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本文(高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 23 Conflict231b含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 23 Conflict231b含答案.docx

1、高中北师大版英语选修八同步检测Unit 23 Conflict231b含答案课后演练提能 KEHOUYANLIANTINENG夯实基础知识.单词拼写1Can the two sides reach a _ (和解)?答案:compromise2_ (歧视) towards black people leads to racial war.答案:Prejudice3The army arrested some “out of control” _ (平民)答案:civilians4Being a _ (单身汉) ,Yang Ming held parties every night.答案:bac

2、helor5His neighbours were being driven mad being _ (暴露) to such noise.答案:exposed6One neighbour claims that Yang Ming is a bad influence on his _ (青春期的) son.答案:adolescent7It is the fact that people have _ (分类) his music as “noise” that upsets him most.答案:classified8Living in a hotel means I dont have

3、 to do my own _ (要洗的衣服)答案:laundry9Yang Ming hates being called an _ (酒鬼)答案:alcoholic10For the last _ (两星期),we have hardly dared to go onto our balcony.答案:fortnight.选词填空hand over, bid.goodbye, out of control, in a flash, blow out 1She _ her family and relatives _ and left for Shanghai.答案:bid; goodbye

4、2He _ the candle after he went to bed.答案:blew out3The plane went _ and crashed.答案:out of control4The boy ran so fast that he arrived at his school _.答案:in a flash5The old man made a promise to _ his money to his youngest son.答案:hand over.用倒装句式完成下列句子1Not _ (他们不仅买了) snacks and drinks, but they also br

5、ought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.答案:only did they buy2Only when your identity has been checked _ (才允许你进入)答案:will you be allowed in3The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ (他们争吵) with each other.答案:have they quarrelled4Not a single song _ (她唱歌)

6、 at yesterdays party.答案:did she sing5Only in this way _ (你才能希望) to make improvement in the operating system.答案:can you hope.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1 Was it because Jack came late for school _ Mr. Smith got angry?答案:that考查强调句。句意:史密斯先生生气是因为杰克上学迟到吗?It be被强调部分that.是强调句型的基本结构。此题强调原因状语,由that连接强调部分的其余内容。2 You will

7、 never gain success _ you are fully devoted to your work.答案:unless句意:如果你不全身心地投入到工作中,你永远不会成功。unless“如果不”,符合句意。3 To our great joy, not only _ (he, agree) to our plan, but he also provided us with $1,000.答案:did he agree考查倒装。not only.but also.,放于句首时 not only部分倒装,but also不倒装。4 _do the nurses want a pay i

8、ncrease, they want reduced hours as well.答案:Not only句意:护士们不仅想涨工资,而且也想减少工作时间。根据句子中的倒装形式do the nurses want和as well可知本句填Not only。5One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away _ my daughter heard cries for help.答案:whenbe doing.when.这一结构中when是并列连词,不可换成while。6Even though _ (provide) more money,

9、 you cannot possibly run the company well.答案:provided本题考查连词引导省略性从句的用法。even though是连词,后面没有主语,说明已经省略,动词应选用v.ing或v.ed。从句意看,you是“被提供”,要用v.ed表被动。7We are not prepared to compromise _ safety standards.答案:on句意:我们不准备在安全标准问题上妥协。compromise on sth.“在方面违背(原则)/达不到(标准)”。8As far as I know, they spent _ winter of 20

10、12 in _ UK.答案:the;the句意:据我所知,他们在英国度过了2012年的冬天。具体到某个季节要加定冠词the;国家名称为专有名词,其前加定冠词the,the UK“英国”。9Ten days later, they _ (bid) their home goodbye and headed for Africa.答案:bade句意:十天后,他们告别了家乡前往非洲。bid.goodbye“向告别”,相当于say goodbye to.。bid 过去式是bade为不规则变化。10 We laugh at jokes, but seldom _ (we, think) about ho

11、w they work.答案:do we think考查倒装句。seldom“很少”,当含有否定意义的副词或短语放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序,即把谓语动词的一部分提到主语的前面。提升实战能力.完形填空Have you ever had a very _1_ teacher at school? I have. Ill never forget “Mr. Williams”. If you didnt do well in your physics, you would _2_ to be far away from him. That short man with a very loud

12、voice knew how to frighten you. “ _3_ and commitment” was his motto. Nobody _4_ to be late for his class. No chat no matter how _5_ the subject was. And even the most _6_ pupil would not dream of cheating him in his tests.I thought about him when I read about a new government _7_ to turn former sold

13、iers with no _8_ into teachers. They can be trained either as secondary school teachers or as primary school teachers. Its believed that military _9_ such as leadership, discipline, motivation, and teamwork would _10_ children. From next January those who are _11_ for the program will earn a salary

14、and be _12_ four days a week. In two years they will be considered “ newly qualified teachers”But this is a _13_ plan. Some think just the training offered to those former soldiers is not _14_. They believe teachers need to understand how children _15_, and need a high level of education and much tr

15、aining _16_ before they can educate the young.Im not _17_ how much “Mr. Williams” knew about child development. What I know is how _18_ he was when we did well. Ill never forget the big _19_ on his face when I got a very high mark. My teacher was no soldier, but to me his smile was a medal for brave

16、ry in our war against _20_!作者曾有一位非常严格的老师。虽然老师没有当过兵,但他的严格却和军人不相上下。他的课没有人敢迟到,没人敢说话,考试时,没人敢作弊。但当我们取得好成绩时,他会和我们一起快乐。1A.ambiguousBstrictCemotional Dinteresting答案:B由第一段,老师大嗓门使学生们害怕,他的课没人迟到,没人敢说话等可知,作者是问“你有没有一位严师”。strict“严格的”,符合句意。 BensureCwish Dseek答案:C老师严格,学生学不好,肯定不希望见到老师,故选C项。bet打赌;ensure确保;seek寻找

17、。3A.Accuracy BDisciplineCRegulation DFluency答案:B句意:“纪律和责任”是他的座佑铭。此空后面的一句话明显强调的是纪律,故选B项。accuracy准确;discipline纪律;regulation章程,规则;fluency流利。4A.needed BdaredChad Dused答案:B老师严格,故没人敢上课迟到。dare敢于,符合句意。5A.boring BcompulsoryCoptional Dmoving答案:A句意:无论课程多么无聊,没人说话。boring无聊的,符合句意。compulsory强制的;optional选修的;moving令

18、人感动的。6A.clever BnumbCunconscious Ddishonest答案:D作弊是诚实、诚信问题,所以用dishonest。甚至最不诚实的学生在他的考试中也甭想作弊。clever聪明的;numb呆滞的;unconscious没有知觉的;dishonest不诚实的。7A.announcement BprogramCcurriculum Dseminar答案:B由11空后的program可知答案。announcement宣布;program计划,项目;curriculum学校课程;seminar研讨班。8A.diploma BrankCfortune Dcolleague答案:A

19、句意:把以前没有文凭的士兵训练成老师。由句意及常识可知选A。diploma文凭;rank等级,军衔;fortune运气;colleague同事。9A.adjustments BassessmentsCvalues Dservices答案:C由空后的leadership,discipline等可知,这些都是军队的价值观,故选value价值。adjustment适应,调节;assessment评估,评定;service服务,均不符合语境。10A.guarantee BtolerateCbenefit Dprohibit答案:Cbenefit使受益,符合语意。guarantee保证;tolerate

20、容忍;prohibit禁止。11A.presented BselectedCperformed Dregistered答案:B这个项目是从以前的士兵中挑选,故用select。12A.assisted BinformedCinterpreted Dtrained答案:D8空后提到这些士兵要经过培训,此处与8空对应,这些士兵“一周培训四天”。assist 协助;inform通知;interpret说明,均不符合语境。13A.permanent BtemporaryCcontroversial Dterminal答案:C由13空所在段可知,人们对这个计划有争议,有些人反对这个计划,故选C项。cont

21、roversial有争议的。permanent固定的;temporary暂时的;terminal终点的。14A.adequate BsystematicCtechnical Dexplicit答案:C“这些士兵是不专业的”,technical专业的,符合句意。adequate足够的;合格的;systematic系统的;explicit清晰的,均不符合句意。15A.develop BwrestleCfail Dfight答案:A“老师需要了解孩子如何发展,遵循发展规律”,故A项正确。16A.experience BapprovalCroutine Dstatistics答案:A“老师需要高的教育

22、水平,许多经验”,experience 经验符合语意。approval赞成;routine常规;statistics数据。17A.doubtful BsureCpleased Dastonished答案:B句意:我不确定Williams先生有多懂孩子的发展。sure符合句意。18A.sincere BangryChappy Damazed答案:C学生表现好老师自然会高兴,happy符合语境。19A.emotion BdilemmaCblank Dsmile答案:D句意:当我得了高分时,我永远不会忘记他脸上的笑容。smile微笑,符合句意。emotion感情;dilemma两难境地;blank空

23、白。 BcompetitionCconflict Dignorance答案:D有了成绩,老师奖励笑容,说明自己没被老师忽视,故选ignorance忽视。.阅读理解Movie makers at one time worried that they might be put out of business by television. Recently, however, more and more people have been going to the movies. This may be partly because the economic situation in

24、 America has worsened. When at the movies, people forget their troubles, as they get involved in the story on the screen. Also, directors have recently been producing pictures (镜头) that large numbers of people want to see. Americans in the millions are returning to their love affair with the movies.

25、 Motion picture industry experts see two main factors responsible for this: an increased need by Americans to escape from economic worries and a large number of new movies with broad audience appeal.Movie makers admit that their rising popularity is partly the result of poor economic conditions, whi

26、ch traditionally bring an increase in theater attendance. “When people are fearful about the future, they look for escape,” comments Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America. “In a shaded theater, with a 65foot screen, you lose yourself for two and a half hours and people

27、 find this beneficial.”电影制片人曾担心电影行业会被电视挤垮。然而,最近很多人又走进电影院。这到底为什么呢?1What did movie makers worry about before? AThat no one would go to the cinema.BThat movies couldnt be a business any more.CThat their movies might be played on television.DThat people preferred watching TV to seeing films.答案:D推理判断题。文中

28、第一段第一句话“电影制片人曾一度担心他们会被电视挤出这一行业”,可见人们愿意在家看电视不愿去电影院看电影,故D项正确。2So many people are going to see movies now, because_.Apeople now have much more moneyBpeople have troublesCpeople wanted to escape from real lifeDwatching movies is now much cheaper than watching TV答案:C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“When at the movies, peop

29、le forget their troubles, as they get involved in the story on the screen”。可见,由于经济下滑,人们去影院看电影,可以使他们忘记现实的烦恼,逃避现实,故C项正确。3What is the main topic of American movies?AEconomy. BLove.CTradition. DNot mentioned at all.答案:D细节理解题。文中没有提及美国电影的主题。只是提到看电影使人们忘记烦恼,电影制作人想方设法拍摄吸引人们眼球的镜头。4According to Jack Valenti, why have movies become popular?A. Because Americas economy is bad and people want to escape from their economic worries.BBecause a large number of new movies have broad audience appeal.CBecause the directors have cut the budget in making movies.

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