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初中英语 牛津译林版8A Unit3知识点讲解.docx

1、初中英语 牛津译林版8A Unit3知识点讲解 8AU3知识点讲解Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1- What are you going to do,Eddie?埃迪,你要去做什么? - Im going to exercise.我打算去锻炼。 探究点:“be going to动词原形”属于什么时态?和will有区别吗?这一结构可用于所有的动词吗? 指点迷津 “be going to动词原形”属于将来时,表示“计划打算将要做某事”,强调事先考虑好或安排好的事情。 - What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你打算做什么?

2、- Im going to do my homework at home. 我打算在家做作业。知识拓展 “will动词原形”也表示“将要做某事”,一般可以和“be going to动词原形”互换,但“will动词原形”强调事先未经考虑或安排,不以主观意志为转移的事情。come,go,leave,arrive等表示位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示将要发生的动作,它们很少与be going to结构连用。 He will be twenty years old next year.他明年就20岁了。 Miss Sun is coming tonight.今晚孙小姐要来。 用be going to或

3、will填空 It_ be Sunday tomorrow. - Oh, what a heavy box! I cant carry it. - Dont worry! I_ help you. I _ play basketball this afternoon as I planned before.2Well,this hill isnt as high as a real one!嗯,这座小山没有真的高! 探究点:it和one有何区别? 指点迷津 it指的是与前面已提到的事物为同一物,此时的it等于“the (this,that,my)名词”;而one指的是与前面已提到的事物为同一类

4、物,此时的one等于“a名词”。 I have a dictionary but I lent it to Mary yesterday. 我有一本词典,但昨天把它借给玛丽了。 I dont have a dictionary. Can you lend me one? 我没有词典。你能借我一本吗? ( )Could you record the football game for me? I can watch _later. A. it B. one C. this D. that ( )Your coat is beautiful. I want to buy_, too. A. it

5、B. one C. that D. this3. Come on, Hobo. Lets enjoy ourselves! 快点,霍波。让我们玩得愉快! 探究点一:come on在口语中常有哪些意思? 指点迷津come on常用于口语中,表示动员、激励别人做某事,意思是“快点;加油”等。Come on! The bus is coming快点!公共汽车来了。 Come on! You can win! 加油!你会赢的! 知识拓展 come on在口语中还可意为“得了吧,别胡扯”。 Oh, come on, you cant expect me to believe that. 好了,别胡扯了,

6、你反正别指望我会相信那件事。 来吧!让我们一起唱首歌吧。 _! Lets sing a song together. 探究点二:enjoy oneself的意思是什么?如果跟动词用什么形式? 指点迷津 句中enjoy ourselves的基本结构是enjoy oneself,其中的oneself要根据主语换用合适的反身代词,意思是“玩得高兴,过得愉快”,相当于have a good/greatnice time或have fun。它们后面都可以跟现在分词短语,表示“做某事玩得高兴,做某事过得愉快”。 We often enjoy ourselves swimming in the river

7、in summer. We often have a good/greatnice time swimming in the river in summer. We often have fun swimming in the river in summer. 夏季我们经常在河里游泳游得很高兴。 ( )- How was the party last night? - We enjoyed_ very much. A. us B. itself C. ourselves D. myself4. Yesterday, I took a boat trip under the famous Har

8、bour Bridge and went past the Sydney Opera House.昨天,我乘船游览了著名的港湾大桥并且经过了悉尼歌剧院。 探究点:take a boat trip是什么意思? 指点迷津 take a boat trip的意思是“坐船游览,乘船旅行”,其中trip的意思是“旅行;出游”,常指短期、短距离的旅行。 We are going to take a boat trip down the river. 我们打算乘船顺流游览。 你们上个星期天坐船游览了吗? Did you_ last Sunday?5- How wide is the bridge?这座桥多宽

9、? - Its 90 feet wide90英尺宽。 探究点:长、宽、高如何表示? 指点迷津 长、宽、高的表示方法:数词十单位词( metre,kilometre)long/wide/ tall。 The desk is about one metre long.这张桌子大约一米长。 The bed is 2 metres wide.这张床两米宽。 The house is 5 metres tall.这个房子五米高。 这条街道6米宽。 The street is 6_. 那条河约76889米长。 The river is about 76,889_. 这棵树约4米高。 The tree is

10、 about 4_6. The bridge is made of steel, isnt it? 这座桥是由钢材造的,不是吗? 探究点:be made of和be made from有什么区别? 指点迷津 be made of由制成(从成品中可看出原材料);be made from由制成(从成品中看不出原材料)。 The chair is made of wood.这张椅子是由木材制成的。 Paper is made from wood, too.纸也是由木材制成的。 这张桌子是由钢材制成的。 The desk_ steel.即时练习( )1. - Must I go now? - No,

11、you_. Its too early. A. mustnt B. neednt C. dont D. arent( )2. - What are you going to do tomorrow? Im going to_ A. exercises B. exercising C. exercise D. exercised( )3. The bed is made_ bamboo. A. from Bof Cwith Dby( )4. Do you often enjoy yourself_ computer games? A. play B. to play C. playing D.

12、playsReading1Im doing fine here我在这儿过得很好。 It was a fine warm day.这是一个晴朗、温暖的日子。 探究点:两个fine的用法相同吗? 指点迷津 两个fine的用法不同。第一个fine用作副词,意为“够好,蛮不错”;第二个fine用作形容词,意为“晴朗的”。 I am working fine here.我在这儿工作得挺好的。 Its a fine day today.今天是一个晴朗的日子。 知识拓展 fine用作形容词时还可指“身体好,气色好”。 He isnt fine today今天他看上去气色不好。 他在这儿住得不错。 He li

13、ves_. 多晴朗啊! _ it is!2. Yesterday Kittys teacher Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park. 昨天基蒂的老师吴老师邀请我参加他们学校组织的世界公园之旅。 探究点一:invite有哪些固定搭配? 指点迷津 invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事;invite sb. to sp.邀请某人去某地。 May I invite you to go to the cinema with me? 我可以邀请你和我一起去看电影吗? 用所给动词的适当形式填空 I th

14、ink you should invite Mr Wang_(come) to your party. 搡究点二:trip是什么意思?“到某地旅行”怎么表达? 指点迷津 trip是可数名词,意思是“旅行”。take a trip to sp.意思是“到某地旅行”。 They took a trip to Japan last year.他们去年去日本旅行。 我们学校下周将要进行一次到长城的旅行。 Our school will_ the Great Wall next week.3. There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey w

15、as a little boring. 路上交通繁忙而且旅途有点无聊。 探究点一:traffic的意思是_,通常作_。 指点迷津 traffic n交通;来往车辆。traffic常用作不可数名词。a lot of traffic的意思是“许多车辆;交通拥挤;交通繁忙”。 There is a lot of traffic on the road at weekends.周末道路上交通拥挤。 路上车辆很多时,你必须等待。 When there is_ on the road, you must wait. 探究点二:on the way是什么意思? 指点迷津 on the way意为“在途中,沿

16、途”。 We saw lots of beautiful flowers on the way. 一路上我们看到了许多美丽的鲜花。 辨析 on the way,in the way与by the way的区别: (1)on the way意为“在途中,接近”,在表示“去的路上”用on the way to,但“在回家去那儿来这儿的路上”用on the way home/there/here。I found a wallet lying on the ground on my way home.我在回家的路上发现一个钱包掉在了地上。(2) in the way意为“造成不便或阻碍;用这种方式”。

17、Can you work it out in this way? 你能用这种方法把它解答出来吗?(3) by the way意为“顺便,附带说说”。By the way,where do you live?顺便问一下,你住哪里?用on the way,in the way或by the way填空_which subject do you like best?_to the factory, I saw my old friend Jack.Dont be_. I need to go out from here.探究点三:a bit和a little有何用法?指点迷津 a bit和a lit

18、tle作“一点儿”解时,都可用来修饰形容词、副词及其比较级,也可用来修饰动词。Im a bitlittle tired today.今天我有点儿累。He works a bit/little harder now. 他现在工作更努力一点儿了。Its a bit/little colder than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天冷一点。提醒 a little可直接修饰名词,a bit后需接of才可修饰名词。I know a little/a bit of English.我懂一点儿英语。 ( )The man is_ fatter than his son. A. little

19、 B. a bit C. a bit of D. less( )I have_ money, so I cant buy it. A. a bit B. a little C. a little of D. little探究点四:boring与bored的词性和意思是什么?怎么用?指点迷津 两者都是形容词。boring的意思是“令人厌烦的;无聊的”,用来修饰物或事情;bored的意思是“无聊的;无趣的;烦人的”,用来修饰人。It was too boring to sit there without anything to do.无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。Doing one thing al

20、l day long will come to nothing but get us bored.整天做一件事只会使我们烦躁。知识拓展 这组词的区别属于现在分词和过去分词作为形容词的区别。最主要的是从词义来区别,现在分词通常指“令人使人”,过去分词通常指“感到觉得”。surprising令人惊讶的,surprised感到惊讶的exciting令人兴奋的,excited感到兴奋的另外,现在分词通常表示动作正在进行,过去分词表示动作已经完成。developing发展中的,developed发达的(国家或地区);成熟的 对于足球,他乐此不疲。 He is never_ with football.4

21、. All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus. 我们都迫不及待地下了车。 探究点一:cantcouldnt wait to do sth.的意思是_ 指点迷津 cant/couldnt wait to do sth.的意思是“迫不及待地做某事”。 He couldnt wait to open the bag. 他迫不及待地打开了包。 用所给动词的适当形式填空 I cant wait_(shake) hands with him when I see him. 探究点二:get off的宾语是代词时,放在off之前还是之后? 指点迷津 get off的

22、宾语是代词时,放在off之后,因为off在此为介词。get on(上车)的用法也是如此。 Here comes the bus. Lets get on it. 车子来了。让我们上车吧。 ( )This is my car _, please. Lets go to school together. A. Get it on BGet on it CGet it off DGet off it5. Soon the whole world was there in front of us! 很快整个世界就在我们面前! 探究点:the whole world的同义短语是什么? 指点迷津 the

23、whole worldall (over) the world,意思是“全世界”。 知识拓展 whole和all意思相近,但与限定词和名词连用时,它们的词序各不相同:all限定词+名词限定词whole名词。 all my lifemy whole life我的一生 Mary spent all the summer at home. Mary spent the whole summer at home. 玛丽整个夏天都是在家里度过的。 他把整只鸡都吃掉了。 He ate up _chicken.6. There are models of more than a hundred places

24、 of interest from all over the world. 有世界各地一百多处风景名胜的模型。 探究点:places of interest的意思是_。 指点迷津 places of interest或a place of interest的意思是“名胜;名胜古迹”。 There are many places of interest in China. 中国有许多名胜古迹。 ( )The West Lake is famous as a place of_. A. interesting B. interested C. interests D. interest7. It

25、is made of steel and is really tall. 它是由钢铁制成的,而且真的非常高。 探究点:句中的of能换成from吗?为什么? 指点迷津 be made of的意思是“由制成”,强调从制成的产品上能看出原材料,制作过程中只发生物理变化。be made from强调从制成的产品上看不出原材料,制作过程中发生了化学变化。因此of不能换成from。 知识拓展 (1)be made in表示“在(地方)制造生产”,后跟地点名词,如地点是副词则省略in。 This kind of computer is made in Shanghai. 这种电脑是上海生产的。 (2) be

26、 made by表示“由制造制作生产”,后跟制造制作生产这个产品的人。 This kite is made by my uncle. 这个风筝是我叔叔做的。 (3) be made for表示“为而制造制作生产”,后跟产品供给的对象。 These schoolbags are made for children. 这些书包是给孩子们做的。 (4) be made into表示“某种原材料制成某种产品”,主语是表示原材料的词,后面跟产品名称,与be made of/from意思相反。 Glass can be made into bottles. 玻璃可以制成瓶子。 用be made of,be

27、 made from,be made in,be made by,be made for或be made into填空 This model ship_ Lily yesterday. This car_ China. This plate_ metal. Paper _wood. This story can_ a film. These dresses_ young girls.即时练习( )1. Dont_ the bus until it stops. Safety is first. Aget along Bget out Cget off Dget up( )2. When you

28、 arrive_ Beijing, please give me a call.Aon Bat Cin Dto( )3. I stayed with him_. A. the whole day B. whole the day C. the all day D. all whole day( )4. I am learning_ a home page. A. what to do B. how to make C. what to make D. how to do( )5. The Eiffel Tower is_ tall and beautiful. A. true B. real

29、C. really D. more( )6. Nobody teaches me English.1 learn it all by_. AI Bmy Cmyself DmeGrammar1The bus is as comfortable as those in the USA. 这辆公共汽车和美国的那些一样舒服。 探究点:当两个人或事物进行比较时,“甲和乙一样”用_结构。 指点迷津 甲和乙一样用“as形容词或副词原级as”结构。 This book is as expensive as that one.这本书和那本一样贵。 My bike is as new as his.我的自行车和他的一样新。 ( ) Her father is as_ as h

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