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1、The Object Clause,宾语从句,教学目标,复习宾语从句的引导词、语序、时态变化等要点,掌握宾语从句的用法,能够熟练解决有关习题。,什么是宾语从句,I know the girl.,主语,谓语,宾语,简单句,I know(that)the girl is from England.,主语,谓语,宾语,复合句(句中有句),作宾语的句子叫宾语从句,宾语从句,(是一个名词),宾语是一个句子,宾语从句的概念,在复合句中作宾语的句子叫宾语从句。宾语从句一般位于及物动词或介词后。,主 句,引导词,宾 语 从 句,eg.I know that the girl is from England.,

2、主句通常很简短,例如:I think.He says/said.Do you know?Could you tell me?主句意思未完整,要加上从句意思才完整。,一、引导词二、语 序三、时 态,宾语从句三个考点,(三种),(用陈述句语序),(看主句再决定),引导陈述句意义的宾语从句,引导特殊疑问句意义的宾语从句,引导一般疑问句意义的宾语从句,一、宾语从句的引导词(三种),1.that,2.whether,if,3.wh-,how(特殊疑问词)等,不同的引导词引导不同意义的宾语从句,1.that,2.if/whether“是否”,3.wh-,how,1)I hear _.2)He said _

3、.,he will come back in an hour,he liked basketball very much,1、陈述句意义的宾语从句引导词用 that,that 在句中无词义,常省略。,他将在一小时后回来,他非常喜欢篮球,(that),(that),Eg.I think(that)_.,you are right,注意1:I think 后的宾语从句的否定前置。I think(that)+肯定句.如果I think后的宾语从句表达否定的意义,否定前置。I dont think(that)+肯定句.,我认为你是对的。,I think(that)_.(),我认为你是不对的。,you

4、arent right,F,I _think(that)_.(),我认为你是不对的。,you are right,dont,T,精练1:完成句子。1.我认为英语很容易。I think(that)_.,English is very easy,2.我认为英语不容易。I _think(that)_.,dont,English is very easy,3.我认为他不喜欢篮球。I _think(that)_.,dont,he likes basketball,2.一般疑问句意义的宾语从句引导词用if/whether“是否”,1)I asks him _.2)Could you tell me _?,

5、he has been to Beijing,the bus will arrive on time,if/whether 要译成“是否,是不是”,不能省略,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在ask,wonder,can/could you tell me 等后。,他是否去过北京,公交车是否将会按时到达,if/whether,if/whether,(他去过北京吗?),(公交车将会按时到达吗?),1)当与or not连用时I dont know whether hes free or not.Mary asked whether I was doing my homework or not.

6、2)在介词后面:We are worried about whether it will rain tomorrow.3)whether to doI am thinking whether to buy a car.(=I am thinking whether I should buy a car.),注意2:只能用whether的情况,精练2:判断对(T)还是错(F)。Let me know whether you can come or not.()2.She was worried about if she could pass the exam.()3.He asks me if

7、I have had breakfast or not.()4.I cant decide whether to go to the movie tonight.(),T,if 改为whether,T,F,F,if 改为whether,1)I dont know_.2)Do you know _?,they are doing,we will go to the zoo tomorrow,特殊疑问词作引导词,有词义,要翻译出来,不可省略。,他们在做什么,我们明天将怎样去动物园,3.特殊疑问句意义的宾语从句引导词用wh-,how,what,how,if 和 when 既能引导状语从句,又能引导宾

8、语从句。遇到它们就要认真分析一下。如:1.I dont know if it will rain tomorrow.I will go fishing if it doesnt rain tomorrow.2.I dont know when he will come back.I will tell him the news when he comes back.,注意3,if 是否,if 如果,when 何时,when 当时,宾语从句,条件状语从句,宾语从句,时间状语从句,1.陈述句意义的宾语从句引导词用 that,宾语从句的引导词,2.一般疑问句意义的宾语从句引导词用if/whether

9、“是否”,3.特殊疑问句意义的宾语从句引导词用wh-,how,选择宾语从句的引导词时,要符合句子或对话的逻辑意义。,引导词练习:填上适当的引导词。1.She says She is reading a book at 8:00 last night.She says_ she is reading a book at 8:00 last night.2.She asks Does Kangkang come from Beijing?She asks _ Kangkang comes from Beijing.3.He asks Do they like football or not?He

10、asks _ they like football or not.4.Could you tell me?Where is Huangshan?Could you tell me_ Huangshan is?,that,if,/whether,whether,where,1.I hear that he will come back in an hour.2.He said that he liked basketball very much.3.I asks him if/whether he has been to Beijing.4.Could you tell me if/whethe

11、r the bus will arrive on time?5.I dont know what they are doing.6.Do you know how we will go to the zoo tomorrow?,二、宾语从句的语序,(引导词后)用陈述句语序,主语+谓语+其它(陈述句),规律 引导词后是:,疑问句语序 are you?will you?have you?do/did you?can you?,陈述句语序 you do(V.)/did(Ved).you can.,在宾语从句中要改为,语序练习:把下列句子改为宾语从句

12、。,1.Is Jane reading a book?He asks if _ _ reading a book2.Does Jane like dancing?He asks whether _ _dancing.3.Where will Jane go for holiday?He asks where _ _ _ for holiday.,Jane,is,Jane,likes,Jane,will,go,三、宾语从句的时态(看主句)1.当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句根据实际用需要的时态.2.当主句是一般过去时,宾语从句用相应的过去某种时态.,一般现在时 改 一般过去时 is/am-was a

13、re-were V./Vs-V-ed一般将来时 改 过去将来时 will do-would do 现在进行时 改 过去进行时 is doing-was doing 现在完成时 改 过去完成时 have done-had done,例如:Tom(that)he watching TV.Tom(that)he help me.,says,likes,says,will,said,liked,said,would,3.当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现在时态。He said that the sun is much bigger than

14、the moon.He told the boy that three and four is seven.,时态练习:用括号内的动词的适当形式填空。1.I know(that)he _(join)the school football team last year.2.Tell me where he _(live).3.I hear that he _(come)tomorrow.4.He asked me what I _(do)at this time yesterday.5.The teacher told his students that light _(travel)faste

15、r than sound.,lives,will come,joined,was doing,travels,引导词,陈述句that,一般疑问句if/whether,特殊疑问句特殊疑问词,语序-,时态,主句一般过去时从句过去的相应时态,主句一般现在时从句任何时态,陈述句语序,重点回顾,一、连成宾语从句。1.Kangkang said.He goes to work by subway every day.Kangkang said _.2.Do you know?When will they have a party?Do you know _?3.I dont know.Is she doi

16、ng her homework at home now.I dont know _.4.I want to know.How long have you studied English?I want to know _.5.Could you tell me?How can I get to the Xinhua Bookstore?Could you tell me _?,that he went to work by subway every day,when they will have a party,if/weather she is doing her homework at home now,how long you have studied English,how I can get to the Xinhua Bookstore,巩固与提高,二、完成句子1.I know(that)_.(今天是星期三)2 He said(that)_.(他很想念我们)3.The teacher told us(that)_ _.(地球比太阳小)4.I want to know _ _.

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