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1、上海交通大学MBA英文面试讲义交通大学MBA英语面试讲义 Samue l&David1.基础英语学习与语感锻炼当我们想表达一段话的时候,我们对其中的一些词汇的英文翻译还是知道的, 但是我们可能对于如何快速地把他们 组合起来,并且流利的表达岀来,可能有点迟疑,所以,我们首先做几个小练习,拾起我们久违的语感吧。1) 过去的5年之内,香奈儿在中国市场一直就在盈利。the past 5 yearsChan elChina m arketalwaysm ake p rofit2) 管理者的主要任务就是领导团队实现既定的目标m anagerm ain tasklead a teamachieveset t

2、a rg ets3) 目前,提高我们市场份额最有效的方法之一,就是开辟新的市场。nowim proveour market sharem ost effectivewayo ne of th eexp lorenew markets4) 近几年来上海经济的快速发展,主要是归因于大量的外资的进入these yearsShanghai Js econ om yrapid growthm ostly due toforeig n investm entvast inflow5) 公司的成功不仅仅取决于我们的战略有多好,而在于我们是否执行它和实现它com panysuccessnotdepend on

3、our strategyg reatbutex ecut eFulfill2. 如何迅速的组织语言和表达观点我建议前期可以使用速记的方法,把自己观点和想法的关键词记下来,然后再根据这几个关键词进行扩展和延伸。我们在使用中文聊天的时候,也是如此的,我们表达观点,都是首先朦胧有个观点的核心词,然后再滔滔不绝的表述岀来。我们中文能够这么做是因为这是我们娴熟的母语,比如说别人问我: 你昨天去哪里了? ”,我如果去了人民广场,那么人民广场就是我大脑中闪现出来的核心词,然后我说 我昨天人民广场瞎逛了,啥也没买,不过好多人啊,美女都杂堆了 ”。我们在英语方面可能还没这么娴熟,慢慢来,先把最核心的东西用最简单

4、的方式表达岀来。How to achieve more profits关键词:交易额 T成本JTo achieve higher profits, we need to improve our sales revenue while reduce our cost.如果是母语国家的人, 可能延伸的更加丰富: How to achieve higher profits I guess it depends, like, first wehave to make sure our sales revenue is getting high , which means more customers

5、are buyingour products, and at the same time, we also have to come up with ideas to reduce our cost , whichwill likely to further enlarge our profit margin Why English is important for MBA关键词:MBA英文教学 V 就职VIt s because, first of all, we need English to better learn our MBA classes, secondly, English

6、will beimportant for us to get a better job in the future.让我们一起来做练习:1)How did you spend your Spring FestivalSpring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people, there are many activities which cando, firstly, I will visit relative and have dinner with them, and secondly I will watch th

7、e spring festival gala evening on CCTV . 关键词: 团聚 会友 TV 提示:团聚 family reunion2)What is the difference between a manager and a leader关键词: 领导者:战略! 管理者:执行!提示:a,制定战略: make a strategy b,执行: executionIthink the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager will make a strategy, and the leade

8、r will do the execution.3)What qualifications is a manager supposed to have自信心V情商EQV 分析能力和专业知识 V任务分工和时间管理 VI believe the confidence is most important to a manager , meanwhile, EQ, analytical skill, domainknowledge, time management skill and task distribution are also pay a very important role.4)Why

9、did Wall-Mart fail to grow big in China关键词:x CN消费习惯 卫星管理 xin CN提示: a,shopping habits b, satellites-based global management system5)What shall we do to promote the development in western regions关键词:人才t西 T基建 优惠政策V提示: a,encourage talents b,infrastructure c, preferential policies6)Why don you want to ap

10、ply for a MBA degree关键词:f管理知识 转行V提示: a, management knowledge b,change career3.表达过程中的几个原则1)顺译的原则 大脑中不管想到什么,不要太在意整个句子的顺序安排,只要大体还遵循语法的规则,就按照我们的思路顺着表达 出来,既可以节约时间,也可以减少停顿。现在上海的汽车越来越多, 说明人们的收入水平也越来越高。 但是过多的车辆造成了严重的交通堵塞, 我想政府应 该管管这个事情了。Now Shanghai s cars are getting more and more, it means that people s i

11、ncome is becoming higherand higher . But too many cars caused serious traffic jams. I think the government should do something about it.With people s income continuously increasing, the number of cars in shanghai has witnessed rapids tingrowth these years. Yet, the excessive growth of cars has led t

12、o serious traffic jams, and itthe government据我所知,宝洁有100多个市场研究人员,专门研究中国的消费者购物习惯。 但是,你要是去51job等招聘网站,看一看国美的招聘信息,全部是招聘什么采购经理,市场部唯一招聘的可能就是促销人员,几乎没有市场调研的岗 位。2)分拆的原则当你大脑中的句子比较长,很难短时间理顺的话,不妨将他们分拆成几个小的简单的句子表达出来, 中间使用and,but,so等简单连词串起来,而不需要去斟酌句子的结构。我觉得这个案例中这家公司留不住人的主要原因是这家公司根本没有把员工当成是最重要的资产, 同时也缺乏有效的激励机制让员工热情

13、地工作。I think, in this case, this company can not retain the employees, because it doesn t treat employeesas the most important asset, and also it doesn t have a good incentive system, and so peopledon t work hard.3)替换的原则价格战只会造成两败俱伤。Price war will only make both parties lose.我觉得,案例中这个经理不太信任自己的 下属,什么事情

14、都 亲自上马,不知道分权的技巧,结果自己 筋疲力尽,员工却很冷漠;另外呢,他也不太清楚如何合理的 分配工作,结果员工也很迷茫,不知道目标是什么。I think, in this case, the manager doesn t trueso pie , and do everything himself. He doesn tknow how to give power to them , so .he is very tired , but his people don care t . What s more,he also doesn t know how to divide jobs

15、, so his people don t know what to do , and don t knowthe target.除了以上的3个原则之外,我们还要尽量使用简单的词汇,使用简单的句型。我们的目标是把想法表达出来,因此无须过度在意表达的优美。二.面试问答traditi onal topics :1.自我介绍2.教育背景3.工作经验4.你的长处和短处是什么?5.在空余时间有什么爱好?6.为什么以前曾经辞职?7.过去工作中最大的成就是什么?8.你的上司和同事如何评价你?9.结婚了吗?有没有孩子?简要介绍一下你的家庭?10.如果面试失败,你会如何?11.为什么报考MBA ?12.为什么选

16、择交大?13.你了解同济吗?14.你认为你做一个 MBA 学生合格吗?15.你对于 MBA 详细的学习计划?16.你认为你会在 MBA 学习中受益吗?17.你在将来 5 年的职业规划如何?18.工作经验对于 MBA 来说重要吗?19.如何看待英语在 MBA 中的重要性的?20.MBA 毕业后一定会找到更好的工作吗?New topics and possibly related issues.21.How do you get to work Are you a commuter What do you about the ShanghaiNo, I m not a commuter . I g

17、et to work by riding electric bicycle. The traffic in shanghai is very busy, and it will be worse because the number of car are increasing rapidly these years.22.How do you commute to work What do you think of the public transportation systemin shanghai23.what kind of impact do you think globalizati

18、on is having on the working environmentI think the following three impacts are worth of our consideration, firstly, globalization employees to have good English skill so that can communicate with foreign colleagues or partner Secondly, globalization makes our working environment to be more challengi

19、ng, because we need to know the different culture in the different country.24.where is your company located25.How do you think 2008 Olympics is going to impact Chinese economy26.why do you think Olympics happened in Beijing While 2010 World Expo is going to beheld in do you think the

20、financial crisis is going to affect the Chinese economy28.what do you think of peasant workers in shanghai29.what do you think Obama as the new president of the USA30.why1 自我介绍Where are you bornWhere did you have your educationYour working historyYour familyYour personal hobbies1.I was born in Anhui

21、 luan in 1980, a city which is famous for its history.2.traffic inrequireTourismI graduated from Anhui University and get the bachelor degree, with the major ofManagement After my graduation, I joinedDANA company ,it was a sales of coffee company,Then, forsome reasons, Ichanged my job to another com

22、pany ,NANHUAelectriliccompany,and took the position ofsales represative too. My responsibility is tobuild thebrand, promote sales, conduct marketing programs, and maintain public relations. two years later , According to my performance was promoted to Department Manager3.Last year, I made the decisi

23、on to pursue a MBA degree. I did this because I felt moreand more desired to improve my management knowledge and abilities as my job becomes increasingly challenging.4.I m married now, I got a nice wife and a loving little kid.Important structuresI was born in ,I graduated from University, with the

24、major of After my graduation, I join company, and started working as a I m responsible for For some reasons, I changed my job to ,I took the position of , and was responsible for I was promoted to X years ago, based on my performance.2教育背景Te 11 m e your ed u cati on a l backg ro und i n detailsI got

25、 my Bachelor s Degree (College Degree) from Anhui University in 2000, and my majorwas tourist Administration.This major aims to teaching the studentseconomic andmanagement knowledge,and train them the ability ofsolving economic problems.We had awide range of courses during college, such as and so on

26、.economics, mathematics, marketing, accountingBesides my own major , I also took other courses like Computer Science.I also actively took part in various campus and social activities. during which my practical abilities were improved a lot.Above all, my college has offered me a solid theoretical fou

27、ndation, which proved to be very beneficial to my later career development.Important structureThis major aims to teach us I had many courses in college, but I particularly like , because My grades were in collegeI actively took part in many activities, such as Important words to rememberBachelor s D

28、egreeCollege DegreeCoursesMajorTake part inDiligentCampus and social activitiesGradesPractical abilityAwardTheoretical foundationScholarshipBeneficialCareer developmentImportant structureI have been working for years since my graduation from collegeI started my first job in , and my position was , r

29、esponsible for My job was appreciated, and I was awarded The biggest accomplishment during my work is that My management experience and personal ability have been improved a lot.3你的长处和短处是什么?Your own strengths:MY biggest strength is tenacity .ALL my past employers and businesss associates have said I

30、 amtenacious .I have to see a project through to the finish no matter what challenges I encounter along the way. I always give whatever it takes to complete the job . which will help me a lot during my MBA;Your own weaknesses :I prefer to see a project through from start to finish ,so I sometimes fi

31、nd it a little frustratingto work a single component and not have something to contribute to all the important aspects of a project4在空余时间有什么爱好?There are a lot of things that I do in my free time. As people say, all work and no playmakes Jack a dull boy, and I perfectly understand the importance of relaxation after workI like sports very much and football is my biggest favorite . It s always great t

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