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1、港普光电房屋租赁合同意大利XYY译稿房 屋 租 赁 合 同 Lease Contract出租人(甲方):宁波港普光电科技有限公司承租人(乙方):This commercial lease contract is made and entered into by and between_Ningbo Ganpe Opetoelectronic Co.,Ltd. _ (hereinafter referred to as Lessor) and (hereinafter referred to as Lessee). 根据相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经协商一

2、致,就乙方承租甲方出租的房屋事宜,订立本合同。WHEREAS, Lessor desires to lease the Leased Premises to Lessee, and Lessee desires to rent the Leased Premises from Lessor.THEREFORE, in accordance with laws and regulations and in consideration of mutual covenants and good faith and on an equal, voluntary and fair basis, the

3、parties hereto agree as follows: 一、出租房屋位置、面积、用途:1. Location, Floor Area and Use of the Leased Premises:1、位置:甲方出租给乙方的房屋座落在宁波市鄞州区万成路277号3号楼总1幢楼房屋出租给乙方;1.1 Location: lessor makes available for lease ONE Building designated as No. 3 building located at 277, Wancheng Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo (herei

4、n referred to as Leased Premises);2、面积:该房屋共计建筑面积 1172.75 平方米;并附房屋产权复印件一份。1.2 Floor area: Leased Premises is a building with a total floor area of 1,172.75 square meters.3、乙方承租房屋后,只能用于日常办公。 1.3 Lessee shall use the Leased Premises as office space and for no other purposes. 二、交付日期和租赁期限2. Lessees Occup

5、ation of Leased Premises and Term of Lease 1、从2010年1月1日开始。 2.1 Lessees occupation of Leased Premises shall begin on January 1, 2010.2、房屋租赁期限为五年,从 2010 年 01 月 01 日至 2014 年 12 月30 日止。乙方需继续承租该房屋的,则应于租赁期满前叁个月,向甲方提出续租书面要求,经甲方同意后重新签订租赁合同,在同等条件下,乙方有优先续租权利。2.2 The term of this lease contract is five (5) yea

6、rs, commencing on January 1, 2010 and continuing in force until December 30, 2014. Where Lessee intends to renew the lease, Lessee shall give written request of renewal to lessor not less than three (3) months prior to the expiration of the said term. Upon Lessors consent, the parties hereto shall s

7、ign a renewed lease contract. Lessee will have first option of lease of Leased Premises among similar offers. 三、租金、租金计算、支付方式3. Rental, Calculation and Payment Thereof第一年,从2010年1月1日至2010年12月30日止,月租金为11元每平方(其中一个月作为装修期,不收租金),即全年租金为:141,902.75元;为乙方开具发票则加上17%税金,即需支付166,026.00元。For the first year of lease

8、 beginning on January 1, 2010 and ending on December 30, 2010, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a total amount of RMB 166,026.00 yuan including an annual rental of RMB 141,902.75 yuan calculated at the rate of RMB 11 yuan per square meter per month and with one month deducted from the term for decoration

9、of the Leased Premises, and 17% VAT.第二年,从2011年1月1日起至2011年12月30日止,月租金为12元每平方,全年租金为168,876.00元,为乙方开具发票则加上17%的税金,即需支付197,584.00元。For the second year of lease commencing on January 1, 2011 and ending on December 30, 2011, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a total amount of RMB 197,584.00 yuan, consisting of an

10、 annual rental of RMB 168,876.00 yuan calculated at the rate of RMB 12 yuan per square meter per month and 17% VAT.第三年,从2012年1月1日起至2012年12月12日止,月租金为13元每平方,全年租金为182,949.00元,为乙方开具发票则加上17%的税金,即需支付214,050.00元。For the third year of lease beginning on January 1, 2012 and ending on December 30, 2012, Lesse

11、e shall pay to Lessor a total amount of RMB 214,050.00 yuan consisting of an annual rental of RMB 182,949.00 yuan calculated at the rate of RMB 13 yuan per square meter per month and 17% VAT.第四年,从2013年1月1日起至2013年12月12日止,月租金为14元每平方,全年租金为197,022.00元,为乙方开具发票则加上17%的税金,即需支付230,515.00元。For the fourth year

12、 of lease beginning on January 1, 2013 and ending on December 30, 2013, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a total amount of RMB 230,515.00 yuan which shall be composed of an annual rental of RMB 197,022.00 yuan calculated at the rate of RMB 14 yuan per square meter per month and 17% VAT.第五年,从2014年1月1日起至201

13、4年12月12日止,月租金为15元每平方,全年租金为211,095.00元,为乙方开具发票则加上17%的税金,即需支付246,918.00元。For the fifth or the last year of lease beginning on January 1, 2014 and ending on December 30, 2014, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a total amount of RMB 246,918.00 yuan which shall be composed of an annual rental of RMB 211,095.00

14、yuan calculated at the rate of RMB 15 yuan per square meter per month and 17% VAT.支付方式:每年租金一次性支付,每年租金须提前一个月支付,第一期租金在2009年12月10日前支付,以后每期租金在每年的12月1日前支付 。Payment of rental: annual rental shall be made in lump sum payments in one months advance. Lessee shall furnish Lessor with annual rental for the nex

15、t year of lease by December 1 of each year though Lessee may pay the annual rental for the first year of lease before December 10, 2009. 四、保证金、其他费用4. Security Deposit and Other Expenses1、本合同生效之日起二日内,乙方向甲方支付人民币 伍万元履约保证金。待本合同五年租赁期满,双方结清所有应结费用后二日内甲方无息一次性退还乙方保证金。4.1 Lessee shall pay to Lessor an amount

16、of RMB 50, 000 yuan (fifty thousand Yuan) as security deposit within two (2) days from the effective date of this contract. Lessor shall return, without liability for interest, said security deposit to Lessee at the expiration of this lease term (five years) provided that all expenses payable by eac

17、h party are actually paid by that party.2、如出现提前终止本合同情况,双方按解除协议结清所有应结费用后,甲方二日内一次性无息将应退保证金退还乙方。4.2 Where this contract is terminated before the expiry date thereof, Lessor shall return, without liability for interest, said security deposit to Lessee at the expiration of this lease term (five years) pr

18、ovided that all expenses payable by each party with respect to termination of the contract are actually paid by that party.3、租赁期间水电费、门卫值班费用 、网络费、的费用由乙方承担。其中:A、用水:甲方为乙方安装水表一只,并须保证乙方的生产用水和生活用水。在供水条件正常后,乙方使用范围内的管道、阀门、浮球进水系统、水箱清理等日常维护或修理由乙方负责。但涉及管道自然损坏需要更换时,由甲方负责更换,其更换费用由乙方自理。4.3 Lessee shall pay all ch

19、arges for water, electricity, guarding services, internet services and other services used by Lessee on the Leased Premises during the term of this lease contract. In particular, it is agreed:A. Water: a water meter shall be fixed into the water supply system by Lessor and Lessor shall be responsibl

20、e for providing enough water supply to Lessee for both industrial and domestic purposes. Lessee shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of water tubes, valves, ball-cock inletting system and water tanks within the Leases Premises. However, where the water tubes are damaged due to natural wea

21、r and tear, Lessor shall, at Lessees expenses, replace damaged tubes or cause them to be replaced. 水费按甲方交付房屋时双方签字确认的水表数字为基准,总表度数和各分表度数总和之间的差额,属于合理损耗的,乙方应按实际使用度数按比例分摊。Charges for water are on a base number shown on the water meter acknowledged by both parties at the time when Lessor gives to Lessee p

22、ossession of Leased Premises. Differences in number between the main water meter and branch water meters shall be allocated between the parties in proportion to the amount of water each party uses. B、用电: 甲方为乙方安装车间电表一只 。电费按甲方交付房屋时双方签确认的电表数字为基准。电费收费标准,按供电局的收费标准执行,电费合理损耗分摊办法与水费分摊办法相同,如遇停电,乙方自备发电机(该发电机所

23、有权归乙方所有);B. Electricity: Lessor shall furnish a kilowatt-hour meter for Lessees workshops. Charges for electricity are on a base number indicated on the kilowatt-hour meter acknowledged by both parties at the time when Lessor gives to Lessee possession of Leased Premises. Electricity rate is as per

24、set by the electricity supply company and reasonable loss on electricity shall be allocated between the parties in the same manner as loss on water. In the event of power failure, Lessee may at his expense purchase and use power generators which are recognized by Lessor as Lessees property. 甲方已提供完整的

25、输电设施到总表箱。乙方可根据生产的实际需要安装接电,但如涉及变动甲方原装线路,须经甲方同意;Lessor has extended the electricity network to the prime meters case and Lessee may at his own discretion decide how to make use of electricity. But Lessee may rearrange the cables laid down by Lessor only with Lessors consent. 乙方如损坏甲方原来的电器装置,要及时修复。因乙方使用

26、电量不当,造成室外电缆或设施损坏,由乙方负责维修并承担相应费用。Lessee shall make repairs in a timey manner to electric equipment damaged due to Lessees negligence. Where a circuit overload occurs due to Lessees fault and results in damage to outdoor cables or other facilities, Lesser shall make repairs at his own expense. C、门卫值班费

27、乙方每月支付甲方500元,即全年6000元。 一年支付一次,与房租同期支付。C. Charges for guarding services are RMB 6,000 yuan per year (RMB 500 yuan per month) and shall be paid annually at the same time as the rental. D、甲方已安装网络及通讯线路,乙方每月支付甲方网络接入费500元整, 即全年6000元,一年支付一次,与房租同期支付。电话费由乙方自行承担解决。水电费、网络费、 门卫值班费的费用自2010年01月01日开始计算。D. Since in

28、ternet services and tele-cables have been furnished by Lessor, Lessee shall pay to Lessor a monthly amount of RMB 500 yuan with an annual amount of RMB 6,000 yuan for internet services. The foregoing payment shall be made by Lessee annually at the same time as the rental. Charges for telephone shall

29、 be on Lessees account. All charges for water, electricity, internet services and guarding services shall be on Lessees account from January 1, 2010. E、以上各项费用及房屋的租金均为不含税价,如乙方需开具发票,则发生的17%税金有乙方承担。E. Like rental, the aforementioned charges are without taxes. Where upon Lessees request, Lessor is to ha

30、ve the foregoing charges invoiced, Lessee shall pay 17% VAT in addition to said charges. F、有关食堂就餐、环卫卫生由乙方自行解决。F. Canteen services and sanitary issues on the Leased Premises are sole responsibility of Lessee. 五、房屋使用及维护责任5. Use and Maintenance of the Leased Premises1、乙方已清楚地知悉本合同所规定的房屋装修、面积、水电配置,荷载要求等状

31、况。5.1 Lessee has full knowledge of such matters as decoration and floor area of and details of utilities such as water and electricity on Leased Premises. 2、从交付房屋之日起,乙方根据生产需要装修房屋或者安装的设备及设施必须符合房屋设计荷载要求,乙方的装修及安装方案须经过甲方书面同意。5.2 Lessee may make decorations and rearrangements of Leased Premises and make

32、installation of facilities and equipments after Lessor gives possession to Lessee of Leased Premises providing that Lessee first obtains Lessors written consent to schemes for such decoration and/or installation. 如果乙方违反上述约定,造成房屋损坏或者主体结构损坏的,甲方有权解除合同,乙方赔偿由此造成的经济损失。Where Lessee breaches the aforementioned covenants in this Article and causes damage to Leased Premises or main structure thereof, Lessor shall be entitled to terminate the contract without prejudice to recovering damages from Lessee. 3、乙方不得转租、转借房屋。5.3 Lessee shal

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