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1、赵丽词汇5500打印版6第15课第1题8. The education provides them _ to economic progress.A. admission B. acceptance C. access D. approach progress 进步、进行pro(往前)gress(走路)aggress 攻击、侵略ag(一再)gress(走路)aggressive 攻击性的、侵略性的aggress(攻击)ive(形容词缀)congress 国会、议会、代表大会con(一起)gress(走)digress 离题di(两个)gress(走)egress 出口e(出来)gress(走)

2、ingress 入口in(里面)gress(走)access 接近admission 许可进入、承认、供认ad(一再)miss(送)ion(名词词缀)admission office 入学办公室acceptance 接受、容忍ac(一再)cept(拿)anceexcept 排除、除了ex(出去)cept(拿)receptacle 容器re(反复)cept(拿)acle(形容词缀)extract 萃取、提取ex(出来)tract(拉出来)attract 吸引at(一再)tract(拉出来)attractive 吸引人的attract(吸引)ive(形容词缀)tempt (坏的)吸引、诱惑indu

3、ce (坏的)诱惑lure 诱惑、引诱谐音:六饵(好的、坏的都行)approach (to) 靠近、接近、方法ap(一再)proach(接近)reproach 责备、非难re(回来)proach(接近)blame 删除b(不是)lame(瘸子)的错第15课第2题9. This can _ the worry between a couple that they dont understand each other.A. release B. relent C. relieve D. relaycouple 夫妇spouse 夫妇、配偶谐音:死都抱在一起consort 配偶con(一起)sort

4、(类)relieve 缓解、救济re(阿姨)lieve(理我)release 释放、免除、放弃relent 发仁慈、慈善的re(反复)lent(借)relentless 冷酷无情的relent(慈善的)less(否定)care 关心careless 粗心的care(关心)less(否定)relay 转播reserve 储备、保存、内向的、沉默寡言的re(阿姨)serve(总在工作):沉默的introvert 内向intro(向里)vert(转)convert (宗教信仰)改变con(共同)vert(转)extrovert 外向extro(向外)vert(转)vertigo 眩晕vert(转)i

5、(词素)go(走)avert 避开、转移a(离开)vert(转)tedious 令人生厌的tedium 厌烦、沉闷divert 转向、疏散di(两个方向)vert(转)endure 忍受、忍耐第15课第3题10. Many distinguished men have _ from slums. A. emanated B. appeared C. loomed D. emergedslum 贫民窟emanate 流出、飘出e(出来)man(男人)ate(吃)garlic 大蒜appear 出现disappear 消失loom 若隐若现bloom 开花blear 不清楚、模糊的b(不)lear

6、(与clear形容)merge 合并combine 合并谐音:康柏emerge 浮出水面、出现、浮现e(出来)merge(沉)submerge 沉到水里、沉进水中sub(向下)merge(沉)subject 臣民、科目、主题sub(向下)ject(扔)inject 注射in(往里)ject(扔)reject 拒绝re(往回)ject(扔)conjecture 推测、判断、猜想con(共同)ject(扔)ure第15课第4题11. The most advanced communication _ can pass information to any member state in no mo

7、re than five seconds.A. furniture B. facilities C. equipment D. ornaments (a piece of) equipment 设备(总称):不可数poetry 诗歌poemclothes 衣服 furniture 家俱fur(毛皮)niturefurnish 用家具来装饰房子、提供、供给ornament 装饰物、装修、修饰、节日的彩灯or+name+nt;orn(装饰)amentadorn 装修、装饰ad(表方向,to)orn(装饰)第15课第5题12. The evidence showed that the hanged

8、man could be _ of murder. A. ignorant B. innocent C. indecent D. tolerantinnocent 无辜的、天真的ignorant 忽视的、无知的谐音:一个闹indecent 不合适的decent 合适的falsehood 虚假nakedness 赤裸裸的事实naked(赤裸裸的)ness(名词),来自于希腊神话reticent 沉默不语的tolerant 忍受谐音:偷了忍它bruise 瘀伤谐音:不如死brute 残忍的、凶残的谐音:不如偷第15课第6题13. The outward _ may increase as anti

9、-immigrant fever spreads in the united states. A. departure B. exodus C. contagion D. adagedeparture 离开depart 离开谐音:弟弟离开它exodus 成群结队的外出、大批离开ex(出去)od(反过来:do)us(我们)contagion 传染、感染con(一起)tag(接触)ion(名词后缀)infect 传染、感染in(里)fect(做,make)effect 结果e(出来)f(词素)fect(做)adage 名言、格言第15课第7题14.They work long hours but

10、dont earn enough to ensure a _ living for themselves and their families.A. reticent B. decent C. innocent D. descentreticent 沉默寡言的re(阿姨)ti(提)cent(钱)decent (from) 合适的de(低头)cent(钱)despise 蔑视、轻视谐音:敌失败split 分开、分裂spit被l分开innocent 无辜的、天真的descent 降落、世系descend 下降descendant 后代、子孙de(下)scend(爬)antprecursor 祖先p

11、re(前)curs(跑)orjourney 旅行、探险excursionex(出去)curs(跑)ion(名词词缀)第15课第8题15. Worldwide demand for more _ technology continues to grow. A. subtle B. experienced C. sophisticated D. refinedsophisticated 复杂的、久经世故的subtle 巧妙的、黯宛的、不明显的、不显著的、细微的、精细的谐音:傻头sob 哭泣谐音:骚包在哭泣sorrow 痛苦谐音:搔肉experienced 有经验的refine 提炼、提纯re(再次

12、)fine(好)define 下定义、有限的indefinite 无限的、不确定的confine 限制affinity 亲密第15课第9题16.Mr Russel is a good teacher, but he often gives _ lectures. A. excellent B. extensive C. sound D. tedioustedious 很郁闷的、很惹人烦的、单调乏味的excellent 优秀的、很好的out-standing 最优秀、杰出的extensive 广泛的、广大的sound n.声音、adj.非常好的、健全的第15课第10题17.A _ heart b

13、eats around seventy-six times a minute. A. delicate B. normal C. formal D. peculiar normal 正常的abnormal 不正常的enormous 大量的, 相当多的, 巨大的delicate 身材苗条的, 心细的, 很美丽的, 娇弱的, 精致的, 柔弱的林黛玉同学的N个特征formal 正式的form(形式)alreform 改革conform 符合, 遵守deform 变形, 畸形transform 改变, 变化peculiar 奇怪的第15课第11题18. Mr Johnson had given no

14、_ that he was intending to resign. A. distinction B. direction C. information D. indicationresign 辞职re(再次)sign(标记)assign 分配as(一再)sign(标记)design 设计de(低头)sign(标记)signify 点上标记、表示sign(标记)ify(动词词缀)significant 重要的、有意义的significantly 大大地、意味深长地significant(重要的)ly(副词词缀)distinction 区别:特征性的差异separation 区别、分离:具体形

15、态的分别discrimination 区别、辨别、鉴别、歧视discern 分别、辨别distinguish 辨别direction 方向、趋向、趋势di(分开)rect(直的)ionrectangle 矩形rect(直的)angle(角)rectify 矫正、改正过来、调整rect(直的)ify(使,动词词缀)correct 正确co(共同)r(双写)rect(直的)erect 树立、屹立e(our, up)rect(直的)triangle 三角形tri(三)angle(角)information 信息inform(通知)ationinform 通知indication 指示第16课第1题1

16、9. Color-blind people often find it difficult to _ between blue and green. A. separate B. distinguish C. compare D. contrastdistinguish 区别, 区分distinct 清楚的,明显的distress 痛苦,悲伤,苦难,困苦dim 光线不明,模糊的,昏暗的diverse 不同的controversy 争论,议论convey 道路运输,传达differ 不同separate 分离,分开se(分开)parateseclude 隔离,孤立,隐居se(分开)clude(关

17、闭)secure 安全, 保卫安全se(分开)cure(治疗)preclude 防止,杜绝pre(在前面)clude(关闭)exclude 排除,开除,隔绝ex(出去)clude(关闭)include 包含,包括exclusive 专属的,独占的,排他的compare 相比较compare to 把比作什麽to(到)compare with 与相比较with(和)contrast 相对照,相比较contrary 相反的crystal 晶体,水晶第16课第2题20. The choir stood in four rows according to their _ heights A. resp

18、ective B. respectable C. respected D. respectfulrespective 单独的,单个的re(回头)spect(看)iverespectable 表面上受人尊敬的,体面的respect(尊敬)able:外在respectful 尊敬他人的respect(尊敬)ful(充满)conserve 保护,保存con(共同)serve(存储、保有)21. There are few areas of our lives in which tools dont play an _ part. A indispensable B independent C ind

19、istinguishable D indiscriminateindispensable 必不可少的independent 独立的indistinguishable 不可区分的indiscriminate 不辨善恶的,不辨美丑的discriminate 歧视,分辨22. He is such a(n)_ person that he gives money to whoever is in need of his help. A amiable B agreeable C generous D hospitable generous 慷慨的 amiable 和谐的 hospitable 热情好

20、客的 23. A man who doesnt like to talk about himself or to make his feelings known to others is called a _ man A reserved B conservative C tolerant D preservedreserved 保留的,内向的 conservative 保守的 tolerant 容忍的 第16课第6题24. He reads so _ that he knows almost everything about various fields of learning. A. ex

21、tensively B. intensively C. closely D. exclusivelyextensively 广泛地,广阔地intensively 仔细地,详细地,集中地,强化地,密集地closely 亲近的,紧密地disclose 发现,暴露,揭示dis(否定)close(关闭)unfold 揭示,显露,发现un(否定)fold(折叠)reveal 揭示,揭露re(back)veal(to veil)A.pollo 阿波罗,太阳神Venus 维纳斯,金星Mars 战神meander 漫游,蜿蜒而流的小河laurel 桂冠cupidity 贪婪revenue 收入,税收re(阿姨

22、)venue(与venus近形)avenue 林荫道a(一个)venue(与venue近形)laundry 洗衣店l(近形1)aun(与aunt近形)dry(晾干)war 战争与mars近形exclusively 专门地,专署地,独占地,排外地ex(出去)clus(关闭)ive(adj.)ly(adv.)第16课第7题25. The light was too _ for the boy to read the letter. A. illuminating B. implicit C. explicit D. dimdim 光线暗淡的,视线模糊的 (两个妹妹)illuminate 点亮,阐明

23、implicit 含蓄的,复杂的 =进入(im)重叠(plic)的状态complicate 使其变得复杂,弄复杂 duplicate 复制 =du 两个intricate 复杂的complex 复杂的,综合的,n.情结complexes 复合式建筑群explicit 直接的,直爽的第16课第8题26. None of us was _ when Bill ask for help. A. attainable B. approachable C. available D. applicableavailable 可获得的,可用的,可会见的 are you available ?你有空吗? 不要

24、问,are you free ? 呵呵,不然会被打.attainable 可获得的,可获取的,可达到的 retain 保存,维持,保留detain 拘留,阻拦approachable 可接近的,可到达的,可接应的,和蔼的=roach 可体会成reach,到达的意思,applicable 可适用的apply 申请approve 批准 appreciate 感激attention 注意attraction 吸引arrangement 安排appointment 约会记忆:申请apply了一个美国大学,申请获得了批准approve,于是非常感激appreciate新东方的老师(呵呵,感谢吗?) 然后

25、在旅行中,遇到了一个美女,引起了你的注意attention,在逐渐的交往中,你被她深深的吸引attraction,于是安排arrangement了一个很正规的约会appointment. 在约会 上表达了你的爱意第16课第9题27. His final remarks had a tremendous _ on audience. A. collision B. impact C. uplift D. uproarcollide (with) 碰撞、冲突bump 碰撞bump into 偶然碰上 bump car 碰碰车handicapped 残疾人 disable 使残疾以下一组词,就是介词

26、和动词连在一起的,其意思和动词+介词组成的短语意思基本相同.uplift 提高、抬高、鼓舞lift up 提起来outlet 发泄let out 放出、泄露offspring 后人、孩子、子女 spring还可以作弹簧的意思break out 爆发outbreak 爆发outlook 现状、景色、风光 hoist (举重物)举起、提升、吊起heave 举起、提升、拖动、拉动uproar 骚动、喧嚣oar 船桨soar 飞翔boar 野猪roar 叫吼、咆哮桨oar在飞翔soar猪boar在叫roar,uproar是骚动 coast 海岸线 ocean 大海,海洋roast 烧烤 boast 吹

27、嘘、吹牛 toast 干杯 在海岸线coast上烧烤roast,为吹嘘boast自己而干杯toastchip 削、芯片chips 薯条chop 砍chop rib 排骨 slippery 光滑的、狡猾的slip ones mind 忘了tremendous 极大的audience 听众、观众audible 可听的、听得见的auditor 旁听生、审计员第17课第1题28. He was a brilliant musician as a boy but he never _ his early promise. A. completed B. concluded C. fulfilled D.

28、 performed fulfill 履行, 满足,实行(你的诺言)complete 完全, 完成conclude 结论perform 表演第17课第2题29. Tom has been _ of sight for many years. A. busy B. disappointed C. ashamed D. deprived 选Ddeprive (of) 剥夺 (扑p下去的就是被剥夺了)derive (from) 获得,源自目 disappointed 失望的ashamed 羞愧的 ash 灰 ,一点灰,是羞愧的shameful 可耻的,丢脸的busy 忙碌的第17课第3题30. Th

29、e actress were dressed in _ costumes. A. elaborate B. deliberate C. delicate D. delinquent 选 A精心制作的,精致的costume 昂贵服装的总称(需要花钱的服装)accost 勾引,搭讪 (一再ac的让你花钱cost)delicate 精美的(脸,五官,书籍等),灵巧的,淡味的,精细的 (形容林妹妹的N个特征)elaborate 精耕细作的,详细的,精心制作deliberate 故意的,深思熟虑的 liberate v.解放,释放libertyn. 自由delinquent 犯罪的,做错的,失职的(谐音:地里困他)juvenile 青少年(久闻奶味,离奶味远点就是青少年)naive 天真的,天真的人 (用来形容小孩子的)ress表示女的actress 女演员fort 城堡,堡垒(男城堡)fortress 城堡(女城堡)这两种城堡只是外型不一

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