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1、遣词造句亮点制造2000年作文词汇替换:图画:picture, cartoon, caricature, photo, photograph, drawing, painting,portrayal,increase, rampancy, development, boom, growth, prosperity.Sharply, dramatically, drastically, significantly, considerably,substantially drop, decline, go down, shrink, shrunk, reduceall sorts of diver

2、se kinds of a variety of variousby contrast,on the other hand, a large number of manycountlessinnumerable purpose, goal, object,moral, motive, theme, warn sound an alarm to us thatimportance should be attached to Due to, Because of, Owing to , on account of, As a result ofAs a consequence of excessi

3、ve immoderateobviously, apparently, evidently, visibly, so, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, as a result, accordingly, It is time for sb. to do imperative, vital, essential, crucial, necessary,significanttake measures/actions/stepsadopt effective measures,carry out drastic, firm, immediate, eff

4、ective, make laws, work out/set up rules and regulations .enact laws.enforce laws enact and enforce rules and regulations. alliterationenhance, cultivate, only in this way can weOnly by doing so can weOnly by taking those steps can weOnly when we realize ,.Believe, assert, argue, deem, state ,insist

5、, claim, maintain, reckon, It seems to me that Overcome, tackle, handle, surmount, pull through, crisis, tragedy, disaster, brilliant, promising, splendid, 结构性语言的魅力:如何去。成为了我们每个人关心的话题。How to solve this problem has become a hot issue among many people in recent years.如何去解决这一问题成为了近年来很多人关心的话题。 To addres

6、s this problem, I would like to lodge several suggestions. On the one hand, the authorities should work out rules and regulations to control the production and circulation of the plastic bags. On the other hand, people should realize the significance of protecting our environment and not use too man

7、y plastic bags. 为了解决这一问题,我想给出如下的建议。一方面,政府当局应该设定一些规章和制度来控制塑料袋的生产和流通。另外一方面,人们应该意识到保护环境的重要性而且不用太多的塑料袋。 常用词汇的替换和积累:危害:harm,endangerdamagethreaten获得:get,acquireobtainderive fromstem fromarise fromcome fromtake 。asdefineasregaradasseeasconsider as解决:solve, resolve, settle, address, tackle, deal with, cope

8、 with 问题:problem,difficulty, issue, dispute, controversy, crisis, tragedy, 著名的:famous, distinguished, prestigious, enjoy a high reputationcelebrity充足的:enough,adequate, sufficient, abundant,出色的:good, impressive, remarkable, marvelous坏的严重的:bad, serious, severe, grave高兴地:happy,in highspirits,delighted,

9、 in good mood, 很多:many, countless, innumerabledepict, illustrate, unfold, reveal, describe, portray, 虚拟语气结构:Therefore, it is important that we should do sth. It is high time that we took some actions. It is about time that It is in this way that we can protect our ocean resources.If I had enough mon

10、ey, I would buy that book.If I had had enough money, I would have bought that book.If I should have enough money, I would buy that book.If I were to have enough money, I would buy that book.Had I had enough money, I would have bought that book.Should I have enough money, I would buy that book.Were I

11、 to have enough money, I would buy that book.Were we to take the measure,Had I known your telephone number, I would have invited you to have hotpot with me last night.插入结构的使用:(名词后面的包装)名词+插入语+谓语动词副词名词短语介词短语分词短语定语从句,同位语从句形容词短语主谓结构Computers, undoubtedly, are playing an increasingly important role in ou

12、r daily lives. Computers, a powerful tool, can be widely used in as many fields as one can imagine. Computers, as a powerful tool, are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Computers, known as a powerful tool, are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Comput

13、ers, which are known as a powerful tool, are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. The fact that indicates thatComputers, I think, are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. 包装袋的使用:(名词前面的包装)It is generally believed thatIt is universally acknowledged thatIT is

14、 a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. Pride and Prejudice-Jane AustinIt is known to us all thatAs is known to us all, It goes without saying thatThere is no doubt that高级包装袋:Compared with any other human inventions and innovati

15、ons in history, computers, known as the most powerful communication tool, can be widely used in as many fields as one can imagine. Compared with any other human languages in the whole world, English, as an international communication tool, is playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives

16、. 2006书信作文范文:Moved and encouraged 2003范文:When removed and exposed 英语三种句子结构:1,V+O 动词开头+宾语,2,N+V+O 名词结构开头+动词开头+宾语,3,Adv.+N+V+O副词结构开头+名词结构开头+动词开头+宾语名词结构变化:The picture vividly depicts that句子We can see clearly from the cartoon that句子It can be seen from the picture that句子主动: What we can see clearly from t

17、he picture shows that被动:What is shown in the picture indicates thatTired though I was, I continued to play CS. What you said is bullshit.What I am trying to share with you this morning is how to write good English compositions. What can be seen from the picture indicates that two disabled men are ru

18、nning fast. 所见即所得!What you see is what you get.副词结构变化:From the caricature above, we see thatAccording to the picture above, we see thatReading the cartoon, we know that主动:As we can see from the cartoon, we know that被动:As is vividly depicted in the picture, we know that介词结构开头:随着的发展,。With the rapid so

19、cial and economic development as well as the reform and opening-up in recent decades, the number of adolescents looking after their old parents has decreased.2005年养老足球赛With the rapid social and economic development as well as the reform and opening-up in recent decades, the number of adolescents wor

20、shipping their idols sharply increased. 2006年偶像崇拜Compared with any other human inventions and innovations in history, computers, known as a powerful tool, are playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. 2006范文:On his face is written the name of “Beckham” to show his fascination on sup

21、er stars.Copying the hairstyle of Beckham, the young man is voluntary to spend three hundred Yuan in the hair studio.如图所示,在椅子上有一个年轻人,希望理发师把自己的头发理成贝克汉姆的样子。As is vividly drawn in the picture, in the chair sits a young man, having his hair cut as cool as David Beckham.双重否定句的学习运用:He cannot speak English

22、 without making mistakes. You cannot listen to your English tapes without a pen in your hand. They cannot meet without a quarrel. We cannot land a plum job after graduation without knowing how to speak good English. The serious problem cannot be solved without taking the following effective measures

23、 immediately. He did not smile until he saw his GF.Not until he saw his GF did he smile. It was not until he saw his GF that he smiled. Until/Before he saw his GF, he did not smile. I saw Old Xu in Beijing yesterday.It was thatIt was I that saw Old Xu in Beijing yesterday.It was Old Xu that I saw in

24、 Beijing yesterday.It was yesterday that I saw Old Xu in Beijing.我们应该牢记:What we should bear in mind is that: “It pays to be honest.” What we should bear in mind is that: “United we stand, divided we fall.” We should bear in mind thatAs an old saying goes, As Deng Xiaoping, one of the greatest leader

25、s in China, once said, “No matter what color the cat is, it is a good one as long as it can catch mice.”想汉语句子:2001爱心象灯话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大教育学教授,大约有2000000学生没法上学因为贫困。2002文化继承话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大社会学教授,大约有67。3%外国游客为中国文化而着迷。2003自立自强话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大社会学教授,大约有1。27%的学生因为自理能力而不能在国外完成学业。2004终点


27、教授,2006年里大约有2。47%的公司/学生不能成功因为缺乏合作精神。2009网络近与远话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大社会学教授,2008年中国大约有3亿网民。2010文化交流话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大社会学教授,中国国家大剧院2009年有近120场国外经典名剧的演出。2011环境保护话题:根据最近的一项调查研究,由XXX主持,北大社会学教授,包括出国和国内游,2010年年里大约有7亿中国人出去度假。According to a recent survey conducted by Li Wei, director of psychology/soci

28、ology/anthropology Department of Peking University, approximately 4.7% of people are lack of self-confidence when they are facing difficulties.rather than的应用:Young people rather than old people enjoy pop music. Some people would enjoy the comforts rather than go further ahead and face the new challe

29、nges once some achievements have been made. You have one leg and so do I; we can go everywhere with big stride. We can go North and South with combined legs.句型改写范例:努力,我们一定会成功.It is hard work that leads to success.Hard work is the key to success.Hard work is the mother of success.Chances favor prepar

30、ed minds.Working hard, we will surely succeed.Work hard, and we will surely succeed.If we work hard, we will surely be successful.Without hard work, success would be impossible.With hard work, we will surely succeed.With hard work, it is impossible for us to lose.With hard work, we are bound to win.

31、Where there is hard work, there is success.从翻译中淘宝Galileos greatest glory was that in 1609 he was the first person to turn the newly invented telescope on the heavens to prove that the planets revolve around the sun rather than around the Earth. Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of which is seen as the driving force.While there are almost as many definitions of history as there a

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