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1、山东寿光圣城中学九年级英语上册期末考试二有答案九年级英语上册期末检测题(二)一、单项选择:(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)( )1.- Do you mind my _ here? - It doesnt matter to me. But the sign says, “ Smoking isnt _ here.” A. smoking, allowed B. smoking, allowing C. to smoke, allowed D. to smoke, allowing( )2.Teenagers have all kinds of dreams. _, some student

2、s would like to go to the moon some day. A. After all B. At once C. In fact D. For example( )3. I want to know if there _ an English speech contest next month. If our school _ it , I must get ready for it.A. will be; holds B. will be; will hold C. will have; hold D. will be; will be held ( ) 4. A fo

3、reign teacher as well as his students _ going to our school next week. A. are B. is C. will D. was( )5. Dont worry! The children _ in the kindergarten. I am happy to hear you say so. A. will taken care B. will be taken careC. will be taken care of D. will take care of( )6. Will you come on Monday or

4、 Tuesday? -Im afraid_ day is possible. Ill busy next week. A. either B. neither C. any D. both( )7. My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, _ is black. A. other B. another C. others D. the other( )8. Liu Xiang is the first player in Asia won the gold medal in the 110-metre hurdle race in the 28th O

5、lympic Games. A. which B. in which C. that D. whose( )9. Tiananmen Square is one of _ squares in the world. A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest( )10. - Will you come to the dinner party? - I wont come unless Jenny _. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited( )11. As soo

6、n as I find his phone number, I _ you. A. tell B. told C. will tell D. have told( )12.The man _is talking to our teacher is Mr.Wang. A. which B. who C. whom D./( )13. The sick boy _ to hospital by the police yesterday. A. is taken B. was taken C. takes D. took( )14. -Sam,my iPhone is in my bedroom.

7、Could you _it for me ? A. bring B. fetch C. take D. carry( )15.-Can you tell me _? -She is in the computer lab. A. where Linda was B. where is Linda C. where was Linda D. where Linda is( )16.This is the biggest library _I have ever seen. A. which B. where C. what D .that( )17.Youwrite letters to you

8、r cousin. You can chat with her online.A. cant B. neednt C. shouldnt D. mustnt( )18.The sports meet has to bebecause of the heavy rain.A. put upB. put down C. put off D. put on( )19.“Havetry, you are so close to the answer,” the teacher encourages the kids.A. the otherB. one another C. other D. anot

9、her( )20. China is growing stronger and stronger, Chinese is taught in more and more countries.A. If B. Unless C. As D. Although 二、完形填空:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Once, there was a wild donkey and a tame donkey. The wild donkey was thin 1 small. He spent his life outdoors. The grass on the hill was his food

10、 all the 2 around. Sometimes, he had to walk miles 3 fresh water and at night there was always danger from wolves. The tame donkey was fat and strong. During summer he was fed 4 much grass while in winter he 5 corn and hay to eat. There was 6 fresh water for him to drink and at night he was shut saf

11、ely in a stable. The wild donkey always 7 he could live like the tame donkey. One day, the wild donkey was looking for grass on the hill. Looking down, he saw the tame donkey 8 slowly along the road, carrying a heavy load of wood. 9 he watched, the tame donkey stopped to eat some grass by the roadsi

12、de. Suddenly, his owner began to beat him with a stick. Ive changed my mind about your way of life, thought the wild donkey. I see that you have to pay 10 for the food they give you.( )1. A. so B. but C. and D. yet( )2. A. day B. month C. time D. year( )3. A. find B. to find C. finding D. found( )4.

13、 A. on B. by C. with D. to( )5. A. gave B. is given C. had given D. was given( )6. A. never B. hardly C. always D. many( )7. A. wished B. asked C. wanted D. thought( )8. A. walking B. is walking C. to walk D. walked( )9. A. If B. As C. Because D. Where( )10. A. heave B. hardly C. heavily D. nothing三

14、、阅读理解:(16小题,每题1分,共16分)(A)A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary schools first teacher-parent meeting. To the little boys dismay (沮丧), his mother said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teachers met his mother and he was embarrassed (尴尬的) by her appea

15、rance. There was a severe (严重的) scar (伤疤) that covered nearly the whole right side of her faced. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar. At the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness of his mother with the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid him

16、self from everyone. However, he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher. “How did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked. The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was

17、 out of control, but I went in. As I was running towards his bed, I saw a burning wood falling down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked to be unconscious (无知觉的), but luckily, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She touched the burned side of her face. “This scar wi

18、ll be forever, but until today, I have never regretted doing what I did.” When the little boy heard this, he couldnt help running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt his mother was greater than anyone. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.( )1. The boys moth

19、er was actually _. A. ugly B. kind C. beautiful D. ugly but kind( )2. According to the passage, the little boy _. A. didnt ask her mother to attend the meeting B. wanted her mother to attend the meeting at first C. didnt really want her mother to attend the meeting at first D. wasnt moved by what he

20、r mother said( )3. After reading the passage, we know _. A. the people at the meeting didnt like the boys mother B. the boys mother was brave but foolish C. the boy hated what his mother had done D. we should respect our parents whatever they are like(B) Since the first piece of the International Sp

21、ace Station (ISS) went into space, 16 years has passed. But what is the International Space Station? Lets find it out together.In space, about 415km above Earth, there is a very big “house”, which is home for astronauts. It is the International Space Station. The ISS is a spacecraft. It flies around

22、 Earth every 93 minutes. It is also a science lab. Five space agencies (机构) the US, Russia, Canada, Europe and Japan worked together to build it.More than 200 astronauts and scientists from 15 countries have visited the space station.The ISS is very big and heavy. It is larger than a six-bedroom hou

23、se. It is about 450 tons, which is as heavy as 320 cars. The environment in the ISS is different from that on Earth. There is no gravity, so people can lift heavy things easily. They can also float anywhere they want.The space station helps humans a lot. It helps observe changes on Earth, such as ea

24、rthquakes. With the help of satellites , children can ask astronauts questions, for example, what do you eat? This is a good way to make them become interested in science.In 2020, the ISS will finish its job. Russia may build a new space station to replace it. China is also planning to finish buildi

25、ng its space station in 2023. The Universe is set to welcome more space stations.( )4. The first piece of the ISS went into space in . A. 1988 B. 1989 C. 1998 D.1999( )5. According to Paragraph 2, we can know that . A. the ISS is very light and small B. there are five rooms in the ISS C. the ISS was

26、 built by five space agencies D.there are five countries in space( )6. Astronauts can do the following except in the ISS. A. lift heavy things B. sleep in bed C. observe changes on Earth D. float anywhere( )7. Whats the best title of the passage? A. The importance of the ISS B. The plan for building

27、 more space stations C.Observe changes on Earth D. Visiting the astronauts space “house” (C)If you live in the United States, the law says you cant have a full-time job until you are 16 years old. At 14 or 15, you can work part-time after school or on weekends, and during summer you can work 40 hour

28、s each week. Does all that mean that if you are younger than 14, you cant earn (赚) your own money? Of course not! Kids who are between the ages of 10 and 13 can earn money by doing lots of things. Valerie, 11, told us that she made money by cleaning up other peoples yards. Lena, 13, makes money by k

29、nitting (织) dog sweaters and selling them to her neighbors, and Reisa said she had started taking art classes and showing her work to people. People have asked her to draw pictures for them and they pay her for them. Jasmine, 13, writes articles for different magazines!Earning is learning. By workin

30、g to earn your own money, you are learning the skills you will need to succeed in life. These skills can include things like getting along with others, using technology (技术) and using your time. Some people think that asking for money is a lot easier than earning it; however, when you make your own

31、money, you dont have to depend on someone else. The five dollars that you earn will probably make you feel a lot better in your hand than the twenty dollars you ask for.( )8. Kids can have full-time jobs at the age of in the USA. A. 17 B. 14 C. 13 D. 10( )9. If you are 15 years old, you cant work _. A. after school B. on week

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