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1、牛津英语3上期末总复习题第一轮复习Unit1 复习测试一 补全下列单词,并写出中文意思。(9分)1 p_n ( ) 2 r _l_r ( ) 3 b_ _k ( )4 penc_l ( ) 5 r_bber ( ) 6 n _tebook ( )7 bookm_ _k ( ) 8 y_s ( ) 9 com_ ( )二 找出每组中不同类的单词(10分)( )1 A apple B mango C peach D plane ( ) 2 A you B it C the D she ( ) 3 A bookmark B notebook C school bag D blouse ( ) 4 A

2、 sofa B ruler C chair D bed ( ) 5 A cake B milk C juice D tea ( ) 6 A pen B pencil C rubber D panda ( ) 7 A brown B book C blue D orange ( ) 8 A car B bus C bike D notebook ( ) 9 A big B long C short D bookmark ( ) 10 A tape B bottle C fan D sweater三 选择题(10分)( )1 This bookmark is _ your brother. A f

3、or B of C at ( ) 2 -_, Miss Li. - Thank you A Happy Teachers Day B Happy Teachers Day C Happy Teachers Days ( ) 3-Whats in your pencil case? -_ A All right B Yes, I have C I have got three pencils, a rubber and a ruler ( ) 4 -Can I have _? -Sure, here you are. A a orange B an orange C orange ( ) 5 -

4、May I have a ruler? -_. A Thank you B Goodbye C Sure. Here you are.四 选择合适的答句(6分)( )1 May I come in? A Goodbye. ( ) 2 May I have a book? B All right. ( ) 3 Goodbye, Mr Green. C Come in, please. ( ) 4 This notebook is for Gao Shan. D Thank you. ( ) 5 Happy Teachers Day. E Yes. This book is for you. (

5、) 6 Whats in your book? F Ive got a bookmark.五 排序 (10分)1 A No, it isnt. B Look, its over thereC Im sorry, but wheres my storybook? D Thank youE Excuse me. Is this my storybook? _2 A Whats in your school bag? B Yes. C May I have a book? D Ive got some books. E Thank you very much. _Unit 2 测试一 选择题(7分)

6、( )1 -Whats this? -_ a bear. A Thats B This C Its ( ) 2 This is _ panda. A my B I C you ( ) 3 -I like my ball. -I like your ball, _ A two B too C to ( ) 4 In _ box, this one or that one? A where B what C which ( ) 5 -Can you see the toys? -_. A Yes, I can B No, it isnt C No, it cant. ( ) 6 -_is this

7、, Wang Bing? -Its a rabbit. A Whats B What C Who ( ) 7 Is this a lion? -_. A No, it is. B Yes, it isnt C Yes, it is.二 连线(14分)A 1 How are you? A It five. 2 Whats this? B Yes, he is. 3 Whats the time? C Fine, thank you. 4 Is he your father? D A sandwich, please. 5 Lets go to the zoo. E Yes. Come in, p

8、lease. 6 What would you like? F Its a tiger. 7 May I come in? G All right. 8 Can I have a look? H Sure. Here you are.B 1 This dog is lovely. Can I have a look? A Its a TV. 2 Can I help you? B No, it isnt. 3 This is his rubber, I think. C Sure. Here you are. 4 Whats that? D Thank you. 5 What a nice d

9、og? E Id like a tiger. 6 Is this a bear? F Yes, its a bear.三 选词填空,每词只能用一次(9 分) ( 一 ) ( nice can like may for )1 _ I have a look?2 _ I have a pencil for Nancy?3 Id _ this toy car.4 Thats a _ rabbit.5 Heres a notebook _Liu Tao.( 二 ) ( it like this look nice isnt)1 -Whats this? -_is a bird.2 -_ is his

10、bag, I think. -No, it _.3 -_at my new toy tiger. -Oh, its _.4 I _ my bear.四 排序(9 分)A Its a toy rabbit. B No, it isnt. Its a panda. C May I come in?D May I have a look at this panda? E Is that a toy rabbit, too?F Whats this? G Sure. Here you are.H Come in, please. I Thank you.unit3训练题 姓名:一 英汉互译(9分) 1

11、 三个钱包 2 杨玲的教室 3 你的扇子 4 在教室里 5一把伞 6 get up _ 7 not at all _ 8 over there _ 9 let me see_二 选择合适的应答句(15分) A( )1 Whats that over there? A Its a purse. ( ) 2 Can you see the bear? B Thank you ( ) 3 Happy Teachers Day C Not at all ( ) 4 May I come in? D Yes, I can. ( ) 5 Thank you very much E Come in, ple

12、ase.B ( ) 1 Whats that on the book? A Im in the classroom ( ) 2 Helen, is this your book? B Sure. Here you are ( ) 3 Where are you ,Su Hai? C No, it isnt. Perhaps its Toms ( ) 4 Can I have a look at your fan? D Its a pen, I think. ( ) 5 Wheres my purse? E Its on the bedC ( ) 1 Heres a new book for y

13、ou. A Me, too ( ) 2 Do you like dolls? B Not at all ( ) 3 Whats this in English? C Thank you. ( ) 4 I like books. D Yes, I do ( ) 5 Thank you E This is a book.三 选择题(19分) ( )1 _that over there? A Whats B Wheres C What ( ) 2 Id like _ umbrella. A an B / C a ( ) 3 These are _pencils. A I B my C me ( )

14、4 _? _ Its a book. A Where is it B Whats that C Is that a book ( ) 5 Here _ four books for you. A is B are C am ( ) 6 Id like _orange dress. A an B a C the ( ) 7 _my book? _Its on the desk. A Wheres B Whats C Is ( ) 8 _ a brown bike. A This is B A C This ( ) 9 I like _ tiger. A his B hes C he ( ) 10

15、 _is my Mum. A He B She C Her ( )11 Thank you. -_ A Not at all B Im sorry C Thats right D Thank you, too ( ) 12 This is _father. That is _mother. A I, you B my, your C me, your ( ) 13 _Is that_rabbit? _No,_isnt. A you, it B your, that C your, it ( ) 14 It is a nice book, can I have a_ A see B look C

16、 watch ( ) 15 _Whats that on the table? _ a cake. A Its B That C It D This ( ) 16 Look_ my new book. A at B to C in ( ) 17 Do you like_? Yes, I do. A books B a book C a book ( ) 18 _Whats this _English? _Its a tiger. A in B to C at ( ) 19 Do you like_? Yes, I do A puppet B puppets C a puppet四 用括号适当的

17、单词填空(5分) 1 _(I ) am Nancy. 2 My eyes _ big. 3 Excuse _(I ), can I have a look? 4 Is this _ ( you ) cap? No, _(I ) cap is over there. 5 _( he) father(爸爸) is a teacher.五 选词填空(10分) ( how old where in what on can eat how is over there)1 _I have a look?2 _ is her school bag? Its on her desk3_are you? Im

18、three.4 _is your name? Yangling5 _are you? Not bad6 _ it your toy tiger? Yes, it is.7 Whats that_? Its a tape8 Wheres my pen? Its _the bed.9 Get up and_a hot dog.10 Im _the classroom六 用a , an 填空(9分) 1 _apple 2 _banana 3 _orange 4_purse 5_big orange 6_a red apple 7_ umbrella 8 _elephant 9_ice cream七

19、连词成句(3分)1 do, you , what, like ( ? ) _2 green, book ,is , this, for ,you (. ) _3 whats , in, this. English (?) _unit4训练题 姓名:一 英汉互译(10分)1 用英语_ 2 这只风筝_ 3 一辆玩具小汽车_ 4 我的木偶_ 4 你的钱包_ 5 在教室_6 一把伞 _ 7 very much _8 excuse me _ 9 look at her ball_10 苏海的风筝_二 选择题(22分)( ) 1 Whats_English? -_ a puppet. A on, Its

20、B in, This C in, Its( )2 -_, whats that? -_,I dont know. A Sorry, Excuse me B Excuse me, Sorry C Excuse me, Excuse me( )3 I like _ tiger. A his B hes C he( ) 4 _is my Mum. A He B She C Her( ) 5Thank you. -_ A Not at all B Im sorry C Thats right D Thank you, too( ) 6 -May I have a puppet? -_ A Ok B G

21、oodbye C Thank you( ) 7 Helen, come here, please. -_ A All right B No, I dont C Yes, I am ( ) 8 Do _like buses? A your B you C she( ) 9 Heres a doll _you. A with B in C for( ) 10 Where _you? A is B are C am( ) 11Is that_ kite? _-Yes, its _ kite. A Mikes , her B Yang Ling, his C Mikes , his( ) 12 Thi

22、s is _ umbrella. A a B an C /( )13 _Is that_ rabbit? _No,_ isnt. A you, it B your, that C your, it( )14Do you like_? Yes, I do A puppet B puppets C a puppet( )15 _ I have a copybook _Su Yang? A May, for B Do, to C Do, for ( )16 Look_ my new book. A at B to C in( ) 17 _-Do you like toy bears? -_ A Ye

23、s, I like B Yes, you do C Yes, I d0( )18 _that over there? A Whats B Wheres C What( ) 19 Here _ four books for you. A is B are C am( ) 20 Id like _orange dress. A an B a C the( ) 21 _my book? _Its on the desk. A Wheres B Whats C Is( ) 22 _ a brown bike. A This is B A C This三 选择正确的答句(15分)A ( )1 Do yo

24、u like this storybook? A Me, too ( ) 2 Where are you, Liu Tao? B No, I dont ( ) 3 Whats that in English? C Here you are ( ) 4 I like this toy bear. D An umbrella ( ) 5 This is Nancys purse, I think. E Here. ( ) 6 Id like this toy panda. F No, its Gao Shan.B ( ) 1 Heres a new book for you. A Me, too

25、( ) 2 Do you like dolls? B Not at all ( ) 3 Whats this in English? C Thank you. ( ) 4 I like books. D Yes, I do ( ) 5 Thank you E This is a book.C ( ) 1 Whats that on the book? A Im in the classroom ( ) 2 Helen, is this your book? B Sure. Here you are ( ) 3 Where are you ,Su Hai? C No, it isnt. Perh

26、aps its Toms ( ) 4 Can I have a look at your fan? D Its a pen, I think. ( ) 5 Wheres my purse? E Its on the bed四 连词成句(3分) 1 English, what, that, is, in (?) _ 2 like, new, this, you, bike ,do (?) _ 4 your, this, toy, bus, is (?) _Unit5 测试一 英汉互译(10分) 1 进来_ 2 that nice rabbit _3 她的故事书_ 4 very much _5 你的风筝_ 5 not at all _7 不用谢_ 6 Let me see _9 一个笔袋 _ 10 an umbrella _二 用a , an 填空(

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