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1、初中七年级上学期英语期中考试试题I.(听力共20小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。( ) 1. What is Jims uncle? A. B. C. ( ) 2.Whats this ? A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where are the glasses? ( )4. A B C 63247827 62347827 62347817 ( )5. A B C( ) 6. A. B C B) 听对话, 选答案。 请听五段对话, 每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的A, B, C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 每段对话读两遍。( ) 7. Wha

2、ts the boys first name ?Tom B. Tim C. Peter( )8. What colour is Jacks pencil case ?Green B Yellow C. Red( )9. Where is Mr Greens pencil ?On the sofa B. On the table C. On the desk( )10. Who is the man in the picture ?Lucys father B. Lucys brother C. Lucys friend( )11. What does the boy have ?A volle

3、yball B. A basketball C. A baseballC) 听长对话,个独白, 选答案。 请听两段长对话, 听完后从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 每段对话读两遍。Conversation1( )12. What does Ed do every afternoon ?Play basketball B. Play computer games C. Watch TV( )13. How many ping-pong bats does Ed have ?7 B. 4 C. 5Conversation 2.( )14. What colour is Bobs pe

4、ncil box ?Black B. Red C. Blue( )15. Where is Lindas pencil box ?On the table B. Under the chair C. In the bookcase( )16. What are in Bobs schoolbag ?His notebook and Lindas pencil. B. His pencil box and Lindas notebookHis pencil box and Lindas pencil.听下面一段独白, 回答第17-20小题。( )17. How many people (多少人)

5、are there in the picture ?Three B. Four C. Seven( )18. Where is Kate ?On the desk B. On the bed C. On the chair( )19. Who is under the table ?Mike B. Sam C. Jim( )20. Where is Tom ?On the sofa B. Under the desk C. Under the bedD) 听下面一段短文, 根据短文内容完成句子, 每个空格不超过三个单词, 短文读两遍。 (5分)21. My grandparents has _

6、daughters.22. _is the youngest(最小) of their family.23. I am the only one _in my family.24. I often play with my _.25. Peter works in a _.二 语音知识(5分)A. who B. find C. please D. tape E. room F. bread H. key I. name J. next26. / i: /_ _ 27. / a / _ _28. / u: /_ _29. / e /_ _30. / e /_ _三 短语填空(10分

7、)A. think about B.tidy C. Come on D. ID card E. dictionaryF. What about G. ask H. know I. lost J. sayIm busy this afternoon. _this evening ?I must _what I have for breakfast ?Do you have your _ with you ?Chinese women volleyball team _ the game in the 17Asian Games (亚运会)You can look up the word “clo

8、ck” in the _.You should learn to make your own room _.You can _your teacher for some cards.You must _sorry to your parents.Its time to go to school. Yes. _, Jack. We are late.Do you _the girl next to Miss Wang ?四单项填空(10分)( ) 41. _dictionary on the table is mine. Its _Chinese English dictionary. A. T

9、he ; a B. The ; an C. A; a D. A; an( ) 42. Is she your uncles _? Yes, she is my cousin.A. son B. brother C. sister D. daughter( ) 43. Is this book _, Mike?No. Look at that girl. Its _book. A. yours; hers B. yours; her C. your; her D. your; hers( ) 44.Which of the underlined part(下划线部分) has a differe

10、nt sound? A. sport B. because C. talk D. wall( )45. Are they Jenny _Jane ? -Yes, they are not in the same class, _they are good friends. A. and ; but B. but ; but C. and; and D. but ; and ( )46. My grandpa always _ us _sports.let; play B. lets; play C. lets; plays D. let; plays( )47. -Whos the woman

11、 under the tree ? -Shes _aunt.Kelly and Joes B. Kellys and Joe C. Kellys and Joes D. Kelly and Joe( )48. -Oh, I cannot find my son. -Dont worry. You can call the police _110. A. to B. of C. at D. for( )49. -Have a good day ! -_.No, it isnt. B. Good afternoon C. You, too. Thanks D. I dont know.( )50.

12、 -Lets go to the library. -_.A. Thank you. B. Have a good day C. That sounds good D. You, too.五 口语交际(10分)( )51. Is this your sister ?.( ) 52. Are these your friends ?( )53. Is she Jims sister ?( )54. Mum, these are my friends. )55. Theyre my aunts son and daughterOh, you have two cousins.No, she isn

13、t. Its my aunt.Nice to meet you.Yes, they are.Yes, she is. B Its blue. B. But where is your watch. C. Theyre blue.D. No, I think its Pauls. E. What time is it now ? F. What day is it today ?G. You must look after (照顾) your things.A: 56_, Nick ? Is it time to go home ?B: No, its 3:15. Its time to go

14、and play games. 57_?A: I dont know. I cant find it.B: Whose is this watch ? Is it yours, Mike ?A: 58_.B: What colour is your watch ?A: 59_.B: Is this one yours ?A: Oh, yes, its mine.B: 60_. Put it in your schoolbag. A: Thank you.阅读 (20分) ASusan is a lovely girl. She is from the UK. There are nine bo

15、ys and nine girls in her class. Her classroom is new. A clock is on the wall. An English book and a box of chalk(粉笔)are on the teachers desk. Her pen is on her desk. Her schoolbag is on her chair.The boy is Bill. He is from Canada. His classroom is very big with twenty desks in it. A baseball is beh

16、ind the door. There is a math book on the teachers desk. His school bag is in his desk. His pencil box is on his desk.The girl is Liu Na. She comes from China. Her classroom isnt big but tidy. Ten desks and twenty chairs are in it. A map of China is on the wall. Her new eraser is on her desk. Her pe

17、n and some of her books are under her chair.( )61. _students are in Susans class. A. 20 B. 10 C. 18 D. 9( )62. Where is Bill from ? A. B C D ( )63. _is on Bills teachers desk.A box of chalk B. A math book C. A map of China D. A baseball( )64. How is Liu Nas classroom ?Big and tidy B. Not big but new

18、 C. Not big but tidy D. New and tidy( )65. Which of the following is TRUE?A . Susans pen is in her pencil box . B. Ten desks are in Bills classroom.C. Some of Liu Nas books are Under her chair. D. Susan is a Chinese girl. B Hi!Im Jenny. 66_This is my computer. It is black. 67_Its a birthday gift for

19、 me. I can play computer games and read books on the computer. 68_Here is a red dictionary. 69_She is a good teacher. She helps me a lot. What about the baseball ? Its not mine. Its my cousin Lindas . 70_Oh, here is a watch. Its mine. I like it very much.It is from my English teacher Miss Wang. B.I

20、can e-mail my friends, too.C. Baseball is her favourite ball game. D. Welcome to my home.E. Miss Wang is my English teacher. F. I must thank my grandparents for it.G. Ask the teacher for it.66_67_68_69_70_七, 看图写出五个句子。(10分) 写作(10分)辛迪在学校花园丢失了好友露西的书和自己的手机, 书中还夹带着露西的学生证。 在她的寻物启事中, 留了电话和Email地址。希望有人联系。th

21、e lost things : a book and a mobileThe book( a school Id card in it ) is LucysThe mobile phone is Cindys The telephone number: 805-7826The e-mail address: Cindy答案 1-6 BACBAB 7-11 ACCBA 1213 AB1416 CAB21. five 22. My mother 23. child/ girl 24. cousins 25. School二 语音知识(5分)26. CH 27. BG 28. AE 29. DI 3

22、0. FJ三 短语填空(10分)31. F 32. A 33. D 34. I 35. E 36. B 37. G 38. J 39. C 40.H四单项填空(10分)41-45ADBBA 46-50BACCC五 口语交际(10分)51-55 BDECA 56-60 EBDAG六阅读A) 61-65 CDBCC B) DFBAC写作(10分)I lost a book and a mobile phone in our school garden. A school ID card is in the book. The name on it is Lucy Miller. The book and the school ID card are hers. The mobile phone is mine. Can you help me find them ? Im at home now. My telephone number is 805-7826 and my e-mail address is Cindy. If you find them, please call me or e-mail me . Thanks.

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