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剑8test1大小 作文课件.docx

1、剑8test1大小 作文课件剑桥雅思8 test1 -writing task 1The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table shows how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.典型的雅思写作里面的组合图:饼图+表格我们先来看一下考官范文的第一段:The pie chart shows that there are four main cau

2、ses of farmland becoming degraded in the world today.考官首先写了上面饼状图的内容,即:造成土地破坏的主要原因,作为这个段的主题句放在第一句。从这个句子我们可以看出,组合类的小作文可以先写出主要的趋势和特征作为主题句放在第一句,这个是得高分的关键。我们接下来继续看:Globally, 65% of degradation is caused by too much animal grazing and tree clearance, constituting 35% and 30% respectively. A further 28% gl

3、obal degradation is due to over-cultivation of crops. Other causes account for only 7% collectively.从这些描述来看,考官分别描述了图中四个造成土地破坏的原因,并且排列的顺序是由大到小,这里我们可以看出考官并没有很复杂地描述这个饼图,就把它当成一般的饼图来写,所以我们以后在写组合图的时候,对第一个单个图,也可以把它当成一般的个体图来描述。但是大家要注意的是考官在表达方法(语句和词组)上面分别采用了:被动语态、现在分词、due to和account for等语法和词组,充分发挥了句型和词组多样化,所

4、以还要请同学们平时多积累小作文固有的同义词和近义词的表达。我们接下来看第二幅图:These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990, with Europe having as much as 9.8% degradation due to deforestation, while the impact of this Oceania and North America was minimal, with only 1.7% and 0.2% of land affected respectively.从考官的第一句话

5、(These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990)我们可以看出:1. 在写第二个图的时候我们要适当注意要写一句上个图和下个图连接性的话,比如这句话里的这些原因就是属于上个饼图的,影响地球上不同的区域就是下面那个表格图的内容,所以这点考官充分做到了很好的承上启下来连接两个图表之间的关联,即:在第二幅图的开头写一句承上启下的话。2. 然后考官把第一个纵向deforestation分别进行了三个地区的比较和分别描述,运用了with的独立主格结构和while连接的时间状语从句。要注意这里考官没有和上面的图进行比较和对比,只

6、要单独描述这个图就可以了。接下来考官接着写:Europe, with highest overall percentage of land degraded (23%), also suffered from over-cultivation (7.7%) and over-grazing (5.5%). In contrast, Oceania had 13% of degraded farmland and this was mainly due to over-grazing (11.3%).north America had a lower proportion of degraded

7、 land at only 5%, and the main causes of this were over-cultivation (3.3%) and, to a lesser extent, over-grazing (1.5%).从这里我们可以看到考官写的都是这个图后面两个纵向和总的土地破坏的描述和差异,也没有写到上面那个图,可见只要第二个图第一句话稍微写一句承上启下的内容就可以了,之后的内容还是可以把它视为单个的表格来写,不需要写出和上面饼图的关系。最后考官写到:Overall, it is clear that Europe suffered more from farmland

8、 degradation than the other regions, and the main causes there were deforestation and over-cultivation.Degradation n. 退化-degrade-degradedDeforestation n. 滥砍滥发Over- grazing n.过度放牧Over- cultivation 过度耕种Clearance n.清除,清理Constitute v.占,构成-account for Collectively 全体,总共,共同totallyMinimal 最少的,最小的Example 2

9、The pie chart illustrates why agricultural land becoming less productive. The table describes three regions affected by the reasons during the 1990s.We can see from the pie chart that over- grazing has the largest percentage in the four reasons, which is 35%. Deforestation ranks the second position

10、with 30%. The percentage of over- cultivation is much higher than that of other reasons. Interesting, the percentage of over- cultivation is four times as much as that of other reasons(28% and 7% respectively)It can be seen from the table that in terms of total land degraded and deforestation, Europ

11、e had the highest percentage in the three regions. The percentage of Oceania was much higher than that of North America. As for over- cultivation, Europe occupied the first place with 7.7%, which was followed by North America(3.3%) and the percentage of Oceania was 0. However in the area of over- gr

12、azing, Oceania had the highest percentage in the three regions, which was 11.3%, while North America had the lowest , which was only 1.5%.Writing Task 2Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn t

13、his.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 而根据考官在剑桥系列书籍中所给出的范文分析,一般说来此类Discuss both and give your own opinion的提问共有3种回答方式:1)若是自己观点与正反方中某一方一致,则在段落安排时先讨论不赞同的一方,进行论述和反驳,后提出赞同一方的看法和理由,最后点明自己的观点;2)若自己观点是保持中立,也就是认为双方都有各自的道理可言,那么在主体段论证时只要分别帮双方给出理由,最后提出自己的看法即可;3)若自己观点是完全不同于双方中的任何一方,则在讨论时对双方看法阐述之

14、后都分别加入反驳成分,最后亮出自己的看法。 Example 1:A childs education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone. “背景介绍+表明观点”,留意therefore这个词,把背景

15、介绍和自己的观点紧密地连接起来。而我们的开头,给人的感觉除了模版还是模版,无法做到如此紧密而且自然的逻辑。9分作文的“去模板化”,在开头已经得到了很好的解析。 In order to be a good member of any society the individual must respect and obey the rules of their community and share their values. Educating children to understand the need to obey rules and respect others always begi

16、ns in the home and is widely thought to be the responsibility of parents. They will certainly be the first to help children learn what is important in life, how they are expected to behave and what role they will play in their world. 本段一个firstly、secondly、for instance和其等价物也没有,但是整段的论证依然是浑然一体。首先第一句子的开头

17、,先说明教育小孩be good members to society的目的是什么。然后用educating children来连接上文,并指出父母是第一任老师。然后最后一句开头的they就是指代父母,learn后面加了三个宾语从句,字字珠玑,句句切题。不过,这段还是第一句中心句,第二句支持中心句的分论点,第三句例证.这个就是所谓的“基本思路模版”。 However, learning to understand and share the value system of a whole society cannot be achieved just in the home. Once a ch

18、ild goes to school, they are entering a wider community where teachers and peers will have just as much influence as their parents do at home. At school, children will experience working and living with people from a whole variety of backgrounds from the wider society. This experience should teach t

19、hem how to co-operate with each other and how to contribute to the life of their community. 第一句的转折句,马上跟读者说,现在我要discuss另外一个观点了,请注意。后面一句once开头的,说明了在学校其他人也影响了儿童。接着举例,用At school这个状语把前面的内容和这句扣起来了。然后最后一句继续深入解析,用代词this experience来指代上一局的一长串的内容,接下来又是两个并列的宾语从句作为例子。但是实际上,这段是“转折句+中心句+两句论证”。再次证明,“基本思路模版”是万变不离其中的

20、。 But to be a valuable member of any community is not like learning a simple skill. It is something that an individual goes on learning throughout life and is the responsibility of every member of a society to take responsibility for helping the younger generation to become active and able members o

21、f that society. 最后一段,一个but开始写自己观点教育不是学技能。那么是什么呢?接着是一个it is 开头,用and连接起来的形式主语句。并列之余还是层层递进,and后面的长句再次扣题。20个7分动词词组1.improve peoples living standard全球贸易提升了人们的生活水平。2.adapt to大学生要学会自我调节,适应社会环境。3. Provide sth. For sb.看电视和玩电子游戏给孩子们带来娱乐和快乐。4.Rely on世界上很多地区过度的依赖旅游业来发展地方经济。5.Relieve stress/ burden经常锻炼能减轻压力和缓解疲劳

22、。6.Distinguish between A and B许多青少年缺乏辨别是非的能力。7.Be involved in每个公民都应该参与环境保护。8.Be addicted to do sth.现在许多孩子沉迷于网络游戏。9.Stem from总的来说,大部分犯罪起源于不良的教育和贫穷。10.Raise the public awareness of政府应该提高公众节约用水的意识。11.Boost economic development现代科技大大促进了世界范围的经济发展。12.Keep pace with高等教育必须跟上现代科学的快速发展。13.Enable sb. To do sth

23、.听音乐让人感到轻松。14.Invest in政府应该鼓励公司去投资开发可再生资源。15.Make the most of我们应该充分利用新技术来提高生产力。16.Reach the balance between a and b/ strike a balance between a and b现在人们必须学会在工作和家庭时间上达到一个健康的平衡。17.Be filled with报纸上和电视上充满了对犯罪的细节描写。18.Suffer from由于现代职场的激烈竞争,许多雇员遭受心理疾病。19.Give priority to sth.政府应该最先满足人们的基本需求,比如住房和医疗。20.

24、Enact laws政府应该颁布法令保护濒危野生动物。8分词组1. Be worth doing sth.任何有益于环境保护的事情都是值得做好的。2. Be superior to 杂志的图片印刷优于报纸。3. Be vulnerable to孩子比成年人更容易受到媒体上不良信息的影响。4. Be obsessed with现代人越发迷恋于物质财富。5. Be consistent with它提出了一个和现代护理实践目标相一致的教育理论。6. Be compatible with 经济发展和环境保护是可以共存的。7. Be complementary to广播和电视在许多情况下不是竞争性的,而

25、是相互补充的,他们满足不同人群的不同需求。8. Be indifferent to家长不能对孩子们的娱乐活动漠不关心。9. Thereby doing sth.政府应该提升大众的环保意识,以此创造一个更加宜居的环境。10. Make contribution to sth.博物馆对古代艺术的展出,保存和研究做出了贡献。11. Benefit from sth.人们从低碳经济中受益。Be beneficial to sth./ do harm to/ do good to sth./ be harmful to/on sth.12. Shape ones mind大学教育应当塑造思想,开阔眼界。

26、13. Bridge the gap为了缩小贫富差距,政府必须改善社会福利。14. Harbour我们不应该对我们不了解的文化抱有偏见或者怀疑。大作文15句的写作方法普遍使用Discuss both sides and gibe your own opinion第一段:引出主题,表达观点第一段:引出主题,表达观点1. 引入背景1. 引入背景2. 交代辩论话题2. 交代辩论话题3. 表达写作观点3. 表达写作观点第二段:讲道理第二段:4. 第一论据,中心句1. 正方观点及第一论据5. 进一步具体阐述理由,拓展2. 说理6. 所以,观点成立3. 第二论据第三段:举例子4. 例证7. 第二论据,中心

27、句5. 重申观点8. 举例,经典个例或者排比论证第三段9. 例证解释说明1. 反方观点及第一论据第四段:让步2. 说理10. 讨论反方观点3. 第二论据11. 反方论据4. 例证12. 驳斥反方或部分同意反方第五段:结论末段13. 重申写作观点1. 中立总结或者个人新观点14. 不能忽视反方观点2. 进一步解释15. 思想立意提升3. 立意升华Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.In what ways has technology affected th

28、e types of relationships people make?Has this become a positive or negative development?Communication is very important both in the past and at present and tends to be more essential in modern society. The development of technology has changed the way we live and the way we relate to other people. F

29、or example, some inventions, such as the telephone and the Internet, make it unnecessary for people to meet face-to-face. The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing, which used to be the only method of long distance communication. Some people worry about its negative effects o

30、n peoples relationship. However, I believe that individuals can benefit from the development. First of all, technology brings us great convenience and efficiency. For example, we can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes us at least

31、a week and costs much. One of the advantages of telephone communication is that it can allow us to begin instantly to communicate no matter how far we are away from each other. As a result, fire alarm, robbery alarm and other emergency cases are often reported through telephone.Some people are sligh

32、tly frightened by the fact that that the development of technology may lead to the alienation among families and friends. In fact, technology broadens our horizons and we can make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. It is with the help of technology that we can commu

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