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1、英语中考语法专项动词与动词短语原创第七章动词与动词短语考点归纳1概念动词是表示动作和状态的词。2分类词性定义用法举例实义动词(也称行为动词)表示动作和状态,在句子中能独立作谓语,词义完整及物动词:带宾语,意思才完整make, give不及物动词:不带宾语,意思也完整happen, arrive系动词(也称连系动词)用来说明主语的状况、性质、特征等连接主语和表语(名词、形容词、某些副词、非谓语动词、介词短语、从句等)is, am, are, smell, taste, become 助动词表示各种时态、语态、否定句和疑问句等结构和实义动词连用,构成谓语。置于句首,构成一般疑问句。助动词后面加no

2、t, 构成否定句。do, does, did, will, has, have情态动词表示说话人的情感、态度或语气和实义动词连用,没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形。can, may, must, should考点梳理考点一动词的基本形式动词的基本形式和变化规则:基本形式变化规则例词动词原形不变talktalk 第三人称单数(1)一般情况直接加s;(2)以s, x, ch, sh, o结尾的加es;(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i再加es;(4)不规则变化。(1)loveloves;(2)missmisses;fixfixes;dodoes(3)studystudies;(4)haveha

3、s;beis过去式(1)一般情况直接加ed;(2)以不发音e结尾的直接加d;(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的,改y为i再加ed;(4)以重读闭音节结尾的(重读,且以“辅音字母元音字母辅音字母”结尾), 双写最后一个辅音字母再加ed;(5)不规则变化,参见动词不规则变化表。(1)workworked;(2)likeliked;(3)marrymarried;(4)stopstopped;planplanned;(5)iswas/were;dodid;gowent;holdheld(续表)基本形式变化规则例词过去分词(1)规则变化,与动词的过去式变化规则相同;(2)不规则变化,参见动词不规则变化表。(1

4、)workworked;marrymarried;stopstopped;(2) dodone;forgetforgotten动名词(1)一般情况直接加ing;(2)以不发音的e结尾的,去e加ing;(3)以重读闭音节结尾的(重读,且以“辅音字母元音字母辅音字母”结尾), 双写最后一个辅音字母再加ing;(4)以ie结尾的,改ie为y再加ing。(1)keepkeeping;(2)liveliving;(3)shopshopping;beginbeginning;(4)lielying;diedying现在分词动词基本形式的用法:基本形式用法例句动词原形一般现在时(第一、二人称做主语)、一般将

5、来时、助动词后面、情态动词后面、祈使句句首、to后面I talk to my parents every day我每天都和父母交谈。Go away and leave me alone!走开,别打搅我!第三人称单数一般现在时的主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用第三人称单数The old lady loves dancing这位年老的女士热爱跳舞。The girl goes abroad for further study every three years这女孩每三年出国留学一次。过去式一般过去时They tried their best to solve the problem他们尽力去解决这

6、个问题。She went into her room and shut the door behind her她走进房间,关上了门。过去分词完成时态、被动语态My dad has gone to HK我爸爸已经去了香港。Hong KongZhuhaiMacau Bridge was opened to traffic in October, 2018港珠澳大桥于2018年10月开放使用。现在分词现在进行时、过去进行时Listen! The bird is singing over there听!小鸟在那边唱歌。I was shopping when you called me last nig

7、ht昨晚你打电话给我的时候我在购物。动名词起名词作用,常用于固定搭配中We should practice speaking English every day我们应该每天练习讲英语。They enjoy eating mooncakes on the MidAutumn Festival他们喜欢在中秋节吃月饼。(B)1However, the change in the face and fingerprints brought him much trouble. He was _ to enter places like railway stations and airports. 【20

8、20广东】A. guided B. refused C. forced D. allowed(B)2Tommy, _play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car. 【2016广东】Ado BdontCmust Dmustnt考点二实义动词1实义动词,也称行为动词,分为及物动词(vt)和不及物动词(vi)。有些动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。如:We study English我们学英语。(study是及物动词) We study hard我们认真学习。(study是不及物动词) (D)3Mrs.Stone

9、asked the two girls together and talked with them.Mrs.Stone helped them _ that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity.【2019广东】Adescribe BexplainCguess Drealize2及物动词要带宾语,意思才完整。结构句型例词及物动词宾语宾补vtsb/sthdo/adj/nmake, let, have, watch, notice, hear, see及物动词间接宾语直接宾语vtsbsthgive,bring,buy,get

10、,leave,lend,make,offer,pass,teach,tell,write,read,return如:The rainy day makes me sad雨天使我感到沮丧。Benny teaches us oral English this term本尼这个学期教我们英语口语。(A)4Its good for us to _ a good habit of reading. 【2020 山东日照】Adevelop BchooseCaccept Dpick3不及物动词不带宾语,意思也完整。如:happen, arrive, come, go。不及物动词介词,才可带宾语。如:The

11、bus is coming公交车来了。My father arrived at home after 9:00 pm我爸爸晚上九点后回到家。(A)5Some days they could spend hours happily together without any argument,but other days they just could not on what to do.【2019广东】Aagree BliveCdepend Dtry考点三系动词1系动词,也称连系动词,初中阶段包括:五感官、三变化、二保持、一好像,一个be。五感官look看起来, smell闻起来, sound听

12、起来, taste尝起来, feel感觉起来三变化become变成/变得, get变(好/坏/长/短/冷/热), turn变(颜色)二保持keep保持, stay保持一好像seem似乎,好像一个bebe是,根据时态和人称,有is, am, are, was, were, been等变化如:The cake tastes delicious这蛋糕尝起来很美味。The leaves turn yellow in autumn树叶在秋天变黄了。(C)6May I have some more chicken? It _ so delicious.【2020 湖北仙桃】Afeels Bsmells C

13、tastes Dsounds(B)7Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake reallylike a mirror【2019抚顺】Asounds BlooksCsmells Dtastes2系动词形容词,作表语。如:The meat smells badYoud better throw it away这肉闻起来很臭。你最好把它扔掉。If you want to keep healthy, you can eat more fruit如果你想保持健康,你可以多吃水果。(A)8His grandfather did his best to keep th

14、e tree, but it died in the end【2019铁岭】Aalive BasleepCabsent Dawake考点四助动词助动词本身没有词义,必须和实义动词连用。助动词可以调到句首,构成一般疑问句。在助动词后加not, 构成否定句。常见的助动词用法be(am, is, are, was, were)进行时、被动语态do(does, did)一般现在时、一般过去时have(has, had)完成时will(would)一般将来时should(shall)表示委婉语气如:He was training his guide dog at that time他那时在训练他的导盲犬

15、。Will people have robots in the future?将来人们会有机器人吗?(A)9What is your mother doing, Linda?Shedinner in the kitchen now【2019淮安】Ais cooking Bwas cookingCcook Dcooking考点五情态动词情态动词表示说话人的情感、态度或语气。要跟实义动词连用才有意义,没有人称和数的变化,后面接动词原形,否定式直接在后面加not。常用的情态动词有:mustcanmaycouldmightshouldshallneedhad better必须;肯定能;可能可以;也许c

16、an的过去式;can的委婉语气may的过去式;may的委婉语气应该应该(用于第一人称I, we)必须;必要(常用于否定式)最好(缩写:d better)如:She must study hard so that she can go to a good university为了能够上一所好的大学,她必须努力学习。We cant always think about ourselvesWe should think about others我们不能总是想着自己。我们要为别人着想。(A)10Dirty air and water are harmful.They _ kill plants,and

17、 even people. 【2019广东】Acan BmustCshould Dshouldnt2情态动词表示猜测、推测。mustcan, may, could, mightcant be一定,肯定也许,可能不可能是,肯定不是注意:must be 一定是、肯定是,表示推测;mustnt 表示禁止、不准,不表示猜测。如:You must be joking你一定是开玩笑。The lady cant be our teacherShe has gone to Shanghai这位女士肯定不是我们的老师。她已经去了上海。(B)11Jane, I saw your mother yesterday.

18、 【2020 铁岭】It _ be her. She is working abroad.Amustnt BcantCshouldnt Dcouldnt3情态动词表示请求、命令、许可等。情态动词定义否定式can/may/could/might可以后面直接加not, 表示“不可以”must必须mustnt 禁止need需要neednt 不必should/shall应该(shall只用于I/we)shouldnt/shall not 不应该will/would意愿,想要wont/wouldnt 不愿意,不想要have to不得不(因外界因素)dont have to 没必要had better d

19、o sth最好做某事had better not do sth最好不做某事如:You mustnt smoke here你不许在这里抽烟。Youd better tell your father the truth你最好告诉你爸爸真相。(B)12 You _ smoke here! Look at the sign. It says No smoking.【2020 江苏淮安】Aneednt BmustntCcan Dmay(B)13May I join the art club, Dad?If you have interest, you【2019孝感】Ashould BcanChave t

20、o Dmust4情态动词的用法辨析:(1)Must I?否定回答不能用No,you mustnt(表示禁止)Must I?我必须吗?肯定回答:Yes,you must是的。否定回答:No,you neednt/dont have to不,你没必要。如:Must I finish the work now? 我必须现在完成这项工作吗?Yes, you must是的,你必须。No, you neednt / you dont have to不,你没必要。(不能用you mustnt)(2)May I / Could I /Can I?否定回答不能用No, you couldnt / you may

21、 not(回答不够明确)May I / Could I /Can I?表示请求我可以吗?肯定回答:Yes, you can/Yes, please/Of course/OK/Certainly/Sure/Go ahead是的,你可以。否定回答:No, you cant/No, you mustnt/Sorry, youd better not/Im afraid you cant不,你不能; /不准; /最好不要; /恐怕不行。如:May I borrow your book? 我可以借你的书吗?Yes, here you are可以,给你。Sorry, I have to read it n

22、ow抱歉,我现在得看这本书。(3)Can you/Could you?否定回答不能用No, you couldnt(回答不够明确)Can you/Could you?表示邀请、询问你可以吗?肯定回答:Yes, I can/Yes, Id love to/Of course/OK/Certainly/Sure好的,我可以/乐意。否定回答:Sorry, I cantI have to/Sorry, Im afraid not抱歉,我不能,我得要/对不起,恐怕不行。如:Could you please come to my party tonight? 今晚你能来参加我的晚会吗?Yes, Id li

23、ke to好的,我乐意参加。Sorry, I cantI have to finish my homework对不起,我去不了,我得完成作业。(4)表示可以,能够:can, be able to表达人称变化时态can不变只有过去时couldbe able to随主语变化适用所有时态,通过be动词变化体现时态如:He will be able to learn English by himself他将能够自学英语。I could swim at the age of 8我在8岁的时候就会游泳了。(5)表示必须:must, have tomust必须,一定要表示说话人的主观看法have to不得不

24、,必须表示客观需要,受外界影响如:I must study hard from now on我从现在开始必须努力学习。I have to go now because of the bad weather由于坏天气,我现在必须走了。(6)表示也许、可能:may be, maybemay be情态动词be动词原形置句中去除后句子缺少谓语动词maybe副词置句首、句末去除后句子依然完整如:He may be good at physics他可能擅长物理。Maybe he is good at physics他可能擅长物理。(7)need表示必须,既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词need情态动词nee

25、dnt dont have to没必要极少用于肯定式实义动词dont need to do没必要sbneed(s) to do某人必须做某事;sthneed(s) doing某物必须被如:You neednt lend your book to your deskmate你没必要借书给你的同桌。I dont need to get up too early at weekends周末我不必太早起床。The flowers need watering花要浇水了。(A)14Allen, shall we go to the bookstore this afternoon? Im sorry, D

26、avid, but I _ meet my cousin at the train station. 【2020青岛市】Ahave to BcanCmay Dcould(D)15According to the traffic law,children under 12 _ride bicycles on the road【2020 上海市】Awont BwouldntCneednt Dmustnt考点六动词短语1由两个或两个以上的词一起构成一个短语,相当于一个动词,称为短语动词。在中考考纲中,需掌握动词短语近300个,详见中考考纲短语。分类例子代词位置名词位置动词副词turn on打开giv

27、e out分发放中间:turn it on;give them out中间、后面均可:turn on the radio turn the radio on动词介词look for寻找放后面:look for him;catch up with us;pay attention to her放后面look for my book动词副词介词catch up with赶上动词名词介词pay attention to注意(C)16Small noses were very popular these years, so Mr. Smith went to a body engineering sh

28、op and _ a small nose. 【2020广东】Acared for Bwaited forCasked for Dsent for2常考的动词短语(1)与make有关的短语:be made of由制成(看得出原材料)be made in在某地制造be made from由制成(看不出原材料)be made by由制造,通过制作如:The bridge is made of stones这座桥是由石头建成的。The wine is made from grapes and is made in France这葡萄酒是由葡萄做成,在法国制造。(2)与come有关的短语:come across(偶然)遇见或发现come back回来come down落,下来come out出版,开花,发芽,出来come from来自come true实现come to共计,达到come in进来come over顺便来访come up with想出(主意)come on来吧,加油,赶快;得了吧如:His dream has come true at l

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