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1、中考英语数词之序数词含答案专项练习中考英语-数词之序数词(含答案)-专项练习一、单选题1.May is _ of a year. n加油 A.five monthsn加油B.the five monthsn加油C.the fifth monthD.tn加油he fifth months2.Tonn加油y,where is your new classroomn加油?Its on the _ fn加油loor. A.threen加油B.n加油thirdn加油 third3.He is _ n加油student to school. n加油 A.onen加油B.the firstn加油n

2、加油C.twon加油D.first4.Tn加油he Blacks have two children,bn加油ut they would like tn加油o have _child.n加油 n加油 A.the thirdn加油B.a tn加油hirdn加油C.thirdn加油D.three5.This erasern加油 is black and that one is brownWhan加油t about the one? n加油 A.secondn加油n加油B.twon加油C.thirdn加油n加油D.three6.September is the n加油_ month in a yea

3、r. n加油 A.ninthn加油B.ninen加油C.ninethn加油n加油D.nineteen7.It isn加油 birthday of the boy. n加油 A.ninen加油B.the ninen加油C.the nn加油inthn加油D.ninth8.March _isn加油 my_ birthday.n加油 A.eleven; eleven加油nthB.ninth ; nin加油neteenthn加油C.twelfth ; thirteen9.This is n加油Mr Whites _ trip n加油to Beijing. He has been there twice

4、bn加油efore. A.firstn加油n加油B.secondn加油C.third10.n加油Tony,whereisyournewclan加油ssroom?n加油 Itsonthen加油_floor A.threen加油n加油B.thirdn加油C.on加油nethird11.Excuse me, can you tell mn加油e the way to the nearest railway stn加油ation? Sorry, I dont know. Imn加油 new, this is my _ time here. n加油 A.onen加油B.oncn加油en加油C.first

5、n加油D.two12.Wen加油ll be back for our schoolsn加油 _ anniversary ceremony(n加油周年庆典).n加油 -I see. That means yon加油ull have a get-togen加油ther with your classmates inn加油 _ years. A.tweln加油ve, tenB.twelfth, n加油tenC.twelve, n加油tenthn加油D.twelfth, tenth13.Tn加油wo months ago, China testen加油d its _ aircraft carrin加油

6、er (航空母舰) built completelyn加油 on its own. A.n加油onen加油B.firstn加油C.n加油the onen加油D.the first14. Welcome to Los n加油Angeles. Have you ever been here? Sn加油ure. I visited this city three years agn加油o so this is my _ time n加油here. A.fin加油rstn加油B.secondn加油C.thirdn加油n加油D.fourth15._ monn加油th of the year is Jun

7、e. An加油.SevenBn加油.The seventhn加油C.Sixn加油D.The sixth16. Cn加油ould you tell me where I cn加油an get a dictionary? Takn加油e the escalator. The bookstore is on加油n the _ floor on加油f the 5-floor building. n加油A.firstn加油n加油B.thirdn加油n加油C.ninth17.He was one of n加油the greatest writers of thn加油e _ century. A.twn加油

8、entyB.twn加油entiethn加油C.twentiesn加油D.twentieths18.-Dn加油o you know the girls who aren加油 in the living room?n加油 -Yes, they are my n加油classmates. They aren加油 celebrating Lucys _n加油 birthday. A.tn加油hirteen n加油B.the thirteenn加油thn加油C.thirteenth19.Wednen加油sday is the _ dan加油y of a week A.n加油thirdn加油B.fourt

9、hn加油C.fourn加油D.three20n加油.- This is the tn加油ime that I come to Paris. I han加油ve been here twice.- Me n加油too. The world is so large that I wantn加油 to see more of it. n加油 A.firstn加油B.secon加油ndn加油C.thirdn加油D.thrn加油ee21.Jack, is this your first n加油time to Hong Kong ?Nn加油o, its my _ time tn加油o Hong Kong,

10、 I have been n加油here _ before. n加油 A.second; twicn加油eB.thin加油rd; twicen加油C.three; thirdn加油D.second; third22.He climbed so fasn加油t that he reached _ floor in twn加油o minutes. A.ninen加油B.the nin加油nen加油C.the nintn加油hn加油D.ninth23.Ton加油day is my _ birthday.n加油 A.the fifteenthn加油n加油B.fifteenthn加油C.fifteen2

11、4.Katen加油 is a school girl. She gon加油t many presents on her _n加油_ birthday. A.ninen加油B.the nin加油nthn加油C.ninetiethn加油Dn加油.ninth25.September is _ monthn加油 of the year. n加油 A.ninen加油B.tn加油he ninthn加油C.nineteenn加油D.the nineteenth26. Excuse mn加油e. Which is the way to n加油the museum? Sorry, I dn加油ont know.

12、 This is my _n加油_ time here. A.firstn加油n加油B.secondn加油C.twon加油n加油D.one27. How on加油ld is Mary? She is having hn加油er_ birthday this weekendn加油. A.fourn加油B.the fourn加油C.n加油fourthn加油D.the fourth28.The _ bn加油iggest earthquakes in Nepal(尼泊尔)have kin加油lled more than 8,000,people. n加油A.twon加油B.secondn加油C.n加油

13、twice29.Tuesday is the _ dan加油y of a week. An加油.firstn加油B.secondn加油C.thirdn加油Dn加油.fourth30.My name is Louise Blan加油ckLouise is my name n加油 A.familyn加油n加油B.fulln加油C.firstn加油二、填空题31.Tony broke the dishes thn加油e t_ time in one week and his mon加油ther was angry. 32.His birthday n加油is May _ (five). 33.My

14、pan加油rents will have a big party n加油for my sisters _ (twelve) n加油birthday. 34.March is thn加油e _ (three) month of a year. n加油 35.I got a nice presn加油ent on my _ (nine) birthn加油day. 36.September is the _n加油_ (nine) month of a year. 37.The _n加油_ (twenty) girl is my sisten加油r, Sally. 38.Mr. Green lives

15、on加油n the _(three)floor. n加油 39.June _ (twelve) is his bin加油rthday. 40.Toni Morrin加油son is considered as on加油ne of the best writers of then加油 _(第二十) century. 答案解n加油析部分一、单选题1.May is _ n加油of a year. A.five monthsn加油B.the fivn加油e monthsC.thn加油e fifth monthn加油D.the fifth months【答案】Cn加油 【考点】序数词 【解析】【分析】句

16、意:五月是一年的第五个月n加油。表示顺序用序数词,the+序数词+可数名词单数,表示第几故答n加油案为C。【点评】本题考查序数词的应用,注意序数词的用法。n加油2.Tony,where is your new clan加油ssroom?Its on the _n加油_ floor. A.threen加油n加油B.thirdn加油C.n加油one third【答案】B 【考点】序数词 【解析】【分n加油析】题干为Tony,你的新教室在哪里?它在 _n加油_ 楼。由回答可知应该是表示在几楼,用基数词。因此选选项B。n加油【点评】考察基数词的用法。3.He is _ stn加油udent to sc

17、hool. An加油.onen加油B.the firn加油stCn加油.twon加油D.first【答案】B 【考点】n加油序数词 【解析】【分析】他是到学校的学生。根据句意可知用序数词,表示n加油第几,序数词前一般加定冠词the,故答案选B。【点评】考查序n加油数词的用法。4.The Blacks hn加油ave two children,but they would n加油like to have _child.n加油 n加油 A.the thirdn加油B.a thin加油rdCn加油.thirdn加油D.three【答案】B 【考点n加油】序数词 【解析】【分析】句意:布莱克夫妇有两个

18、孩子,但是n加油他们想再要第三个孩子。英语中不定冠词加序数词表示又一n加油,再一个的意思,结合语境可知选B。【点评】英语中数词有基数词与序数词之分n加油,基数词表示物品的数目,编号等,序数词表示物品的顺序等n加油,但是这些数词又都有各自不同的语境的习惯用法,语意表达上有交叉n加油,注意不能以汉语思维思考英语问题.5.This eran加油ser is black and than加油t one is brownWhat about the one? n加油 A.secondn加油n加油B.twon加油C.thirdn加油n加油D.three【答案】C 【考点】序数词n加油 【解析】【分析】题目

19、句意为:这块橡皮是黑色的那块是棕色的,那n加油么第三块呢?因为前面提到了两种不同颜色的橡皮,n加油所以再提到就是第三块,用序数词,故选C。【点评】理解句意,辨别基数词和序数词n加油的差别和用法。6.September is the _n加油_ month in a year. n加油 A.ninthn加油B.ninen加油C.ninethn加油D.nineteenn加油【答案】A 【考点】序数词 【解析】【分析】句意:九月是一年中n加油的第九个月。ninth第九,序数词;nine九,基数词;C选项拼写错误;ninn加油eteen十九。根据句意可知,九月是一年中的第九个月,应用序数词n加油,故选A。【点评】此题考查序数词。注意第九是n加油由基数词nine去e加上th构成的。7.It isn加油 birthday of the boy. n加油 A.ninen加油B.the ninen加油C.the ninthn加油

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