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Unit1Unit One A Brush with the Law教案.docx

1、Unit1Unit One A Brush with the Law教案Unit One A Brush with the LawTeaching Aims:1)Grasp the main idea of the text, andbeabletoanswertherelatedquestions2)Developthestudentsabilityoflisteningandspeaking3)CultivateproperhabitsinreadingandwritingTeaching Content:1) New Words 2) Phrases & Expressions: -It

2、 turns out that /Given3) GrammarTeaching Procedures:. Discussing the text itself.1. Information Related to the Text: 1) Magistrates and magistrates court2) Lawyer, solicitor and barrister3) Middle class4) CountercultureII. Warm-up activities Do excise four on page 7 so that all students have a gener

3、al understanding of the story.III.Introduction of the text IV. Language PointsV. General understanding of the text.VI.Exercises outside class-Previewing this unit Doing excises in our textbooks.Reviewing the next unitBackground Information1. Magistrates and the magistrates court In England, a magist

4、rate is a person appointed to try minor offences. He is either an unpaid layman or, in London and some other large cities, a paid judicial officer. In England, every district has a magistrates court. It is the lowest court of law. The magistrates court can only try people for minor, i.e. not very se

5、rious, offences.2. The Sixties “Youth Counterculture” The word “counterculture” was coined in the 1960s for the attitudes and life styles of many young people who rejected conventional social values and demanded more personal freedom. The counterculture first arose in the U.S. during the 1960s and s

6、oon spread to Britain, France and other western countries. These young people were opposed to the Vietnam War and dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs in their society. Yet, unable to find a more constructive way of struggling against these, they indulged themselves in sex, drugs, alcohol

7、 and rock music and took great pride in wearing long hair and unusual clothes and in taking up anything that was unconventional. The counterculture declined in the late 1970s.1). The concept of “counterculture”: -the attitudes and life styles of many young people who rejected conventional social val

8、ues and demanded more personal freedom2). Countries: - U.S., Britain, France, other western countries3). Time: - from the 1960s to the late 1970s3. Hippy / Hippie Hippie, member of a youth movement of the late 1960s, was characterized by nonviolent anarchy, concern for the environment, and rejection

9、 of Western materialism. The hippie movement started in the United States and then spread to Canada, the United Kingdom, and many other countries. The hippies formed a politically outspoken, antiwar, artistically prolific counterculture in North America and Europe. The hippies were usually dressed i

10、n unusual clothes and lived in group together and took drugs.1). Time: - the late 1960s2). Countries: - U.S., Canada, U.K., some other countries3). Behavior: - nonviolent anarchy concern for the environmentrejection of Western materialismbeing dressed in unusual clothes; living in group together; ta

11、king drugs4. Middle Class 1) In Britain: It refers to the class of people between the nobility and the working class. It includes professional men (such as doctors, lawyers and architects), bankers, owners of business and small gentry.2) In the United States: It refers to the class of people between

12、 the very wealthy class and the class of unskilled laborers and unemployed people. It includes businessmen, professional people, office workers, and many skilled workers.5. Lawyer Solicitor Barrister Lawyer: the general term for anyone whose work is to advise his clients about the law and represent

13、them in court. Solicitor(初级律师): a lawyer who gives advice, appears in lower courts, and prepares cases for a barrister to argue in a higher courtBarrister(出庭律师): a lawyer who has the right of speaking and arguing in the higher courts of lawIntroductory Remarks We all know that the chief purposes of

14、law are to maintain peace and order, to protect the rights of citizens, to secure justice and to punish wrong-doers (those who break the law). Good laws are those that are considered to serve the cause of justice for the society to which they apply. But even good laws may be unjustly applied or may

15、be unjust in certain situations. In the story were going to study today, the author tells us about what happened to him more than a decade ago. It was really a very unpleasant experience, yet it provides us with much food for thought. Words or Phrases Related to the Topic(The topic of this text is “

16、law”. Now please put the following words or phrases into English.)1. 律师 a lawyer 2. 法官 a law-officer 3. 立法者 a lawmaker4. 执法官 a lawman 5. 犯法者 a law breaker 6. 原告 an accuser/ a plaintiff7. 被告 a defendant 8. 罪犯 an offender 9. 法庭 a law court10. 案件 a law case 11.律师事务所 a law office 12. 办案 handle a case13.

17、 贿赂bribery 14.指控 accusation 15. 打官司initiate legal proceeding16. 控告某人 have/ take the law against 17.遵纪守法 abide by the law18. 犯法 break the law 19.驳回上诉 reject an appeal20. 免于起诉 release from charge 21.释放某人 set sb. free/ release sb. from prisonStructure of the textPart 1 (1) - The narrator has once been

18、in trouble with the law, which was a rather unpleasant experience. Questions and Answers1. What function does the first sentence in this part serve?- It serves as a topic sentence of the whole passage. All the other sentences in the whole passage are written around this topic.2. Which word in the la

19、st sentence of this part indicates the authors attitude towards his unpleasant experience? And what is his attitude?- The word is “arbitrary”. It tells the readers that what the police did in the incident was based on their own opinions rather than on evidence.Part 2 (2-20)- The narrator was arbitra

20、rily arrested and released.Table CompletionTimein February 12 years ago, between the time after the narrators graduation from middle school and before the narrators entering the universityPlaceRichmond, a suburb of LondonMain characterthe narrator and the two policemenHappeningthe narrators arbitrar

21、y arrest and releaseSentence Completion1. In the narrators opinion, his obvious aimlessness caused his arrest.2. In the eyes of the police, the narrator is a kind of person who was quite experienced or mature on such an occasion.3. When the police were told the narrator was looking for a job, they t

22、hought the narrator was unemployed and was walking in the street with intent to steal.4. His fathers attitude towards the case is serious and he hired a very good solicitor and found all kinds of witnesses.5. The phrase “the things” (in Sentence 2, Paragraph 20) refer to right accent, middle-class f

23、amily, reliable witnesses and the ability to afford a good solicitor. Part3 (21-22)- The narrator believes that of he had come from a different background, he would have been found guilty.Questions and Answers1. What did the policemen complain to narrators mother?- The narrator didnt argue with the

24、policemen when they arrested him.2. Why did the narrator use several sentences in subjunctive mood in this part?- The narrator used them to show: the weak points of the society; the arbitrary use of law; the snobbishness of some people.New Words & Vocabulary1. brush (n.) (1)刷子,毛刷,画笔,毛笔a clothes-brus

25、h 衣刷 a toothbrush牙刷 a hairbrush发刷 scrubbing brush 地板刷paintbrushes 漆刷/画笔 brush/ broom 扫帚/长柄刷(2)an act of brushing刷,擦,拂拭Ill give my coat/ hair a quick brush.(3)a brief fight or encounter 小冲突,小争吵I had a brush with the law. (= with the police) have a brush with the police/ the enemyOur football players

26、had a brush with the referee in the last game.在上场比赛中我们的足球队员与裁判发生了一场冲突。(v.) to brush ones coat/ the floor/ ones teeth to brush someone/ oneself down 用刷子把某人(自己)身上的灰尘刷掉brush sb /sth aside 不理会,不顾,漠视 He brush aside my fears. 他置我的恐惧于不顾。 to brush difficulties/ opposition/ objections aside 漠视困难,不顾反对,力排异议bru

27、sh against/by/past sb/sth 与。擦肩而过 She brushed past him. 她与他擦肩而过。brush sb. off 冷淡地拒绝(某人),把打发走,摒弃brush-off (n.)拒绝,碰钉子 I wanted to speak to her, but she gave me the brush-off. 但她让我碰了一鼻子灰。brush sth. up 温习,重新学习 I must brush up (on) my French before I go to Paris.2. arbitrary: adj. - decided by or based on

28、 personal opinion only rather than on reason 任意的,武断的 The arbitrary decisions of the management caused anger among the workers.His arbitrary decision resulted in the failure of the project. 他草率的决定导致了项目的失败。I knew little about medical books so my choice was quite arbitrary boss/ruler独断专行的老

29、板arbitrary decision武断的决定arbitrary punishment/arrest肆意的惩罚arbitrarily (adv.) arbitrariness (n.)arbitrate (v.) 仲裁,公断Theyve appointed a committee to arbitrate the dispute.arbitration (n.) The men agreed to go to arbitration to settle their pay claim.3. circumstances: n. facts; conditions connected with

30、an event or a person Good weather and other favorable circumstances made our picnic a success.Under these circumstances I have to do it.In no circumstances can a soldier leave his post. 在任何情况下,战士都不能离开自己的岗位。exceptional / special circumstances特殊情况 favorable circumstances有利条件 tragic circumstances悲惨境况un

31、der / in the circumstances在这种情况下, 既然如此 under / in no circumstances在任何情况下都不4. subsequent: adj. later; coming after, following Subsequent research has produced even better results.Subsequent events proved me wrong. 后来发生的事证明我错了。subsequent 常与 to 连用,意为:“ 在之后”。In the week subsequent to her marriage, she didnt go to work. 她婚后一周没去上班。The events Im speaking of were subsequent to (=after) the war.5. fate (n.)(1)命运,天命Bob believes that everything that happened that day had been decided by fate.The companys fate is still uncertain.No one knows what the fate of the hostage(人质) will be.(2)

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