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1、四级核心词汇+新东方题库每天背1abandon vt. 遗弃,放弃to abandon oneself to .沉溺于2absolutea.十足的,绝对的,不受任何限制/约束的。3 absorbVT。吸引。注意,吸收,同化 be absorb in sth.专心于某事EG) She was so _B_in her job that she didnt hearanybody knocking at the door.AattractedB absorbed C drawnDconcertrated4abstracta。抽象的n.摘要vt .做。的摘要,提取make an abstact of

2、 把。的要点搞入下来 concrete (反义)具体的5 abundant a (IN)丰富的,大量的The county is abundant in natual resources.6 abusen/vt.虐待,滥骂辱骂It has been revealthat some govemmentleaders _C_their authrity and position to get illegalprofits for themselvesAemploy B takeC abuseD overlook7 academyn.研究院,学会,(中等以上)学校8accelerate v.(使)加

3、快9accentn口音,重音vt.重读10accessn通道,接近,(或进入,享用的)机会vt.存取(计算机文件)assess(相似词)估计,评价11 accomadationn.住处12 accordn一致,(国与国之间的)谅解13 accordance n.一致,和谐,符合in accordance with 与。一致,依照,根据14 account n记述,帐户,解释vi (FOR)说明。原因,(在数量,比例方面)占An report said that ment account for 52% of the chinese population.15 accusevt.指控accuse

4、 sb. of sth. 指责某人做错某事,控告某人犯某罪16accustomeda(TO)习惯的,通常的v.accustome (使)习惯于。养成习惯customer17acknowledgevt.Michael Jordan was acknowledged as the best barsketball player in the NBA.18 acquaintancen.have (no/some) acquaintance with.a apeaking acquaintance19 acquirevt.To acquire great success,you must work h

5、ard.acquire knowledge of .20 acquisitionn.21 acuteaacute shortage of .in acute pain22 adapt vt. adoptvt.23 adjust vt.vi24 advancevi.前进,上涨vt.预先支付,提前,提出n.前进,进展,增长,预付a.预先的,先行的25 advanced a.超前的,高级的,年迈的26 adventuren。奇遇,冒险28 advertisevi/vt登广告,做广告 advertisement n广告(活动/宣传)广告29 advisablea.可取的,明智的30 advocatev

6、t拥护,n拥护者,律师31 affect 影响affection喜爱,爱墓32agencyn.代理行,经销处,(政府等的)专业行政部门33 agenda n.议事日程34agent n.代理商,经纪人,政府代表词组一。介词+名词by accident偶然on account of由于,因为,为了。 的缘故in addition另外,加之in addition to除。之外(还)in the air 流传中on (the/an )average 按平均值,通常 on the basis of 根据,在。的基础上at best 充其量,至多for the better好转,向好的方向发展on bo

7、ard在船(车或飞机)上1 agressivea.侵略的,有进取心的, n.sgression 侵略,攻击 Animals can become unusually _when they are upset by a sudden environmentalchange.Aageressive Bpredominant CvigorousDpuzzled2 alarmn.惊恐3alerta.提防的,警惕的n警惕,报警 on the alert 警戒着,随时准备着,密切注意着 (EG)The seismogragh invented by ZhangHeng in 132 A.D. could

8、alert people to the coming of earthquake.4 alliance n.结盟,联盟5 ally n./v同盟者,结盟,支持者 ally sb. /oneselfwith/to .使某人或自己与。结盟或联姻6 alongsidead/prep.在旁边,沿着边,横靠7alphabet n.;字母表8 alternativen.替换物,取舍,决择 have no alternative but.除。之外别无选择,只有,只好9 altituden.高度,海拨 The plane flew at an altitude of 20.000 metres.10 alto

9、getherad.完全,全部地,总之,总共11 aluminum n.铝12 amateur n./a.业余爱好者,业余艺术家,业余的,外行的13 ambitionn.抱负,野心,企望得到的东西be full of ambition 雄心勃勃burn with an ambition 野心勃勃14 ambulancen.救护车15 amazevt.使大为惊奇amuse vt.逗乐16 analogyn.比拟,类比,类推17 analysis n.分析(报告)18 analyse (US. analyze) vt.分析19 ancestor n.祖宗,原型,先驱20anchorn锚,给人安全感的

10、物/人 v抛锚,停泊21 anniversaryn.周年纪念(日)annual一年一次的22 anticipatevt.预期,期望,提前行动We must anticipate our competitor by getting our products onto the market first. (EG)1)The new designs of the christmas stamps are always waited for with keen_.Airritation BanticipateC predictionDreception 2) People _thatvertical

11、flight transports would carry millions of passenager as do the airlines of today.A convinced BanticipatecresolvedDassured 23antiquea.古时的,过时的,N。古董24apparenta.显然的,表面上的,貌似的做定语 apparent +n.apparent在名词前意为“似乎,貌似的”等于(seeming 表面上的,外观n.)。做表语,be + apparent“apparent”在BE动词后时可表示“似乎,貌似的”等于(seeming),也可表示“明显的”等于obv

12、ious25 appetite n.胃口,欲望26 applausen.鼓掌27appliance n.器具,装置28 appoint约会,任命29appropriatea. 适当的 vt.私占,拨出(款项等)供专用appropriate to ones use占为已有词组:介词+名词1 out of breath 喘不过气来 2 on business 因公,因事3 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样4 in case of 假如,如果发生,防备in case 假使,以防(万一)5 in no case 决不,无论如何不6 be chance 偶然,碰巧7 in charge of

13、管理,负责8 (a) round the clock日夜不停的9 in common 共同的,共有的10 in conclusion(that)最后,总之1 approval n.赞成,批准2 approve vt.赞成,批准3 approximate a.大概的vi/近似vt近似,估计They claim _1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis a) sufficientlyb) properly c) considerably d)approximately讲解:sufficiently properly consid

14、erably 4 arbitrary a.随意的,专断的 arbitrary choice 随心所欲的选择 A good judge should try to be fair and not to make arbitrary decisions.(武断的决定) I was unware of the critical points involved ,so my choice was quite _a)arbitraryb) rational c)mechanical d)unpredictable5 architectn. 建筑师6 arisevi. 产生,出现 So me confus

15、ion has _about who can join the association. A) arisen B) liftedC) raisedD) retained Many difficult have _ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel. A) risenB) arisenC) raisedD)arrived arouse vt. 7 artificiala.人工的,假的 artificial flowersfalse diamonds (adj.伪造的adv.欺诈地)8 aspectn.方面,面貌9 assem

16、ble vi. 集合, assemblyn.立法机构,议会,集会,组装Everybody _in the hall where they were weclomed by the secretary .A) assembledB) accumulateC) piledD) joined 10 asset n.优点,资产,有价值的人(或物)11 assume vt.假定,承但,呈现assumptionn.假定,承担12 astronomy n.天文学13 atomica.(关于)原子(能/核武器)的14 attachvt.连接,使依恋,认为有(重要性,责任等)be attached to连在.上

17、,附属于,喜爱Attach is a list of our prices .随函附上我们的报价15 attackv/n. 攻击16 attainvt .达到,获得attainablen.可达到的attain ones goal 达到目的17 attend vt.出席,照料,关心 vi.(to)专心于,致力于18 attentionn.注意,立正姿势19 attorney n.(US)律师,代理人20 attribute vt.把.归于,n.属性attribute sth .to 把.归于The car accident was _to drivers violation of the tra

18、ffic regulations.A) assigned B) contributedC)attributedD) transferred21 automatica.自动的,必然的,无意识的22 auxiliarya.辅助的,备用的23 avenuen.林荫道,大街24 awaitvt.等候,将降临到.身上25 awardvt. 授于,裁定 n.奖,奖品,奖金26 baggagen.行李27 bankruptn.破产者 a.破产的,完全失败的 v.使破产28 barrel n.桶,枪/炮管29 barrier N栅栏,障碍,屏障30 basicallyad.基本上31 batteryn.电池,

19、排炮,一系列32 bearing n.举止,方位,轴承33 behalfn. 利益,方面behave vi.举止,动转 ,反应 behave oneself检点某个行为词组:介词+名词1 in conclusion 最后,总之2 on condition (that)假如,在.条件下3 in confidence 私下的,秘密的4 in connection with 关于,与.有关5in consequence 结果,因此6 in consequence of 由于.的缘故,因为7 on the contrary 正相反8 in contrast with/to 与.对比起来,与.形成对比9

20、 out of control 失去控制10 under control 处于控制之下1 belong(to)vi.属于;应被置(在某处),适应2 beloveda.所钟爱的3 bendvi.使弯曲4 beneathprep.在.下面ad.在下方5 beneficial a.有益的6 bidn.企图, vt.出(价),祝,表示 vi.喊价7 blade n.刀刃,刀片8 bleed vi.出血 vt.勒索.的钱9 blendv.(使)混和n.混和物10 bloodya.非常的,残忍的 vt.使为血所污11bolda.勇敢的,冒失的;粗(字体)的,醒目的12 boltn.螺栓vt.拴住vi冲出去

21、,逃跑13 bondn.联结;公债;合同 v.(使)粘合14 boom n.激增;隆隆声15 bondn.联结,公债合同16 bounce vi.(使)弹起n.弹,反弹bound a.一定的,受约束的,准备到.去的17 boundaryn.分界线18 breedn.种,品种vi.低下(头),压弯vt.饲养,养育,酿成19 breezen.微风vi.飘然而行20 broomn.打帚21 budgetn.预算,vi.编预算vt.规划a.低谦的22 bulkn.(巨大)物体;主体vi.变得越来越大vt.使更大(或更厚)23 bumpvi碰,颠簸着前进n.碰撞24 bundlen.捆vt.收集25 b

22、urden n. 重担,使重负 vt.加重压于,烦扰;负重26 calculate vt.计算;估计,计划27 campaign n.运动,战役vi.参加动动,(竞选)28 candidate n.申请求职者;投考者,候选人29 capacity n.容量,才能; 身份,职位30 capsule n胶囊,航天舱.31 capturevt.n.俘虏,夺得,占领32 cast vt 投射,把.加于;丢弃;脱落n.演员表,锛型33 casual a.漠不关心的,随便的,偶然的,临时的1 When John was arrested for drunken driving ,he expected t

23、o lose his driving licence,but he was let _with a fine A) throughadv.旅行, 允许通行 B) offv.放出, 饶恕, 准许.暂停工作 C) outv.放掉, 泄露, 放大, 出租 D) down v.放下, 使失望, 辜负, 松劲, 减速下降2 His enthusiasm for the plan seems to have _ ,he never speaks about it any more A) worn out B) worn offC) tired outD) exhausted3 The tenant mus

24、t be prepared to decorate the property _the terms of the agreement. A) with regard toB) in relation with C) in accordance with D) provided by 4 The map was drawnto the standard _of 1:100000 so there was not much detail. A) route B) lineC) rateD) scale5 If your house is mear the station,it is _ for t

25、he train. a) handyb)intimatec) neghbouringd) adjacentkey bbcda1 without the friction between their feet and the ground ,people would _be able to walk.a)in no time b) by all means c) in no wayd) on any account2 when he arrived, he found _the aged and the sick at home .a )none butb) none other thanc) nothing butd) no other than 3 She must have gone out early ,for she had not _ for breakfast .a) shown up b) shown overc) shown offd) shown around 4 _ I am well again,I can go on with the expedition.a) Now that b) In thatc) because d

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