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1、高三英语第二轮限时复习题29专题限时训练(二)记叙文型完形填空(二)(限时:45分钟)(一)I got a job working at a local coffee shop.I thought the job would be easy and stressfree.I_1_ myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnuts(炸面包圈), and becoming friends with regular customers.I wasnt expecting the people with enormous order

2、s, the women who_2_ that the coffee was much too creamy (含乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees remade again and again until_3_ reached perfection.I couldnt seem to please anyone.One rainy day, one of my _4_ customers came in looking upset.He said he felt like being topheavy.I knew exactly

3、how he _5_.Before he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee.He was _6_, since he hasnt ordered anything but coffee.I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.“Its on me,” I told him.“Have a nice day.” He smiled and _7_ me before heading back out into the rain.The next day, it was sti

4、ll raining.I spent my afternoon hanging out the window handing people their orders.I was completely_8_ and freezing cold.Every time I looked into our empty tip jar, I grew more _9_.In the evening, the former customer showed up and handed me a pink rose and a _10_.He said that not many people took ti

5、me to _11_ others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away, and I ran to the back of the shop and read the note. It read: “Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It is so nice to _12_ someone whos genuinely (真诚地) nice.Please d

6、ont change your ways! Have a great day!Hank”_13_ that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I _14_ Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high, _15_ my throat and ask politely, “How can I help you?”()1.A.picturedBtaughtCsaw Dfelt()2.A.provided BcomplainedCsuggested Dshowed

7、()3.A.the women BitCthey Dthe men()4.A.favorite BfamiliarCregular Dstrange() BbecameCgrew Dfelt()6.A.surprised BhappyCsatisfied Dsad()7.A.helped BthankedCasked Dfound()8.A.tired BworriedCwet Ddisappointed()9.A.amazed BgladCanxious Ddepressed()10.A.paper BbookCnote Dpen() with Btake c

8、areClook out Dcare about()12.A.need BmeetClearn from Ddescribe()13.A.Before BAfterCBeside DBehind()14.A.thought of Breminded ofCapproved of Dinformed of()15.A.make BcureCclear Dtouch(二)Diana Velez does everything with maximum effort and at maximum speed.That_1_learning a new language, completing two

9、 certificates and opening a store.When arriving in Canada in 2008, she had one_2_: to have what she had back home in Colombia.“I didnt want to_3_what I do, like so many who come to a new country,”she said.“I_4_to open a store here in Canada but knew I had to_5_myself properly.”Diana quickly realized

10、 that making her dream of shop ownership in Canada a_6_meant going to school to get the_7_education and certification.“My experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me_8_in my abilities, but I couldnt speak the language and I had to_9_how to do things in Canada.It was lik

11、e having to_10_all over again,” said Diana.By the end of October 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements.Within two years after her_11_in Canada, Diana at last achieved her_12_goal when her new store opened its doors in Torontos Sheppard Centre.She was on the fast track to_13_.Looking b

12、ack, Diana, a fashion(时装)designer,_14_her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and_15_, the efforts she made.Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.()1.A.requires BencouragesCincludes Dadvises()2.A.goal BmemoryCchoice Dproblem()3.A.continue BchooseC

13、change Dlose()4.A.demanded BdecidedCagreed Dhesitated()5.A.teach BprepareCenjoy Dpersuade()6.A.reality BfactCchallenge Dwonder()7.A.physical BprivateCprimary Dnecessary()8.A.pressure BjudgementCinfluence Dconfidence()9.A.put away Bdepend onClearn about Dlook into()10.A.advance BstartCsuffer Dwork()1

14、1.A.adventure BarrivalCperformance Djourney()12.A.original BcommonCanother Ddistant()13.A.success BwealthCglory Dhappiness()14.A.adds BconnectsCdevotes Dowes()15.A.after all Babove allCat least Dat first(三)One day when I went to a ladys house to buy some vitamins, I _1_that there was an electronic k

15、eyboard on a stand.Being a piano music lover and player, I asked if the woman played. She nodded and added that she had been attending lessonsat age 54! I told the lady that it was very _2_that she was pursuing her passion(热情)to play the piano.Then she asked me the same question.“I have been playing

16、 for eight years now, ” I answered her.“Then you must play a song for me before you leave,” she _3_ .I thought she was joking and I simply smiled.At the end of the deal of the vitamins, she _4_ me of our musical “_5_”She then showed me to an old upright piano in the living room and asked me to play

17、a song for her.I thought _6_ and decided to play David Lanzs Return to the Heart, since she had so much passion for _7_, and it was my soulsearching song.I played the song to the best of my ability, and with my emotions _8_ into it as possible.She loved it._9_ I was about to step out of the door, I

18、heard a weak voice calling out, “Young man!”I turned around,and there was an old lady _10_ one little step at a time with the help of another woman.“I wanted to come out to _11_ you for the beautiful song that you played. I have been very sick, and its very hard for me to _12_ my bed, but your music

19、 made me feel good. ”she said. With that, she turned around and walked _13_ back to her room.I was deeply _14_ by her appreciation and felt a deeper understanding for the song. It served its purpose beautifully, returning to ones _15_ for peace and joy.()1.A.observed BwatchedCnoticed Dcaught()

20、teresting BwonderfulCmoved Dimpressive()3.A.advised BorderedCdemanded Drequested()4.A.warned BremindedCasked Drequired()5.A.course BtaskCdiscussion Ddeal()6.A.for the moment Bat the momentCfor a moment Dat a moment() BsongsCthe piano Dvitamins()8.A.dropping BfallingCpouring Drunning()9.A.Si

21、nce BAsCWhile DBecause()10.A.taking BmakingChaving Dmoving()11.A.thank BpraiseCadmire Dowe()12.A.get on Bget upCget off Dget down()13.A.quietly BcalmlyChappily Dslowly()14.A.shocked BtouchedCdelighted Ddisturbed() BheartCbrains Ddreams专题限时训练(二)(一)【文章大意】 一个不经意的善举,一颗知恩感恩的心,就会让温馨和真情如火花般蔓延,温暖世

22、界的每个角落。1A考查动词辨析。后面是作者对自己将要做的工作的美好想象。所以选picture,该词在这里作动词,意为“想象,描绘”。2B考查语境化选词。从下文的“or the men who wanted their iced coffees remade again and again”可推知女顾客们也不是很满意,应该是在抱怨。3C考查语境化选词。they这里指的是上文的“their iced coffees”。 4C考查语境化选词。从第一段最后的“becoming friends with regular customers”可看出答案。5D考查动词辨析。此处指作者很了解这个顾客的感受。6

23、A考查语境化选词。此处表示“他很吃惊”,因为他除了咖啡没有点其他的。7B考查语境化选词。从上文的I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.“Its on me,” I told him.“Have a nice day.” He smiled.看,顾客是感谢作者的,故选B。 8C考查语境化选词。由上文“I spent my afternoon hanging out the window handing people their orders.”及下文“freezing cold”选C项。 9D考查形容词辨析。由于没有得到小费,作者的心情是沮丧

24、的。depressed“沮丧的”; amazed“吃惊的”;glad“高兴的”;anxious“着急的”。10C考查语境化选词。由下文“.read the note”可知。11D考查动词短语辨析。help with“帮助”;take care“当心”;look out“当心”; care about“关心”。从上下文看,应该是“关心”,故选D项。12B考查动词辨析。meet“遇见”符合题意。句意:遇见一个和蔼真诚的人实在太好了。13B考查语境化选词。本句的意思是:从那以后,每当我心情不好的时候,我就想起了“Hank and his kindness”。 14A考查动词短语辨析。think of

25、意为“想起”; remind of意为“提醒”;approve of意为“赞成”;inform of意为“通知”。 15C考查固定搭配。clear my throat清清嗓子。句意:于是,我会微笑着,昂起头,清一清嗓子,礼貌地问:“您想要点什么?”(二)【文章大意】本文讲述的是哥伦比亚设计师戴安娜到加拿大后,克服种种困难,最后通过自己的努力实现目标的故事。1C戴安娜以最大的努力和最快的速度完成每件事,这些事包括2A由语境可知是戴安娜有一个“目标”。3C句意:我不想改变我所做的。change意为“改变”;continue意为“继续”;choose意为“选择”;lose意为“遗失,错过”。根据第二

26、段第一句和第三段第二句可知,戴安娜曾经在哥伦比亚开一家商店,而且是一位设计师,她在加拿大不想改变她在家时所从事的一切。所以正确答案为C项。4B由上文可知她决定在加拿大开一个商店。5B在加拿大开商店需要做好准备。“prepare oneself properly”意为“使自己为做好准备”。6A戴安娜很快意识到使梦想变为现实就意味着要获得必要的教育和证书。“reality现实”与 “dream梦想” 对应, 本题要避免误选“fact事实”。7D根据上下文,此处表示“必要的”,故选D。8D在哥伦比亚拥有一家商店和从事设计的经历使戴安娜对自己的能力充满信心。9C虽然有经验,但是在加拿大这个陌生的地方戴

27、安娜还得学习如何处理事情。10B从上文可知戴安娜需要学习语言,还要学习如何处理事情,就好像一切都要重新开始。11B在她到加拿大两年之后,戴安娜实现了她最初的目标。12Aoriginal 原来的;common 常见的;another 另一个;distant 远的。13A综前所述,戴安娜尽最大的努力以最快的速度实现自己的梦想,所以她处在成功的快车道。14D回想往事,戴安娜把自己的成功归功于自己所设的目标。 归功于。15B戴安娜认为努力是最重要的。above all 最重要的是。(三)【文章大意】作者去一家店买维生素时,爱好钢琴的店主要作者弹奏一曲。作者充满感情地演奏了一曲,而这却使一位

28、久病在床的老人感觉精神顿好。老人起身感谢,作者深受感动。由此,作者对这首曲子有了更深的理解。1C一进房子,“我”“注意到”有一个电子键盘在架子上。2Dimpressive意为“给人深刻印象的,感人的”。3D与下文.asked me to play a song for her.中的asked相呼应。4B她提醒“我”,我们之前的约定。5D买维生素是一笔“交易”,请“我”弹琴也是谈成的一笔“交易”。6Cfor a moment意为“一会儿”。7A由句意可知她对音乐充满了热情。8Cwith my emotions pouring into it感情投入。9Bas引导时间状语从句。10A有一位老太太在另一位女士的帮助下一次只走一小步。“走一步”通常说“take a step”。11A根据上下文可知,出来应为表示感谢。12C因为病得很严重,因此下床(get off ones bed)很难。13D因为有病,所以走路应该非常缓慢。14B我被她对音乐的欣赏所深深感动。15B由倒数第四段提到的David Lanzs Return to the Heart可知。

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