;录像video3.组织;筹备organize 4.巧克力chocolate译一译1.炸土豆片potato chips 2.玩得愉快have a great time3.呆在家里stay at home 4.开班会have a class meeting背一背1.如果你去参加聚会,你将会玩得很开心。If you go to the party, youll have a great time.2.如果我们那样做,更多的人将会想要玩游戏。If we do that, more people will want to play the games.新课导入Teacher: Hello, ever

9、yone, are you happy? Im very happy. If I am happy,I will listen to the tape. Do you want to listen? Now lets listen to If You Are Happy together.(播放歌曲 If You Are Happy)新课展示 【完成教材1a1c的教学任务】1.学生认真观察1a图片,将句子与图片搭配,集体核对答案。2.大声朗读1a中的小对话,为听力做好准备。3.认真听录音,完成1a中的句子,集体核对答案,完成课本上1b的听力任务。4.教师让学生根据1a提供的信息编写对话,练习新

10、的目标句型(If you do, you will )。典例参考A: How are you going to the party?B: I think I will go to the party by bus.A:If you take the bus to the party, you will have to walk a long way to thehouse.【完成教材2a2d的教学任务】1.学生听2a的录音,完成2a任务。2.再听一遍,完成2b任务。3.跟读录音,纠正语音语调,尤其是本课的新词汇。4.教师让学生根据2c的对话编练新对话。典例参考A: What will we d

11、o at the party?B: I think we will watch a video.A: If we watch a video at the party, some students will be bored.5.大声朗读2d对话,与同伴分组练习并表演对话。【语法提要】1. What will happen if they have the party today? 本句是由if引导的条件状语从句,if作连词,意为“假如;如果”。此时主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来,即“主将从现”。例句:If you leave now, you will never regret i

12、t. 如果你现在离开,你将绝不会后悔。If it is sunny tomorrow, well go to the park. 如果明天天气晴朗,我们就会去公园。2. have a great time意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”。其同义短语为have fun, have a good time和enjoy oneself,但have a great time表示的愉快程度更深一些。例句:They are having a great/good time. =They are having fun. =They are enjoying themselves. 他们正玩得开心。3. too t

13、o 意为“太而不能”,表示否定意义。too后跟形容词或副词,to后跟动词原形。例句:The box is too heavy to carry. 这个箱子太重以至于搬不动。活学活练1. If you have your party tonight, half the class D come.A. didnt B. arent C. isnt D. wont2.听到这个好消息,他高兴得说不出话来。He was too glad/happy to say a word when he heard the good news.布置作业:完成课后提升作业。教学反思本课时用歌曲If You Are H

14、appy导入新课,采取问答形式的交流活动和小组活动,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中进入学习状态,学习if的用法,教学效果良好。教学过程中老师的疑问:教师点评和总结:Section A 第2课时(3a3c)类别学习重点重点单词upset, advice, taxi重点短语get enough exercise, make friends, give advice, ask/tell sb.(not) to do sth.,take a taxi重点句式1. I dont know what to do about going to Mikes birthday party tomorrow night

15、.2. Can you give me some advice please?3. I am not sure how to go to the party.课前预习写一写1.难过;失望;沮丧upset 2.出租汽车;的士taxi3.劝告;建议advice译一译1.让某人做/不做某事ask/tell sb.(not) to do sth.2.提建议give advice 3.交朋友make friends背一背1.对于明天晚上迈克的生日聚会,我不知道该做什么。I dont know what to do about going to Mikes birthday party tomorrow

16、night.2.能请你给我一些建议吗?Can you give me some advice please?新课导入T:Should we ask people to bring food if we have a party?S: No. But if we are lazy, we can ask people to bring food./新课展示 【完成教材3a3c的教学任务】1.认真阅读3a中的短文,然后用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。2.大声地朗读3a中的短文,体会if引导的条件状语从句的用法及时态。3.阅读3b中的句子,然后用自己的想法来补全每一个句子,注意所补充句子的时态。让几

17、名学生在黑板上板书自己的答案,完成后教师点拨。4.小组成员一起在一张纸上写一个故事。第一个人用“I think Ill ”给故事开头,组里其他成员用“if”添加句子。把这张纸在小组里传两遍,然后读出这个故事。【典例参二】I think I will go to the movies tonight. If I go to the movies, I wont finishmy homework. If I dont finish my homework, the teacher wont be happy. Ifthe teacher is not happy, she will tell m

18、y parents 【语法提要】1.upset(1)upset是形容词,意为“难过;失望;沮丧”。如:She was upset with me about my expense.她因为我的花费而对我感到失望。(2)upset常见短语有:get upset about 为而心烦upset at/about/over 为而难过/生气be upset with sb.对某人感到失望2.adviceadvice意为“劝告;建议”,是不可数名词,不能说an advice,正确的表达应为a piece of advice。“两个(则)建议”,我们通常说two pieces of advice。注意pie

19、ce要采用复数,advice不可数,但piece可数。我们也可以说some pieces of advice“一些建议”。如:Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗?【拓展】与advice有关的词组:ask advice of 向征求意见, 请教 by sb.s advice 依某人劝告on sb.s advice 依某人劝告 follow sb.s advice 接受某人的意见give advice 劝告, 忠告 take ones advice 采纳某人的意见【问题探究】1.Can you give me some advice(建议) on how

20、to improve my physics?2.Miss Li, could you give me C on English learning?Certainly. First you should speak English every day.A. any advices B. many advices C. some advice D. advices活学活练1. Can you give me some advice (advice)?2. The children have lots of D to give me.A. advicing B. advices C. advise

21、D. advice布置作业:完成课后提升作业。教学反思在本课时的学习中,对学生的积极性要求比较高,可能有的学生不愿用英语展现自己的能力,或者比较被动,那么教师需督促并鼓励他们完美地展示自己,学会与同学沟通。教学过程中老师的疑问:教师点评和总结:Section B 第3课时 (1a1d)类别学习重点重点单词travel, agent重点短语travel around the world, go to college, make a lot of money, get an education重点句式1. What do you think I should do?2. I think you s

22、hould go to college.课前预习写一写旅游;游历travel译一译1.环游世界travel around the world 2.上大学go to college3.赚许多钱make a lot of money 4.受教育get an education背一背1.你认为我应该做什么?What do you think I should do?2.我认为你应该上大学。I think you should go to college.新课导入T: What do you think is the most important thing to you now?S1: To be

23、happy.S2: To go to the key senior school.T:OK.S3, what do you think S2 should do if he wants to make it?S3:I think he should work hard.T: Yes, youre right. Class, lets begin our new lesson today.新课展示 【完成教材1a1d的教学任务】1.教师呈现1a短语,要求学生弄清短语意思并完成1a任务:下面哪一件事情对于你来说是最重要的?将你认为三件最重要的事情圈起来。2.教师呈现1b主题图,并猜测1b听力内容。

24、3.教师播放录音让学生完成1b听力任务:听录音。看1a的清单。在足球经纪人说的每件事前写“A”,在迈克尔父母谈论到的每个问题前写“P”。4.教师让学生完成1c任务:再听一次录音。完成句子。5.教师核对听力部分的答案。6.教师要求学生完成1d任务,并仿照例子编新的对话。7.教师抽查几组学生表演对话并作点评。【语法提要】travel是动词,意为“旅行;游历”,常与to或in搭配,后接地点名词,表示“去某地/在某地旅行”。travel还可用作名词,意为“旅行;游历”。如:My uncle is traveling in South America.我叔父在南美洲旅行。【辨析】travel与tript

25、ravel意为“旅行”,常指长距离的旅行或国外旅行。如:He came home after years of foreign travel.他在国外旅行多年之后回到家里。trip意为“旅行”,常指短距离的旅行远足。如:I enjoyed our trip to the seaside.我很喜欢我们去海边的旅行。(2)around the world=all over the world意为“全世界”。如:He traveled all over the world.他周游了世界。【问题探究】( D )The professor said that light faster than soun

26、d.A. traveling B. traveled C. travel D. travels活学活练1. If I have enough money, Ill travel (traveling) with friends.2.我请了一年假,环游世界。I took a year off work to travel around the world.布置作业:1.完成课时作业。2.反复熟读1c句子。教学反思本课时复习了上一课时的内容,然后以对话为内容进行听说练习,训练了学生的听说能力。教学过程中老师的疑问:教师点评和总结:Section B 第4课时 (2a2e)类别学习重点重点单词wal

27、let, himself, mile, careless, step, teenager, normal, unless, mistake, advise, experience, angry, trust, certainly, understanding, solve, careful, else, expert, halfway重点短语keepto oneself, be afraid to do, in the end, make mistakes, run away from, be halfway to doing sth.,in half重点句式1. If people have

28、 problems, they should keep them to themselves.2. It is best not to run away from our problems.3.Youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!课前预习写一写1.(1319岁的)青少年teenager 2.正常的;一般的normal3.除非;如果不unless 4.无疑;肯定;当然certainly5.钱包wallet 6.英里mile7.发怒的;生气的angry 8.善解人意的understanding

29、9.粗心的careless 10.错误;失误mistake11.他自己himself 12.小心的careful13.劝告;建议advise 14.解决;解答solve15.步;步骤step 16.相信;信任trust17.经验;经历experience 18.别的;其他的else译一译1.保守秘密keepto oneself 2.分成两半in half3.害怕做be afraid to do 4.犯错误make mistakes5.逃避run away from背一背1.如果人们有问题,他们应该把这些问题放在心中。If people have problems, they should ke

30、ep them to themselves.2.你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你就已经解决了问题的一半。Youre halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!新课导入T:Hello, class, if you have some problems, what will you do? S:(根据自己的想法作答)新课展示 【完成教材2a2e的教学任务】1.小组内互相交流各自在生活中遇到的问题,以及遇到问题后经常找谁来帮助解决问题。2.快速阅读2b短文,了解短文大意,从所给出的a, b, c三个选项中选出一个能概括这篇文章的中心意思的选项,初步理解短文的含义。3.回答下列问题。What

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