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1、蓝宝日日练P101200答案精编版蓝宝日日练 P101一、词形变化1. confused; confusing; confusion 2. congratulation 3. connected; connection二、语法填空1. on 2. to 3. confusing; confused三、补全句子1. in conflict 2. is connected with 3. There is a connection 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 接触不良2. 1066年,诺曼人征服了英格兰,开始了在这个国家的统治。3. 接线员把她的电话转接到了警察局。4. I want to expre

2、ss my congratulations on your success.5. Im writing to you in connection with your job application.蓝宝日日练 P102一、词形变化1. unconscious; consciousness 2. consequent; consequently 3. considerable; considering; considered; considerate; consideration; considerately二、语法填空1. taking 2. Considering 三、补全句子1. are

3、conscious of 2. as a consequence / in consequence 3. All things considered四、英译汉或汉译英1. 恢复知觉2. 人天性保守,不喜欢改变。3. My father coughs frequently as a consequence of / in consequence of smoking.4. Conservation of water is of great importance.5. He considered it a great honour to be invited to the party.蓝宝日日练

4、P103一、词形变化consistently二、语法填空1. consideration 2. consisting 3. made 三、补全句子1. in consideration of 2. a constant stream of visitors / tourists 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 对她来说,每月买衣服是一大笔费用。2. 确保时态一致。3. It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late.4. A constant dropping wears away a stone.5. I

5、 would appreciate it if you could take my proposal into consideration.6. Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.7. Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.蓝宝日日练 P104一、词形变化1. construction 2. consumer; consumption 3. container二、语法填空1. was constructed 2. to live

6、 三、补全句子1. under construction 2. get / keep / stay in contact with 3. make contact with 4. am content with四、英译汉或汉译英1. 查阅参考书2. 小强尼摸着包,很想知道里面装的什么。3. 他是个当代作家。4. You should consult with your parents about your future plans.5. Looking after the children, cooking and cleaning are time-consuming.6. Please c

7、ontact me by e-mail if you are interested.7. Happy is he who is content.蓝宝日日练 P105一、词形变化continued; continuing; continuous; continuously 二、补全句子1. on the contrary 2. Contrary to 三、英译汉或汉译英1. 买书前最好先看一看目录页。2. 这个国家位于亚洲大陆。3. 金属遇冷收缩。4. 哈利对于新生活有着矛盾的心情。5. 我们在见老板之前应该草拟个合同。6. I finally came out of the contest a

8、s the first prize winner.7. The rain continued for days, so we could not go out to play.蓝宝日日练 P106一、词形变化contribution; contributor二、语法填空1. to 2. are controlled三、补全句子1. contributes to 2. made a great contribution 3. By / In contrast 4. beyond our control 5. in control of四、英译汉1. 她给这家杂志撰写了许多文章。2. 这是一本由著

9、名旅行作家撰稿的杂志。蓝宝日日练 P107一、词形变化1. controlled 2. convenient二、补全句子1. out of control 2. under control 3. had a conversation with 三、英译汉或汉译英1. 传统的2. 有争议的3. We would appreciate it if you could reply at your earliest convenience.4. If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.5. If you

10、see James, do convey my apologies to him. 蓝宝日日练 P108一、词形变化1. convinced; convincing 2. cooperation二、语法填空1. of 2. to look三、补全句子1. am convinced of 2. a copy of the newspaper 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 她的热忱从未消退。2. 妥善处理3. 蛇被逼得走投无路时会自卫。4. More importantly, you can stay cool under pressure.5. I find it hard to cooperate

11、with those who always stick to their own opinions.6. Victory is just around the corner.蓝宝日日练 P109一、词形变化1. correction; correctly 2. cost; cost; costly二、语法填空1. correcting 2. It三、英译汉或汉译英1. 良言不费钱,价值万万千。2. 你对事情的描述与她说的不相符。3. Only if you eat the correct foods will you be able to keep fit and stay healthy.4

12、. Careless driving will cost you your life.蓝宝日日练 P110一、词形变化countable; uncountable; countless二、补全句子1. at the cost of 2. had counted on三、汉译英1. Hes determined to win, whatever the cost.2. It is not how much you read but what you read that counts.蓝宝日日练 P111一、词形变化encourage; encouragement; encouraging; en

13、couraged; discourage; discouraged; discouraging 二、补全句子1. count on / upon 2. in the country 3. keep up courage 4. has the courage 5. takes a course in English 6. In the course of space exploration 三、英译汉1. 柜台 2. 两个少年 3. 主菜蓝宝日日练 P112一、词形变化covered; covering 二、语法填空1. covered 2. is covered 三、补全句子1. cover

14、painful feelings 2. To cover the cost of 四、英译汉1. 法庭 2. 走完 (一段路程)3. 他们经过一片小麦种植区,看到占地数千英亩的一片片农场。4. 报道这次会议5. 只有那些非常有魅力的人才能被选为封面女郎。6. 老工匠以他的手艺自豪。蓝宝日日练 P113一、词形变化creative; creation 二、语法填空1. a 2. of 3. creative 三、补全句子1. is driving me crazy 2. am crazy about 3. by credit card 4. To their credit 四、英译汉或汉译英1.

15、 倒闭 2. 晚缴费可能会影响你的信用 3. 学分4. All men are created equal.5. It was with faithfulness that we created a harmonious atmosphere.蓝宝日日练 P114一、词形变化critical; criticize / criticise二、补全句子1. be credited to 2. crossing the bridge 三、英译汉1. 机组人员 2. 摄制组3. 自行车 (盗窃) 犯罪很多。4. 批判性思维5. 批评 6. 农作物7. 翘起了二郎腿8. 从一大群人中间挤过去之后,我终于

16、看到了一条还在运营的地铁线路。蓝宝日日练 P115一、词形变化crowded 二、语法填空1. for 2. cultural 3. of 三、补全句子1. is crowded with 2. have crowded into 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 许多坏习惯特别难以纠正。2. 文化冲击3. It is no good crying over spilt milk.4. On hearing about her mothers death, she had a good cry.蓝宝日日练 P116一、词形变化1. curiosity; curiously 2. currently二、语

17、法填空1. for 2. asking 3. It 4. currently 5. to know 6. about 7. Curiosity三、补全句子1. draw the curtains 2. out of curiosity 3. regular customer四、英译汉1. 根据学生当前的语言技能来分班。2. 预防胜于治疗。3. 这座博物馆有很多珍奇的历史文物。4. 不同的种族有不同的文化习俗。5. 海关检查只花了我们几分钟的时间。蓝宝日日练 P117一、词形变化cut; cutting二、语法填空1. to 2. cut 三、补全句子1. cut down 2. cut dow

18、n on 3. cut in on 4. was cut off 5. Cut up四、英译汉1. 她强行超到一辆红色的车前面,迫使那位司机急刹车。2. 最终,他到达一个完全与外界隔绝的孤岛。3. 这些水经过机器循环后再使用。蓝宝日日练 P118一、词形变化1. dancer 2. dangerous; dangerously二、语法填空1. was damaged 2. to 3. a 三、补全句子1. has done great damage to 2. in danger 3. out of danger 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 我成长的城市夏天又闷热又潮湿。2. 他被责令支付3万美元

19、的损坏赔偿金。3. Life isnt about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.蓝宝日日练 P119一、词形变化darkness; darken二、语法填空dangerous 三、补全句子1. in the 100-meter dash 2. have fixed/set a date for the wedding3. will have/make a date with 4. out of date 5. most up to date四、英译汉或汉译英1. 请告诉我事情的经过,我还蒙在鼓里呢。2.

20、 他们激将汤姆去偷他父亲的一瓶威士忌。3. 他沿着站台狂奔,纵身跳上了火车。4. 硬盘用来存储数据。5. 信上不要忘了写日期。6. Let your imagination run wild, and dare to dream.7. This tradition dates back to the 15th century.8. Gather all your strength and make a dash for the finish line.蓝宝日日练 P120一、词形变化dead; deadly; death二、语法填空1. at 2. met 三、补全句子1. It dawned

21、 on me that 2. took a day off 3. day by day 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 天亮时,我们抵达了悉尼。2. 电池没电了。3. 致命的4. The deadline for applications is this Friday.蓝宝日日练 P121一、词形变化1. deafen 2. dealt; dealer二、补全句子1. turned a deaf ear to 2. dealing with 三、英译汉或汉译英1. 科学家们就克隆人是对是错进行辩论。2. It takes a great deal of practice to be really go

22、od at listening.3. She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do whatever it takes to save her life.蓝宝日日练 P122一、词形变化decision; decisive二、语法填空1. under debate 2. paid off their debts 3. in debt 4. made / took a decision 5. declared war 三、英译汉或汉译英1. 如果你没有东西要申报,就请走绿色通道。2. 去年,到这个旅游景点的人数减少了10%。3. 玛丽谢绝

23、了杰伊吃饭的邀请。4. 在过去的几十年里,科技的发展令人吃惊。5. Choosing your future career is an extremely important decision.6. There is a fierce/heated debate about/over/on the question whether the experiment should be allowed.蓝宝日日练 P123一、词形变化1. decoration 2. deeply; deepen 3. defence / defense二、语法填空1. with 2. decoration 3. b

24、y 4. deeply 三、补全句子1. deep in thought 2. deep into the night 四、英译汉1. 少说话,多做事。2. 我们队在决赛中惜败。3. 她后退几步,看上去有些吃惊,然后举起手,好像是在自卫。蓝宝日日练 P124一、词形变化1. definition 2. definitely二、语法填空1. from / against 2. was delayed 3. telling; waiting三、补全句子1. To a certain degree 2. without delay 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 法律允许人们在面对指控时为自己辩护。2. 我

25、对幸福的定义是“快乐的能力”。3. 我误删了文档。4. In most countries, a university degree can give you a flying start in life.5. Reading a book requires a degree of active attention and devotion.6. Too many orders on 11th November caused a delay in delivery.蓝宝日日练 P125一、词形变化1. delighted; delightful 2. deliberately二、语法填空1.

26、to find 2. was delivered 3.delighted 三、补全句子1. To his great delight 2. deliver a speech 四、英译汉或汉译英1. 她不是无意而是故意打破那个漂亮的花瓶。2. 这枚戒指的设计很精美。3. 眼睛是人体最娇贵的器官之一。4. 我们承诺在48小时内免费送达。5. 比萨是自取还是送货上门?6. She is a kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight in helping others.蓝宝日日练 P

27、126一、词形变化1. demanding 2. departure二、语法填空1. to see 2. to finish / finishing三、补全句子1. meet / satisfy the demands of the customers 2. depend on / upon 3. Due to popular demand 4. always be in demand 5. There is no denying that 6. On our departure四、英译汉或汉译英1. 这项工作需要细心和耐心。2. 最近他决定辞去那份高薪但要求极高的工作。3. 火车10分钟后从

28、纽约出发。4. 研究者已经证明这种生活化的体育课是多么的有效。5. 现在牙医供不应求。6. Her teachers demanded that she wear longer skirts.蓝宝日日练 P127一、词形变化1. dependence; dependent; independence; independent; independently 2. depressed; depressing; depression二、语法填空1. depressed 2. depth 3. as三、补全句子1. depending on / upon 2. depend on / upon 四、英

29、译汉1. 成功取决于你的努力和能力。2. 他的家族企业毁于20世纪30年代初期的经济大萧条。蓝宝日日练 P128一、词形变化1. description 2. designer二、语法填空1. to succeed 2. respecting / to be respected 3. to win 4. was designed 5. for三、补全句子1. beyond description 2. by design 3. deserve consideration四、英译汉或汉译英1. 意大利通过了一项法令,对遗弃宠物的人处以高额罚款和监禁。2. 她的确犯了错,但她不应该被解雇。3. I

30、 hope Ill work in a computer company as a program designer.4. Im inspired by her courage and strong desire to succeed.5. Confucius once said, “At seventy I can follow my hearts desire.”蓝宝日日练 P129一、词形变化1. desperately 2. destroyed; destruction 3. determined; determination4. detective二、语法填空1. detected 2. was destroyed 3. detailed 三、补全句子1. was desperate for 2. reach their destination detail四、英译汉或汉译英1. 兰斯绝望地趴在医生的桌子上。2. 医生们正不顾一切地奋力抢救小女孩的生命。3. 难以置信,卢卡斯先生尽管很有钱,但是却过着简朴的生活。4. The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.5. I determine t

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