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1、人教版高中英语选修八15单元复习含答案 人教版高中英语选修八15单元复习(含答案) 选修八 15 单元期末复习选修 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity 7. occur:_n. 发生/出现 8. slip:_adj.光滑的 9.boom: f_ (同义词) 10.justice _(反义词) 11.nowhere_(反义词) 12.reform t_(同义词) I 重点单词:按要求写出相应形式 1.distinct: _ n差别/卓著 2.major n:_a 多数 3.elect:_ n选举 4.application:_ n申请人 5.indicate:_ n迹象 6

2、.punish:_ n处罚 II. 重点短语: 完成短语 1.live_ 继续生存 _ of.借助 3._a life 习惯新的生活 4.keep _沿袭(传统等) 5.back_back 背靠背 III.重点句型 1. 然而, 美洲土著人很可能在 15,000 年前就在加州生活着。 However, it is_ _ Native Americans _(live) in California at least fifteen thousand years ago. 2. 二百年后,西班牙人定居在南美洲大多数地区以及现在美国的西北沿海。 Two centuries later, t

3、he Spanish had s_ in most parts of South America and along the northwest coast of_we now call the United States. 3.那就是今天有超过 40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。 _ is _ today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish _a first or second language. 4.虽然中国移民在淘金热时期就开始到来了, 但是更大批量的移民却是在 19 世纪 60 年代为 了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。

4、 _ Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, _ was the building of the rail network from the west to the east coast _ brought even l_ numbers to California in the 1860s. 5.人们相信过不了多久国籍间相混的程度将如此大以至于不再有明显的种族或文化团体, 而仅仅是一个种族和文化的混合体。 It_ _ _ before long the mix of nationalities will

5、be so great_ there will be no distinct major racial _ cultural groups,_ simply a mixture of many races and cultures. IV. 词汇短语过关 6.t_ up with 与合作 7.mark_画线;标出界线 8._ in 包括;吸收 9.a _ many 许多;很多 10._ for 申请;请示得到1. by all _务必/当然可以 2. by _ means 务必/无论如何 3. by_ _ 决不(句首倒装) 4.by_ _用这这些办法 5. be _ the majority

6、占大多数 a majority of 以多数票赢得 7. It o_ to sb. that 某人想起 8. an i_ strikes sb. 某人想起 9. i_ of doing sth. 的迹象 10. come _life 变得活跃起来 11.b_sb./sth. to life 使生动/苏醒 V. 句型练习题12.lay d_ones life for sb./sth.为献身 13. l_ 过着的生活 14. make/e_ a living 谋生 15. keep up _赶上/不落后 16. keep _ (of)不准入内 17. keep _离开/

7、避开 18. keep b_阻止/扣留 19. take_ 欺骗/留宿/理解/吸入/包含 20. take _ 误以为 21.take _起飞/匆匆离去/脱下 22.take _ 接收/接管/取代1. All possible means _ been tried.Every possible means _ been tried. 2.绝不能把他单独留下。 By no means should _ _ _ alone. 3.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。 It_ _to him that she would refuse his invitation. 4.雪象征着冬天的来到。 Snow i_

8、 the coming of winter. 5.她的歌曲又一次重现了我们的历史。 Her songs b_ our history_ life again. 6.乔安妮在夜总会当舞女, 以此谋生。 Joanne e_ a living _ a dancer in a nightclub. 7.我们应该保持我们的优良传统。 We should_ _ our good traditions 8.戴夫跟不上班里的其他同学。 Dave couldnt_ _ _ the rest of his class. 9.勿踏草坪!_ _ the grass! 10. 她无法忍受眼泪。 She was unab

9、le to _ _ her tears. 11.很多学生喜欢这首歌。 Many_ student likes this song. 12.我们学校发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes _ _ _ in our school. 13.五四运动发生在 1919 年。 The May 4th Movement_ in 1919. 14.会议在人民大会堂举行。 The conference_ _in the Great Hall of the People.选修 8Unit 2Cloning4. resist:_ n抵/对抗 _ adj. 5. bother:d_(同义词) 6.obtain

10、:g_/w_(同义词) 7.owe to:t_ to (同义词)I. 重点单词:写出相应形式1.differ: _adj. 不同的 _ n不同/差异 2. object: _n.反对 _adj.真实/客观的 3. retire : _ n退休II. 重点短语 _成功/偿清 2.cast _ 沮丧/不愉快 3._ to 反对 4.in_ of 赞成;支持 把归功于 b_ to. 一定/注定III. 重点句型 1.之后传来了多利得了重病的令人烦恼的消息。 Then _ the disturbing news _ Dolly had become serious

11、ly ill. 2.多利羊总共存活了 6 年半,是被克隆羊的寿命长度的一半。 _ Dolly lived six and a half years, half the l_ of the life of the o_sheep. 3.多利羊的出现激起了一片反对浪潮,同时对媒体及公众的想象力也也带来了极大冲击。 Dollys a_ raised a storm of o_ and had a great impact on the media and public i_. 4. 多利似乎发展正常,这令人鼓舞。 The fact _ Dolly seemed _ (develop) normall

12、y was very _. IV.词汇、短语、句式 1.differ _. 不同于 2.differ _. 在方面不同 d_ from 与不同 4. make a/some/no d_ to sb./sth. 对某人/某物有/有些/没有影响或作用 5. u_ for sth. 为负责 6. c_ down 使沮丧/不愉快 7. object to sb. d_ sth. 反对某人做 8.have an o_ to (doing) sth.表示反对 9.f_ doing sth. 禁止做某事 10.owe._. 把归功于 11.owing to/b_ of 由于 12.b_ to do

13、/doing sth. 操心做某事 V. 句子、句型 1. 公司已宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。 The company_ that it will undertake a full investigation _the accident. 13. be s_ with(by)为所侵袭/触动 14._strikes me that.我觉得 15.go/ be on s_举行罢工 16.cant r_ doing sth. 忍不住做 17. pay money _ sth. 付钱买 f_ of 赞成/支持 19._ sb.s favour 对某人有利 20._sb. a favour

14、 帮某人忙 b_ to 一定;注定 22. in good condition/s_状况好 23.on condition that./so_as 只要 f_ conditions 有利形势下7.s_.into ones heart 使刻骨铭心 8._ time to time 不时/偶尔 9._back to life 使复生/活 _枉费心机 good/poor c_情况很好/坏 12.have a great i_t on 对有大影响2. 我将保证你的安全。 Ill undertake_ your security. 3. 我们抗

15、议这种待遇。 We object to _(treat) like this. 4.我极不愿意早起。 I feel a strong o_ to getting up early. 5.公共场所应该禁止吸烟。 Smoking should _(forbid) in public places.6.他把他的成功归功于努力工作和实践。 He o_ his success _ hard work and practice. 7.我忍不住笑了起来。 I could hardly r_ _(laugh). 8.他们冒了很大的风险,但事情成功了。 They t_ a hell of a risk but

16、it paid_. 9.你是支持还是反对克隆(技术)? Are you _ _ _ or against cloning? 10. 明天肯定又是阳光灿烂。 Its bound _ _ sunny again tomorrow. 11.我可以做此事,条件是你得付一切费用。 Ill do it _ _ _ you pay for everything. 12.他们被指控扰乱社会治安。 They were charged with _(disturb) public peace.选修 8Unit 3Inventors and inventions 10.结冰点: the f_ point 11.装无

17、辜: put on an air of injured i_ 12.不堪孤独: cant b_ being alone 13.用杖敲门: t_ a stick against the door 14.身份证:i_ card 15.稳定的经济:s_ economy 16.勿交恶友: Never a_ with bad 17.切实问题 p_ considerations 18.超出某人能力 beyond ones c _I. 重点单词1. 知名学者:a d_ scholar 2. 毫不容情:without m_ 3. 农产品:agricultural p_ 4. 无理态度:an a_ manner

18、 5. 图一己方便:suit ones own c_ 6. 谨防/提防:take c_ against 7. 被动语态: the p_ voice 8. 抓住机会:s_ an opportunity 9. 合订成册:on f_ II. 重点短语 1. ring sb. up:_ sb. up 2. occasionally:_ and _ 3.set out to do:set _doing 4. look /d_ into the mystery of 5. “Hang/h_ on, please.”III. 重点句型6.go wrong:_ _ order 7. call/r_ back

19、8. hang up:r_ off 9. manage to complete: get _1. 但是它们一被捡起来,就试图咬我。 But once p_ up, they tried to bite me. 2. 只有在你获得了那种认证后,你才能说是一个真正的发明者。 _after you have had that recognition _you say that you are truly an i_. 3. 评定专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真的新颖,否则很难被接受。 The criteria are _strict _ it is difficult to get new ide

20、as a_ unless they are truly novel. 4. 在对你的产品是否的确与他人产品不同的调查得到认定以前,你也不能获得专利。 _ will you receive a patient _a search has been made to find out that your product really is d_ from anyone elses. IV. 词汇短语过关 1.表现突出:distinguish o_ 2 .以为特征/著名 be d_ by/for 3. 在方便时候:at sbs c_ 4. 抓住机会:seize an o_ 5. 夺取政权:seize

21、p_ 6. 抓某人手臂:seize sb. _ the arm 7. 忍受:b_ doing/ n/to do 8. 牢记:bear sth. in m_ 9.把和联系起来 a_ with V 句型练习 1. 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢? What _ _ that distinguished her from her classmates? 2. 你什么时候去方便?When would it be _ _ you to go? 3. 我实在听不下去, 就离开了。 I couldnt_ _ _any longer, so I left. 4. 我不能忍受长时间的等待。 I cant be

22、ar _ _ waiting. 5. 我绝不想和她有任何瓜葛。 Never would I want to _ _ _ her. 6. 旅行勾起了我对年轻时代的美好回忆。 The trip _ _ happy memories of my youth. 7. 贝尔从来没打算要发明电话。 Bell had never _ _ _ invent the telephone. Bell had never _ _inventing the telephone. 8. 知道你通过了考试,我们非常高兴。 K_ that you _ _ _ your exam,we were very glad. 选修

23、8 Unit 4 Pygmalion 7.classify:_adj. 分类的 fort:_adv.不自在地 9. trouble:_adj. 烦人的 10. statement:r_(同义词) 11. blame:c_(近义词) 12.ignore:o_(同义词) 10.和有关:be a_ with. 11.与合伙/合作 in a_ with. 12.号召某人做某事:call _sb. to do sth. 13.需要/要求 call _ 14.给某人打电话 give sb. a r_ 15.出发去:set out for/set off for/l_ for 16.逃脱/离开:get a_

24、/off 17. 经历/检查:go t_ 18. 浏览/仔细检查:l_ throughI. 重点词汇:词形变化及同义词 1. adapt:_ n适应(性) 2 .hesitate:_ n犹豫 3. classify:_ n.分类 4. rob:_ n抢劫(行为) 5. horror:_恐怖的 6. disgust:_adj.使反感的II. 短语过关 1. 冒充成:pass._ as. 2. 结识:make ones a_ 3. 惊讶;震惊 in a_ 4. 一般说来:generally s_ 5. 就来说:in t_ of. 6. 劫人某物:rob sb._sth. III. 句型运用 7.带/领进来:_

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