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本文(译林牛津版高二英语模块五 Unit 2 The environment 详解教案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

译林牛津版高二英语模块五 Unit 2 The environment 详解教案.docx

1、译林牛津版高二英语模块五 Unit 2 The environment 详解教案模块 5Unit 2 The environment重点单词1. responsibility n. 责任;职责;义务 responsible adj. 有责任的,应负责的 【常见搭配】havetakeacceptshoulder responsibility for. 承担责任avoidescape the responsibility 回避责任take responsibility for 对负责任a sense of responsibility 责任感,责任意识be responsible for 对负责;

2、成为的原因 As a manager, you should take overall responsibility for personnel. 作为经理,你应该对职员全面负责。 He has no sense of responsibility. 他丝毫没有责任感。 Parents are responsible for their childrens safety. 父母应该对孩子的安全负责。【即时演练】 (浙江宁波市重点中学2014届高三上学期期中考试) What the educational expert wants to stress is that _ from worry a

3、nd anxiety can definitely contributes to a childs mental and physical health. A. responsibility B. freedom C. sorrow D. comfort 【解析】句意:教育专家想要强调的是摆脱担忧和焦虑绝对会给孩子带来身心健康。freedom“免除”;responsibility“责任;义务”;sorrow“悲伤”;comfort“舒适”。 【答案】B2. measure n. 测量;措施;程度;尺寸 vt. 测量;估量 vi. 有(的)长度,大小 【常见搭配】take measures to

4、 do sth. 采取措施做某事take ones measure 量某人的尺寸;判断某人的性格(能力)make to ones measure 按照某人的尺寸做 We should take some measures to solve these difficulties. 我们应该采取措施来解决这些难题。 This room measures 6 meters by 4. 这间房间有6米长4米宽。 【即时演练】 (湖北润德高中学2014届高三12月月考) To avoid his shop being stolen again, he thought it over and at las

5、t decided to set a security_ in it.A. system B. measure C .account D. baggage 【解析】句意:为了避免他的商店再次被偷盗,他思索了一番,最终决定在店里安装一套安全系统。system“系统”;measure“措施”;account“账户”;baggage“行李”。 【答案】A3. appreciate vt. 鉴赏,欣赏;感谢 【常见搭配】appreciate (sb.) doing sth. 感谢(某人)做某事appreciate it + if 从句 如果将非常感谢 【即时演练】A: 完成下列句子 1. He wou

6、ld greatly _. 如果你能帮他这个忙,他将非常感激。 2. At your convenience, I would really _. 如果你方便的话,我真得很感谢你调查这事件。 3. Some of our class dont like her, but most of us really _. 班里有些学生不喜欢她,但我们多数人非常欣赏他,因为她讲课既有条理有清楚。【答案】 1. appreciate it if you could do him that favor 2. appreciate you looking into this matter 3. apprecia

7、te her because her teaching is so well organized and clear B: 单选 (扬州市2014届高三期末质检) Is there anything else I can do for you, Jeff?No. Thanks. I really appreciate _when you lent all your notes to me before the exam.A. one B. it C. that D. this 【解析】句意:“Jeff,是否还有什么我可以为你效劳的?”“没有了。谢谢。在考试之前当你把所有的笔记都借给我时,我非常

8、的感谢。”appreciate 后须接it,再加when或if等引导的从句。 【答案】B4. operate vt. 操作,运作;运转;经营,管理 vi. 起作用,见效果 operation n. 运转;操作;作用,功能;手术 【常见搭配】operate on sb. for 为某人动的手术bring/ put into operation 实施come/ go into operation 开始运转/ 实施in operation 运转中;实施着have/ undergo an operation on 接受的手术perform an operation on sb. for 为某人做的手术

9、 【即时演练】A: 完成下列句子 1. The new rules _ next month. 新规定将在下个月开始实施。 2. The doctor decided to _. 医生决定马上为他的癌症动手术。 3. Before you decide to employ a worker, you need to ensure that he knows _. 在你雇佣一个工人之前,你必须确保他知道如何操作机器。【答案】 1. will come into operation 2. operate on him for his cancer/ performed an operation o

10、n him for his cancer 3. how to operate the machineB: 单选 (2014届高三豫东、豫北十校质检) As a famous public figure, you have a duty to _ yourself responsibly, especially in public places.A. carry B. conduct C. guide D. operate 【解析】句意:作为一个著名的公众人物,你有必要对你的行为举止负责,尤其是在公共场合。conduct oneself“举止,表现”。 【答案】B5. absorb vt. 吸收

11、,吸取;理解;使全神贯注;吸引某人注意 【常见搭配】absorb 吸收/理解be absorbed in 全神贯注于 Ive just been so busy studying and trying to absorb all the new things around me. 我一直忙于学习,了解身边的新事物。 The children were so absorbed in playing games that they did not feel hungry. 孩子们如此地全神贯注于玩游戏,以致感觉不到饿。 【相关拓展】be lost in 沉湎于be buried in 埋头于be

12、devoted to 献身于be occupied in doing sth. / with sth. 忙于be involved in 热衷于 be addicted to 沉溺于 【即时演练】 (湖北恩施中学2014届高三第三次质检) If you waste too much time seeking recognition or approval from others, then you wont have time to _ all that you desire. A. accumulate B. absorb C. appreciate D. accomplish 【解析】句意

13、:如果你浪费时间从别人那寻求认可及赞赏,那么你不会有时间去完成你所期望的。accomplish“完成”accumulate“积累”;absorb“吸收”;appreciate“感激”。 【答案】D6. debate n. & v. 辩论,争辩;争论 【常见搭配】under debate 在讨论中open/ close a debate 展开/ 终止辩论hold a heated debate 举行一次热烈的辩论debate about/over/ on sth. with sb. 与某人争论 The new medical law is under debate. 新的医疗法仍然在讨论中。 W

14、e have been debating about / over/ on current affairs recently. 我们最近正在就时事问题进行辩论。 【词义辨析】debate着重“双方表达不同的观点”;也指双方展开辩论,从而说服对方。argue指“说理,争论”和“企图说服”。discuss指“展开讨论”来解决某问题或找到某方法等。 【即时演练】 Some government officials as well as CEOs from several companies will take part in a public _ over some of the issues in

15、 employment law. A. argument B. debate C. quarrel D. conflict 【解析】句意:一些政府官员和一些来自几家公司的执行官们将就雇佣法律的一些问题进行一次公开的辩论。debate“辩论”;argument“争论”;quarrel“争吵”;conflict“冲突”。 【答案】 B7. particular adj. 特别的;讲究的;特有的 【常见搭配】be particular about 对讲究的;对挑剔的in particular 特别地 【即时演练】A: 用常见搭配中的词组填空1. She loves the song _, becau

16、se her mother used to sing it.2. As a model, she _ her clothes.【答案】1. in particular 2. is particular about B: 单选 (浙江奉化二中2014届高三第一学期期中考试) It was reported that Chinese students feel more stressed from _ exams and heavy schoolwork than those in the other countries. A. frequent B. normal C. occasional D

17、. particular 【解析】句意:据报道,中国的学生们因为频繁的考试以及过重的作业负担要比其他国家的学生感到压力更大。frequent“频繁的”;normal“正常的”;occasional“偶尔的”;particular“特别的”。 【答案】A8. range vi. (在一定范围内)变化;包括;排列,排序 n. 范围;一系列;山脉 【常见搭配】range from to 在和之间range between and 在范围内变化a range of 一系列in/ within range 在范围之内beyond/ out of range 超出范围 【即时演练】A: 完成下列句子 1.

18、 The enemy plane flew _ our guns. 敌机飞出了我们机枪的射程范围。 2. In summer, the temperature _ at hometown. 夏天,在我家乡温度在摄氏三十度与四十度之间。 3. The price of the dolls _. 那些布娃娃价格从5美元到100美元不等。【答案】1. out of the range of 2. ranges between 30 and 40 degrees centigrade 3. range from $ 5 to $ 100 B: 单选 (湖北部分重点中学2014届高三第一次联考) “Th

19、e Voice of China”, the program which is the Chinese version of Dutch series The Voice-of Holland, has become very popular for it provides audience with a wide _ of music styles that suit various tastes of music lovers A division B area C range D circle 【解析】句意:“中国之声”,这个节目是荷兰系列“荷兰之声”中国版本,已很受欢迎。因为它给听众提

20、供了广泛的适合各种音乐爱好者的音乐风格。a range of“一系列”;division“分开,分割”;area“区域”;circle“圈子,全体”。 【答案】C重要短语 1. run out (of)用完,耗尽 His money has run out and his patience is also running out. 他的钱已用完了,他的耐心也要耗尽了。 【词义辨析】run out不及物动词短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。run out of及物动词短语,表示主动含义,主语为人。一般不用被动。use up及物动词短语,意为“用完,耗尽”,主语为人。可用被动give ou

21、t不及物动词短语,意为“用完,耗尽”,主语为物。 【即时演练】 (2012重庆卷)Food supplies in the floodstricken area _. We must act immediately before theres none left. A. have run out B. are running out C. have been run out D. are being run out 【解析】句意:洪灾区的食物供应将要用光了,我们必须在用完之前立即采取行动。根据before theres none left可知,食物还没有用完,故选B。 【答案】 B2. pic

22、k out 选择;辨认出 She was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job. 从数千申请人中挑出她来做这份工作。 Can you pick out your friend in the crowd? 你能从人群中找到你朋友吗? 【相关拓展】pick up 捡起;(偶然)得手;搭载某人;恢复;接收pick flowers/ grapes 采花/ 摘葡萄pick ones pocket 扒窃 【即时演练】 (杭州地区2013届高三第一学期期中七校联考) After several rounds of the Voice of C

23、hina Competition, Ji ke Jun Xiu _ because of her excellent voice and performance.A. put out B. picked out C. broke out D. stood out 【解析】句意:在“中国好声音”比赛的几个回合后,吉克隽秀因为她出色的嗓音和表演而脱颖而出。stand out“引入注目;突出”;put out“熄灭;伸出”;pick out“辨认出”;break out“突然发生”。 【答案】 D3. under way 在进行中 The project is now well under way.

24、 这一项目现正顺利进行。 【相关拓展一】under attack 在攻击中under construction 在建设中under consideration 在考虑中under control 在控制之中under discussion 在讨论中under repair 在修理中under treatment 在治疗中under the leadership of 在的领导下under the care of 在的关心下under the direction of 在的指导下under the guidance of 在的指导下 【相关拓展二】in this way 用这种方法by the

25、way 顺便问一下all the way 一路上by way of 途径,经过in the way 挡路in a way 在某种意义上on ones way 在路上give way to 让位,放弃make way for 让路给;给让位make ones way to 朝走出 【即时演练】 Why is there so much noise outside? Several new construction projects are _. A. on the way B. under the way C. under way D. in the way 【解析】句意:“外面为什么有这么多噪

26、声?”“数个建筑项目正在进行中。”under way“在进行中”;on the way“在路上”;in the way“挡道”。 【答案】 C4. in/ with regard to 关于,至于 The companys position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts. 公司关于加班的立场在合同中有明确说明 【名师点拨】 in/ with regard to = in /with relation to = about = concerning 【即时演练】 (福建福州市2014届高三上学期期末质检) Man

27、y plants could move northward and toward the Pacific coast_ rising temperatures and changes in rainfall Awith regard to Bin defense of Cby means of Din reaction to 【解析】句意:许多植物可以往北移,一直到太平洋沿岸从而对应不断上升的气温以及降水量的改变。in reaction to“作为对的回应”;with regard to“关于”;in defense of“为了保卫”;by means of“通过的方法”。 【答案】D5. l

28、et off 接物作宾语:使爆炸,燃放,开枪;排放 接人作宾语:放过(不受惩罚);允许不干(某事); In the Spring Festival, many people let off firecrackers to welcome the Chinese New Year. 在春节,许多人燃放爆炸来迎接中国新年。 He was let off with a warning. 他仅受警告后就被释放了。 【相关拓展】let out 泄露;(把衣服)放大,放长;发出(叫声);放出let down 放下,降下;使失望let alone 更不必说let alone 不管,不干涉;置之不理let i

29、n 让进入 【即时演练】 Seeing the world-famous pianist standing in front of her, the young pianist _a cry of joy and surprise.A. let off B. let out C. let in D. let down 【解析】句意:看到这位世界著名的画家站在她的面前,这个年轻的画家发出高兴和惊讶的喊声。let out“发出(叫声)”;let off“使爆炸;排放”;let in“让进入”;let down“使失望”。 【答案】 B6. keep in mind 记住,牢记 Keep in mind that advertisement of high quality improves sales. 记住高质量的广告促进销售。 【相关拓展】have in min

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