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1、工业热电偶安装说明书WR系列工业热电偶WR series of industrial thermocouple安装使用说明书Installation Manual上海辰心仪表有限公司Shanghai Chenxin Instruments Co.,Ltd一、概述WR系列工业热电偶是温度传感器之一,与显示仪表配套,可在相应的温度范围内实现温度检测和控制,广泛应用于航空、石油、冶金、机械、电力、轻工、化工等工业部门和科技领域。二、工业热电偶的选择1、选用热电偶分度号必须与显示仪表分度号一致。2、使用热电偶时必须选用与其热电特性相一致的补偿导线。3、金属保护管不适用于有强烈氧化气氛中使用,高铝质、刚

2、玉质保护管不宜在含有水气和还原气氛中使用。三、工作原理热电偶的工作原理,是基于Seebeck(塞贝克)效应,即:如果两种不同成分的均质导体(热电极)组成闭合回路,当两端存在温度梯度时。回路中就有电流通过,那么两端之间就存在Seebeck电势热电势。注:热电偶的热电动势随温度的升高而增大,其热电势的大小与热电偶的材料和热电偶两端的温度有关,而与热电极的长度、直径无关。四、工业热电偶的基本性能1、WR系列工业热电偶的热电极允差(参比端为0)品种型号分度号允 差 差 级IIIIII允差值()允差值()允差值()镍铬镍硅WRNK1.5或0.4%(t)2.5或0.75%(t)2.5或1.5%(t)镍铬硅

3、镍硅WRMN镍铬铜镍(康铜)WRE E铁铜镍(康铜)WRFJ铜铜镍(康铜)WRCT0.5或0.4%(t)1.或0.75%(t)1或1.5%(t)铂铑10铂WRPS1.5或1+(t1100)*00031.5或0.25%(t)铂铑13铂WRQR铂铑30铂铑6WRRB4或0.5%(t)注:为被测温度的绝对值2、测量范围 分度号 精度等级保护管材质K、NEJTS、RBIIIIIII、IIIIII、III、IIIIIIIIII、III碳刚20#-40500-40600-40600-40350不锈钢Cr25Ti-409001Cr18Ni9Ti-40800-20040-20040-20040非金属高铝质0-


5、中规定:上限温度tm电阻值M100tm30010300tm5002500tm8500.5850tm10000.081000tm13000.02tm13000.02注:试验电压为101 V.dcWR系列工业热电偶的热响应时间保护管直径(d)保护管材质热响应时间(秒)16非金属240金属18020金属24025非金属300锥形保护管金属300五、安装1、热电偶的安装地点,应避免装在炉门旁边或与加热物体距离过近及具有强磁场之外,热电偶的接线盒不可碰到被测介质的容器壁。热电偶参比端(接线盒外)的温度一般不超过100,并尽量保持其稳定不变。2、热电偶的插入深度可按实际需要决定,但浸入被测介质中的长度,一

6、般最少应不小于热电偶保护套管外经的810倍。3、热电偶的接线热电偶在按线时,应先打开接线盒盖。 补偿导线从出线孔的橡胶塞内引出,并拧紧穿线螺栓,注意补偿导线的极形不可接反。 为保护补偿导线不受外来机械损伤和由于外磁场而造成对电子显示仪表的影响,需要时补偿导线应加以屏蔽,并且注意补偿导线不得有曲折迁回等情况。六、使用中可能发生的故障及其修理。序号故障可能愿因修理方法1热电势比实际应有的小(仪表指示偏低)。1热电偶内部电极漏电(短路)。2.热电偶接线盒内接线柱短路。3.热电偶偶系变质或工作端损坏1.将热电板取出,检查漏电原因,若是因潮湿引起,应将热电极烘干,若是绝缘管绝缘不良,则应更换。2.打开接


8、收货之日起一个月内(以用户来函邮戳日期为准)函告我厂,我厂将及时受理。逾期则视为已验收合格。2、关于热电势和热电阻测试问题。热电势是微电压测试,加上外界影响,温度偏差控制诸多因素,V级测试准确十分困难,加之热电偶固有热电势受温度、机械振动等多种条件影响很难做到固定不变。请各位用户在验收时注意几个问题:(1)采用相应等级标准监测温度(2)标准偶与被测偶的测量端必须在同一等温区(3)保证足够的浸入深度(4)避免因绝缘体或保护管污染和漏电造成测试误差(5)测试时必须温度稳定(6)标准偶与被测偶参比端置于同一冰点(7)连接相同等级的补偿导线。I.OverviewWR series of industr

9、ial temperature sensor is one of the thermocouple, and display instruments supporting, in the corresponding temperature range of temperature detection and control, widely used in aviation, oil, metallurgical, mechanical, electrical, light industry, chemical industry Sectors and technology areas.II.t

10、he choice of industrial thermocouple1, selected points of the thermocouple, and must show the degree of the same instrument. 2, the use of thermocouple to be selected in line with its thermal characteristics of the compensation wire. 3, metal tube does not apply to the protection of a strong atmosph

11、ere of the use of high aluminium, alumina quality of protection should not contain water vapor in the atmosphere and reducing the use of.III.PrincipleThermocouple the working principle is based on Seebeck (Seebeck) effect, that is: If two different components of heterogeneous conductor (hot electrod

12、e) of closed-loop, when the temperature gradient at the two ends there. Out through the loop current, then there exists between the two ends of Seebeck potential - thermoelectric potential. Note: the thermal emf thermocouple with increasing temperature increases, its size and potential of thermoelec

13、tric materials and TC thermocouple ends of the temperature, and the hot electrode and the length, diameter has nothing to do.IV.the basic performance of the industrial thermocouple1, WR series of industrial thermocouple hot electrode Tolerance (for reference-0 )VarietyModelIndexingTolerance poor gra

14、deIIIIIITolerance value ()Tolerance value ()Tolerance value ()Ni-Cr - nickel-siliconWRNK1.5or 0.4%(t)2.5or 0.75%(t)2.5or 1.5%(t)Ni-Cr silicon - Silicon NickelWRMNNi-Cr - copper-nickel (Kang Tong)WRE ERail - copper-nickel (Kang Tong)WRFJCopper - copper-nickel (Kang Tong)WRCT0.5or 0.4%(t)1.or 0.75%(t)

15、1or 1.5%(t)Platinum and rhodium 10 - PlatinumWRPS1.5or 1+(t1100)*00031.5or 0.25%(t)Platinum and rhodium 13 - PlatinumWRQRPlatinum and rhodium 30 - platinum and rhodium 6WRRB4or 0.5%(t)Note: The temperature measured as the absolute value 2, measuring range IndexingAccuracy classProtection of the mate

16、rialK、NEJTS、RBIIIIIII、IIIIII、III、IIIIIIIIII、IIICarbon just 20 #-40500-40600-40600-40350Stainless steelCr25Ti-409001Cr18Ni9Ti-40800-20040-20040-20040Non-metallicHigh aluminium0-11000-13000-11000-1300Corundum quality600-1600Cone-shaped tube 1 Cr18Ni9Ti (maximum pressure on the use of 14.7 Mpa)-40600-4

17、0500Note: K, N, E, T points of the thermocouple, II, II-Tolerance can only meet -40 over the temperature range, if the user requirements extend to -40 over the temperature range to meet the Category III yun Poor, by both supply and demand of a separate agreement.3, WR series of industrial insulation

18、 resistance thermocouple(1) at room temperature insulation resistance: A, for a length of more than 1 m of the thermocouple, its normal temperature insulation resistance value of the product and its length should be not less than 100 M . M. B, the length equal to or less than 1 m of the thermocouple

19、, its normal temperature insulation resistance value should be not less than 100 M . M. Note: The test voltage 500 50V.dc(2) maximum temperature insulation resistance Thermocouple temperature of the ceiling insulation resistance should be not less than provided for in the following table:Maximum tem

20、perature tm Value M 100tm30010300tm5002500tm8500.5850tm10000.081000tm13000.02tm13000.02Note: The voltage of 10 1 V.dcWR industrial thermocouple series of thermal response timeProtection of the diameter (d)Protection of the materialHeat response time (seconds)16Non-metallic240Metal18020Metal24025Non-

21、metallic300Cone of protectionMetal300V.the installation1, the thermocouple locations, should be avoided next to or installed in the Furnace Door and heating objects from the past and with strong magnetic field, the thermocouple junction box can not be met tested medium containers wall. TC-reference

22、(cable box) the temperature of not more than 100 , and to maintain its stability unchanged. 2, TC depth can be inserted into the practical needs of decision, but the immersion medium measured in length, the general should at least not less than thermocouple protection of foreign economic relations o

23、f the casing 8 to 10 times. 3, the wiring thermocouple Thermocouple in the line, should you open the lid wiring. Compensation wires from the Chuxian hole in the rubber Cypriot extraction, and tighten threading bolts, wire compensation for the attention of the very shape to an anti-. Compensation for

24、 the protection of wire and without external mechanical damage due to external magnetic field caused by the impact of electronic display instrument, and when necessary compensation should be shielded wires, and pay attention to compensation wire may be twists and turns to return, and so on.VI.may oc

25、cur in the use of the fault and repair.No.FaultMay be due toRepair Methods1Thermoelectric potential than actual should be small (meter low instructions).1. Thermocouple internal electrode leakage (short circuit). 2. Thermocouple cable box Posts short-circuit. 3. Thermocouple of eradicating corruptio

26、n or even damage the work .-1. Thermoelectric board will be removed to check leakage of reasons, if caused by moisture, heat electrodes should be drying, if the insulation bad insulation should be replaced. 2. Posts open the junction box clean the reasons for the removal of short-circuit. 3. The deg

27、eneration of the cut, re-welding measure to replace or re-new hot electrode.2No direct instructions InstrumentsThermocouple circuit1. Temperature components will be removed, if measured opening and re-welding. 2. If degenerate opening, then cut degeneration of the re-welded or re-measuring the tempe

28、rature of new components.3Instrument instructions of instability (no fault of their own instrument cases)1. Temperature inside wiring components and compensation wire connection is bad. 2. Thermal electrodes are intermittent short circuit and ground breaking phenomenon. 3. Thermocouple installation

29、of a solid foundation and vibration.1. Open the junction box, for good and re-tighten. 2. Retrieve temperature components, to identify intermittent short circuit or grounding of the section and be excluded. 3. Thermocouple will be firmly installed.VII.added1, product acceptance. After receiving this product, please promptly by national standards or products in o

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