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1、全国各地高考作文之必备词组首先,尤其重要的,最重要的偶然,无意中对(于)很积极合计为承认错误接受某人的建议对提出建议 建议某人做某事后天毕竟;终究违心在岁时实现目标在空中;悬而未决在户外,在露天里在机场火警满腔怒火 因某人之言行而生气生某人的气通知 相继地,按顺序地相互,彼此(三者或三者以上之间)相互(指两者之间)没有回答为而担心急于做某事分开住除了因某事向某人认错或道歉与某人争论某事 放在一边请某人指点/帮助惊讶于以前,曾经 保持沉默(别说话)夏令营去野营情不自禁Above allby accidentbe active in add up to admit ones mistaketake

2、/follow ones advicegive advice on advice sb. to do sth.the day after tomorrowafter allagainst ones willat the age ofachieve ones aimin the airin the open airat the airportthe fire alarmbe filled with angerbe angry at sth.Be angry with sb.make an announcementone after anotherone anothereach othergive

3、 no answerbe anxious aboutbe anxious to do apartapart frommake/after an apology to sb. for sthargue with sb. about sth.lay sth. asideask sb. for advice/helpbe astonished at one timekeep silenta summer campgo campingcannot help doing注意对抱正确的态度 引起(注意,兴趣等)仰卧/仰泳重感冒 两件行李保持/失去平衡在舞会上洗冷水澡阵亡 在

4、海滩整理床铺 以开始在起始,开始自始自终 形成局面;产生安全带 三思而后行尽力,尽最大的努力尽量利用,善用 一切顺利,万事如意黑体地,粗体地出身于农民家庭 鞠躬 动动脑子 打破纪录 深吸一口气屏息;憋住气上气不接下气 刷牙 突然哭起来突然一阵大笑要不是呼救声 保持镇静(别慌) 保持安静(别吵) 保持不动(别动)立方米对感到好奇对造成巨大损害pay attention totake a correct attitudetowards sth.attract ones attentionlie/swim on ones backa bad coldtwo pieces of baggagekeep

5、/lose ones balanceat the hallhavetake a cold bathbe killed in battle0n the beachmake the bedbegin with at the beginning offrom beginning to endcome into beinga safety beltSecond thoughts ones bestmake the best ofall the bestin boldbe born in a peasants familymake a bowuse ones brainsb

6、reak the recordtake a deep breathhold ones breathout of breathbrush ones teethburst into tearsa burst of laughterbut fora call for helpkeep calmkeep quietkeep stillcubic meterbe curious about sth.Do great damage to打牌照顾,保管医疗护理 假若那样的话以防万一下倾盆大雨赶上(或超过)偶然免费主管,在掌管之下由负责掌管,负责高兴起来童年时 挑选,选择圣诞节时 去做礼拜烟头为鼓掌接近一块桌

7、布一套衣服童装 集邮产生,发生(偶然)遇见或发现走过来;长出,发芽,上升;抬头 共同,共有参加比赛举办音乐会条件是祝贺某人 相反地失控与谈话;交谈在期间过程中被覆盖因某事和某人发脾气划掉 对残忍play cardstake care of medical carein that casein case rain cats and dogscatch up with by chance free of chargein chargein the charge oftake chargecheer up in ones childhood make a choice at Christmas go

8、 to churchcigarette end give sba clap get close to a table cloth a suit of clotheschildrens clothingcollect stamps come about come acrosscome upin commoncompete in a contestgive a concerton condition thatcongratulate sb. on sthon the contrary out of controlhave a conversationwith sbin/during the cou

9、rse ofbe covered withbe cross with sb. at sth.cross outbe cruel to sb.处境危险 过时在不久前,前几天对充耳不闻对付,应付负债还清债务做出决定做好事付诸行动,生效直到深夜沉思深夜毫不耽搁,立刻迟迟未做某事发表(演说等)满足要求外语系 百货商店难以形容决心做某事随着工业的发展献身于,致力于处于灭亡的危险中没作用,没影响做有困难,难以应邀赴宴向四面八方做出新的发现正在讨论中洗盘子在远方,在远处对冷淡对有益做坏事,犯罪挨门挨户隔壁的下楼到市区去缓慢前进,拖延 催人泪下in dangerout of datethe other day

10、be deaf to sthdeal within debtout of debtmake a decisiondo good deedsdo the deeddeep into the nightdeep in thoughtdeep into the nightwithout delaydelay doing sth.deliver a speechmeet the demandsforeign language department.department storebeyond descriptionbe determined to do sthwith the development

11、of industrydevote oneself tobe in danger of dying outmake no differencehave difficulty in doing sthbe invited to dinnerin all directionsmake a new discoveryunder discussionwash dishesin the distancebe distant toward sbdo good todo wrong from door to doornext door go downstairsgo downtown drag ones f

12、eetdraw tears from sb渴望做某事在墙上钻孔 赶走使某人发狂 挣钱 谋生究竟别着急,别紧张对有很大影响努力做某事鼓励某人做某事量人而出;使收支相抵美满的结局 说英语的国家 报名比赛 剧场的人口在除夕虽然,即使 时事 参加考试 进行体格检查考试及格 为树立榜样做早操产生,成立做实验 做解释,说明做鬼脸,装怪相事实上未能落后,掉队对熟悉 因闻名作为而闻名摸某人的脉 觉得想做伤害某人的感情春节dream of doing sth.drill a hole in the wall drive off drive sb. mad earn money earn ones living

13、on earth take it easy have a great effect on make efforts to do sth.encourage sb. to do sth. make ends meeta happy endingEnglish-speakingCountriesenter oneself for a contest the entrance to the theateron New Years Eve even if/even thoughcurrent eventshave/taken examination carry out a medical examin

14、ationpass an examinationset an example to morning exercises come into existencecarry / do / make an experimentmake an explanation make a face as a matter of fact fail to do sthfall behindbe familiar with.sthbe famous for be famous asfeel ones pulse feel like doing sthhurt ones feelings the Spr

15、ing Festival 扫地在三层 三层楼的建筑 正在开花 放(风筝等) 糊里糊涂欺骗,愚弄某人 在山脚下 空军 靠武力,强行用很大力气 对外贸易 养成好习惯 碰碰运气每四个一组(一批) 四个四个地 常客 新手 同交朋友那时起不时地,时常不劳而获 做游戏代沟开始认真(做某事)陷入麻烦 有音乐天分 用尽,耗尽,筋疲力尽朝看了一眼 向人瞪眼,怒目而视 (灯,火)熄灭 复习功课进了一个球犯语法错误懂某人的意思 勿踏草地 养成的习惯 用手 分发sweep the flooron the third floora building of threestoreysbe in flowers fly a

16、kitein a fogmake a fool of sb. at the foot of themountainthe air forceby forcewith great forceforeign tradeform a good habittry ones fortunein foursa frequent visitora fresh handmake friends withfrom then onfrom time to timeNo pains, no gainsplay gamesgeneration gapget down to sth.get into troubleha

17、ve a gift for musicgive outtake a glance atglare atgo outgo over the lessonscore a goalmake mistakes in grammargrasp ones meaningkeep off the grassget into the habit ofby handhand out发高烧关键人物填写表格刹那间一场大洪水保持镇静身体好记住某事紧握某物握住;抓住 趾高气扬暑假休假为(向) 表示敬意;为了纪念对某人抱很大希望怀着的希望住院大约一小时挨饿打猎匆匆忙忙不知道但愿,要是就好了给某人留下好印象慢慢前进患难之交

18、才是真朋友。告诉某人某事坚持要做视察工厂激动人心的演讲急需帮助打断谈话介绍信收到请帖邀请信讲笑话和某人开玩笑旅行使某人高兴的是have a high fevera key figurefill in the formin a flasha big/great floodkeep ones headin good healthlearn/know sth. by heartkeep a tight hold on sthcatch/take/get hold ofhold ones head highthe summer holidayson holidayin honour ofhave hi

19、gh hope for the hope of doing in hospitalan hour or sogo hungrygo huntingin a hurryhave no ideaif onlymake a good impressionon sb.inch ones way forwardA friend in need is afriend indeed.Inform sb. of sth.Insist on doingInspect a factoryAn inspiring speechin instant need of helpinterrupt

20、 a conversationa letter of introductionreceive an invitationa letter of invitationtell a jokeplay a joke with sb.make a journeyto ones joy一方面另一方面少量的过幸福生活损害,伤害一个好收成跪下敲门最迟,至迟迟早哈哈大笑起来违(守)法制定一条法律摆设餐具(准备吃饭)过着简朴的生活忽略,遗漏听关于的讲座给某人一个教训从中吸取教训惊讶地叫了一声透漏消息大写字母仰卧俯卧复活,苏醒过来交通信号灯列一张购物清单谋生,度日丧生,死;牺牲泄气;灰心失音,输一场祝你好运。洗衣

21、机欣喜若狂邮寄包裹赚钱交朋友取得进步利用编造故事弥补某人的过失on the one handon the other handa handful oflive a happy lifedo harm harvesta good harvestgo down/fall on ones kneesknock at the doorat the leastsooner or laterburst into laughterbreak/obey the lawmake a lawlay the tablelead a simple lifeleave outattend a lecture ontea

22、ch sb. a lessontake a lesson fromlet out a cry of surpriselet out the newsa capital letterlie on onesback/stomachcome back to lifetraffic lightsmake a shopping listmake a livinglose ones lifelose heartlose ones voicelose a gameWish you good luck.a washing machinebe mad with joysend the parcel by mai

23、lmake moneymake friendsmake progressmake use ofmake up a storymake up for onesmistake不可以以貌取人。初中正在那时与保持联系使不进入成功的秘诀踢门踢掉鞋子按尺寸做 采取措施 量身高 获得金牌 医疗队 体检 吃药 满足的需要 遇到风暴 去开会 开会 举行会议 为纪念对一点儿也不怜悯 毫不容情地;残忍地 在支配下; 任由摆布 圣诞快乐! 给某人捎个信儿 中秋节上百万的,许许多多的 改变主意 当心油漆未干! 下决心外交部长错过机会 犯错误 由疏忽所致 现代 零钱 某人身上没(带)钱 dont judge a man

24、by his looks.a junior high schooljust thenkeep in touch withkeep out ofthe key to successkick the doorkick off ones shoesmaketo ones measuretake a measuremeasure ones heightget a gold medala medical teammedical examinationtake/have somemedicinemeet the needs ofmeet with a stormgo to a meetinghave a

25、meetinghold a meetingin memory ofhave no mercy on sb.without mercy at the mercy ofMerry Christmas!Take a message for sb.Mid-autumn Daymillions ofchange ones mindMind the wet paint!make up ones mindthe minister of foreignaffairsmiss an opportunitymake a mistakeby mistakein modern timessmall moneyhave

26、 no money with sb. 有礼貌商标满分观看一场篮球比赛进行比赛祝你成功。五一节通过这种方式用方法,依靠决不失业了一副眼镜颐和园此处禁止停车!在方面起积极作用在过去的几天里 对某人有耐心熟能生巧。演出,表演亲自,当面给某人照相弹钢琴摘花捡钱包去野餐一堆书可怜某人(因同情而帮助某人)出于同情代替坐某人的座位,代替某人的职务举行,发生代替,代理订计划对某人开一个玩笑与 一起玩在操场上对感到满意喜欢做某事生活富裕正要的时候have good mannersa trade markfull markswatch a basketball matchhave a matchMay you s

27、uccess.May Dayby this meansby means ofby no meansout of worka pair of glassesthe Summer PalaceNo parking here!take an active part inin the past few daysbe patient with sb.Practice makes perfect.put on performancesin persontake a photo of the pianopick flowerspick up a walletgo out for a picnica pile of bookshave/take pity on sb.out of pityin place oftake ones placetake placetake the place ofmake a planplay a j

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