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1、热点词语 打印gradual/gradually; slow/slowly; slight /slightly; stable /stably; almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely ;increase by /decrease by ( 写出变化幅度) 合计200 美元 add up to $200 总数达:add up to 占世界总人数的20% make up 20% of 从增加到 rose/grew/climbed fromto 增加到 grew up to 增至最高峰:Rise to a high of 减少到 decr

2、ease to 跌至最低谷:drop to a low of 相当于的3 倍 three times as .as 大幅度增长 increase sharply 飞速:rapidly ;sharply;steeply 高居榜首 Top the list/ head the chart 饼状图/ 圆形图(pie chart ) 稳固下降steady decline 由组成:consist of /be made up of /be composed of 占44%比例:account for / make up 44 percent 位居第一:rank the first 仅次于is secon

3、d to 居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一is the last one 第二大部份rank the second /the second largest section 与. 相比:compared with A 与B 成比例A be in proportion to B 差不多:About / around/roughly 多达 as many as 正好:Exactly/ precisely 水平:level off 柱状图(bar chart ) 递增:on the rise/increase 急剧上升: grow sharply; 递减:on the decline

4、/decrease 曲线图(graph/chart/diagram ) 从图表上看:From these graphs 得到结论:draw a conclusion 二、社会热点词汇(成功,诚信,团结,和平,环境,住房,交通,就业,教育,网络) 人口爆炸 population explosion 计划生育 birth control 加强执法 strengthen law enforcement officers 失学儿童 dropout student 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy 脱贫致富 shake off poverty and set out on a road t

5、o prosperity 人才外流 brain drain 腐败和受贿 corruption and bribery 浮夸风 tendency toward boasting and exaggeration 青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency 可持续发展 sustainable development 安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 素质教育 education for all-round development 知识产权 intellectual property fights 拜金主义 money

6、worship 保护生态环境 preserve the ecological environment 产品科技含量 technological element of product 大学生创业 university students innovative undertaking 打假 crake down on counterfeit goods/fake products 盗版VCD pirated VCD 恶性循环 vicious circle 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 共同富裕 common prosperity 基因工程 genetic engin

7、eering 基本国情 fundamental realities of the country 教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people 精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress 经济全球化 economic globalization; economic integration 科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation 两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and ethic

8、al progress 民工 migrant laborer 申办奥运会 bid for the Olympic Games 双赢局面 win-win situation 实事求是 seek truth from facts ; be true to facts 实现中华民族伟大复兴 bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 首创精神 pioneering spirit 团队精神 teem spirit 信息高速公路 information super highway 经济不景气 economic recession 经济萧条

9、 economic depression 价格体系 price system 商品价格 commodity prices 价格指数 price index 企业管理 business management 商业伙伴 business partners 经济复苏 economic revival 伤害索赔 injury claims 扩大消费市场 tap the consumer market 全球化过程 globalization process 2 贸易顺差 surplus in trade 一揽子交易 package deal 点击 point and click 网上经营 web bus

10、iness 网上文化 online culture 吸取世界文明成果 assimilate the achievements of civilizations over the world 依法治国 manage state affairs according to law 忧患意识 awareness of unexpected development 与时俱进 advance with times 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 义务教育 compulsory education 知识经济 knowledge-based ec

11、onomy 振兴中华 make China powerful and strong; 富裕 affluence 平衡预算 balanced budget 繁荣 boom 购买力 buying power 竞争 competition 生活费用 cost of living 通货紧缩 deflation 充分就业 full employment 全球经济 global economy 劳动密集型的 labor-intensive 生产力 productivity 质量管理 quality control 人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI) 病毒 virus 贩卖违

12、禁品 bootlegging 虐待儿童 child abuse 酒后驾驶 drunk driving 贪污 embezzlement 伪造 forgery 作文常用词汇和短语 解决问题 crack the nuts 大家公认 it is universally acknowledged that 全力以赴 bring ones talent into full play 丰富生活 enrich our life 扩大视野 broaden my horizon 突围困难 make breakthrough out of difficulty 越来越 be increasingly +adj;be

13、 on the rise; the growing number of 人们认为 it is generally /widely believed/held/agreed that 许多问题 a host of/ a multitude of problems 引起人们的注意 attract general /public/world attention to sth. 意识到 there is a growing awareness that; awaken sb. to the fact 适应新的形势变化 adapt /adjust/accommodate oneself to new e

14、nvironment/change 接触各种思想 be exposed to new ideas / experience 获得成功 achieve / accomplish success 提出观点 advance/ put forward/come up with arguments/ ideas 产生影响 have/ exert a profound influence on life/personality; have a dramatic /undesirable effect on 较好地驾驭生活 be a better pilot of ones life 剥夺机会 depriv

15、e oneself of the chance/right 控制我们的环境 take/gain increasing control over our owe environment 对很好的了解 have a better understanding/ appreciation of have a new perspective on ; provide an insight into 把某种因素考虑进去 take sth. into account / consideration; give much thought to 品味人生/ 自由/ 青春savor the life/freedo

16、m/youth 培养对的信心develop /foster ones confidence in 追求学习或职业 pursue ones professional career / academic 交流经验 share experience/ ideas/problems/knowledge 发挥,起到积极作用play an important/ active/great role / part 面临困难危险be confronted with danger / difficulty ; in the face of 阻碍了成功stand in the way of success; be

17、an obstacle/barrier to 持相反/ 合理的观点 take the opposite/fresh view 揭穿某种一贯的说法shatter the myth of 缩小差别 narrow/fill the gap /gulf (between city and country) 把成功/ 错误归因于 attribute/owe ones success /failure to 对重要 be vital/important/indispensable to 施加压力 exert/put pressure on 重视 attach /assign much importance

18、/significance to 把注意力集中在 focus / concentrate ones attention/efforts upon 抓住机会 grab/ seize/take the opportunity 有可能 there is ( little/much ) possibility/likelihood that 献身于devote/ dedicate/commit oneself to a cause /caree r 大不一样/ 没啥两样make much difference; make little difference 真正重要的是 what really mat

19、ters/ counts is 影响思想,态度 shape ones thinking/ attitude 实现自己的理想,愿望 realize/ fulfill/achieve ones dream /hope; 减轻压力,紧张 reduce/ alleviate the stress / pressure 提高社会地位 upgrade social status; enhance social position 加快,促进发展 accelerate /advance/enhance the development 随着生活节奏的加快with the quickening pace of m

20、odern life 开阔眼界broaden ones outlook ; expand ones mental horizons 充满激情have a burning desire for 充满渴望have a great passion for 充分发挥潜力develop ones ability to the full 充分发挥能力give full play to ones ability 迷恋名利be obsessed with fame 同时at the same time : 交通问题:transportation problems 交通繁忙时段:rush hour 论题,主题:

21、themes 运动馆 stadium 化工厂 chemical plant 污染 contaminate 排出一大堆废水 drain a large amount of waste water 发出强烈的味道 give off a strong smell 当地居民 local residents 污水 polluted water 当地政府 local authorities 公共危害 public hazard 采取强烈措施 adopt several strong measures 一系列的环境保护条例必须制定a series of environment protection rule

22、s and regulations need to be laid down 3 尽快 as soon as possible 中华人民共和国 the Peoples Republic of China 出版增刊 publish a supplement 沮丧的gloomy; 客观的 objective; 主观的 subjective 乐观的 optimistic ; 悲观的 pessimistic; 怨恨的 resentful ; 可敬的 respectable 惊恐的 scared 同情的 sympathetic 深远的影响 far-reaching consequences 以其最强有力

23、的形式 in its strongest form 随着物价和房租迅速上升 with the prices and house rents increasing rapidly 大学毕业生 university graduates 挣钱养活自己 earn ones living 赡养父母 support ones parents 巨大的胜利 huge victory 拔河 tug of war 充满信心 full of confidence in 步调一致 keep in step with 因而遭受痛苦 be plagued with 各阶层人民 all walks of life 团结一致

24、 be united as one 随着路况的发展 with the improvement in road conditions 普遍现象 common phenomenon 现代社会 modern society 相互对立 in opposition to each other 不管 no matter how 互相冲突 in conflict with each other 造成巨大损失和灾难 bring about a lot of losses and disasters 死于肺癌 die of lung cancer 产生灾难性的影响 exert a disastrous effe

25、ct on 全球气候 global climate 山洪爆发 mountain torrents break out 淹没农田 flood farmland 席卷 sweep 混浊不清 unclear and impure 深受其害 suffer a great deal from 人口飞速增长 there has been a rapid in crease in the population 采取不同的态度 take different attitudes 如何对待财富与幸福 how to approach wealth and happiness? 机械与电子产品 machinery a

26、nd electronic goods 占47% account for 47.7% 吸毒 drug-taking 人均收入迅速提高 average personal income increase rapidly 人口的出生率已经大大下降 there has been a great decline in birth rates 儿童教育 child education 热门话题 hot topic 教育专家 educational expert 电视暴力对青少年行为有很大的影响力 violence on TV has a great influence on young adults be

27、havior 人民生活改善 the improvement in peoples living conditions 改革开放政策 the reform and opening-up policy 国民经济正在迅速发展 there has been a rapid expansion of national economy 出生率已经得到控制 the birth rate has been put on the control 生态环境破坏 destruction of ecological balance 大量砍伐树木cut down large numbers of trees 对的生存造

28、成显著的威胁 cause the most significant threat to the survival of 日益增长的需求 ever-increasing demand 向政府呼吁 appeal to the government 建立一笔基金 set up a foundation 保护森林资源 protect forest resources 依法严惩 punish severely by the law 鼓励市民 encourage city-residents 一个更美好更光明的未来 a much better and brighter future 从失败中吸取教训 dr

29、aw useful lessons from 丧失信心并退却了 lose heart and give in 人民对待的看法截然不同 people are quite different from each other in their opinions on 无可否认 there is no denying the fact that 极其严重的问题 extremely serious problem 空气污染 air pollution 采取有力措施 take strong measure to deal with 众所周知 as is known to all 假冒伪劣商品fake an

30、d inferior commodities 现代技术 modern technology 计算机的发明 invention of computers 极其复杂的工作 extremely complicated work 法制教育 law education 为了维护社会治安 in order to keep law and order 应该接受法律教育 should be supposed to get a law education 越来越多的人increasing number of people 保护树木的重要性 the importance of the protection of

31、trees 购物中心 shopping centers 满足人民日益增长的需求 meet the growing needs of people 或许可以毫不夸张的说 it would be no exaggeration to say that 缺乏淡水 lack of fresh water 权衡利弊 weigh up the pros and cons 事物总是一分为二 everything has two sides 从正反两方面来辩论 debate the matter pro and con 工业公司 industrial company 做出了重要贡献 have made great contribution to 工业的发展 the development of industry 造成了许多公害 pose a host of

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