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1、雅思口语题目第一部分注意用词,时态。重要的题目列在前面了。AirplaneDo you like to travel by air?How often do you travel by air?Do you think that people would travel more by air in the future?SeaDo you like to live close to sea?Why do people go to the sea?TravellingDo you like travelling?How often do you go travelling?Collections

2、What do Chinese like to collect?What are the advantages and disadvantages of collections?What did you like to collect when you were young?MuseumsWhat kinds of museums are popular in China?What can people learn from these places?Do you think that people should pay money to go to museums?What is impor

3、tant for a museum? I mean, how can a museum attract people?Many museums sell things to the visitors. Do you think it is right?Dancing怎么学跳舞On what occasions do Chinese dance?你对中国传统舞蹈了解多少传统舞蹈在年轻人中如何popular中国有哪些传统舞中国人喜欢什么样的舞蹈.传统舞蹈和现代舞蹈有什么区别.你喜欢什么舞蹈?Mobile phoneWhen did you use the mobile phone for the

4、first time?What do you use your mobile phone for?Living placeDo you live in a flat or a house?What is there on the wall of your home?What can be seen outside the windows of your place?Do you like your living environment?Is it good or bad for children?Is there anything for improvement?ClothingDo you

5、like buying clothes?What kind of clothes do you like?Whats the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?ParkWhat do people plant in park?What are the advantages and disadvantages

6、 of parks?What do people do in the park?MealWhat kind of food do you like?Which is most important to you, breakfast, lunch or supper?Do you think we should have more meals or have much at one meal?What did you like to eat when you were young?Do you still eat it now?What would you give to your childr

7、en in the future?Do you like cooking?Who does the cooking in your family?What does he or she like to cook?Would you cook more in the future?BirthdayDo people in your country celebrate birthdays? How?Do you think it is important for people to celebrate them?How did you celebrate your last birthday?Is

8、 the birthday more important for old people or young people?PartyDo you like to attend the parties of friends or families?What is the difference between formal and informal party?What do you wear to a party?Do Chinese people often hold parties?On what occasions do Chinese people have parties?Weekend

9、Is weekend important to people?What do people do on weekend?Do you think people should be asked to work on weekends?Do you think people should get more money if they work on weekends?Which day do you like more on weekend?What do you often do on that day?WeatherWhat weather do you like?What is the we

10、ather like today?Do you think that weather may affect peoples mood?LanguageHow many languages do you speak?Did you learn other languages?Do you think its necessary to learn other languages?HometownPlease describe your hometown.What is worth visiting in your hometown?MusicWhat music do you like? Why?

11、What musical instrument do you like?Are there any friends around you playing some instruments, like piano or guitar?Have you ever listened to someone playing a musical instrument?What musical instrument do you enjoy most and why?Can you play any musical instrument?Do you often go to the concert?Shop

12、ping (最喜欢的商场)Do you like shopping?Who does the shopping in your family?What do you often buy when you go shopping?What dont you like when you go shopping?Where do you like to go shopping?What style of shopping do you like?Sport (最喜欢的运动)What sports are popular among Chinese people?Should we teach spo

13、rts to children? Why?What is the role of sports?Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?Film (最喜欢的电影)Do you like to watch films in the cinema or at home?Why do you like to watch films?What kind of films do you like?How often do you go to the cinema?Whats the difference between American fi

14、lms and Chinese films?Reading (最喜欢的一本书、童年最喜欢的一本书)What do you like to read best?What kind of readings do people like to read?What other readings do you like?TV vs Radio (最喜欢的节目)Do you like to watch TV or listen to the radio?When do you watch TV?Whats your favorite program?What TV program did you watc

15、h ten years ago?EmailDo you often write emails?What are the advantages of writing emails?What types of emails do you write, business or personal?Whats the difference between written letters and emails?What kind of letter is hard to write?Do you think the pace of life is faster than before?In what ki

16、nd of situation do you send email to your family?HolidayHow do you spend your holiday?Do you think people need holidays?When did you spend your last holiday?What did you do during your last holiday?What do you like to do during the holidays?What do you dislike to do during the holidays?Do you think

17、that you have enough holidays?ColorWhats your favorite color?Do you like the same colors now as you did when you were younger?What can you learn about a person from the colors they like?Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?What color would you choose if you had time to decorate your

18、home?NeighborDo you know your neighbors?Do you think it is important to have good relationship with neighbors?Do you prefer young people to be your neighbor or old people?What problems will people have with their neighbors?FlowerWhat do different flowers mean?On what occasions do Chinese people send

19、 flowers to each other?When did you last send flowers?TimeDo you like to wear watches?Do you think that time flies?What do you think of the importance of time?What is the best time of a day?What was the first day like in your university?/job?When did you use your mobile phone for the first time?Frie

20、ndsDo you want to go out alone or in a group?How often do you meet your friends?What do you do when you are with friends?第二部分下面的内容是两分钟陈述的,请提前准备思路。Ideal jobAn activity you enjoy outside the doorSomething you want to do for environmentYour favorite seasonA wild animalA family that you like (not your o

21、wn)A law in ChinaAn interesting cultureA piece of interesting news/a news story that made you happyA leisure activityPopular music in your countryA skill you learned from internet (something you are good at/a skill you want to learn)A hobby in your childhood人物Old personPerson who helped youA person

22、who spoke a different languageSomeone you want to spend time withA friend you admireA famous person from another countryA good cookA family memberA person you lived withA successful personAn artistA teacherA TV presenter物品NewspaperMagazineTV program (quiz show)AdvertisementBook/story in childhoodClo

23、thes somebody bought for youA filmEquipment (not computers)GiftOld thing in your familySomething you would like to save money to buyA toy/popular game in your childhoodA vehicle you would like to buySomething you made by yourselfSome equipment that didnt function wellSomething you made by yourselfA

24、letter or email you received地点City/ part of your hometown you like most/change of your hometownA historical place (a place that you can learn about the past)A place with waterA modern buildingA place with a lot to noisePlace you want to visitParkLibraryHotelRestaurant (a place that you go for lunch)

25、A small shop/department store拓展题目A case that you were lateAn enjoyable eventA long journey/trip/travelA trip not as good as plannedSomething you celebratedA walk you took with othersLast weekendA picnic or meal in the parkA trip you planned but didnt go forA special meal经历An enjoyable visit from oth

26、ersProjectAn interesting speechA course you want to learnGood news from phoneSomething that is good for healthSports event you watchedA public eventYour favorite subjectA science lesson you learnedAn exciting sport (a sport you want to be good at)A naughty thing you did in your childhoodpart 2看过的广告p

27、art 2 一个你羡慕的家庭的日常生活part 2 恶心题目:小时候做过的顽皮事情part 2一个成功的人part 2 a day you spentpart2 最近在你家有什么电器坏了或停止工作了。What is it? How? 对生活的影响? 你怎么处理这个情况?最后考官还问了一个Did you ever repair something?part3 主要是关于second-hand goods。问了这几个问题:你怎么认为二手货,二手货的advantage和disadvantage,你会去买二手车吗,淘宝为什么会这么成功,淘宝上有卖二手产品吗,广告会误导消费者吗差不多就这么多了。part

28、 1 新题是关于飞机的问题,你喜欢做飞机吗,和其他交通工具的比较,你喜欢做飞机吗?常坐飞机旅行吗?你认为飞机在将来会更多的被使用吗?part2 a place you visited with a lot of noise, 什么地方,在哪里,为什么有噪音,你的感觉part 3 都是关于noise 城市有哪些噪音,怎样控制,政府应该采取什么措施,完全控制噪音可能吗,如果邻居要在周末举行party可以吗,几点以后应该控制噪音。part2:a person who speaks a foreign language. who he/she ishow you know he/she what do

29、 you learn from he/shepart3:do youlike to communicate with new people? how where do you think is the best place to communicate with new people? do you think it is meaningful to live in a new country? do you think its meaningful to travel? what do you think globalization and modernization bring to yo

30、u city?part1,关于museum,museum卖一些东西合适吗?part2,是描述law,part3,就law和police展开,男女在当警察时是equal吗,要配枪吗第三部分问我在大学时期admire的一个人part two: a place you visited and what did you learn?part three: what do you learn about the history from the book and your grandparents?part1 holiday喜欢大海吗 为啥喜欢大海 想在大海边边上住不?part2 一个你想参加的quiz show什么样的节目 为什么想参加呢 如果要参加的话 你要做些什么准备呢 and explain.part3你觉得这个节目是不是受欢迎 为啥你觉得为什么中国人不愿意参加电视节目 为啥你朋友中是否有很强势 竞争性很强的朋友 你如何看待 你的竞争朋友给你带来啥影响呢.你如何看待商业竞争part 2 discuss a thing that you want to buy but have to save money for it.part 3 都是关于SAVE MONEY的问题人们该有存钱的习惯吗?小孩子呢?大概从几岁开始小孩应该学会存钱?是否孩子想买什么家长都给买?part2描述如

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