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Unit 3 Amazing people1导学案译林版必修2精品.docx

1、Unit 3 Amazing people1导学案译林版必修2精品Unit 3 Amazing people(1)导学案The 1st -2nd periods New words and expressions一、课前预习: 1、请同学们提前预习好以下词汇的用法:curious, discovery, as well as, present, result, certain, pay off, compare, a great deal of , warning, qualified等词汇。二、课内合作1. Curious 词性:curious adj. 好奇的;求知欲强的; 奇特的 cur

2、iously adv. 好奇地;稀奇古怪地 curiosity n. u.好奇感,C.希奇的事;珍品短语: 对好奇的; 对做感到好奇 出于好奇心Eg: He spoke slowly, in a manner. 他以一种奇特的方式缓慢地说着。Philip looked at the people. 他好奇地看着人们。He kept asking me numerous questions about it 。出于好奇,对那件事他问了我许多问题。 These antiques are curiosities. 这些古董是希世珍品。The boy new things. 这小孩对新事物很好奇。(

3、) _ wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious about the couple was B. So curious were the couple about C. How curious to the couple were D. The couple was such curious on 2. Discovery(1) discovery n.c. 发现 Scientists in the twentieth century. 科学家们在

4、二十世纪作出了许多惊人的科学发现。She was shocked at the discovery that he was a thief. 她震惊地发现他原来是个贼。(2) vt. 发现 (发现世界上原本 的事物)区别:invent vt. 发明 (发明世界上原本 的事物)试比较: Columbus America in 1492. Alexander the telephone. (3) discoverer n. c. 发现者Madame Curie is well known as the discoverer of radium. 3. as well as (1) as well

5、as 同样;也;以及(用于连接两个并列的成分;当as well as 用来连接两个并列的主语时,句中谓语动词的形式必须与第一个主语一致。)John can speak Chinese as well as French . Lily, as well as her classmates in deep sorrow at the death of their principal. (2) as well同样;也(相当于副词too)Im going to London and my sister is coming as well/too. . 她既会骑马, 也会射击。( )E-mail, as

6、 well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. play B. have played C. are playing D. is playing 4. present(1) present adj. 出席的,在场的 ;现在的,现存的 be present at出席/ 在场 people present 在场的人们 (present指“出席的或在场的”意思作定语时,常作后置定语) 有多少人出席了那次会议?He was pleased at seeing so many people present. 他很高兴

7、地看到那么多人在场。(2) present n. 礼物 (相当于gift);birthday presents(3) present n. 现在,目前 目前 目前我们住在宝应。(4) present vt. 呈现;递交;赠送 present sth. sb. 把某物递交给某人( 也可以用present sb. with sth. 来表示)They 他们把花送给了老师。He presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他送了她一束花。( )At the meeting, all the _ agreed to make Mr. Jackson principal

8、. A. present teachers B. teachers at present C. at present teachers D. teachers present5. Result (1) result vi. 结果,导致 result in/ lead to ; result from His carelessness 她的粗心导致了那次交通事故。The traffic accident 那次交通事故是由于他的粗心引起的。(2) result n. c/ u 结果;效果 as a result ; as a result of , they saved 90% of the tr

9、ees in the forest.结果他们拯救了这森林里90%的树木。The traffic accident happened . 那事故的发生是由他的粗心引发的。( )Success results _ hard work, while laziness leads _ failure. A. from; in B. in; to C. from; to D. to; in 6. Certain (1) certain adj. 确定的, 肯定的 (近义词:sure ) be certain about/ of/ be sure about/ of 确信某事;对某事有把握 be cert

10、ain/sure to do 务必会做;一定会做 You must 你必须对这些事实很确信。He .他肯定会回来的。Youre pretty certain to be seen by someone who knows you. 你肯定会被某个熟人看到的。(2) be certain/ sure + that. 相信; make certain/ sure that 确保/确信 (that 部分是宾语从句)We are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我们肯定他会康复的。I was 我不能确信他是否会来。I stayed lo

11、ng enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty. 我在那呆得久一些以确保那房子确实是空的。(3) Its certain that 是肯定的(在此句型中不能说:Its sure that ) for certain / for sure肯定地 Its certain that he will win the election. 他肯定会赢得这次大选。I cannot say when he will arrive. 我不能肯定地说他何时能到达。7. pay off(1) 成功,带来好结果; 是值得的,没有白费

12、 All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off. 那为成为探险家训练多年所付出汗水最后终于得到了好结果。His hard work 当他得到晋升时他所有的辛劳都得到了回报。(2) pay off ones debt(s) I will pay off my debt with this check. 我将用这张支票偿还债务。8. compare (1) compare vt./vi. 比较 compare with. 与相比, 比得上 Does his latest book compare with his fir

13、st? 他最近出版的书能同他最早的书相比吗?(2) 把A 同 B 作比较 Compare 把这同那个比较一下,你就会看出哪个更好了。(3) 把A比作成B Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把世界比作一个大舞台。(4) 与相比(常用做状语) (翻译). 同许多妇女相比,她确实是很幸运的。(5) comparison n. 比较 ; 与比较起来例:I have done little this year in comparison with what I did last year. 同我去年所做的比起来,我今年真没做什么。 9. war

14、ning (1) warning n. 警告;提醒;前车之鉴 His heart attack will be a warning to him not to work so hard. 他心脏病的突发将会是对他如此卖命工作的一个警告(警告他不要如此卖命工作了)。(2) warn vt.警告 掌握并背诵以下短语:warn sb. of/about sth.警告某人某事 warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事=warn sb. against doing sth.warn sb. against sth. 警告某人提防某事 warn sb. that 警告某人He wa

15、s warned of the danger. She warned him against eating too much candy. I warned you not to buy that old car. She warned me against pickpockets. He warned us that the roads were icy.10. manage (1) manage vt.设法, 努力, 争取 The repair work is difficult but I can manage (it). 这修理工作不容易, 但我能对付下来。(2) manage to

16、do sth.=succeed in doing sth. 试比较:try to do sth.尽力做某事 (但不一定做成功) The box was heavy but he managed to carry it away. He tried to get there on time but he failed. ( )After 3 years of hard work, he _ to enter the best university in China. A. succeeded B. managed C. tried D. attempted 三、小试牛刀单词拼写1. If _ (

17、呼吸)in, these viruses can result in illness or even death. 2. Practice your spoken English and then you can _ (表达) yourself freely. 3. He was punished for _ (打扰)others when they were working. 4. The policeman showed great _(勇敢)in face of danger. 5. This article is not well _(组织). 6. It was a _(巧合)tha

18、t he was born on his mothers birthday.7. The ancient buildings in this area are well _(保护). 8. We need food and water for _ (生存). 9. She is one of the best _ (秘书) I have ever seen. 10. The doctor _(检查)the boy and found there was nothing the matter with him. 选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。as well as, right away, p

19、ay off, a great deal of, shortly after1. He passed through a difficult period _his marriage broke down. 2. He is ill. You should call in a doctor _. 3. After several years self-study, he acquired(获得) _ knowledge. 4. According to Tom, two years of business school really _. 5. Tom, _ his parents, is f

20、ond of classical music. 四:Homework 巩固复习以上所学内容。Period 3 Welcome and Reading (1)一课前预习二课内合作Presentation of the reading passage with the picture of Howard Carter Ask Ss to talk about the pictures in the textbooks.Reading strategy -Prediction Predict information in advance with the help of the title 1. W

21、hat might be the connection between the title The curse of the mummy and Howard Carter? 2. What might be dealt with in the passage? 3. Read the first paragraph and make the prediction more specific 1).Read the first paragraph and see if it agrees with their anticipation. 2).Predict what the followin

22、g paragraphs are likely to discuss with the help of the information in the first paragraph. Reading 1. Read the rest of the passage and check their anticipation. 2. Read and find the main idea of each paragraph. Match the summaries with the right paragraphs (see ppt) 1).There is a scientific reason

23、why people died after entering the tomb. 2). Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer.3). Lord Carnarvon died after Carter had opened the tomb. 4). Harward Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. 5). A short introduction of Howard Carters life story.6).The mystery of T

24、utankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained. 7). More people died after Carters discovery. 8). People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all sorts of possibilities.3. Read and divide the passageHow many parts can this passage be divided into according to the content? Whats

25、 the main idea of each part? -Four1) Brief introduction about Howard2) His most amazing discovery.3) Consequences of the discovery.4) Different explanations of the consequences.4. Reading for details about each part 1) The first partHoward Carters personalityHis schooling His discovery 2) Detailed r

26、eading about his greatest discovery Finish the following diagram (see ppt)CharactersWho was he?How did he die?When did he die?Lord CarnarvonGeorge GouldArthur MaceRichard Bethell3) What other coincidences happened? The pet bird eaten by a snake Lights in Cairo went out The dog died at the same timeF

27、ollow-up discussion 1. To be a successful explorer, personality is very important. What personality do you think you should have if you want to explore space alone like Yang Liwei? 三:小试牛刀 完成同步导学(系统集成)四:Homework 完成报纸上相关练习The 4th -5th Periods Language points一、课前预习: What topic does this letter refer to

28、?Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his coming travel in Africa according to the following clues:2. to travel down the Nile:when and where to starthow to travel and why what to wear1. to travel on camels:where to leave and how to go how and where to

29、 travelhow long to travel3. to travel to see wild animals:where to live what to drink and eatwhat to buy and whyhow to get close to wild animals二、课内合作1. so many exciting places (L7)I feel ashamed that Ive made so many mistakes.TIP:1) so many + n. (countable) so much + n. (uncountable) so few + n. (c

30、ountable) so little + n. (uncountable)such little toys (小)2. and do lots of astonishing things.(L8)用astonish的形式填空The news _everyone.Everyone was_ by/at the_ news.She was filled with _ at the sightWe were _ that she appeared at the party.3. Were going to travel on camels.(L11)Well be travelling by camel.(L14)E.g. Watch out for dangers while traveling on camels.TIP: by camel / on the camel(s) / on camelsby bike / on the bike(s) / on bikesby c

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