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Counter offer and order.docx

1、Counter offer and order Counter- Offer &OrdersText A A Counter-Offer Dear Sirs, Re: Raincoats We write to thank you for your fax of May 20 and for the booklets you very kindly sent us. We appreciate the good quality of the captioned goods, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side

2、and out of line with the prevailing market level. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since this is an area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range. We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have ha

3、ndled our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you. May we suggest that you allow us a discount of, say, 5% on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to our customers? If you cannot do so, then we must regretfully decline your offer. Information indicates

4、 that some parcels of Japanese make have been sold here at a much lower price. It is in view of our long-standing business relations that we make you such a counter-offer. As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and fax us your acceptance as soon as pos

5、sible.We are anticipating your early reply.Yours faithfully, Text B An Order Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of 15 October. As you will already know, your Mr J. Needham called on us a few days ago and left a range of samples. We think articles of this quality will find a ready market here, and

6、we are prepared to order the following as a trial :.20 “Angela” evening bags catalog no. 5 50 “Veronica” beauty boxes catalog no. 17 50 “Daphne” handbags catalog no. 27a 50 “Gloria” handbags catalog no. 28 If nos. 27a and 28 are not available for immediate delivery, as Mr. Needham suggested might be

7、 the case, please send nos. 27 and 28a instead. Since we must have the goods on display in time for the Christmas season, our order is placed on condition that they are dispatched by 10 November at the latest.As soon as we receive your confirmation and pro-forma invoice, we will arrange for settleme

8、nt by bankers transfer.We are looking forward to hearing from you shortly. Yours faithfully, Key Words commodity n.商品;货物 ( 正式用语,指一般性商品的总称) They are not interested in most of commodities on display. 他们对展出的大多数商品不感兴趣。Labor is bought and sold like any other commodity. 和别的商品一样,劳动力也可买卖。merchandise 商品(总称,无

9、复数形式)The merchandise is being strictly examined. 商品正在严格检验 在外经贸英语中表示“商品”,“货物”的词较多,要注意几个常用词的用法与区别: goods 货物 (永远为复数,较普通用语) The goods enquired for are out of stock for the moment. 所询货物暂脱销。 article 商品;货物 (尤指某种具体商品。在报盘与销售合同中常以 “Art. No. 。”形式出现。 stock 1. 存货;现货 These are the only stocks available。 这些是仅有的存货。

10、We dont have any stock of the bicycles as you required. 我们没有你要的那种自行车现货。 2. 股票;证券 She owns some stock in that company. 在那个公司她有些股份。Is there any stock exchange in your area? 你们那儿有没有证券交易所?American stock has been going down since the attack of the World Trade Center.自世贸中心被袭以来,美国股市一直在下跌。3. 常用搭配 supply fro

11、m stock 供。现货 We can supply this quantity from stock. 我们可供这个数量的现货。have in stock 有。现货 Wed like to place repeat orders if you have a large quantity of rice in stock. 如大米存货丰实,我想续订。 out of stock 脱销 Black tea, first grade, is out of stock at present. 一级红茶现已脱销。 v.We are interested in purchasing 15,000 We d

12、ont stock such material for the time being. 眼下我们不备这类存货。 All the hardware for the e-commerce system is well stocked. 所有电子商务系统的硬件都配备好了。We are well stocked with carpets of the newest design. 最新图案的地毯我们存货充足。 reference n.谈及;关于 with reference to 。; in reference to 。; Reference is made to 。 常置于句首, 表示“关于”。 如

13、: With reference to our usual payment terms, we can do otherwise than L/C at sight. 关于通常的支付条件,我们除即期信用证外也接受其他做法。 v.We are interested in purchasing 15,000 We dont stock such material for the time being. 眼下我们不备这类存货。 All the hardware for the e-commerce system is well stocked. 所有电子商务系统的硬件都配备好了。We are wel

14、l stocked with carpets of the newest design. 最新图案的地毯我们存货充足。 refer v. 1.谈及;提到 (与to搭配) We refer to our letter dated May 20. 兹谈及我方5月20日函。 Referring to your enquiry of May 22, we very much regret that we have no supply in stock. 关于贵方5月22日询盘,非常抱歉我们手头无现货。 2.参照;参阅 (与to搭配) Please refer to our fax of May 15.

15、 请参阅我方5月15日传真。 We have referred this matter to our factory in Dalian. 我们已将此事提交我在大连的厂家处理。In reference to the quality of the new product, no complaint can be made. 新产品的质量是无可挑剔的。 Reference is made to your enquiry of March 1, we are now making you a firm offer as follows. 谈到你方三月一日询盘,兹报盘如下。 for your refe

16、rence 供你方参考 We attach hereto our enquiry list for your reference. 兹附询价单一纸供你方参考。 We shall appreciate it if you will send some up-to-date patterns for our reference. 如能寄一些最新的款式作参考,将甚为感激。 for your reference 供你方参考 We attach hereto our enquiry list for your reference. 兹附询价单一纸供你方参考。 We shall appreciate it

17、 if you will send some up-to-date patterns for our reference. 如能寄一些最新的款式作参考,将甚为感激。 Skill drilling (1) You are asked to write a letter or an email in reply to the counter-offer you just received . In your letter, the following points should be covered: a) 难以接受还盘,最多只能减价2%; b) 怀疑其他产品的质量能否与你们的相比; 提请对方注意

18、,质量其实比价格更重要; (2) The following is a fax you just received. Please read it and then draft a fax in reply: Dear Sirs, Re: chinaware We have noted your fax of October 10 regarding the captioned goods and regret that our offer has not been accepted. We have to point out that your counter-offer is obviou

19、sly on the low side. The price we offered is entirely in line with the market level and has been accepted by many other customers. However, we now agree in your interest to renew our offer till the end of this month and recommend that you fax us your confirmation without delay. Yours faithfully,Unit

20、 6 Confirmation &AcceptanceText AAccepting a Repeat Order Dear Sirs,Thank you for your fax repeating your order of November 25 for 500 doz. Mens sweaters.Although the prevailing quotations are somewhat higher, we will accept the order on the same terms as before with the view of encouraging business

21、.As requested in your previous fax, we have made out our Sales Confirmation No. 200 in duplicate and shall appreciate your sending back one copy duly countersigned. We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favor immediately. However we would like to draw your attention

22、to the fact that the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly conform to the terms in our Sales Confirmation in order to avoid subsequent amendments.We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment, which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of credit, will t

23、urn out to your entire satisfaction. Yours faithfully, Text B Confirming an Order Dear Sirs,We are appreciative of your replies of June 8 and June 13 to our request for a 5% reduction in price and through your co-operation we have been able to confirm the following order with you at your revised pri

24、ce: Fifty metric tons of Tin Foil Sheets at US $ 300 per metric ton CFR Shanghai for shipment during July” for which we enclose our Purchase Confirmation No. AS8784 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file at your earliest convenience.We are arranging for the establishment of the r

25、elative L/C with the Bank of China, Shanghai and shall let you know by fax as soon as it is opened.As we are in urgent need of the goods, we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual shipment within the validity of the L/C; any delay in shipment would be detrimental to our future

26、 business. Yours faithfully,Key Words confirm v 1.确认;批准 We confirmed having placed an order with you for 1500 tons soybeans. 我们确认已向你方订购1500吨大豆。 The board of directors has confirmed his appointment as sales manager. 董事会已批准他为销售部经理。2.保兑 Please advise the credit to the beneficiary and have it confirmed.

27、 请向受益人通知信用证并予以保兑。 Payment is to be made by confirmed, irrevocable sight L/C. 应该用保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证支付。 Skill drilling You have received your customers initial order No. 023 for wool and made out your Sales Confirmation No.123. Now you are asked to write a letter sending the S/C (Sales Confirmation). The following points should be covered in your letter:1. 销售确认书已寄出,请收到后签退一份; 2. 对双方首批交易的成功表示祝贺并保证对方会满意; 3. 渴望了解对方的促销计划,欢迎任何这方面的建议; 4. 保证能满足对方的各种特定需求.Exercise.Put the following into English1. 尽管我们很满意你方产品的质量,但我们认为你们的价格偏高。2. 如果你方降价5%,我们相信成交是可能的。3. 鉴于我们之间的长期贸易关系,特向你方作此还盘。

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