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1、三分钟英语的简短对话三分钟英语的简短对话1. 【跪求简短两分钟的英语对话,急 问好A:The holiday is coming!Do you have any plans?B:Absolutely!Ive considered it for long!My family are going to Hainan.What about you?A:em,Ive no idea still.My relatives will be with me together then.They say,they will go where I want.B:So good!Youre so happines

2、s.Then,where do you like?A:In fact,Ive made some choices.Like Yunnan ,Taiwan and Tibet.B:Wow,good places!And I think they are different types.A:Em,like the pleasure and leisure in Yunnan,the fancy in Taiwan and the vast grasslands in Tibet.I really cant make choice.B:Ok,since that,I think you can an

3、alyse from other sides.Like the cost,the length of trip,the degree of crowdedness ,the environment or the weather there and so on.A:Yeah,you re right!I will pass Tibet first,because the altitude sickness.My relatives may not adapt it.B:Right,wisdom!A:Yunnan or Taiwan 。 Do you have some advice?B:em,I

4、 prefer Yunnan.Because the procedure is simpler and we are more familiar with the inland,you can go to Taiwan some time later.A:em,I think it is also resonable.Well,when will you begin your journey?B:er,about 2 weeks.And you?A:Ill ask for their opinion about the time.Hey,remember not to be asked for

5、 too much money when you re in a restaurant!B:hh,thank you!Have a good time!A:Enjoy your holiday!。 2. 【求3分钟英语短对话,Topic7:SportsDirections: topic 8:Y(you):hiAre you free tomorrow?P(partner):Whats up?Y:tomorrow I want go to zhe zoo to see zhe new animal from africa,would you like to come with me ?P: Th

6、ats very kind of you,but how can we get there,you know its a long way.Y: We can take a taxi there,its very convinent.P: Yes,youre right,but ,dont you think the taxi is kind of pullution to zhe air,zhe gas is harmful to us,to much use will be harmful to zhe earth,and also,its very expensive.How about

7、 we take a bus,its convinent,too,meanwhile,its cheap.Y:Good choice,but,just now,I come to a better idea.We can go there by bike.So many advantages of bike.Cheap ,convinent ,clean ,no pullution and good for our health.P:Marverlous,we can also enjoy the beautiful view of the roadsides.Y:OK, see you to

8、morrow morningP:See you.。 3. 求一段简洁的英语对话,3分钟左右 How are you Great thanks, how about you I caught a cold recently OH, Im sorry to hear that. Have you ever been to the hospital Its nothing serious No no, lets take some medicine, otherwise will be worse Thank you for your concern, I will go to buy medici

9、ne now Youre welcome 4. 急需3分钟英语口语情景对话 很愧疚,没有看到你三分钟的要求.我帮你找了一篇比较合适的,而且应你的要求,帮你做了翻译,盼望可以帮到你(都是我一个字一个字敲出来的哦) Dave and Peter are college classmates as well as good friends. They are talking about a trip in summer (Dave和Peter是同学同时也是很好的伴侣,他们在争论关于暑假的旅行) Dave: Peter, we have been working very hard the whole

10、 school year. Dont you think we need a nice summer vacation? (Peter,我们努力学习了一整学年啦.你不觉得我们需要一个很棒的暑假吗?) Peter: Absolutely. I am planning a trip for my summer vacation. Do you want to join me?(当然,我有一个暑期旅行。 你想和我一起吗? ) Dave: Why not? Id love to go with you. (为什么不呢?我当然情愿.) Peter: Great! But I cant make up m

11、y mind as to which city we should go. It is really hard to decide (太好了!但我不晓得该去哪座城市。这是真的很难作出打算。) Dave: Hehehe。decision decision, whatyoure your mind right now? (呵呵呵呵,去哪儿呢,去哪儿呢,你怎样想的? ) Peter: Hangzhou, Suzhou, and yangzhou (杭州,苏州,扬州 ) Dave: I went to Suzhou last year. I had very bad experiences there

12、. The taxi drivers were rude. The hotel services were lousy and the food was。 (我去年去过苏州了。我有特别蹩脚的经受。 粗鲁的出租车司机。差劲的酒店服务和食品还。 ) Peter: all right, forget Suzhou then. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou?(好吧,忘掉苏州把。杭州和扬州如何? ) Dave: I have never been there. I cant make any comments on that. Lets check out the in

13、formation from Xiehang(携成网) and it will tell us all necessary information. (我从来没有去过。 我不能作任何评论了。让我们在Xiehang (携成网)上面查查吧 ,它会告知我们一切必要的材料。 ) Peter: great!(太棒了! ) So Peter and Dave both check out the information on net(因而,Peter和都在网上查找信息。) Dave: Peter, you can see that the airlines, hotels are not offering

14、 any discounts if we want to go to Hangzhou as it is the peak season in summer. But if we go to Yangzhou, we can get big discounts on the hotels. I think we should take that into consideration. (Peter,你看,假如我们去杭州的话航空公司,酒店都不供应任何折扣.由于它在夏季是高峰期。 但假如我们去扬州的话,我们可以得到较大的折扣的。我认为我们应当考虑这一点。 ) Peter: you are righ

15、t. I really hate to go to a scenery packed with people. We can always pick a better time to go to Hangzhou.right? (你是对的。我真的不想去处处都挤满了人的风景区。 我们还能挑一个更好的时间去杭州,对吧.) Dave: absolutely.(当然。) Peter: so I will book the tickets and the hotel right now.(那么我现在就订机票和酒店了。) Dave: Thank you so much, Peter! What shall

16、 I do? (特别感激,Peter!我现在做什么?) Peter: Nothing. Just get ready and relax. (什么都不用。只需做好预备和放轻松就好了。) Dave: I cant wait for this trip.(我都迫不及待了。) Peter: me neither. I ll let you know, Ok? (我也是。 到时候叫你,好吗? ) Dave: Ok. Bye. Take care. (好的。拜拜。 当心点。 ) Peter: You, too.(你也是。) 5. 求个3分钟英语短对话急 A:Hello, what do you thin

17、k of the weather today? B: It is very warm. A: Do you think it is a bit strange.It was cold this time last year. B:Yes, it is the end of autumn,and the weather should be cold.However, it is still warm.The winter is coming soon and I think we may have a warm winter this year. A: I agree. I am a bit w

18、orried about the change of weather. B: It is unnormal now. I am concerned about this, too. A: Do you know what causes the change of weather? B: Air pollution may be one of the reasons. Industries poor too much waste smoke into the air.The air has been polluted so seriously. A: That is a problem. The

19、 situation is becoming worse and woerse. B: What is more, we have done too much harm to our environment.For example, people cut down trees, turn farmlands into buildings and so on. A: Yes, what we human beings have done have broken the balance of the ecology,which leads to the change of weather. B:I

20、 think we should do someting to help. A: Let us and people around us take action from now on. 不够你本人加吧 我困了 睡觉去了 拜拜啦 6. 求一简洁英语对话,两个人的,3分钟左右即可 网上找的,试试吧!两人对话 A: Good evening! What can I do for you? B: Im looking for a pair of black shoes. A: What size do you want? B: Size 10. A: Sorry, I afraid we haven

21、t got any black shoes in that size at the moment. Weve got some brown ones. B: Have you got any other kind? A: How about those shoes over there. B: Well, that colour looks nice. How much do they cost? A: Two hundred yuan. B: Hmm, thats a bit expensive. Can I try them on? A: Certainly. 还有 Who is that

22、 girl? -Where? -Over there,under the big tree. -Oh, thats my sister.She often takes a light blue blouse and a pink skirk. -Whats on her hair? -Its an accessory. -What colour is it? -Its pink.She likes pink very much. -How do you like your sister? -She is cute and lovely,and she works hard. 四人对话:) 甲;

23、I got a ticket yesterday. 我得到一张惩罚单。 乙:You ran a red light. 你闯红灯了。 丙:He nearly ran into the bus. 你差点撞上那辆公共汽车。 丁:Dont take it to heart. Youll never happen again. 别往心里去,下次不会再消失这样的事情了。 乙:Take it easy. There must be some ways to compensate for it. 轻松一点,肯定会有补偿的方法的。 丙:Dont be so upset. Everything will be O

24、K. 别这么忧愁了,一切都会好起来的。 丁:Its really hard for you. 真难为你了! A:Thank you!It wont happen again. 感谢你们,不会再发生了。 7. 求简洁的三四分钟英语三人对话,很简洁的,句子最好是常用的,要有 A: Hello, can you speak English?B: yes, what can I do for you?A: oh, good. I want to go to HongXing primary school, can you tell me the way?B: sorry, Im not very cl

25、ear. There has a police, and I can help you to ask him.A: thank you very much. B: excuse me, can you tell me how to go to the HongXing primary school?C: let me see. you can go along the street.B:wait a moment, let me write it down. go along the street。 C: yes. then turn left and you will see the sch

26、ool on the right side of the road.B: then turn left . and the the school on the right side of the road. thank you very much.C: its my pleasure.B: sir, you can follow the way as I write on the paper. A: thanks a lot, you are so kind.B: youre welcome.你好,你会说英语吗?是的,我能为您做些什么?哦,那太好了。我想去红星学校,你能告知我怎样走吗?对不起,

27、我不是很清晰。 那里有一个警察局,我可以帮你去问他。真是太感激你了。 劳驾,你能告知我怎样去红星学校吗?让我想想,你可以沿着街道走。请稍等,让我把它写下来。 沿着街走是的。然后左转,你就会看到那学校在公路的右边。 然后左转。学校就在公路的右边.特别感激你。 这是我的荣幸。先生,你可以按我写在这张纸上的路走。 特别感激,你真好!不客气。 人物:Rose, I(named Jack). Rose: Hi, Jack. Jack: Hi, Rose. Rose: Long time no see, how are you doing? Jack: Im doing terribly bad. And

28、 how about you? Rose: Im fine, thank you. But you, whats up? Jack: I just cannot find a agreeable job. The salary offered by those companies are really too low. Ive had interview several companies, and they all felt satified to my performance, but when hearing my salary request, they all could not o

29、ffer. Rose: Almost the same with my situation. The current job market is so stagnant. Id have to adapt myself to the reality. Jack: I cannot agree with you more. But you know, the salary they offered could even hardly afford my daily consumption.I just feel thats gotdamn crazy. Rose: Hey, Jack, come

30、 on. Do you know the current situation of job market? There will be nearly 5 million college graduates nationwide, inclusive of a lot of masters. For my own sake, I gave up my baseline at last. Today, Ive just signed a job contract with XX(公司名). Jack: Youre really appreciated to remind me. I gotta f

31、ind a job as soon as possible even with a pretty low salary. Rose: Cheer up, Jack. I dont think it matters to start with a low salary. You know, gold will shine everywhere. I believe you can get a decent job within 3 years as long as youre hard enough. Jack: Thank you very much for your encouragemen

32、t. Let us make a brilliant future hand in hand。 Rose: Hey,Jack. Dont touch me。 8. 三人英语情景对话也许三分钟左右带翻译 一个服务员(Staff),俩客人(Guset1(男),Guest2(女) Staff :Good evening ,SIr and madam ; my i help you ? G1:yes ,wed like to have dinner here S:Well,this way please S:this is menu ,please take your time G1:Do you have any special meals today?S:Of course,the hainan chicken rice set meal is very good G1: thanks, and What would you recommen

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