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1、下发全英授课用语讲解实用docx下发全英授课用语针对校区部分教师全英授课不达标, 教学部下发全英授课用语, 望各分校教学校长,没有教学校长的分校,教学督导组织教师进行学习!全英教学授课用语一、课堂用语(一 .)问候语1.你好 Hi/Hello.2.同学们早安 /下午好 / 晚上好 Good morning/afternoon/evening.3.What s new?有什么新鲜事么?4.How are you all today? 你们今天都好吗?5.Are you all well this morning? 今天早上大家都好吗?(二 ) checking attendance (考勤 )1

2、.Is everybody here? 大家都到了么?2.Who is not here? 谁没到?3.Come in 进来 .4.Hurry up. 快点5.Why are you late? 你为什么迟到?6.What s wrong with you? 你怎么了?7.OK! Listen while I call your names. 好!点名。8.Quiet now ,please. Listen while I see if you re all here.请安静,现在点名。9.Now! Let s see whos absent. 现在让我们看看谁缺席了。10. Right! L

3、et s see if anyones away. 好的,让我们瞧瞧是否有人离开了。11.Is anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?12.Is everybody here? 所有人都在这儿吗?(全到齐了吗?)13、 Who s on duty today? / Who s helping this morning/today? 今天谁值日?14、 Who s absent? /Whos away? 谁缺席了?15、 Try to be on time./ Don tbe late next time. 请尽量准时。(下次别迟到了。 )(三)教室常规1.No dirty words.

4、不可以讲脏话2.No sleeping. 不可以睡觉3.No talking, please. 。请不要说话了4.Don tspeak out.不要说出来5.No eating. 不可以吃东西6.No Chinese, speak English. 不可以说中文,说英语7.Raise your hand before you speak. 先举手,在说话8.No cheating. 不可以作弊9.Please be quiet.请安静10.Lower your voice/Keep your voice down. 小声点11.Speak up, please.大点声12.Listen to

5、me. 请听我说13.Look at the blackboard. 请看黑板14.Pay attention/May I have your attention, please ? 请注意这里15.Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位去16.Now , let s begin.现在开始吧。17. Listen carefully. 注意听。(四)教学指示语 In class(在课堂上 )1.I canthear you.对不起,我听不见2.Pardon?对不起,你说什么3.Try it again 在试一次 .4.All together now. 大家一起来5.Take

6、 out your book. 把书拿出来6.Put your book away. 把书收起来7.Look at page 2 in your book. 看书上第二页8.Page 3,Line 5. 第三页,第五行9.Turn to next page. 翻到下一页10.Say it in a complete sentence. 用完整的句子说11.Can you say it in another way? 你能换一种方式说么 ?12.Give me your notebook/homework. 把笔记本(作业)交给我13.Hold up your book. 拿起书14.Show

7、me your picture. 给我看你的画15.Let me tell you a story. 我来给你们讲故事16. Turn on/off the fan. 开灯 /关 扇17.Turn up the radio. . 把收音机大声点18. Turn down the TV . 把 关小声点19.Are you finished? 好了么20.Not yet. 没有 .21.Is it correct? 正确么?22.Is it clear? Is that clear? 清楚么?23.Any questions? 有 么?24.Anything else? 有什么要 充么?25.A

8、ny volunteers? 有人自愿么?26.Can you follow me? 跟的上么?27. Could you give me another example? 可以 我另 一个例子么?28.Are you sure? 你确定么29.Are you OK? 你没事吧30.I don tthink so. 我想不是 31.Who can help him/her ? 能帮他 ? 32.Read after me .( )跟我 。33.Look at your books. ( )看 。34.Do you understand? 懂了 ?35.Read slowly. 念慢些。36.R

9、ead clearly. 念清楚些。37.Louder please./Speak louder. 大声点。38.Answer my questions. 回答我的 。39.All right./ That s right. 行 / 。40.What does it mean? 是什么意思?41.Say it in English. 用英 吧。42.Who will answer this question? 来回答 个 ?43.Will you try? 你来 好 ?44.Just try. 看。45.Come to the blackboard. 到黑板前面来。46.Go back to

10、your seat. 回到你的座位上去吧。47.Get ready for dictation. 准 听写。48.Now let s have dictation. 在听写。49、 Your turn the next. 第二 你 。50. I want all of you to answer the question. 我希望大家一起回答这个问题。51.That s all for today. 今天的课就上到这儿。52.Take out your textbooks. 请把课本拿出来。53.Close your books. 把书合上。54.This way, please. 请走这边。

11、55.Here you are. 给你。56. Spell the word “student”. 请拼出“ student”这个词。57.Is it correct? 对吗?58.Say it again. 再说一遍。59.Read the first paragraph. 读第一段。60.Think it over. 考虑一下。61. Answer my question, please. 请回答我的问题。62. Who can answer the question? 谁能回答这个问题?63.Let me try. 让我试试。64.Translate this sentence into

12、 English/Chinese. 把这句子翻译成英文 /中文。65.Let s have a chorus reading of the text. 现在大家一起来朗读课文。66.Analysis this sentence, please. 请分析这个句子。67.Will you read the text, Jack ? 杰克,请读一下这篇课文。68.Go on , please. 请接着读下去。69.Let s start with the text. 我们先讲课文。70.Please pay more attention to your spelling/ pronunciation

13、. 请多注意拼写 /发音。71.He made a mistake in grammar. 他有一个语法错误。72.Will you lease correct his mistake? 请你纠正他的错误好吗?73.We are going to have a revision lesson today. 今天我们上复习课。74.What s the noun form of this word? 这个词的名词形式是什么?75. Look up the word in the dictionary. 在词典中查查这个词。76.I am sorry. I didn tquite catch yo

14、u. 对不起,我不太明白你的意思。77.What part of speech is the word “help”? “help ”这个词是什么词性?78.Is it a verb? 是动词吗?79.It is used as a noun here. 它在这里用作名词。80.Learn something new now. 现在学习新内容。81、 Now let s play the dialogue out in pairs. 现在我们两人一组,练习对话。82、 Whose go is it? You, be quick! 轮到谁了?你要快点。组织性语言83.Please pass th

15、ese papers back. 请把卷子传上来。84.Please clean the blackboard/ the board. 请你把黑板擦干净。85.Just clean this half. 只擦这一半。86.Hand in your exercise books. 把本子交上来。87.Put down your pens. 把笔放下。(五)游戏用语1.我们来唱首歌吧 Let s sing a song.2.你们还记得那首歌么? Do you remember the song?3.仔细听游戏规则 .Listen to the instructions carefully.4.围成

16、一个圈 .Make a circle.5.3 人一组 .Play in group of three.6.排成 2 队 .Make two lines.7.加油 .Come on.8.从你开始 You go first.9.轮到谁了? Whose turn?10.下一个是谁? Who s next?11.等一下 .Wait/Just a second.12.你们有 10 分钟 .You have 10 minutes.13.时间到了 .Time is up.14.B 组得一分 Team B gets one point.15.让我们看看谁赢了 .Lets see who wins the ga

17、me16.每题三分 /每组三分 .Three points each.(六)评价与鼓励1.Good/ Very good. 好 /很好 /太棒了。2.Perfect. 太完美了。 Wonderful ! 很棒!(很精彩)!3.Good job/Well done. 干得好。4.Good boy/girl 好孩子 .5.Right/You did a good job. 你对了 /你做的好极了6.I m proud of you. 我以你为荣 .7.Take your time. 慢慢来。8.Much better. 好多了。9.Keep trying. 继续努力。10.You can do b

18、etter. 你可以做得更好。11.Not bad. 不错。12.A good answer. / Nice work. 答得好。13.That s interesting! 真有意思!14.Don tworry about it. / No problem. 别担心。 /没问题。15.I don tthink so. 我不这么想。16.Can you try? 能试一下吗?17.Try, please. 请试试。 Come on! 来吧,试一试!18.Think it over and try again. 认真思考一下,然后再试试。19.Don tbe afraid/ shy. 别害怕 /

19、别不好意思。(七) 家庭作业布置作业1.Learn by heart the last three paragraphs of the text. 背诵课文最后三段。2.Do some reading/ writing/ note taking/ role play. 朗读 /抄写 /记笔记 /角色扮演。3.At home tonight, do the exercises on page 9. 今天晚上做第九页上的练习。4.Remember/Memorize these words/ sentences. 记住这些单词 /句子。5.Learn these words/ these sente

20、nces/ this text by heart. 背诵这些单词 /这些句子 /这篇课文。6.Prepare up to page 8. .预习到第八页(八)结束语1. Break time/Let s take a break. 休息一下2.Let s stop here./ Thats all for today. 今天的课就讲到这里。3.Most of you have done that better than last time. 大多数同学比上次做得好。4.Thank you, everyone. Well done. 谢谢,同学们,做得好。5.Time is up. 时间到了。6

21、.Class is over. 下课了。7.Goodbye. / Bye. / See you next time. 再见!二、 常用专业术语1、词法 MorphologyParts of Speech词类Tense时态The Nouns名词The Present Indefinite Tense一般现在时Countable Nouns可数名词The Past Indefinite Tense一般过去时Uncountable Nouns不可数名词The Future Indefinite Tense一般将来时The Singular Form单数形式The Present Continuous

22、 Tense现在进行时The Plural Form复数形式The Past Continuous Tense过去进行时The Pronouns代词The Present Perfect Tense现在完成时Personal Pronouns人称代词The Past Perfect Tense过去完成时Possessive Pronouns物主代词Demonstrative Pronouns指示代词Voice语态Interrogative Pronouns疑问代词The Active Voice主动语态Conjunctive Pronouns连接代词The Passive Voice被动语态R

23、elative Pronouns关系代词Indefinite Pronouns不定代词The Infinitive动词不定式Reflexive Pronouns反身代词Infinitive Phrases不定式短语The Nominative Case主格The Gerund动名词The Objective Pronouns宾格Gerundival Phrases动名词短语The Adjective形容词The Participle分词Adjective Phrases形容词短语Participle Phrases分词短语The Comparative Degree比较级The Adverb副

24、词The Superlative Degree最高级The Preposition介词The Numeral数词Prepositional Phrases介词短语Cardinal Numerals基数词The Article冠词Ordinal Numerals序数词The Indefinite Article不定冠词The Verb动词The Definite Article定冠词Link Verbs连系动词The Conjunction连词Notional Verbs表意动词Coordinate Conjunctions并列连词Auxiliary Verbs助动词Subordinate Co

25、njunctions从属连词Modal Verbs情态动词The Interjection感叹词Transitive Verbs及物动词Intransitive Verbs不及物动词Person人称Regular Verbs规则动词Number数Irregular Verbs不规则动词Finite Verbs限定动词Members of the Sentence句子成分Non finite Verb非限定动词The Subject主语句法 SyntaxThe Predicate谓语The Sentence句子The Predicate Verb谓语动词Kinds of Sentences句子的

26、种类The Predicative表语The Declarative Sentence 陈述句The Object宾语The Interrogative Sentence疑问句The Direct Object直接宾语The General Question一般疑问句The Indirect O58bject间接宾语The Special Question特殊疑问句The Attribute定语The Imperative Sentence祈使句The Adverbial状语The Exclamatory Sentence感叹句The Appositive同位语TheAffirmativeFo

27、rm(Sentence) 肯定式(句)TheObjective Complement宾语补足语TheNegativeForm(Sentence )否定式(句)TheSubjective Complement主语补足语The Interrogative Form (Sentence)疑问式(句)Types of Se句子的类型The Simple Sentence简单句MainClauses主句The Compound Sentence并列句SubordinateClauses从句Coordinate Clauses并列分句SubjectClauses主语从句The Complex Senten

28、ce复合句PredicativeClauses表语从句ObjectiveClauses宾语从句AdverbialClauses状语从句AttributiveClauses定语从句教学部2012-4-5发送至:分校长传达至:教学管理人员和全体教师赞美孩子的 100 句话1.You did a good job! 做得好!2.That is very good writing. 写得真好!3.We have plenty of time. 还有时间,别担心啦!4.Dontbe shy! 不要害羞哦!5.Follow me. Lets do it again. 跟我做,我们一起再做一遍。6.No b

29、ody is perfect. 没人有是十全十美的。7.You did many things today! 你今天做了不少事呀!8.Youve progressed a lot! 你真是进步不少呢!9.Terrific! 太好了,太棒了!10.Youre so capable! 你很能干!11.Congratulation! 恭喜你!12.Fantastic! 真好呀!13.So lovely! 好可爱!14.Wonderful! 好极了!15.Never mind. Youve tried hard. 没关系,你已经很努力了。16.Youre right! 你做对了!17.Marvelous! 真是杰作!18.It sa surprise! 真令人惊讶!19.Try one more time, youll make it! 再试一次你就可以做到!20.Excellent! 太棒了!21.Your pronunciation is pretty good! 你的发音很漂亮!22.Youre improving fast! 进步真快!23.You did a wonderful job! 做得漂亮!24.Thats

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