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1、新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案新编实用英语第二册unit1练习答案P4-1What are you doing tonight i was wondering i wish i could write a term paper some other time then Thats right P4-21)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ?2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ?:3) Good

2、, will you come at 7:00 ?4) Lemonade if you must bring sth .P4-31) what are you going to do this weekend ?2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend .3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop .5) i d rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ?P5-1tomo

3、rrow ball game skiing for a long time very warm agree P6-2 No , she doent going to the ball game and skiing She heard it on the radio No , he doesnt He will give claire a call P6-3 the time and place fine formal written in writing at the bottom attend in person or by phone comfortable P7-4 1) d 2) C

4、 3) a 4) b P8-11) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation 2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation .3) it means each pays ones own check when eating in a restaurant .4) the word sometime .P9-21) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6

5、)suggestion P9-3 invent an excuse later present problems explicit specific time mentioned Yes , that would be nice .P9-41) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain 7) explicit 8) identify P9-5!) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence.2) You are required

6、 to stop your car after an accident .3) The conceptions and practices of child education vary from culture to culture .4) He is more of a poet than a musician .5) my father has kindly offered to take us to the airport .6) We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details .P10-6 1) He didnt

7、have a girl friend until he was thirty .Dont leave until i tell you to .2) The truth turned out to be stranger than we had expected .it turns out that she had known him when they were children .3) i m sorry , im not in a position to help you right now .i m sure they would like to help her out financ

8、ially but they are not in a position to do so .4) In many instances it is the teacher who talks , but in some instances the students talk.In may instances it is the husband who pays , but in some instances the wife pays her own bill .5) He is more of a director than a producer .He is more of a compo

9、ser than a singer .6) There ar also houses that seem warm but in fact are not .There are also music pieces that sound like light music but in fact are not .P12-7 1T 2T 3T 4F 5F 6TP12-91. 似乎很长时间没收到你的来信了,从你到工作室算起,现在就更久了。2. 所以我马上写信,好让你离开上海之前肯定能收到这封信,希望你们俩在英格兰逗留期间能和我们一起住几天。3. 我们还有两个朋友和我们一起度过新年的周末,所以,到时你

10、也能来的话就太好了。4. 而且如果我们遇上好天气的话,我们可以找一天一起出去拜访卡特一家。5.玛丽很好,而且喜欢她的教学工作(至少我这样认为),孩子们长得飞快,我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心,虽然偶尔我也会渴望从前自由自在的日子P13- sample 1很高兴能邀请你参加我们的年会。今年会议将于7月24日到28日在布莱顿市的Metropole宾馆举行。随信寄出会议的详尽日程,食宿安排和活动计划。去年您给我们做了题为“高科技采购”的颇为生动的发言。如果您能考虑就此问题给我们做最新发展报告,我们将不胜感激。如能尽快确认您将出席会议,不胜感激。P13-sample 2鉴于你5月25日来信,我很

11、高兴地告诉你我将出席今年7月的会议。如果你能寄来更为详细的会议日程,我将非常感激。遗憾的是,我不能对去年的发言作最新补充,工作繁忙是我没有时间作准备。无论如何,我期待再次参加会议。P14-2很荣幸邀请你参加我们的年会。今年的会议将于8月20日在诺丁汉大学举行。随心寄去会议的详细内容,住宿安排及业务活动计划。去年您做了题为“学术标准及展望”的非常有趣的报告。如果您这次能就此专题的最新发展给我们做一发言,我们将非常感激。如果您能在方便的时候尽快通知我们您能否出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。P14-31) confirm my participation in this years conferenc

12、e in August .2) you could send me further details about the programe .3) i will not be able to give an update on last times talk .4) that pressure of work will not allow time to prepare a talk .5) i look forward to attending the conference again .P15-4 I wish i could attend your graduation party . i

13、 know it will be lots of fun , unfortunately my parents have already invited several of our relatives over for a reunion . I wonder if you could come on Saturday evening so you can tell me all about the party .P15 -5 who he is it began i had enjoyed you will have time how old i was he would marry he

14、r we should i could P 16- 61) Jane told her not to worry about where might be her son .2) She said she was going to the cinema .3) she wanted to know what his job was .4) i wondered if he really meant it .5) He asked which chair he should take 6) He asked why i hadnt stopped the car .7) He remarked

15、what a lovely house it was 8) He said how beautiful the garden is .9) He asks when they will leave .10) i dont know where he is .P16-7 1. can you tell me where i can buy some chewing gum ?2. The police wanted to know what she looked like .3. Do you know what she was wearing ?4. In the report , they

16、asked how many security cameras in the bank .5. The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked .6. Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai ?7. I want to know which color you prefer - red or yellow .P16-8Sandra was writing a letter to decline Marys invitation to her birthday party

17、 . She would love to come , but unfortunately , she was not able to . She had to decline Marys invitation by saying , Thank you for the invitation for your birthday party . We d love to come but i m afraid that Peter and i are going to Itlay on holiday on July 9th . Well stay in Rome fro ten days an

18、d then go on to travel to England on July 20th so that well have a whole month there ,. Before closing the letter , Sandra asked Mary to give her best wishes to her famil 继续追问: 来自手机问问 这只是第一单元的啊啊 补充回答: 新编实用英语第二册unit2 练习答案P21-11)i am confused 2)what they all mean 3)can tell you some 4) how interesting

19、 5) i ll be grateful 6)came across 7)does it mean P21-2 1) Chatting on line looks like fun , have you ever tried it ?2) How do you feel about it ?3) Oh , really ? what s the fun of it ?4) Wow , can you name some of them ?5) How interesting ! i should find some time to try it .P22-31) You really go o

20、nline a lot , dont you ?2) i really do love browsing the internet .3) You get to enter a completely different world without going anywhere at all .4) The most interesting things is that you can do shopping online .5) The most stimulating example is the virtual car show rooms .6) so what can people d

21、o there ?P22-11)BBS 2) Users 3) way 4) keepers 5) personal P23-21) Its about college BBS 2) It stands for Bulletin Board system .3) Its a good way for college students to exchange information .4) It want to show the problem of personnal attacks .5) It is suggested that the users provide real names a

22、nd more strict watch be carried out over the content of BBS information .P23-31) Internet shopping 2)most popular 3)online 4) 1996 5) videos 6) make use of 7) every book 8) at the webset 9) publish a new book 10) sample 11) ten times 12) usual bookshops 13) credit card 14) its business 15) in the pa

23、st few years P23-41)-C 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) B P26_1.1) It can share information , conduct business and communicate with people .2) About 55 million Americans .3) It is an auction site 4) It allows families and friends to communicate at a low price and more frequently .P26-21) constant 2) sped up 3) con

24、duct 4) benefit 5) privacy 6) education 7) access 8) digital P27-3 22 million members increasingly merging with online growth broadbandlinks their own homes P27- 4 1) conducted 2) speeding up 3) merge 4) innovation5) constant 6) makes it clear 7) respective 8) slow down P27-51. They told the story t

25、hrough the medium of dance .2. The temperature will increase greatly into the eighties Fahrenheit over the weekend .3. We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the last few months .4. Once the payment has been made , the goods will be delivered at your convenience .5. They have comple

26、te access to the company s files .6.Originally , it was a bed room , but we have turned it into a study now .P28-61. In just six years , email has become the most popular means for communication .In just a few years , cars will become the necessity of many families .2. This argument become increasin

27、gly bitter , almost becoming personal attacks .It has been made increasingly clearly that the air pollution in this city is becoming more and more serious.3. As with the previous plan , well carry this one through to the end .As with the flight schedules , the bus schedule are also strictly followed

28、 .4. In spite of repeated assurances that the product is safe , the sales do not appear to be increasingly at any time soon .in spite of the efforts by the search party , there was not hope of finding the missing boy soon .5. Another factor is that children living in the countryside can get a better

29、 education , with the web technology providing new technical possibilities .Another factor is that there are more opportunities for young people to find a job .6. This type of car , originally affordable , only by millionairs , is rapidly becoming available to average people .This kind of lap-top ,

30、originally used by only a few , is rapidly becoming available to many people .P30-71F 2T 3T 4T 5F 6T 7T 8T 9F 10FP30-9 1.我发现, 花上一个晚上与新朋友聊天是非常 轻松的。 2.电视机出了毛病- 画面有些模糊。3.我们应该考虑到恶劣的天气,应该携带足够的雨伞。 4.我在考虑明年到国外旅游所需的资金。 5.我完全意识到这条新路引起的问题 新路正好穿过我办公室的旁边。 6.东西便宜并不一定就意味着质量不好。 P32-2 发件人:greetings 日 期: 2007年11月1日1

31、4:36 收件人:kongqy 主 题: 武晶已经收到你的来自hotmail祝福! 你于2007年10月29日寄给武晶(wujing)的问候 卡已经收到。 如果你希望发出你的问候,你可以访问 你可以在 看到你发给武晶的问候。 感谢你使用Hotmail! 问候! Hotmail! 问候团 P33-3 From: Mail Administrator Date: 2007/11/5 13:46 To: Huili Subject: Mail System Error-Returned Mail Attachment: Mail System Error-Returned Mail -(30.1 KB) This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Th

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