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科教版五年级下册 英语 期末冲刺课资料讲义.docx

1、科教版五年级下册 英语 期末冲刺课资料 讲义英语五下英语期末冲刺班姓名:_期中考试成绩: 期末考试目标成绩 第一讲加分: 第二讲加分: 第三讲加分: Module 1 Seasons【知识点回顾】考点一:重点短语1.go _去滑雪 2.plant _ 种花 _ 在户外玩4.look _ 看 5.make a _堆雪人 a _ 放风筝 7._ me 拜访我 8._holiday 暑假9._ of winter 冬季的中期 10._ _ 在澳大利亚 11._ cold _ swim 太冷而不能游泳12._ December _ February从十二月到二月13.多彩的_

2、( )1.-Why do you like winter? -_ I can_ A.Because,go swimming B.And,go fishing C.Because, go skiing( )2.Summer is the best time for _in Guangzhou. A.swimming B.planting trees C.skating考点二:重点句型1.-_ your favourite season? -My favourite season is summer.2.-_ season do you like best? -I like spring best

3、.3. He is visiting me_ the summer holiday.4.-When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China.5.-It is _cold _ swim now.6,你想知道对方最喜欢那个季节,你问:_考点三:either, also, too的区别either:放在否定句的句末,表示“也”。too:放在肯定句的句末。also:放在肯定句中的实义动词之前,助动词、系动词、情态动词之后。例句I cant play football and I cant play tennis, either.He can p

4、lay the piano. I can play the piano, too.I can also speak English.( )1. I dont like rainy days. I dont like hot days _.A. tooB. both C. either( ) 2. I cant ski. My friend Jim cant ski_. A. too B. either C. again D. together考点四:固定搭配1. in the tree 和 on the tree都可以表示“在树上”;in the tree:外来的东西在树上;on the tr

5、ee:树本身的东西。1) The birds are the tree. 2) The apples are the tree. 3) The flowers are the tree. 4) The cat is the tree.2. the best time for swimming = the best time to swim例句:When is the best time_ visiting Beijing? When is the best time_visit Beijing ?3. prefer表示对比,意思是“更喜欢;更愿意,宁愿;更倾向于.”常用搭配 prefer to

6、 do sth.例句:I dont want to go out. I prefer to stay at home.4.too to 太而不能例句:She is too shy to say anything.Its too late to say sorry.5.What be like 是什么样的,如: A:What is your school like? B:Its not very big, but very beautiful. 1. Its hot in summer. I _(更喜欢)spring.2.( )Its _cold_swim in winter in Beijin

7、g. B. C.out.to考点五:Im sure +句子 “我相信/确信”例句:1. Im sure we will have a happy holiday.2. Im sure you will have a nice day. 翻译:我确信我们会有一个愉快的假期。_.翻译:我确信我们成为好朋友。_.【练习巩固】一、用所给的单词填空。go swimming fly a kite plant flowers go skiing1. We can _ in winter.2. We can _ in summer.3. We can _ in spring.4.

8、 We can _ in autumn.二、单项选择。( )1. I_likesummer.Itsveryhot.A. / B.doC. dont( )2. There is a cat _ the tree. Can you see it?A. inB. on C. between( )3. Summer is best for _.A. swim B. swimming C. swims( ) 4.She doesnt like _ chess with her friends.A.plays B. play C.playing D. played( ) 5._ it is day tim

9、e in Guangzhou, it is night in London.A.Then B.When C. WhatD. If( )6.There isnt _new here.A.something B.anything C.nothing三、根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整。1. She likes _(去野营)in summer.2. They always _(在户外玩耍)at the weekend.3. Its _cold _(太.以致不)swim in the _(在.中间)of winter.4. I dont like winter and I dont like summ

10、er _(也)5.We can _(滑雪)in Harbin in January.Module 2 Plans【知识点回顾】考点一:重点短语1.see a_ 看电影 2._ the party 为一个聚会 3._ June 11th 4._ English test 一次英语考试 5._ a farm 参观农场 6.visit the_ 参加博物馆 7.the school open day 学校开放日8.have a _ meeting 开校运会 10._ Hainan 在海南 11._ five days 持续五天的 12._Tuesday 在星期二 13._for a picnic 举

11、行一次野餐 14._ the pool在池里 15.anything else _ 其他重要的事情 16._ _ 一整天17._ _ _ 迫不及待. ( ) 1.The fourth day of a week in China is _.A. Wednesday B. Friday C. Thursday( ) 2.My birthday is _December 1st. A. at B. on C. in考点二:重点句型1. -Whats the _ today? -It is June 1st.2. We are going to_(see) a film tomorrow eveni

12、ng.3. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th.4. -Is there anything else important this month? - Yes, there is.5. Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days.6. We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach.7. I _ _ _(迫不及待) see all the lovely deer.8. I_ _(确信) well have a good time in H

13、ainan.考点三:日期和星期的用法问日期:Whats the date. ?例子:-Whats the date today? 今天几号? -It is June 1st.问星期:What day is it?例子:-What day is it today? 今天星期几? -It is Monday.( )1,-Whats the date today? -_.A. Its October 30th B. Its Monday C. Its the second( ) 2.There is a meeting_ Friday. A. atB. inC. on3.Its October 8t

14、h.(对划线部分提问)_.4.When is Mikes birthday?(回答) _.考点四:日期的读法和写法读法:1.月份+the+序数词 如: 7月2日:July the second2.the+序数词+of+月份 如: 7月2 日:the second of July写法:结构:月份+日期序数词例如:October 2nd January 1st March 8th ( ) 1.May is the _ month of a year.A. ninth B. fifth C. five( )2. The _ month of a year is January.A.second B.

15、 first C. third考点五:形容词后置的用法形容词修饰anything, something, nothing 等不定代词时,形容词要后置,例子:1. I learn something interesting about the weather in English today. 2. There is nothing good to eat there.( )1.Is there _ new this month?A. something B. anything C. nothing( )2.There is _ in the park.A.nothing interesting

16、 B.interesting nothing 3.There is something else important this month.(改为一般疑问句)考点六:基数词变序数词一二三,特殊记 (first, second, third) 加 th从四起。八去t (eighth), 九去e (ninth)f 来把ve替 (five-fifth, twelve-twelfth); ty变成tie (twenty-twentieth); 若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以(twenty-one: twenty-first). 序数词表顺序,一般需用定冠词(the)。1. My birthday is

17、 on the _ (9) of October.2. There are _ (22) girls in the classroom.考点七:for + 一段时间例子:Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. for表示时间的延续,如:She reads in the library for more than 10 hours.Close your eyes for one minute.( )1.Everyone will come home_ a week.A. for B. in C. on( )2.Next year we

18、will go to America _ a month.A.for B. in C. on考点八:cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地想做某事例子:I cant wait to meet the writer of this book.I cant wait to go back home.翻译:我迫不及待想吃晚饭。_.翻译:小明迫不及待想上学。_.考点九:一般将来时1.定义:表示将要发生的动作及打算,计划或准备做某事。2.结构:1) 主语+will+动词原形2) 主语+be(am, are, is) going to+动词原形例子:I will come back tomor

19、row.I am going to come back tomorrow.1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。 I have a picnic with my friends. 2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛? 我会去打篮球。 What next Monday? I play basketball.【练习巩固】一、写出下列单词的序数词(1)one_(2)two_ (3)six_(4)five_(5)nine_(6)twelve_(7)eight_(8)twenty-one_二、单项选择。( ) 1.May is the _ month of a year.A.ninth B. fifth C. fiv

20、e( )2.Everyone will come home_ the Spring Festival.A.for C. on( ) 3.Is there _ new this month? A.something B.anything C. nothing( ) 4.There are _ months in a season .A.four B.three C. twelve( ) 5.We are _ a party tomorrow.A.going to has B. go to haveC. going to have()6.Charlie_herenextmonth.A.i

21、sntworking B.doesntworking C.isntgoingtoworking D.wontwork( )7._you_freetomorrow?No.I_freethedayaftertomorrow. A.Are;goingto;will B.Are;goingtobe;will C.Are;goingto;willbe D.Are;goingtobe;willbe三、用括号中所给数字相应的英文单词填空。1. How is your _ (1) day at the new school?2. A: How much is the book, please? B: Its

22、_ (18) yuan.四.按要求写句子。1.Does the boy feel hot?(对划线部分提问)_2.I am going to visit the museum.(对划线部分提问)_Module 3 Invitations【知识点回顾】考点一:重点词汇1.plan _ do 计划去做 2.go _ a picnic 去野餐 3._ time 下次 4._ the school gate 在学校门口 5.have a _ 开派对 6.所有 a football_ 观看一场足球赛 _ 没问题 9.It _ great 听起来很棒 10._ to 邀请去做 1

23、1._ this special day在这个特殊的日子里 12.a _ party 一个令人惊喜的聚会e _ 聚在一起 ( ) 1.Thanks a lot for _me _your party.A.invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to2根据汉语意思写单词。1.计划去做_ 2.去野餐_3.在学校门口_ 4.开派对_考点二:重点句型1. -What are you doing this Saturday? - My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic.2. -Would you

24、 like to go with us? -That sounds great! / Yes, Id love to.3. -What time should we go? - At 9 a.m. 4. Id like to invite you to Anns birthday party.5. We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day.6. The party will be at the school meeting room, next

25、Saturday, November 21st.考点三:表示邀请和应答(1)Would you like to? 是邀请用语,语气委婉客气。 接受:Yes, Id love / like to. / Yes, of course.不接受:Id like to, but / Sorry, I cant. I 例如:Our fruits are very fresh today. Would you like to try them? (2) Do you want to ? 也是邀请用语,语气比较随意。如:Do you want to go swimming with me?( ) 1.-Would you like to visit the museum?-_A.Yes, please. B. Sure, Id love to.C.Sorry, I wouldnt. D. Yes, I would.( )2.-Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday, Xiao Ming?-_A.Id love to, but I have lots of things to do.B.Oh, no. Thatll be

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