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8、滞挂账、未及时处理,结余工程物资未入账,或未纳入管理;16、资产权属转移,未办理过户登记手续的情况;17、成本、费用性支出大量在其他应收、其他应付挂往来账;18、业务招待费在建设单位管理费当中的比例严重不符合有关规定;19、融资过程中资金形成体外循环,不符合资金监管要求的情况;20、业主或建设单位产权性质不明晰;21、工程分包公司无相应资质;22、固定资产、存货等实物资产未能进行至少一年一次定期盘点、固定资产卡片账不完整;23、在建工程达到预定可使用状态未结转固定资产、未提折旧。Discuss about Project AuditThe type of project audit busin

9、ess was one of the supports of some CPA firms for going concern; while it had the characters of quantity business amount, broaden involving range, numerous personal relations itself in current situation, therefore it was necessary to analyze it for probing with colleagues.The finance audit and cost

10、check were interwoven, we may notice that some partners of CPA firms owning project qualifications also set up engineering consultancies so as to merge finance audit and cost check more effectively when accepting some large-scale project items.Impersonally, as the dynamic factors of project cost, su

11、ch as project designing change, the price of equipment and material change, pay rate and fee rate, interest rate, exchange rate change, would influence the project cost undoubtedly. The aforesaid situations provided overstate opportunities for contractors; they could enhance the project cost by util

12、izing the dynamic factors in various stages. For example, they may enhance the project settlement price by using unreasonable design change, hidden project or other project visa; they may settle high accounts by purchasing low-price materials or buying seconds at best quality prices, etc. Therefore,

13、 in the process of construction, cost staffs need to quartered in the construction plant aperiodically to manage the visa records for the hidden project situation, material using situation, design change situation, stop the irresponsible present visa action. In the same time, the project cost should

14、 be confirmed reasonably, the fund should be raised timely to pay for the project expenditure, the financial fee should be reduced, and the cost should be controlled effectively.In view that I had not been engaged in cost check work actually, so the following content could only describe the situatio

15、ns related to finance in project audits.In the finance audit, we should focus on the following five contents:1. The auditors should check the quality of accounting information, pay attention to whether the accounting information lack fidelity, whether there existed the situation that the audited uni

16、t offered false accounting information or documents, etc.2. The auditors should check the facticity, legality of the assets and liabilities and their increase and decrease. The auditors should focus on whether the assets were owned by the unit actually, whether the calculation, price, and procedures

17、 were timely, accurate, whether the paper situation was coincide with the actual, whether there existed extra accounts, false assets, whether the assets impairment preparation withdrawing was compliance, whether the financial statements reflection was adequate and compliance, whether the asset and l

18、iability constitution was reasonable, whether the liabilities were real and the formation process was compliance, whether there existed bad debts and problematic funds.3. The auditors should check emphatically whether there existed concealing or inflating revenue, whether the revenue formed off-pump

19、 circulation or private coffers, whether the fees were located randomly to occupy the project cost, whether the fees were amortized randomly, whether the bonus were granted optionally, whether the business insurance was irregularly purchased. The auditors should also check the facticity, legality of

20、 the profit and loss and their increase and decrease, whether the non-business income and expenditure were real and regular, whether the tax fees were withdrawn adequately and remitted timely, whether there existed illegal actions violating the national financial regulations such as high consumption

21、, extravagance, waste, unnecessary purchasing, etc.4. The auditors should check emphatically whether the procedure and process of investment were complete, whether the form, price and proportion were reasonable and regular, whether the capital inputted was really in place, whether the investors had

22、drawn out or extracted capital. The auditors should check the facticity of the book balance of the paid-in capital and the consistency among the book balance, subsidiary ledger, and the original vouchers, whether the calculation of the paid-in capital, capital reserves were regular, whether the acco

23、unting treatment accorded with the accounting standards.5. The auditors should check whether the guarantee to outside parties was eligible, whether there was great loss caused by irregular guarantee.The examination targets of financial audit were mainly statements, account books, vouchers, contracts

24、, documents; the essence the audit was the check of economic affairs. The chosen audit procedures were decided by the judges of the auditors in great degree. The auditors should consider about the internal control of the audited unit, and assess whether the control designation was reasonable, the im

25、plementation was effective. Regardless of the shareholder of the construction sides, the units took parts in the construction building were mainly state-owned. The size of the equity capital size and the loading fund were large-scale, so the units often possess lean internal control documents.There

26、were mainly seven kinds of substantial audit procedures need to be executed.1. Examine the records or documents, such as contracts, accounts book information.2. Examine the tangible assets, such as the engineer goods, the high-way road construction.3. Observe the subject project implementation proce

27、ss, the financial calculation circulation and make reasonable assessments.4. Inquire the finance or engineer staffs the illustration of the discovered abnormalities.5. Confirm the balance of the open credits and the bank deposit.6. Recalculate the related project settlements to testify whether it wa

28、s accurate.7. Make statistics and analyze to the capital applying situation.In the view of a CPA firm, the audit procedures could also summarized as the process of adding details to the audit reports, the ultimate aim of the report was to evaluate the project management, the capital applying situati

29、on, the executed procedures were in service with the reports. When we opened the code of a subject project audit reports, the first contents reflecting to our eyes were often the basic introduction of the shareholder enterprise, the financial situation, the project approval, and binding, preliminary

30、 budget, the execution situation of the budget of each tender, the capital origination and occupation situation. Though the previous contents constitute the main body of the report, the format was similar in different reports; they were the reflection of the data statistical forms accumulation refle

31、ction, not the real key points of the report. The evaluation to the capital operational management was critical, so the auditors should not be entangled with the minor details, such as some fees should be accounted in sale or administrative fees, the age of some current account was 3 or 4 year, some

32、 fragile invoices were past due or not.Combining with the businesses I had participated, some problems existed commonly, needed to be improved, should be reflected emphatically of the project subjects were as follows: 1. The cost collection of payments by installment to the same economic business was not consistent.2. Some accounting treatments were not in accord with the economic business essence.3. Some original vouchers were not complete, lacking the signs of the related crews.4. Some accounting subjects application was not in consistent with t

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