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1、中考英语复习课本知识整理七年级上Unit6课本知识整理七年级上Unit 6Do you like bananas?一、单元目标定位1.重点词汇 banana香蕉;hamburger汉堡包;tomato西红柿; orange橙,柑,橘; chicken鸡,鸡肉;fruit水果;vegetable蔬菜,植物;breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner正餐,晚餐; french fries炸马铃薯条,薯条;ice cream冰淇淋;running star赛跑明星;lots of大量,很多2. 重点句型1、Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.你喜欢?/ 是

2、的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。2、Do they like? Yes, they do. No, they dont. 他们喜欢?/ 是的,他们喜欢。/ 不,他们不喜欢。3、Does he / she like? Yes, he / she does. No, he / she doesnt. 他/她喜欢?/ 是的,他/她喜欢。/ 不,他/她不喜欢。3. 口语交际1、Do you like hamburgers?你喜欢汉堡包吗?Yes, I do. No, I dont是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。2、I like French fries.我喜欢在薯条。3、I dont like toma

3、toes.我不喜欢西红柿。4. 语法聚焦 可数名词与不可数名词:2.重点语法Like 有2个意思 “喜欢”,其反义词是dislike,另外一种是介词,意为“象一样”,其反义词是Unlike,例如:He looks like his father.他与他父亲长得一样。2)名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。可数名词有单复数之分,不可数名词只有单数形式。hamburgerhamburgersstrawberries等;broccoli,french fries,ice cream,salad等是不可数名词。(1)以o结尾的名词在变成复数时有两种形式,如词义表示有生命或新生长的名词,变复数时经常加“es”

4、,否则加“s”,例如:tomatotomatoes,potato(土豆)potatoes,zoozoos,piano(钢琴)pianos等。(2)orange意为“桔子,橙子”,是可数名词,有单数与复数之分,如:an orange,two oranges;意为“橙汁,桔汁”时,则是不可数名词,只有单数形式。如:Please Give me some orange.请给我一些桔汁。orange意为“橙色的,桔色的”,是形容词,作定语,放于名词之前,如:an orange orange一个桔色的桔子。2Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。【用法透析】do有两种词性:一是行为动词,意为“做”,如:Let

5、s do our homework.咱们做作业吧。do的另外一种词性是助动词,常用于一般现在时,无词义,用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:Do you like bananas?你喜欢吃香蕉吗?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢。3Lets have ice cream.咱们吃冰淇淋吧。【用法透析】句中的have是一个万能动词,具有多种含义。本句中的have意为“吃”,而不表示“有”。如:We have apples eveny day. 我们天天吃苹果。We have three meals every day.我们每天吃三顿饭。Section B1Running star Sandra Clark

6、eats lots of healthy food.跑步明星Sandra Clark吃许多健康食品。【用法透析】lots of=a lot of,表示“许多,很多,大量”,这个短语可修饰可数名词或不可数名词,通常用于肯定句中,修饰可数名词复数时,相当于many,修饰不可数名词时,相当于much,例如:We have lots of apples.我们有许多苹果。又如:They have lots of milk.他们有许多牛奶。(2)healthy food“健康食品”,healthy是形容词,它的名词是health.意为健康。【易混辨析】eat;have这两个词均跟“吃”有关,但用法不同。e

7、at指把固体食物放在嘴里吃。have意为“吃、喝”,常用在三餐名词之前,或meal之前,也可作“抽”、“吸”讲。如: We eat these things.我们吃这些东西。We have three eggs for breakfast.早餐我们吃了三个鸡蛋。2.For breakfast,Tom likes eggs,oranges,and bananas.早餐时,汤姆喜欢吃鸡蛋、桔子和香蕉。for breakfast表示“就早餐而言”,for在此处介词,表示“对于,就而言”,后面常跟名词或代词。如:For dinner,my mother likes salad and bread.餐,

8、我妈妈喜欢吃沙拉和面包。表示一日三餐的词有:breakfast(早餐),lunch(午餐),dinner(正餐,晚餐),supper(晚餐)have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper表示“吃早/午/晚餐”。表示“吃三餐中任何一餐”时,都不能加冠词(a,an,the)。at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭时before breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭之前after breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭之后in the middle of break

9、fast/lunch/supper/dinner在早/午/晚饭中。3.And for dinner, She has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and for dessert, ice cream.晚餐时,她吃鸡肉,西红柿和炸薯条,还有甜点,冰淇淋。1)“have+食品+for+三餐(breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner)”表示“三餐吃”如:She often has eggs,bananas and apples for breakfast.她早餐经常鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果2)句中has的动词原形是have,has用在主语是第三人称单数中

10、,意为“吃”。背记:句中for表示“作为,当作”,for dessert,ice cream要译成“把冰淇淋当作甜点”。4You are going on a picnic with a group.of friends.你准备与一群朋友进行野餐。1)be going结构是现在进行时态,含义上表示要发生的动作,类似这种用法的动词还有come,go,leave等。如:I am coming.我就来。2)go on a picnic“举行野餐”,go on常与旅游,这是野餐,航海等一类名词连用,表示“去”之意。例如:They often go on a picnic.他们经常去野餐。动词go常与动

11、词的ing形式连用,表示“去,”如:go swimming去游泳,go dancing去跳舞,go fishing去钓鱼,go shopping去购物等。3)a group of表示“一群”,“一组”,其后常跟复数名词,如:a group of boys,一群男孩,a group of chickens一群小鸡。5.Make a list of food to buy.制定一个购物单。【用法透析】句中make a list意为“制定一个清单”,food to buy表示“要买的食物”,其中动词不定式to buy作定语,修饰前面的名词food。3. 【典型试题】1.There are three

12、 _ in my family. A. people B. person C. peoples D. child2.There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some potatoes, carrots and peppers. A. eggsB. meat C. vegetablesD. fruit3.My grandfather often reads newspapers _ breakfast. A. on B. in C. at D. of4、单元评估检测. 词汇知识A) 将下列汉语写出英语。 1. (一个汉堡堡)_ 2.(一个冰汽

13、淋)_ 3. (香蕉)_ 4. (草莓)_ 5. (桔子)_ B).选择正确答案补单词 ()1.brocco_ A.laB.liC.loD.le()2.t_ matoA.aB.eC.oD.u()3.fr_ tA.iuB.ouC.uiD.oo()4.s_ A.erB.seC.esD.seC).每空填一个英语单词,使句子意思完整。( 1.Do you like French f_ ?2.We like hamburgers for l_ 3.I dont like b ,but I like apples.4.My ball is on the

14、 f_ under my bed. 5.You like to matoes,but Lily d_ like it.II.单项选择。 ()1.Do you like carrots? _ .A.Yes,you do. B.No,I dont. C.No,you dont.()2.This is _ ice cream.A.a C.the()3.Ann and Kate like_ .A.sing B.sings C.singing()4.Amy has _ eggs and vegetables _ lunch.A.,in,for C.for()5. _ tomatoes

15、.A.Those are B.That is C.This is()6. _ have some salad.A.Lets B.Let C.Let we()7.Gina_ lots of healthy.A.eats,foods,food C.eats,food()8.Tom_ tomatoes for lunch.A.likes eat to eat C.likes to eat()9.I like bananas. Do you like_ ?A.they B.them broccoli.A.doesnt like B.dont li

16、ke C.not likeIII. 改错:下面每句均有一处错误,请找出并改正。 () 1.Does they like apples?() 2.Do peter like broccoli?() 3.Lets have some bread and milk for the breakfast.() 4.Do they like hamburger?() 5.Does he likes tomatoes?IV.按要求对下列句子进行转换。 1.Joe like hamburgers.(疑问句) _ Joe _ hamburgers?2.Mimi likes oranges.(否定句)Mimi _

17、 oranges.3.Tony doesnt like apples.(肯定句)Tony _ apples.4.He eats a strawberry for lunch.(复数句)He eats _ for lunch.5.We like ice cream.(就划线部分提问)_ ?V.补全对话.请根据对话情景选择最佳选项补全对话 Ann:Excuse me,Mary _1_Mary: _2_ Please ask lucy.I think she has one.Ann:Excuse me,Lucy.Do you have a knife,please?Lucy: _3_ please

18、ask him.Ann:Excuse me,Jim. _4_Jim:Certainly:Here you are,but please give it back to her soon.Ann:- _5_A:Can I borrow your ruler?B:Sorry,Jim has my knife.C.Can I borrow your knife?D.OK.thank you very much.E.Sorry,I dont have one.F.You are welcome.G.Can I borrow Lucys knife?VI.请根据汉语意思,用所给单词和词组的适当形式组成句

19、子。 1.你喜欢沙拉吗?是的,我喜欢。I, like, do, you, salad, yes, do _ 2.他喜欢桔子,但我不喜欢。like, he, orange, I, dont, but, them, like _ 3.晚餐他吃炸薯条和西红柿。for, French fries, he, and, tomatoes, dinner, have_ 4.他不喜欢鸡蛋和苹果。like, he, not, egg, and, apple_ 5.他们不喜欢草莓。like, they, not, strawberries_VII.补全对话。 每空填入一词,使对话完整、达意。A:Lets play

20、 _1 ,OK?B:Sorry,I dont have a volleyball. _2 I have a basketball.A:I _3 want to play basketball. I only want to play volley.B:Who_ 4 a volleyball?Do you know?A:Maybe Tom has one. Lets go and ask him.A&B:Hi,Tom!_ 5 you have a volleyball?C:No,I _6 . _7 Peter have one?A&B:Oh,yes,he _8 .A&B&C:Hi,Peter!D

21、o you have a volleyball?D:Yes,I do. But it is at home.A&B&C: _9 to her that!B:Well,lets play basketball. OK?A&C:OK!A&B&C:Peter,please _10 us.D:OK!Lets play!VIII.按照正确的顺序重新排列下列对话。 1.What about some milk?2.Mum,Im hungry. I want something to eat.3.Thank you,Mum. Could I have something to drink?4.OK. Her

22、e you are.5.Yes,there is some. Here you are.6.No,I dont like eggs at all.7.what about some rice?8.OK. Can I have two bottles of milk?Ill give one of them to Bob. He likes milk very much.9.What would you like?Would you like some eggs?10.I like it a little. But is there any bread in the fridge(冰箱)?I l

23、ike bread a lot?正确的顺序:_ IX.完形填空。 请先通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题后所给的四个选项中选取最佳答案填空。Look at the picture on the wall. Those two_1_ are Li Ping and Wang lin. They_2_ not brothers,but they are_3_frends. Li Ping_4_ a Young Pioneer and Wang Lin is a Young Pioneer,_5_. They are _6_Class Six,Grade One. They_7_ _8_. The

24、y_9_hard and they are good_10_.()1.A.girl B.boys C.girls() B.are B.well C.fine() B.are B.also C.either()6.A.on B.of C.liking() B.studies C.studying() B.studies C.studyes()10.A.students B.brothers C.friend单元检测答案I.A)1.ha

25、 cream3.banana4.strawberry5.orangeB) 1-5BCCACC) 1.fries2.lunch3.banana4.floor5.doesnt.1.选B。2.选B。3.选C。4.选C。5.选A。6.选A。7.选C。8.选C。9.选B。10.选A。III.1.Does改为Do。2.Do改为Does。3.the breakfast改为breakfast.4.hamburger改为hamburgers。5.。likes改为like。IV.1.Does,like2.doesnt like3.likes4.some strawberries5.What

26、 do you like?V. 15 C E B G DVI.1.Do you like salad?Yes,I do.2.He likes oranges,but I dont like them.3.He has French fries and tomatoes for dinner.4.He doesnt like eggs and apples.5.They dont like strawberries.VII.1.Volleyball2.But3.dont4.has5.Do6.dont7.Does8.does9.Sorry10.joinVIII. 正确的顺序:2-9-6-7-10-5-3-1-8-4。IX.1.5BBAAA610CBCAA.X.15CACBC.XI.I have a sister. Her name is Wei Hua. She is 15. She is in No.23 Middle School. Her teachers name is Wang Ping. They call her Miss Wang. Her favourite sports are tennis,basketball and volley ball. Her favourite food is ice cream,oranges and hamburgers.

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