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1、每日一句150句 每日一句:2017考研英语第一句 GIVEN the many mistakes that human investors are prone to-sellingafter a market tumble, trading too often, believing they can beat the stockmarket- dealing with money is perhaps best left to computers.词汇突破: 1. proneto 记住这个词的搭配:proneto do sth/ prone to sth; Working without a

2、break makes you more prone to error. 连续工作不停歇使人更容易出错。 Tired drivers werefound to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs. 据调查,疲劳驾的司机特别容易忽视警示标志。 排生:proneness to depression 易消沉倾向2. a market tumble 市场暴跌;3. beat the stockmarket 跑赢股市4. trading toooften 频繁交易5. GIVEN + 名词 (考虑到) 这句话是一篇文章的开始,很多杂志习惯于用全单词

3、全大写 来开始一篇文章。主干识别:dealingwith money is perhaps best left to computers. 理财的事最好留给计算机来处理。其他成分:状语:GIVEN the many mistakes( that humaninvestors are prone to: mistakes的定语从句)Mistakes的同位语:-1.selling after a market tumble, trading too often,2.believing theycan beat the stock market-参考译文: 考虑到人类投资者会犯很多错误,比如在市场暴

4、跌以后卖出,交易过于频繁,相信自己能跑赢大盘,所以,理财的事最好还是留给计算机来处理。背景介绍:这篇文章是最新的经济学人商论中的一篇文章。讲到的就是现在市场出现了机器人理财公司,这给很多传统的理财公司带来了威胁,但是这种威胁现在也在减少。每日一句:2017考研英语第二句 he pampered and the paupers(娇惯的富人和贫困的穷人) 国外的文章中很喜欢用这种押韵的词组;尤其是经济学人,他们会认为这是一种有文化的表现,一种对语言有驾驭能力的表现;比如:boss and board; boom and doom; work and wedlock; rats and debts;

5、 这些表达很多时候都需要放在具体的语境下理解,你会觉得很贴切。比如:work and wedlock这是经济学人的Special report: The young中谈到在非洲:Young, single, idle males are dangerous.Work and wedlock can tame them.工作和婚姻能驯服那些无所事事的年轻的,危险的单身汉。再比如:rats and debts这是经济学人描写Detroit (底特律)的公立学校状况;老鼠出没,负债累累;差的也是没sei了,很形象吧。来吧今天的任务比较重一些,是一段话: The rise and rise of th

6、e self-service business raises two worries in particular. The first is for society as a whole. Consumers are being ever more clearly divided into a “cattle class”, herded into the back of cabin and offered precious little service, and a pampered “business class”, for whom no amount of fawning is too

7、 much. Not only might this intensify resentment of the haves by the have-nots; it also robs the have-nots of entry-level jobs.1. The rise and rise of the self-service business raises two worries in particular.解析:这个句子的主语是:The rise and rise: 步步崛起(动词可以用第三人称单数)(The rise and rise of the self-service busi

8、ness 自助服务的步步崛起;)in particular 尤其,特别(表示强调)(你看外国逗比们就是喜欢押韵的感觉吧)参考译文:自助服务的步步崛起尤其引起了两大忧虑。2. The first is for society as a whole.参考译文:第一个焦虑是就整个社会而言的。3.Consumers are being ever more clearly divided into a “cattle class(牲口舱)”, herded into (herd做动词,成群的赶)the back of cabin(机舱,这里是用航空业作为例子) and offered precious

9、little(非常少,precious 表示强调) service, and a pampered “business class”, for whom no amount of fawning is too much.解析:No amount of fawning is too much for them.对于商务舱的乘客,再多的奉承都不觉得多。例句: No amount of your love is too much for me. 你的爱对我而言再多也不觉得多。 No distance is too far and no amount of money is too much. 距离再

10、远也不觉得远,钱再多也不觉得多.参考译文:第一个忧虑是对整个社会的影响。顾客被分为“放牛舱”乘客,被赶到机舱后部得到的服务少的可怜;还有呵护备至的“商务舱”乘客,享受百般奉承。 Not only might this intensify resentment of the haves by the have-nots; it also robs the have-nots of entry-level jobs.解析:not only 至于句首的倒装;参考译文:这不但加剧了穷人的仇富心理。而且自助服务还剥夺了穷人所就业的初级职位。(解释:自助服务把初级的工作都做了嘛.)每日一句:2017考研英

11、语第三句 As a legal matter, the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple touched off Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California turns on an 18th century law. More practically, though, it boils down to this question: Should you be able to lock your phone so securely that even the F

12、.B.I. cannot open it?第一句:词汇突破:showdown 对峙Touch off 引发Ruling 裁决the Obama administration 奥巴马政府=federal government联邦政府主干识别:A turns on BA= the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple touched off Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California这个主语部分很长,但核心的就一个名词:the showdown,后面接了两个定语:定语

13、1:between the Obama administration and Apple定语2: touched off (Tuesday表示时间) by the ruling of a federal judge in California(touched off by 由而引发的)这个部分直接翻译的话就是: 一场由一名加州的联邦法官在周二做出的裁定所引起的奥巴马政府和苹果公司之间的对峙; 当然,我们可以切分的更细一些,语序的调整可以灵活一些: Tuesday by the ruling of a federal judge in California 周二的时候加州一名联邦法官做出了一项裁

14、定; the showdown between the Obama administration and Apple touched off这就引发了奥巴马政府和苹果公司之间的对峙。(你看这样翻译是不是更开心一点呢?当然你也是现在学不会的,慢慢来,别方。)再来看看:Turn on 这个短语其实是一个很污的短语; She is so hot! She turns me on. 她太性感了,她让我*。再来讲讲turn-on; Turn-on 作为名词:a person or thing that people find sexually exciting. (引起性欲的人或事物)(嗯,叫我何首乌吧

15、。你们都是白莲花!)言归正传,turn on 在这里的意思是:取决于,涉及到,依而定=depend on这样这个句子的主干就是:The showdown turns on an 18th century law.这里的an 18th century law指的是美国的宪法:Constitution;参考译文:周二的时候加州一名联邦法官做出了一项裁定;这就引发了奥巴马政府和苹果公司之间的对峙;这场对峙将由18世纪制定的美国宪法来决定结果。第二句: More practically, though, it boils down to this question: Should you be abl

16、e to lock your phone so securely that even the F.B.I. cannot open it?词汇突破:1.though 通常表示“虽然”的意思; 在两个逗号之间时表示 “但是”2. boil down to sth 归结于; 基本问题是;In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.说到底,问题的症结是钱,或者说是缺钱。3. F.B.I. 联邦调查局 (这里就是代表前一句中的奥巴马政府)参考译文:不过在更具体的操作层面,它可以归结为这样一个问题:你对手机的锁定和加

17、密,可以安全到连FBI也打不开吗?每日一句:2017考研英语第四句 As a public issue, the problem of environment turns on the public awareness of environmental preservation. More practically, though, it boils down to the technological innovation.作为一个公共问题,环境问题的解决取决于公众的环保意识。不过在更具体的操作层面,环境问题可以归结于技术的革新。这两个短语:turns on 和boils down to 是一个

18、递进关系;昨天文章的结尾是这样一个问题: Should you be able to lock your phone so securely that even the F.B.I. cannot open it?今天两方的答案来了: The Obama administration and police officers around the country say no, and their precedent is the past. Homes and cars do not have unbreakable locks. You cannot buy an uncrackable s

19、afe. And terrorists should not be able to buy a hand-held computer that keeps its secrets forever.奥巴马政府和全国各地的警官说不可以,他们引为依据的先例就是“过去”。房屋和汽车都没有打不开的锁。砸不开的保险柜也是买不到的。因此,不应该让恐怖分子买到可以永远保存其秘密的掌上电脑。解析:1.precedent 先例(美国是判例法,任何法律规定都是依照之前的案件判罚结果。)这里:their precedent is the past. 由强调的意味在里面。表示奥巴马政府就是按先例作为依据。2. unbr

20、eakable locksuncrackable safe用词很讲究啊! Apple, backed by technologists and civil libertarians, says yes. People live their lives electronically; their phones are a record of loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses. Apple built its recent iPhones to keep that data private and says nothing less than th

21、e future of privacy is at stake in this fight.但苹果的观点是可以,这种立场得到了科技业者和捍卫民权的自由意志论者的支持。人们过着数字化的生活,他们的手机记录了爱和幻想,疾病和遗憾。苹果制造最近的几款iPhone时,特意确保了这些数据的私密性,而且明确表示这场纠纷正是使隐私权处于风险之中。 解析:1.People live their lives electronically;人们过着electronically数字化的生活,2. loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses.(爱和幻想,疾病和遗憾)非常棒写作词

22、汇!3. keep that data private保持数据的私密性;4. nothing less than the future of privacy is at stake in this fight.Nothing less than 是个固定短语,(意思是:只有,正是 表示强调。)例句:Nothing less than a worldwide effort can curb and harness the problem of environment.只有全球的努力才能解决环境问题。His negligence was nothing less than criminal.他的粗

23、心大意无异於犯罪。Nothing less than the future of Africa is at stake.每日一句:2017考研英语第五句 Why Do We Teach Girls That Its Cute to Be Scared?凭什么女孩就该远离危险?勇气并非男生专利 One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychol

24、ogy and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own.词汇突

25、破:coincidentally 碰巧Revealing 发人深省Fire pole 游乐场滑杆Direct 要求Caution 担心解析:The study is particularly revealing.这项研究发人深省。with instruction on how to complete the task on their own. 最后的介词短语在翻译的时候可以翻译为一个句子:指导他们如何独立完成任务。参考译文:一项恰巧关注游乐场滑杆的研究,尤其发人深省。这篇发表在应用发展心理学杂志(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)

26、上的文章显示,比起对儿子,父母更加担心女儿玩滑杆会遇到危险,而且更倾向于帮助她们。但父母都要求儿子直面恐惧,指导他们如何靠自己完成这项挑战。还有昨天的最后一个句子:Nothing less than the future of Africa is at stake.我都说了nothing less than 是个固定搭配了,表示强调,翻译为:正是!正是非洲的未来处于危险之中。(正是非洲的未来令人担忧。)每日一句:2017考研英语第六句 语言学习最重要的是语境,不能只知道一个单词是什么意思,要看这个单词在语境中的意思。你看昨天的标题就把很多同学给难住了: Why Do We Teach Girl

27、s That Its Cute to Be Scared?首先:to be scared 是个名词性结构(不定式短语)是that从句的主语;同样的结构:Its shameful to be selfishness. 自私是可耻的事情。 to be scared 直译确实不好翻译;在这里可以反译为:不勇敢;也可以翻译为:娇滴滴;参考译文:为什么我们教育女孩子,不勇敢是一件可爱的事情。(不勇敢的娇滴滴的女孩才可爱)(为什么我要教育女孩子做个萌妹子才可爱,而不是要做一个女汉子!)cute的意思就是“可爱!” 之前我通常是找一个很难的句子然后给大家分析结构,但是最近两年的真题其实并没有出现太多非常难得

28、句子,反而是“单词的语境含义”,“文章的背景知识”成为了同学做阅读的两大杀手,所以从今年开始我会着重给大家加强这方面的学习;当然你也要放心,那些可以虐的你们满地找牙的句子都已经给你们备好了,在合适的时候我会放出来的。现在已经到了4G时代了,但是很多通讯公司和运营商们已经开始着手5G的那些事了。英国萨里大学的实验表明5G状态下: Students download entire movies to smartphones or tablets in less than five seconds. 秒下的时代预计在2018年到来。(不过就是快了一点,而已也没什么稀奇)所以人们还是想知道5G的时代到

29、底是什么样子的? Despite companies efforts to outspend each other, that question remains unanswered. 尽管各公司的投资力度一个更胜一个,但这个问题依然没有答案。 重点是很多人提出了质疑,有必要研发5G吗? Some analysts question why carriers are focusing on the next generation of wireless technology when many parts of the world, particularly in emerging marke

30、ts, still suffer from achingly slow mobile Internet access. And industry experts say mobile Internet speeds in much of the developed world, especially in places like South Korea, where connections are often comparable to traditional broadband, already meet peoples needs.词汇突破: carrier 运营商 emerging ma

31、rkets 新兴市场 achingly 痛苦地 industry 这个单词不只是工业的意思,而是“行业”“产业” broadband 宽带参考译文:一些分析人士质疑,为什么在世界上很多地方,特别是在新兴市场的移动互联网接入还极其缓慢时,运营商却把焦点放在了下一代无线技术上。行业专家称,在很多发达国家,特别是在连接速度通常堪比传统宽带的韩国等地,移动互联网速度已经能满足人们的需求了。解析:很多同学看到译文以后也不一定能明白这在说什么。其实很简单:穷的地方连3G都还用不了。发展好的地方4G就已经够用了?发展5G有毛用啊!那为什么要发展5G呢? “A lot of this is about car

32、riers and equipment makers looking for new ways to make money,” said Thomas Husson, an analyst at Forrester Research in Paris. “Consumers shouldnt expect great things until after 2020.”词汇突破:until after :直到之后注意这里有个小的语言点:“I love you,” said dad.”我爱你,”爸爸说道。=Dad said I love you.以后这种结构会常常见到,只是表示谁在说就好了。“这在很大程度上是因为运营商和设备生产

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