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高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order SectionWord powerGrammar and usage学业分层测评.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 4 Law and order Section Word power Grammar and usage学业分层测评Unit 4 Law and order Section Word power & Grammar and usage .单词拼写1The serious accident _(涉及)9 cars and 2 trucks.2We think all these are closely_(和有关)questions.3He was _(指控)with robbery.4He is serving a threeyear _(徒刑)for burglary.5A

2、ll the people came here at the _(要求)of him.6He is held _(对负责的)for the accident.7They _(搜索)the whole forest for the lost boy.8The past ten years has _(见证)the great changes in the village.9What he said _(证明是)right.10It was very_(体贴的)of you to help me with the job.【答案】1.involved2.related3.charged4.sent

3、ence5.request6.responsible7.searched 8witnessed9.proved10.considerate.单项填空1I have just had my watch repaired.How much did they_for that?Acost BchargeCspend Dtake【解析】charge for sth.因某物收某人的费用。【答案】B2(2016山东师大附中一模)_ we can have clean drinking water lies in _ effective measures will be taken by

4、the government about water pollution.AWhether; that BIf; thatCWhether; what DIf; what【解析】句意:我们是否可以喝上干净的饮用水在于政府将对水污染采取何种有效的措施。we can have clean drinking water是完整的句子结构,后面紧跟谓语lies in,推断出它的主语是个主语从句。If不能引导主语从句,排除B和D。根据意思是“采取什么措施”,故选C。【答案】C3Is there anyone in your class who_the car accident that happened

5、in front of our school this morning?Awitnessed BobservedCintroduced Dpredicted【解析】witness意为目击,当场见到。句意:你们班有人目击了今早发生在我们校门口的车祸吗?observe观察;introduce介绍;predict预言,预告。【答案】A4(2016淮安范集中学月考)A car was burning on the highway near Birmingham. In no time _ to the spot.Athe police had rushedBhad the police rushedC

6、the police rushedDdid the police rush【解析】in no time立刻,马上放句首不需要倒装,因为不是否定词,排除B、D。描述的是过去发生的事情,选C。【答案】C5He ignored the neighbors request that_less noise at night.Ahe would make Bhe could makeChe make Dhe made【解析】request后接同位语从句用虚拟语气,should动词原形,其中should可省略。【答案】C6They _ the whole village _ the missing chil

7、d.Asearched;for Bsearched for;/Cwere in;in search for Dwere in;search of【解析】句意:他们为了寻找失踪的孩子搜寻了整个村庄。search.for意为搜查某人或某场所以寻找某物。【答案】A7A lack of _ of cultural differences to local customs can create problems.Aexistence BrevolutionCawareness Devidence【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:缺乏对文化差异及当地习俗的了解会产生许多问题。awareness表示意识,认识。而

8、existence表示存在;revolution表示革命;evidence表示证据。【答案】C8Most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isnt much help when it_shopping and eating.Arefers to Bspeaks ofCfocuses on Dcomes to【解析】句意:我们大多知道应该降低脂肪摄入,但一涉及购物与饮食的时候,这些认识就不起多少作用了。when it comes to sth.一涉及,谈到【答案】D9(2016常熟高三检测)It has b

9、een proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.Aif BbecauseCwhen Dthat【解析】句中it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句,that在从句中没意义,也不作成分,但不能省略。【答案】D10(2016江苏赣榆调研)According to a recent survey, some TV programs should take _ for teenagers negative behavior. Ain

10、fluence BresponsibilityCcredit Dexplanation【解析】句意:根据一个最近的调查,有些电视节目应当对青少年的不良行为负责。take responsibility for 对负责任。【答案】B.完形填空I was on a flight to New York. The first half of the hourlong flight was joyful. We were_1_ a sandwich and a drink for breakfast.Ten minutes later, we_2_into a huge thunderstorm.Sud

11、denly, daylight _3_ night, and lightning flashed from all the _4_People got frightened as the plane shook violently.Bags, _5_gifts, and clothing fell from overhead lockers. Sandwich plates flew through the air, and halffinished _6_fell onto passengers heads. People screamed and _7_The airplane began

12、 to dive. From my _8_in the back, I could see into the cockpit(驾驶舱) down the aisle (通道) . We were falling_9_. Peoples shouts and the noise of the plane suddenly went _10_ .My mother was no longer by my side, _11_ I was no longer in the plane.I was still trapped into my seat, at a(n) _12_of about 10,

13、000 feet.I was alone.And I was falling.The seat belt _13_ my body was so tight that I couldnt breathe.Before I felt fear, I lost consciousness(意识). _14_ I came to life, I found myself on all fours in a jungle.I felt _15_ I was still alive. I decided to try my best to get out of here. So I didnt give

14、 up. I kept moving until it got dark.The next morning, I _16_ and still no one had turned up.I no longer had the_17_ to struggle to my feet because of hunger. But I told myself I couldnt stop moving.At dawn I heard voices.I was imagining them, I thought. But the voices _18_ closer. Three men came ac

15、ross me. When they saw me, they stopped in _19_. “Im a girl who was in a crash,” I said in Spanish.“My name is Julianne.” The three men delivered me to safety. You see nothing is impossible if you _20_ trying.【语篇解读】作者在一起空难中奇迹生还,作者想告诉我们的是,任何情况下,只要不放弃,没有什么是不可能的。作者乘坐飞机前往纽约,在飞行约一小时后,飞机进入了一个巨大的暴风雨区,白天一下子

16、变成黑夜,四处都是闪电,飞机在剧烈地摇晃。作者脱离了正在迅速掉落的飞机,最后幸运地掉在了丛林里。1A.added BattendedCshowed Dserved【解析】考查动词辨析。A增加,补充;B参加,照顾;C展示,表明;D服务,招待,上(菜)。We were _ a sandwich and a drink for breakfast.“我们”在吃早餐,早餐提供的是三明治和饮料,故选D。【答案】D2A.slid BhappenedCflew Dbroke【解析】考查动词辨析。A滑动;B发生;C飞;D打破。根据“I was on a flight to New York.”可知作者乘坐的是

17、飞机,飞机飞入了雷电交加的对流层,故选C。【答案】C3A.took to Bgot toCturned to Dcontributed to【解析】考查动词短语。A喜爱,养成;B到达;C转向,变成,求助于;D贡献,有助于。Suddenly, daylight _ night,顷刻间,白昼变成黑夜,故选C。【答案】C4A.directions BwaysCsides Dpoints【解析】考查名词辨析。A方向,说明;B方法;C方面;D分数,意义。lightning flashed from all the _四面八方都是闪电,from all the directions从四面八方,故选A。【答

18、案】A5A.packed BdesignedCdecorated Dtidied【解析】考查形容词辨析。A打包的,包裹的;B设计的;C装饰的;D整齐的。Bags, _ gifts, and clothing fell from overhead lockers.包、包装好的礼物、衣服从头顶的储物架上掉下来,故选A。【答案】 BdrinkCwater Djuice【解析】考查名词辨析。A咖啡;B饮料;C水;D果汁。根据第一段“a sandwich and a drink for breakfast”可知,早餐吃的三明治和饮料,盛放三明治的盘子在空中乱飞,饮料洒到乘客头上,故选

19、B。【答案】B7A.spoke BwhisperedCcried Dlaughed【解析】考查动词辨析。A说话,讲话;B低语;C叫喊;D大笑。People screamed and _由于飞机颠簸得厉害,机舱里充满了乘客的叫喊声,故选C。【答案】 BfloorCchair Dsofa【解析】考查名词辨析。A座位;B地板;C椅子;D沙发。根据“I could see into the cockpit(驾驶舱)”可知,作者当时坐在后排,从作者的座位能看到飞机的驾驶舱,说明飞机正在头朝下掉,故选A。【答案】A9A.down BawayCback Dfast【解析】考查副词辨析。A向下

20、;B离开;C向后;D迅速地。We were falling _飞机正在迅速往下掉,故选D。【答案】D10A.quick BflatCsilent Dblack【解析】考查形容词辨析。A迅速的;B平的,浅的;C寂静的;D黑色的。根据下段“My mother was no longer by my side.I was no longer in the plane.I was alone.”可知,作者与飞机脱离了,作者仍然在快速地降落,由此可知,作者听不到人们的叫喊声了,四周变得寂静,故选C。【答案】 BandCfor Dor【解析】考查并列连词。A因此;B和;C因为;D或者。My

21、mother was no longer by my side,_ I was no longer in the plane.妈妈不在作者身边,并且,作者没有在飞机上,这里是并列关系,故选B。【答案】B12A.base BareaCaltitude Dair【解析】考查名词辨析。A基础,底部;B地区,区域;C海拔,高度;D空气。at a(n) _ of about 10,000 feet作者当时在海拔约一万英尺的高空,故选C。【答案】C13A.around BonCabove Dby【解析】考查介词辨析。A围绕,在附近,在周围;B在上面;C在上方;D通过。The seat belt _ my

22、body was so tight系在作者身上的安全带太紧了,故选A。【答案】A14A.While BWhenCUntil DSince【解析】考查状语从句。A在期间;B当时;C直到;D因为。_ I came to life, I found myself on all fours in a jungle.当作者醒来时,作者发现自己四脚朝天掉落在丛林里。when后跟短动作或长动作,这里的“醒来”是短暂的动作,故选B。【答案】B15A.cautious BpositiveCcurious Dlucky【解析】考查形容词辨析。A小心的;B积极的;C好奇的;D幸运的。I was still aliv

23、e因为自己还活着,作者感到自己是幸运的,故选D。【答案】D16A.stood BroseCsat Dwoke【解析】考查动词辨析。A站立;B上升,站起来;C坐下;D醒来。The next morning, I _ and still no one had turned up.作者第二天醒来时,身边还是没有人出现过,故选D。【答案】D17A.power BstrengthCforce Denergy【解析】考查名词辨析。A电力,权力,能力;B体力,力量,优点;C暴力,力量,自然力;D能量。根据“because of hunger”可知,由于饥饿,作者已经无力走动,故选B。【答案】B18A.too

24、k BgrewCtried Dgot【解析】考查动词辨析。A带走,花费;B生长,长成;C尝试,努力;D得到,变得。But the voices _ closer.根据下句可知,三个人的声音变得越来越近了,故选D。【答案】D19A.fright BshockCwonder Damusement【解析】考查名词辨析。A恐惧;B震惊;C怀疑;D娱乐,消遣。When they saw me, they stopped in.三个人站在那里,惊讶地看着作者。根据后文可知,他们把作者转移到安全地带,说明他们并不害怕作者。排除A,故选B。【答案】B20A.make BkeepCstay Dbear【解析】考

25、查动词辨析。A使,做,制作;B保持,保留,继续,一直;C待在,保持;D忍受,承担。You see nothing is impossible if you _ trying.事实证明,只要你不断地努力,一切都是有可能的(这里指作者得救)。keep doing sth.一直做某事,故选B。【答案】B.阅读理解“I see youve got a bit of water on your coat,”said the man at the petrol station.“Is it raining out there?”“No,its pretty nice,” I replied,checkin

26、g my sleeve.“Oh,right.A pony(马驹)bit me earlier.”As it happened,the bite was virtually painless:more the kind of small bite you might get from a naughty child.The pony responsible was queuing up for some ice cream in the car park near Haytor,and perhaps thought Id jumped in ahead of him.The reason wh

27、y the ponies here are naughty is that Haytor is a touristheavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods,despite signs asking them not to.By feeding the ponies,tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car,and make them harder to gather during the areas annual pony drift(迁移

28、)The purpose of a pony drift is to gather them up so their health can be checked,the baby ones can be stopped from feeding on their mothers milk,and those whove gone beyond their limited area can be returned to their correct area.Some of them are also later sold,in order to limit the number of ponie

29、s according to the rules set by Natural England.Three weeks ago,I witnessed a small neardisaster a few miles west of here.While walking,I noticed a pony roll over on his back.“Hello!”I said to him,assuming he was just rolling for fun,but he was very still and,as I got closer,I saw him kicking his le

30、gs in the air and breathing heavily.I began to properly worry about him.Fortunately,I managed to get in touch with a Dartmoors Livestock Protection officer and send her a photo.The officer immediately sent a local farmer out to check on the pony.The pony had actually been trapped between two rocks.The farmer freed him,and he began to run happily around again.Dartmoor has 1,000 or so ponies,who play a critical r

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