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罗宾斯 组织行为学精要英文版第14版教师手册08.docx

1、罗宾斯 组织行为学精要英文版第14版教师手册08Chapter 8Motivation: From Concepts to ApplicationsPPT 8.2Chapter Overview This chapter builds on the last chapter and focuses on applying motivational concepts in the workplace. Chapter ObjectivesPPT 8.3After studying this chapter, the student should be able to:1.Describe how

2、 the job characteristics model (JCM) motivates by changing the work environment.2.Compare the main ways that jobs can be redesigned.3.Explain how specific alternative work arrangements can motivate employees.4.Describe how employee involvement measures can motivate employees.5.Demonstrate how the di

3、fferent types of variable-pay programs can increase employee motivation.6.Show how flexible benefits turn benefits into motivators.7.Identify the intrinsic motivational benefits of employee recognition programs.Suggested Lecture OutlineI.INTRODUCTIONSimply knowing about motivational theories is not

4、enough to make managers effective. Managers must be able to apply these theories in the workplace to increase worker motivation. This chapter will review the job characteristics model, discuss some ways jobs can be redesigned, and then explore some alternative work arrangements.II.MOTIVATING BY JOB

5、DESIGN: THE JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODELA.PPT 8.4Job design suggests that the way elements in a job are organized can influence employee effort, and the model discussed next can serve as a framework to identify opportunities for changes to those elements. 1.Designed by Hackman and Oldham, the job chara

6、cteristics model (JCM) proposes that any job can be described in terms of five core job dimensions:a.Skill Variety: described as the degree to which the job requires a variety of different activities, so the worker can use a number of different skills and talents.b.Task Identity: this is the degree

7、to which the job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work.c.Task Significance: the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people.d.Autonomy: the degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the indi

8、vidual in scheduling the work and determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out. Jobs that possess autonomy give employees a feeling of personal responsibility for the results.e.Feedback: the degree to which carrying out the work activities required by the job results in the individual ob

9、taining direct and clear information about the effectiveness of his or her performance. Jobs that provide feedback lets employees know how effectively they are performing. 2.Elements of the JCM. a.Exhibit 8-1 presents the job characteristics model. b.The first three dimensionsskill variety, task ide

10、ntity, and task significancecombine to create meaningful work the incumbent will view as important, valuable, and worthwhile. c.Jobs with high autonomy give incumbents a feeling of personal responsibility for the results and that, if a job provides feedback, employees will know how effectively they

11、are performing. d.PPT 8.6From a motivational standpoint, the JCM proposes that individuals obtain internal rewards when they learn (knowledge of results) that they personally (experienced responsibility) have performed well on a task they care about (experienced meaningfulness).1)The more these thre

12、e psychological states are present, the greater will be employees motivation, performance, and satisfaction, and the lower their absenteeism and likelihood of leaving.e.As Exhibit 8-1 shows, individuals with a high growth need are more likely to experience the critical psychological states when thei

13、r jobs are enrichedand respond to them more positively.3.Efficacy of the JCM.a.Much evidence supports the JCM concept that the presence of a set of job characteristicsvariety, identity, significance, autonomy, and feedbackdoes generate higher and more satisfying job performance.4.Motivating Potentia

14、l Score (MPS).a.We can combine the core dimensions of the JCM into a single predictive index, called the motivating potential score (MPS) and calculated as follows:b.MPS = Skill variety + Task identity + Task significance/ 3 * Autonomy * Feedback5.Cultural Generalizability of the JCM.a.A few studies

15、 have tested the JCM in different cultures, but the results are not consistent. The fact that the JCM is relatively individualistic suggests job enrichment strategies may not have the same effects in collectivistic cultures as in individualistic cultures. B.PPT 8.7USING JOB DESIGN TO MOTIVATE EMPLOY

16、EES 1.Redesigning jobs has important practical implicationsreduced turnover and increased job satisfaction among them. Lets look at some ways to put the JCM into practice to make jobs more motivating.2.Job Rotation. a.Helpful when employees suffer from excessively routine work. Job rotation is the p

17、eriodic shifting of an employee from one task to another. 1)The strengths of job rotation are:a)it reduces boredom, b)it increases motivation through diversifying the employees activities, and c)it helps employees understand how their work contributes to the organization.d)International evidence fro

18、m Britain, Italy, and Turkey shows that job rotation is associated with higher levels of organizational performance in manufacturing settings. 3.The drawbacks of job rotation: that is done repeatedly may become habitual and routine, which does make decision making more automatic and efficient

19、, but less thoughtfully considered. costs increase when each rotation necessitates that an employee learn new skills. c.moving a worker into a new position reduces overall productivity for that role. creates disruptions when members of the work group have to adjust to new employees.

20、e.supervisors may have to spend more time answering questions and monitoring the work of recently rotated employees.4.Relational Job Design.a.While redesigning jobs on the basis of jobs characteristics theory is likely to make work more intrinsically motivating, contemporary research is focusing on

21、how to make jobs more prosocially motivating to people.1)PPT 8.8In other words, how can managers design work so employees are motivated to promote the well-being of the organizations beneficiaries (customers, clients, patients, and employees)?2)This view, relational job design, shifts the spotlight

22、from the employee to those whose lives are affected by the job that employee performs. b.One way to make jobs mores prosocially motivating is to better connect employees with the beneficiaries of their work by relating stories from customers who have found the companys products or services to be hel

23、pful.1)In some cases, managers may be able to connect employees directly with beneficiaries. 5.Using Alternative Work Arrangements to Motivate Employees. a.PPT 8.9Another means of increasing motivation in the workplace is to alter the typical work arrangements. There are three major ways to accompli

24、sh this.b.Flextime. 1)Flextime refers to the use of flexible work time. 2)Flextime allows employees some discretion over when they arrive at work and when they can leave. 3)Employees have to work a specific number of hours per week, but they are free to vary the hours of work within certain limits.4

25、)Flextime has become popular outside the United States in countries such as Germany where 73 percent of businesses offer flextime, and Japan. c.Core Period. 1)Typically, all workers must be in the office during a core period. 2)This core period may be as long as six hours, with the remaining two wor

26、k hours scheduled at the employees convenience.d.Benefits. They include:1) reduced absenteeism, 2)increased productivity, 3)reduced overtime expenses, 4)reduced hostility toward management, 5)reduced traffic congestion around work sites, elimination of tardiness, and 6)increased autonomy and respons

27、ibility for employees, any of which may increase employee job satisfaction.e.Research Results. 1)Most evidence seems to back up the listed benefits of flextime. 2)The use of this technique is not applicable to every job. a)It does work well for clerical tasks, where interaction with outside individu

28、als is limited, but b)It is inappropriate for jobs with comprehensive service demands during predetermined hours.6.Job Sharing. a.This scheduling innovation allows two or more individuals to split a single traditional 40-hour-a-week job among them. b.Only 18 percent of U.S. organizations offered job

29、 sharing in 2014, a 29 percent decrease since 2008. c.Reasons it is not more widely adopted include the difficulty of finding compatible pairs of employees to job share and the historically negative perceptions of individuals not completely committed to their jobs and employers. d.However, decreasin

30、g job sharing for these reasons may be short sighted. 1)Job sharing allows an organization to draw on the talents of more than one individual for a given job. It opens the opportunity to acquire skilled workers for instance, women with young children and retirees who might not be available on a full

31、-time basis. 2)From the employees perspective, job sharing can increase satisfaction and motivation.e.An employers decision to use job sharing is sometimes based on economics and national policy. 1)Two part-time employees sharing a job can be less expensive than one full-time employee, but experts s

32、uggest this is not the case because training, coordination, and administrative costs can be high. 2)In the United States, the national Affordable Care Act may create an incentive for companies to increase job sharing arrangements in order to avoid the fees employers must pay the government for full-time employees. 3)Many German and Japanese firms have been using job sharing but for a different reason. Germanys Kurzarbeit program has kept employment levels from

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