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1、届高三英语上册第二次联考测试题2 2010届高三英语上册第二次联考测试题英 语 试 题本试卷共四部分, 满分150分。考试时间120分钟。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1How many countries has the man traveled overseas to? Athree. BFour. CFive.2What did the man

2、do?ALooked at the windows. BCleaned the windows.CCleaned the house.3Why did the woman apologize to the man?AShe waited for him too long.BShe was late for coming.CShe couldnt come. 4What does the man say about Marilyn?AShe was a proper controller.BShe pretended she was happy. CShe was extremely pleas

3、ed.5What does the man imply?AHe will continue his work on vacation. BPapers piled while he was on vacation. CHe has too much work to do. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6Why

4、did the woman have to go to the mans office after class?AShe has not done well in English recently. BShe has trouble with her classmates lately.CShe has been late for class of late.7What does the woman do to earn her school fees?ASells milk. BDelivers milk. CMakes milk. 8What kind of person do we le

5、arn about the man?AHe is kind and helpful. BHe is strict and learned. CHe is strict but kind.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9What are the speakers talking about?AWhen to attend a party.BWhat to do during a dinner.CHow to be a polite guest. 10What should the man do if he is forty minutes late for a party?ANot go to

6、 the party. BArrive after calling. CTake a valuable gift. 11What should be done during the dinner?APraise the host or hostess for the meal. BThank the host or hostess for the dinner. CThank the host or hostess as much as possible. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12When does the conversation take place?AIn the morn

7、ing. BIn the afternoon. CIn the evening. 13What has the man bought in the shop?AShirt and gloves. BShirt and tie. CTie and socks. 14What is the mans total bill? A3.95 dollars. B4.50 dollars. C4.60 dollars. 听第9段材料,回答第15至l 7题。15Where does the conversation probably take place?AIn a chemists. BIn a clin

8、ic. CAt a dentists.16What can we learn from the conversation?AThe man has been feeling sick for two days. BThe man has not eaten anything for several days. CThe man has been using the restroom over five times a day. 17How is the mans temperature?AA little lower. BNormal. CA little higher. 听第10段材料,回答

9、第18至20题。18Why did his parents buy John a computer? Because he won _. Aa gold medal in the long jump. Ba silver medal in the 800-meter race. Ca bronze medal in the high jump. 19What effect did the computer make?AIt helped John to learn many computer skills. BIt had bad effects on Johns study and slee

10、p. CIt helped John with his lessons. 20Why do you think John was happy in the end?AHis mother showed him her love and respect for him. BHis mother helped to save his face. CHe could still watch TV late at night. 第二部分 英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21It was

11、 felt that the scandal would damage her reputation but the press reported it _.Aanyhow Bsomehow Cwhenever Dnowhere22Dad is under a lot of pressure, so we have to _ him. Amake preparations for Btake out insurance forCmake allowances for Dmake sense of23Maureen hasnt been feeling well _. Youd better g

12、o and see her. Alate Blatest Clater Dlately24I will thank Mary for her having offered to _the baby while I went out. Ahave an eye for Bkeep an eye out forCkeep an eye on Dcast her eye over25The hotel was nice; the weather was warm; the beaches were beautiful. _Id say it was a great vacation. AComple

13、tely BEventually CActually DAltogether26It is reported that many battles broke out in Middle East. Whats your _ of the situation there? Aassessment Banxiety Ccomprehension Dconsideration27The contract is very important for both of you, so studying it _before signing is necessary. Ain return Bin exch

14、ange Cin detail Din turn28I dont think the scene with the horses really _. Aok Bproper Cworks Dfits29Im familiar with you because your name _in our yesterdays conversation many times. Amentioned Bpointed out Ccame up Dreferred to30We should be very _about giving our personal information to strangers

15、. Ahappy Boutgoing Cready Dcautious第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific event that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homele

16、ss out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge. I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to 31 . She wanted to help, 32 she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to 33 and hand out to people. When getting to the homeless

17、 shelter 34 passed out the remaining meals. 35 , I began making sandwiches and 36 them with the crowd. I had the containers with my 37 cookies in them and began to 38 , offering them to anyone near me. I 39 an old gentleman and said, “sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, 40 a

18、nd said, “What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I 41 , and his eyes 42 a little bit and he said, “No one has 43 called me sir.” He 44 .It struck me. I explained I had been raised that 45 color and social status, everyone deserved respect. It 46 me to think that just because he was homel

19、ess, no one 47 _him the honor. It broke my heart, and I 48 .I just didnt understand 49 no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasnt raised that way. Every 50 person deserves to be treated with dignity. Years later, I still carry that memory and the lessons

20、 it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someones life.How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?31Aparticipate Binvolve Cchoose Dgo32Ahowever Bbut Cyet Dso33Abring Bfetch Ccollect Dtake34AI Byou Cshe Dwe35AFirst BNex

21、t CThird DFinally36Ashared Bgave Chelped Dassisted37Aclassmates Bschoolmates Csisters Dfamilys38Awalk around Bknock around Ccome around Dstand around39Awent Bcame Capproached Dmet40Alooked at me rightly Bstared at me with difficultyCglared at me in anger Dlooked me right in the eye41Ahad Bcalled Cdi

22、d Ddo42Awatered Bcried Ctore Ddropped43Aalready Bever Cstill Dyet44Awas completely frightened Bwas not a little confusedCwas completely taken aback Dwas not a bit surprised45Ain spite Bregardless of Cconcerned about Dfor fear of46Astrengthened Bsaddened Cfrightened Dpleased47Ahanded Bafforded Cprovi

23、ded Dsupplied48Ahad no choice but to cry Bcouldnt help to cryChad no right to cry Dcouldnt help but cry49Awhat Bwhen Cwhether Dwhy50Asingle Bpoor Cordinary Dnormal第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AParsley(欧芹)is an ancient green and a respected addition to many food

24、s. But other times, its job is just to make a mealtime plate look pretty. Poor parsley, valued for its looks, then is thrown away. Yet parsley is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients. The taste is a little strong for some people, but others chew on parsley to freshen their breath. Curly par

25、sley is the king that often ends up being used just for appearance. Flat-leaf parsley is easier to work with for cooking. This kind is often called Italian or French parsley. Do you know about a third kind of parsley? Hamburg parsley has flat leaves that can be used for the same purposes as other pa

26、rsley. But Hamburg parsley has a large root which is used as a vegetable to add flavor to soups. Parsley is used in foods such as tabouli, a traditional Lebanese salad, and is often served with lamb, fish and beef dishes. Parsley is a herb if you use just the greens. if the root is used, then parsle

27、y is considered a vegetable. Some gardeners suggest that to get the best-tasting parsley, you should plant new seeds every year. You can get parsley to grow faster by pouring warm water over the seeds. Leave the seeds in the water overnight. Then you can grow them in containers indoors or plant them

28、 outside. Parsley grows best when temperatures are below twenty-one degrees Celsius. It likes to grow in sunny places. Tile seeds need rich soil. Plant the seeds about fifteen to twenty-five centimeters apart. Water them regularly during tile first month. After that, parsley does not need very much

29、water. You can harvest parsley by cutting most of the plant or leave more of the plant in the ground for a second crop.51From the passage we can learn that _.Apeople dont like parsleys strong taste at allBpeople dont attach great importance to parsleys valueCparsley has been widely planted in the wo

30、rldDonly ancient people used parsley as an addition52Which of the following cab be the best title for the passage?AThe Planting of Parsley BTo Parsleys RegretCParsley DThe Use of Parsley53It seems _ to the writer that parsley is valued for its looks. Aregretful Bunbelievable Cconfusing Ddoubtful54The last paragraph mainly deals with _. Ahow to use parsley Bwhether people like parsleyChow to plant parsley Dhow the author feels about parsleyBDelicate ArchDelicate

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