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1、中考英语总复习全解 Unit1Unit14九年级新目标英语目标导航Units 12重点单词 flashcard frustrating aloud memorize spider insect snake alone friendly serious funny tall pronunciation dark outgoing shy quiet straight short重点短语talk about 谈论 ask for 请求,要求ask for trouble 招惹麻烦 end up 结束;告终for example 例如 make mistakes 犯错;出错first of all

2、首先 later on 以后,后来laugh at 嘲笑 be afraid of sth害怕某事in front of 在前面 worry about sb./ sth. 为某人/某事而焦虑all the time 一直 all day 整天be interested in对感兴趣 as well as 既,又no longer 不再重点句型 1. What about? 2. have/ has+ 过去分词的完成时结构 3. tooto 4. Why dont you? 5. enjoy doing sth. 6. If it rains tomorrow, Ill stay at hom

3、e 7. You used to be short, didnt you? 8. be afraid of sth. 9. worry about sb. /sth. 10. He used to be short.交际用语 1. How do you study for a test? 2. What isnt easy about learning English? 3. What is your favourite way to learn more English? 4. I cant pronounce some of the words. 5. Its too hard to un

4、derstand the voices. 6. Dont you use remember me. 7. Did you use to play the piano? 8. Dont worry! I used to look just like you.书面表达 Unit 2. Use the information in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school. 运用本单元的内容写一写自小学以来你生活上的变化(1)写作时应注意:这是具有写真性的作文,学生有自己的亲身经历,主要写出变化正确

5、使用used to 句式(2)One possible version:How Ive changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was a child. For example, I dont like tests. Now I can do it well. I dont like maths. Now its my favorite class. I used to play

6、basketball. Now I play football. I used to go to school by bus. Now I go to school by bike.Units 34重点单词allow pierce silly drivewild serious calm chooseclothes obey achieve realisticmedical million pimple energeticconfident tie medical researchcharity present snack creativenervous relax重点短语 instead o

7、f 代替;而不是 stay up 熬夜 at present 目前,现在 get in the way 妨碍care about 担心,关心 what if 如果将会怎么样in the slightest 一点也;根本 plenty of 很多的;足够的 get alone with 与相处 let down 使失望或沮丧come up with(针对问题等)提出;想出 come out 出版;发表would ratherthan与其不如重点句型 1. can/ may/ must/ should/ could+ be +及物动词的过去分词 2. “get+名词+过去分词”结构 3. stop

8、 doing sth. 4. What about/ How about? 5. be strict with sb. / be strict in sth. 6. be good for 7. “keep+sth.+形容词”句型 8. which+不定式的用法 9. would like to 的用法 10. be serious about 11. tooto结构 12. be afraid to do sth.的用法 13. would rathe.than 14. have been doing的用法交际用语 1. Teenagers should be allowed to choo

9、se. 2. What do you think? 3. Dont go out on school nights. 4. I feel happy, so does he. 5. I cant choose which pair of jeans to buy. 6. What would you do if you had a million dollars? 7. Hes late for the party. 8. I dont know what to say or do. 9. Im too tired to do well. 10. Maybe you should get a

10、small pet.书面表达 Dear knowledgeable,My best friend Mei, has a problem. There is a really important English speech contest for our whole city next month. Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. Everyone is sure she will win. Its probably true. Mei is very clever, and can s

11、peak English really well. In fact, she always comes top in the school exams. The problem is that shes very shy. She doesnt want to let her friends down, but shes terrified of speaking in front of other people. Shes my friend, so she can tell me that shes shy. But she cant tell everyone that. I dont

12、think they would believe her. I cant think of any good advice to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to peoples problems. What do you think I should tell Mei? What do you think I should tell the rest of the students?假如你是博士,请你给费朗回个E-mail.(1)写作时应注意,这是一篇给出建议的文章,建议要合理,尽量采用不同的句式(2)One po

13、ssible version.Dear Fran. I think you should tell Mei not to be shy. She is the best person for the job and no one can replace her. You can encourage her to practice in various ways. I think youd better not tell the rest of the students, because she doesnt want more students to know this.Knowledgeab

14、leUnits 56重点单词picnic chase escape mysteryappointment wake neighbor garbagelyric gentle exhibition preferphotographer energy quiet重点短语 belong to 属于 at the picnic 在野餐 because of 因为,由于 catch a bus 赶公共汽车 remind of 使记起 no more mystery 不再神秘 use up 用完,耗尽 six-month English course 6个月的英语课程 be bad for 对有害 be

15、in agreement 意见一致 take care of 照顾,爱护 stay away from远离,与保持距离 to be honest 诚实的重点句型 1. It must be 2. It must belong to 3. Whose French book is this? 4. I preferthat 5. What kind of do (does)? 6. I love singers who write their own music. 7. What do you think of ? 8. be bad for 结构交际用语 1. It must belong t

16、o Carla. 2. Whose volleyball is this? 3. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. 4. What do you think “anxious” means? 5. Shes worried because of her test. 6. I like music that I can dance to. 7. What kink of music do you like? 8. I prefer music that has great lyrics. 9. I cant stand

17、 that new teacher. 10. Be sure to see this exhibition at the Lido Gallery. 11. Im having a great time in Hong Kong.书面表达 与你的同桌或朋友推断你周围的物品或人物(1)写作时应注意:正确使用表示推测的语句(2)One possible version: A: Whats that under the desk? B: Its a cat. It could be Li Mings. A: No. It cant be Li Mings. He doesnt like animal

18、s. B. It might be Li Taos. I think. A: It must be Wang Hais. I know he likes cats very much. B: Lets give it to him. OK? A: Lets go.Units 78重点单词 visit consider provide fixrepair similar fetch educational pleasure fetch need put重点短语 go on vacation 去度假 spend on 花费 give sb. sth.给某人某物 put off 推迟 clean u

19、p 打扫干净 call up 打电话,打电话给 be used to do sth.被用于做某事 comp up with制定,想出,找出 run out of 用尽 set up 建立 cheer up 使高兴起来 from now on 从今以后 take after 与相似 give away 分发 fix up 修理 sendto 寄给 fillwith用装满 hand out 分发重点句型 1. Where would you like to do it? 2. go on with sth./ go on doing sth. 3. hope to do sth. 4. Why n

20、ot do?/ Why dont you do? 5. one of + the +最高级+名词复数 6. Could you please? 7. Id like 8. not only but also 9. not any more 10. bothand 11. thank you for 12. be used to do sth. 13. have(has) been+过去分词交际用语 1. Where would you like to go on vacation? 2. I hope to visit Hawaii one day. 3. What not consider

21、visiting Paris? 4. Why else can you tell me? 5. Id like to work outside. 6. Not only you but also I like English. 7. I dont have any more of it. 8. They had left before I returned. 9. Both Mary and Rose are students. 10. Thank you for your help. 11. I was invited to sing a song last night.书面表达 假设你是S

22、ally,给你的笔友Gina 发一个电子邮件告诉她你的志愿工作所面临的问题和解决的办法可以参考下列短语:As a volunteer, like reading ,want to be an actress, take acting lessons, act movies to cheer up sik people, run out of money, come up with ideas for making money, put up signs, set up an after-school study project, become a professional actress.(1

23、)写作时应注意:在运用所给短语时,要注意句子的连贯,通顺,时态要正确(2)One Possible version:Dear Gina,How are you? Now I like reading, I want to be an actress. As a volunteer, I act movies to cheer up sick people at my local hospitals. I have run out of money for taking acting lessons. I come up with ideas for making money. I put up

24、 signs and set up an after-school study project to help little kids. I hope my dream can come true and I become a professional actress.Yours,SallyUnits 910重点单词 salty sweet sour crispy pleasant slipper leaf scoop abacus beverage oversleep exhausted embarrassed fool lock bell rush develop divide reply

25、 marry ending重点短语 be used for 被用来做 be invented by 由发明 by mistake 错误地 by accident 偶然,无意中 fall into 落入,陷入 by the time 到时为止 start doing sth. 开始做某事 go off (闹钟)响 come out 出来 on time 准时 give sb. a ride 给某人搭便车 break down 损坏,坏掉 get dressed 穿衣 set off 引起,激发,出发 get married 结婚 重点句型 1. I think that 2. was/ were

26、+及物动词的过去分词 3. be used for 4. be invented by 5. by the time+从句 6. start doing sth./ start to do sth. 7. be dressed in +衣服名称 8 sothat 9. asas+人+can 10. had been bought交际用语 1. I think the telephone was invented after the car. 2. When was it invented? 3. Its used for 4. What do you think is? 5. By the t

27、ime I got outside, the bus had already left. 6. Have you ever been? 7. Welles was so convincing that hundreds of 8. I woke up late this morning.书面表达 中国现在是发展中国家,随着科学的发展,中国一定会成为发达国家为了使中国的未来更加美好,我们需要努力学习,需要新的发明请以 “I want to be an inventor”为题写一篇短文,80词左右 (1)写作时应注意:这是一篇命题作文,写作时要符合命题要求,语句要流畅,尽量运用本单元所学重点单词、

28、短语和句式(2)One possible version:I want to be an inventor China is a developing country. So I want to be a famous inventor one day. I would like to try out many new ideas and make many machines. These machines are very useful. For people, they are used to do a lot of things. For example, the machines wi

29、ll be used to cat down something and put them into a big bag. They can also be used to make new machines. I know if I want to be an inventor, I must have much knowledge. So now, I must study hard, and do many things all by myself. I am sure that China will be a developed country. Tomorrow of China w

30、ill be more beautiful.Units 1112重点单词 rest shampoo department hang escalator exchange fresh advantage dress block slide clown wonder please shake bow kiss greet wipe napkin chopstick rude point manner behave elbow gradually compliment unfamiliar重点短语 1. hang out 闲荡 2. dress up 盛装打扮 3. depend on 依靠 4.

31、take it easy 别着急 5. not only but also 不但而且 interest in 对表示兴趣 7. shake hands 握手 8. drop by 访问,拜访 9. point at 指向 10. be/ get used to 习惯于 11. after all 毕竟 12. get into trouble 陷入困境 13. give up smoking 戒烟 14. make mistakes 犯错误 15. be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事重点句型 1. Do you know where I can buy shampoo? 2. C

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