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1、广州小学英语总复习必看小学英语总复习大纲考试范围:小学三至六年级英语一、小学的四个时态(一般过去时、一般现在时、一般将来时、现在进行时)行为动词一般现在时的变化一、一般现在时的基本概念: 当表示一个动作经常发生或习惯性发生时,或表示常见的一个状态或一个普遍的真理时,通常用一般现在时,它经常与表示频度的时间状语连用。二、一般现在时的提示词: 句子中有always、usually、often、 sometimes、 seldom、 never、 every day、 every year、 on Sunday、 in the morning、 at one oclock、 in the after

2、noon、 in the evening ,等词时,常用一般现在时。三、一般现在时的结构:一般现在时的结构分成两种情况:1、主语是复数(包括I和you两个单数),动词用原形。陈述句:I often play football in the afternoon.They often play games in the room.否定句:在主语后加dont.I dont sometimes play football in the afternoon.They dont often play games in the room.一般问句:在句前加Do(注意这个do是加上去的,不是把后面的do提前)

3、Do you sometimes play football in the afternoon? Yes, I do/No, I dont.Do they often play games in the room? Yes, they do/No, they dont.陈述句:They do gardening on Sunday. 一般问句:Do they gardening on Sunday?(注意加了do后不要把后面的do省略了。)2、主语是单数(除I 和you 两个单数),动词加-s.动词加s的方法:与名词变复数的方法相似。(a)原形动词词尾+“-s”;help(帮助)helps c

4、ome(来)comes dance(跳舞)dances(b)原形动词词尾“ch、 sh 、o 、s 、x ”+“-es”teach(教)teaches wash(洗)washes go(去)goesfix(安装)fixes watch(看)watches dodoes(c)原形动词词尾为“辅音字母+y”时,后加“-ies”,若是”元音字母+y”,只加“-s”.Study(学习)studies fly(放)flies try(尝试)tries play(游戏)plays (d)have变成has陈述句:He gets up at 6 oclock.She usually watches TV i

5、n the evening.She has breakfast at 7:00.否定句:在主语后加doesnt ,然后把动词后的s去掉。He doesnt get up at 6:00.She doesnt usually watch TV in the evening.一般问句:在句子前加does,然后把动词后的s去掉。Does he get up at 6:00? Yes, he does/No, he doesnt.Does she usually watch TV in the evening? Yes, she does/No, she doesnt.简单来说: 动词 否定句 一般问

6、句复数(主语) 原形 dont 加Do在前单数(主语) 动词+s doesnt(去s) 加Does在前(去s) (单数时否定句和一般疑问句动词中的s去掉)四、如何判断一般现在时和现在进行时:1、看提示词2、是现在进行时的,加“是动词”和动词后加ing.3、是一般现在时看主语,主语是复数的动词用原形,主语是单数的动词+s.4、有lets 、dont、 can 、will、please的句子用动词原形,to后面加的动词也用原形。现在进行时讲解与练习一现在进行时: 表示现在正在进行的动作。二结构:主语+be(am,is,are)+动词现在分词形式。三动词变现在分词:(一)直接在动词后面加-ing1.

7、do-doing 做 2.stand-standing 站 3.sleep-sleeping 睡觉 吃 5.sing-singing 唱 6.drink-drinking 喝 读 8.look-looking看 9.walk-walking散步(二)以不发音的e结尾的去e加-inge-coming 来 跳舞 3.close-closing 关4.make-making 制造 5.ride-riding 骑 6.write-writing 写7.take-taking 拿走 打电话

8、9.move-moving 移动 搬 (三)重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ing1.sit-sitting 坐 2.hoping-hopping 单脚跳 3.swim-swimming 游泳 跑 5.cut-cutting 切 6.put-putting 放 7.get-getting 得打 购物 9.skip-skipping 跳绳 10.begin- beginning 开始四句型: 现在进行时句子提示词 2.look 3.Look at the 4.Listen 5.see? 6.Itsoclock.现在进行时

9、的肯定句:(一) 陈述句(肯定句) 主语+be (am, is, are)+现在分词,如: I am reading English. 我正在读英语。 He is writing. 他正在读英语。 You are running. 你正在跑步。(二) 一般疑问句Be (Am,Is,Are)+主语+现在分词,如:1. Are you singing? 你正在唱歌吗?Yes , I am. 是的,我在唱歌。/No, Inot.不,我不在唱歌。2. Is he(she) listening to music? 他(她)在听音乐吗?Yes , he(she) is. 是的,他(她)在听音乐。No ,

10、he(she) isnt. 不,他(她)不在听音乐。(三) 否定句: 主语+be(am, is, are)+not+现在分词 He isnt watching TV.他没在看电视。I am not cooking. 我没有在做饭。We arent having English class.我们没在上英语课。 注意 is not 和 are not 可缩写为 isnt和arent.(四)特殊疑问句 疑问句+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词,如:1. Wha are you doing? 你正在干什么?I am doing my homework.我正在做作业。2.What is h

11、e(she) doing? 他(她)正在干什么? He(she) is riding a bike.他(她)正在骑自行车。 注意:1.表示状态、思想、感情和感觉的动词,如:see,hear,love,know,want,hope,like等,没有进行时态。 I am having many books. (这是错误的句子) I am having a good time. (这才是正确的句子)二、同义单词辨析、同义短语辨析Look after = take(good)care ofEnjoy oneself = have a good timeLook for = findEnjoy doin

12、g = like doingNo more = not any moreFill with = be full ofA lot of= lots of=plenty ofFinally = at lastbe from = come fromprefer to = likebetterbe good at = do well inmore than = overeach other = one anotherbe going to = willon ones way to 例:on my way home在我回家的路上、on his way to school在他去学校的路上by the wa

13、y 顺便说一下In the tree On the tree(生长在树的东西)At the table(坐在桌子旁边) On the tableIn the newspaper(报纸上印的东西)on the newspaperin the sun在太阳下go to school去上学 go to the school去学校in hospital住院 in the hospital 去医院看人或做事三、可数名词和不可数名词一)、可数名词和不可数名词的数量可数名词:cake, apple, noodles, rice noodles, chips, carrot, cabbage, tomato,

14、 potato, pepper, egg, grape, onion, mushroom, orange, dumpling, hamburger, bun, sandwich 不可数名词:流质:coke, water, porridge, tea, coffee, soup, juice, milk, ink 肉类:meat, fish, beefsteak, chicken, beef, pork, mutton, duck 其他:pasta, broccoli, toast, salad, dim-sum, bread, rice, pizza, tissue, chalk, paper

15、, news, homework, housework 既可以是可数名词也可以是不可数名词:chocolate ice-cream1、可数名词可以加复数,可以和数词直接搭配表示数量,如:two eggs three cats2、不可数名词不可以加复数表示数量,也不可以和数词直接搭配,要表示数量要借助量词。如:water是不可数名词,我们不能说two water,但可以用two bottles of water来表示数量。3、注意:用量词表示不可数名词的数量只要在量词上加复数就行了,不可数名词不能加。如:two bowls of rice 只要在bowl上加s就行了,rice是不可数名词不能加s

16、。例:不可数名词 不可数名词和量词的搭配 不可数名词和量词的搭配(复数)porridge a bowl of porridge four bowls of porridgebeefsteak a plate of beefsteak seven plates of beefsteakbroccoli a plate of broccoli nine plates of broccoli二)、可数名词也可以和量词搭配,单数时要在名词上加复数,复数时要在量词和名词上都加上复数。例:可数名词 可数名词和量词的搭配 可数名词和量词的搭配(复数)tomato a kilo of tomatoes two

17、 kilos of tomatoespotato a basket of potatoes six baskets of potatoesegg a box of eggs ten boxes of eggs三)、可数名词和不可数名词与there be的搭配。可数名词单数与there is 搭配,如:There is a bowl on the table.可数名词复数和there are 搭配,如:There are five dumplings in the bowl.不可数名词与there is 搭配,如:There is some juice in the bottle. There

18、is a lot of porridge in the bowl. 和量词搭配时看量词的单复数来决定用there is 还是there are。四、非谓语动词总结动词使用原形: 1. Will / Would you please + ( not ) + V(原).? 2.Why not +V(原).? = Why dont you + V(原) 3. had better ( not ) +V(原) 加动词不定式省to: 使役动词或感官动词后加动词不定式省to: 1. let / make / have sb. do让/使某人做 2. watch /see / hear / notice /

19、 feel sb. do . 注意:在主动语态中省to的不定式在被动语态中要加to 对比: 1. hear / see sb. do 听见 / 看见做了 hear / see sb. doing. 听见 / 看见正做 used to do 过去常常做 , 2. be / get/ become used to doing 习惯于做 be used for doing 被用于做. be used to do . 被用于做. 动词后面加不定式: 1.tell sb.(not ) to do 告诉某人(不)做 ask sb.( not ) to do叫某人(不) 做 2.want to do .=

20、would like to do 想做. 3.want sb. to do. = would like sb to do. 想要某人做. . 4.plan to do . 计划做 5. begin to do, start to do, 6. try to do. 努力/尽力做 try to learn English well 7. children love to play this game 8. call to do 打电话做 9. hope to do , hope( that) +句子 10. be sorry to do 很抱歉做 11. help (sb) (to) do 12

21、. get sb. to do. 使某人做某事 13. learn to do.学做. 14. teach sb. to do. 教某人做 15. wish sb. to do . 希望/愿某人做某事 16.cant wait to do迫不及待做. 17. seem to do 似乎要做 18. be to do 将要做 19. agree to do.同意做. 20. prefer to do rather than do.宁愿做而不做 21. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花某人多长时间做某事 22. Its + adj. + (for sb. )

22、to do . . (对于某人)做某事adj. 23. sb. finds it to do. 某人发现做某事. 24. Its better / best ( for sb.) to do 较好/最好做. 接动名词: 1. enjoy doing, enjoy oneself 2. finish doing 3. hate doing 讨厌做. 4. be good at sth. = do well in sth. be good at doing = do well in doing. 5. what / how about doing? 6. thank sb. for doing.

23、感谢某人做. 7. have fun doing 做有乐趣 8. have problems / difficult doing做有困难/问题 9. take part in doing. (积极)参加做. 10. practise doing 11. be worth doing 值得做 12. feel like doing. 想要做. 13. be interested in doing 14. by doing 通过, 以. 15. the way of doing. 做.的方法 16. keep doing 一直做 17. keep sb. doing 让某人一直做 keep on

24、doing 反复做. 18. succeed in doing 成功做某事 19. be busy doing. 20. spend .(in) doing. 花时间/钱做 21. cant help doing . 禁不住 / 情不自禁做某事 22. instead of doing. 代替做某事 23. prefer doing宁愿做而不是做;较喜欢做而不是做. 24. keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing. 阻止某人做某事 25. mind (sb. / ones)doing 介意(某人)做. 既可加不定式,又可加动名词, 但有区别:

25、 doing 表示一般情况 like to do. 喜欢/愿意做表示具体谋一次情况 2.remember to do 记得要做 remember doing. 记得做过.3.forget to do 忘记要做 forget doing. 忘记做过 4. stop to do 停下来做.(另一件事) stop doing 停止做. 5. be afraid to do 不敢做;害怕做; be afraid of sth. 害怕某物be afraid of doing 害怕做 6. go on to do 继续做另一件事go on doing. 继续做同一件事7. need to d

26、o. 需要做. need doing (某物/人) 需要被. 五、比较级与最高级有些双音节和三音节的形容词和副词在前面加more most most boringmost slowlymost horriblemost excitedmost deliciousmost interestingmost importantmost dangerousmost famousmost beautifulmost difficultmost patientmost hardworkingmost handsomemost tiredmore boring-more slowly -more horri

27、ble -more excited -more delicious -more interesting- more important-more dangerous-more famous-more beautiful-more difficult-more patient-more hardworking-more handsome-more tired-boring-slowly -horrible -excited -delicious -interesting -important -dangerous -famous -beautiful -difficult -patient -h

28、ardworking -handsome -tired - 特殊比较级和最高级good - better- best well - better-bestmany- more-most much- more-mostbad-worse-worst ill-worse-worstlittle -less -least far -farther -farthest六、代词第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称人身代词我你他她它我们你们他她它们主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem物主代词我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他/她/它们的形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs七、反义词吵闹的noisyquiet宁静的里面的insideoutside外面的富richpoor穷暖warmcool冷早earlylate晚好goodbad坏杂乱的messytrim整洁的弱weakstrong强忙busyfree闲年老oldyoung年轻易easydifficu

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