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1、初中英语九级上册Unit8知识点语法精讲牛津版九年级英语上册语课文识点讲解 Unit8 Surprise endings重点单词gift n.礼物 sign n.招牌 graduation n.毕业 present n.礼物 cent n.分 search v.搜寻 afford v.买得起 album n.相册;影集 knee n.膝盖 goods商品;货物chain n.链子 step n.脚步声bill n.账单 draw v.掏出 set n.一套 America n.美洲 comb n.梳子 accuse v.控告 wife n.妻子 note n.笔记;记录重点短语at

2、 last 终于;最终 count v.计算 fixon 集中(目光;注意力等)于 hold out 递出 (be) accused of 被控告;被指责 under the name( of ) 用名字;以假名look for 寻找;寻求 instead of 代替be tired of 对感到厌烦 pass by 过去be proud of 为而自豪 hear about 听说in return 作为回报 be good with sb. 与某人相处得好重点词汇短语及用法1. gift n. 礼物 present n. 礼物=giftThe gift came as a complete

3、surprise(to me). 这件礼物完全出乎(我的)意料。Dont look a gift horse in the mouth. 不要对礼物吹毛求疵。gift n. 天赋,天资 Lang Lang has a of music. 朗朗有音乐天赋。2. graduation n. 毕业典礼I saw little or nothing of him after graduation. 毕业后我几乎没有看见过他。graduate v. 毕业,使毕业 n. 毕业生 graduate from 从毕业They high school last year. 他们去年高中毕业。He is a gr

4、aduate of Harvard. 他是哈弗大学的毕业生。3. present n. 礼物 Lucy bought a comb for Kates birthday. 露西买了一把梳子作为凯特的生日礼物。 present n. 现在 at present = in the present 现在,目前 I have no enough material in hand . 目前我手头没有足够的资料。 present adj. 出席的 A number of local personalities were present at the meeting. 一些当地名人出席了会议。4. step

5、 n. 脚步声 Tom heard the steps of his father at last, so he rushed to open the door. 汤姆最后听到了他爸爸的脚步声,所以他冲出去打开了门。 step n. 步骤=stage step by step 循序渐进地Step One, we should make a rough sketch of the story. 第一步,我们应该为故事打个粗略的草稿。 He will be promoted . 他将被逐步提高。5. draw v. 掏出,拔出 draw- drew- drawn draw v. 拖动,拉, 画(线

6、) draw from/out of 从掏出,抽出,拔出 She open the bag and drew some pieces of paper out of it. 她打开包掏出一些纸。 Will you draw the curtain across the window? 把窗帘拉上好吗? Mary drew a house on the paper. 玛丽在纸上画了一栋房子。6. set n. 一套,一组 set v. “放, 搁”。set out set off 出发 set up 建立 设立 a set of. 基本意思:一套。set 是可数名词,有复数形式。 There l

7、ay that she had always wanted. 里面放着一套她早就想要的梳子。 7. note n. 笔记,记录 take notes 做笔记 I ve also written some notes under each photo. 我已经在每一张照片的下方写了笔记。Please take notes of the important while you read. 请边读边把重要的事情记下来。 8,afford 及物动词,意为“买得起,担负得起(的费用)”,后面接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语, 通常用在can, could, be able to 等之后。 afford s

8、th. 买得起 afford to do 负担得起做某事这个电脑太贵了。这个男孩买不起它。 Can you afford to pay such a price? 9,present 此处作可数名词,意为“礼物”。 我在九岁的生日上收到了一份特别的礼物。_present 用作名词,还可意为“现在,目前”;at present “目前,现在”。 The past, the present and the future过去、现在和未来我们现在还需要一百多个工人。_ 10,be fixed on.意为“集中于” =pay attention to focus on concentrate on 他的

9、目光集中于这盘鸡肉上。_ 拓展:fix. on. 意为“把(目光、注意力等)集中于”。 所有的学生都把目光集中在老师身上。 All the students _ _ _ _ the teacher. 11, be gone 意为“去了;离开;消失”。 The unhappy days are gone forever. _ 辨析:gone, lost与missinggone表示“失去”,包括“(东西)没了;(时间)过去了;(人)去世”等,而且语气肯定lost广义的“丢失”,有可能找回,也有可能找不回。missing强调某人或某物暂时找不着了(含最终可能找到之意) He is _. 他去世了。

10、I _ my pen. 我的钢笔丢了。 There is a page _ from this book. 这本书少了一页。 12, be born as. “天生是;生来就是”。 这个女孩生来就是一个有天赋的舞蹈家。 _ 13, be accused of .意为“被控告;被指责”。 The shop assistant was accused of cheating customers. 14, under the name (of). 意为“用名字;以假名”。 他用杰克的名字帮助了许多贫穷的人。 He has helped many poor people _ _ _ _ Jack. 1

11、5, Whats your opinion of.? 意为“你对的意见是什么?你对有什么看法?”你对这个计划有什么看法? _ in ones opinion 意为“依某人看来”。 依我看,他不会来这儿。 _ 16, hold out 意为“递出;伸出”。=take sth. out The woman in the room held out a newspaper. hold on _ hold on to _ hold up _17,aearch 搜寻 查找 search (somewhere) for sb.sth. 搜寻(某地以查找)某人某物 search sb. (for sth.)

12、 搜查某人(以寻找某物) 警察在那一带查找线索。 Police the area clues.=police clues in the area.参观者进入大楼时要接受例行的搜身检查Visitors are regularly as they enter the building18,at last=finally=in the end 最后, 最终飞机终于到了机场。The plane arrived at the airport 。at the end of 在末端/尽头by the end of 到为止 to the end 到底 始终,到最后在街道尽头你会看见一座医院。You can f

13、ind a hospital street.到今年年底我们学习上了上千个单词了。We have learnt one thousand words this year.坚持到底,你就会成功。Still ,you will be successful .课堂练习一,同义词释义1,Next Sunday is my mothers birthday .I am going to buy a gift for her. A, tool B, present C, dress2, They can afford a big house, but they like to live in this sm

14、all house A, agree with B, be able to keep C, be able to buy 3, Are you ready for coming exam? It is next Friday. A, prepared B, broken C, excited 4, Have you counted the total number of the books in your room ? A, offered B, calculated C, created 5,I hunted all over my room for my English textbook

15、,but I failed. A, searched B, crossed C, reached 6,I want to buy things in this store because the things are very cheap. A, office B, restaurant C, shop 7,My parents are proud of my progress in English. A,are pleased with B,take pride in C, are good at8,she went out of the door and down the stairs t

16、o the street. A, went outside B, got down outside C, put out 9,There are some flowers in front of the house. A.before B. in the front of C. in front10, They climbed over the mountain at last.A, in the end B, at first C, at once12,His eyes were fixed on the book.A, went on B, focused on C, put on13,H

17、e drewsome moneyfroma bank yesterday.A,came .from B,got.out C,put .out14,When I saw an old man who was very hungry, I held out some food. A, took out B, held on C, got out 15,The policeman are searching for the thief everywhere.A, giving up B, taking off C, looking for16,All of the students fixed th

18、eir attention on the important points about the test.A, paid .to B, treat .to C, tricked.into 17,There is a note for her about the things that she does everyday.A, record B, wish C, article二,根据汉语内容,完成下列句子,每空一词1, 请坐下来,节目20分钟后开始。 Please , our program will start 20 minutes later.2, 我哥哥在数学竞赛中的得了一等奖,我们为他

19、骄傲。 My elder brother got first prize in math competition and we him.3, 穿上你的大衣,外面太冷了。 Your coat, it is very cold outside.4, 他们刚刚出门去公园去了, They to have a walk in the park just now .5, 最终我们到达了山顶,看到了日出。 ,we arrived at the top of the mountain and saw the sunrise.6,你在找什么呢?我能帮忙吗? What are you ? Can I help y

20、ou ?7,你能跟我一块儿去买一个代表链的表吗? Could you with me to buy a watch with a ?8,把注意力集中在书上,不要东张西望。 your attention the book, and dont look here and there.9,不要那样看我,我没有对你说谎。 Dont me that way, I dont lie to you.三根据句意,从方框中选择正确的短语并用其适当的形式填空 Draw from a set of instead of hold out try to study for wait for take out in f

21、ront of on the stairs 1, There is a beautiful garden my school2, We ourselves ,not for our parents 3,What were you doing while I was you at the school gate at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon4, Whelped her when she is in trouble .5,Dont push each other after class, its dangerous.6,when my birthday ,my f

22、ather beautiful comb the drawer and give it to me7,I some bread when I felt the old man was very hungry.8,I dont want to my private money for using,I would like to use it to do some useful things.9, going to the park ,we climbed the mountain last week.10,my brother bought gardening tools for my gran

23、dpa.四,语法填空 Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now Beijing with her parents. Mary doesnt know Chinese. But she is trying to learn and speak it. She often (try) to speak Chinese to (she) Chinese friends, they dont understand her because she can only (speak) a little Chinese. Its Sunday morning. Ma

24、ry is going to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesnt know to get there. She stops Chinese schoolboy and (ask) him the way. The boy cant understand her. She looks (worry). Then she finds a way to show what she wants to say. She takes out a pen and some paper. She draws an elephant

25、on it and shows the picture to the boy. The boy looks at the picture and smiles, then he shows Mary the way the zoo. 9A - Unit 8 Surprise endings Grammar: 介词的用法 介词是起“中介”作用的词,当某个词不能直接连接其他词时,就需要介词来帮忙,所以它的搭配能力特别强,是英语中最活跃的词之一。介词可以放在名词、形容词、动词后面,构成不同的搭配或短语。1. 放在名词后面 例如:The village took pity on the hungry

26、travellers and gave them hot food .村民们很同情饥饿的旅行者,端出热的食物给他们吃。Congratulation on your interesting article.祝贺你写出这么有意思的文章。2. 放在形容词后面 例如:You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Youve created this problem. 你们应该感到惭愧,都是你们惹的祸。3. 放在不及物动词后面 例如:Lets put our heads together and decide on a plan of action. 让我们集思广益,决定

27、一项行动计划。 She is accused of stealing from the cash box. 她被指控从现金柜里偷钱。4. 介词后面接名词、代词(宾格形式)、动词等词。 例如:If you try to sit on two chairs,you will fall between them.For life,you must choose one chair. 如果你试图坐在两把椅子上,你就将掉在他们中间,对于生活你必须选择一把椅子。 Mr. Black is strongly against keeping animals in the zoo,because he thin

28、ks animals should also have the right to enjoy freedom. 布莱克先生强烈反对将动物养在动物园,因为他认为动物也有权利享受自由。介词搭配:1常与介词of连用的短语 1. 动词+of:die of,hear of,remind of,think of 2. be +adj.+of:be afraid/terrified of,be confident of,be proud of , be tired of 3. 常用短语:a kind/type of ,all kinds of, because of, instead of2常与介词at连用

29、的短语1. 动词+at:arrive at, knock at, look at, laugh at, shout at2. be+adj.+at: be good at, be surprised at, disappointed at, be shocked at, be mad at3. at +n.: at a time, at all, at first, at least, at last, at home, at once, at present, at times4. 与介词at连用的其他短语:at the end of, at the foot of, at the bus stop3常与介词for连用的短语:1. 动词+for:pay for,prepare for, care for, leave.for., apologize for, ask for, apply for,look for, s

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