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1、上海高考英语考纲词汇新变化含详解版2020 上海高考英语考纲词汇新变化(含2019详解)1.agenda/dend/ n.议事日程;日常工作事项Does television set the agenda on foreign policy?电视舆论对外交政策有影响吗?2.arrange/rend/ vt. 安排;整理;(事先)准备,筹划 vi.作安排;作准备Ive arranged to see him on Friday morning我已安排好星期五上午见他。3.court/kt/ n. 球场;法院;法庭;宫廷;庭院;短街;陈列区,馆food court (购物中心内快餐店集中的)美食街

2、At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts!照这样下去,我们会为离婚闹上法院!4.crazy/krez/ adj. 发疯的; 荒唐的; 不切实际的; 急切的; 狂热爱好的; 着迷的(about,over)People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing人们认为他们简直是疯了,竟然想从制造业中赚钱。5.discipline/dspln/ n.纪律;训练;处罚;学科 vt.训练;惩罚;控制Order and discipli

3、ne have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。6.distress/dstres/ n. 痛苦;疼痛;贫困;不幸 (此外还可作 v. 使忧虑;使苦恼)Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.嫉妒会带来忧虑和痛苦。7.document/dkjmnt/ n. 文件;证件;/dkjment/ vt. 用文件(或文献等)证明;用纪实材料构成(影片、小说等);纪实性的描述The foreign ministers

4、of the two countries signed the documents today.两国的外交大臣今天签署了文件。 n. 点 vi. 打点于;散布于;布满;点缀 vt. 打点Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon.很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了9.drone/drn/ n. 无人驾驶飞机Above him an invisible plane droned through the night sky.在他头顶上一架隐形飞机嗡嗡地飞过夜空10.dump/dmp/ vt. 倾倒(垃圾等

5、);(向国外)倾销 vi. 倾倒;倒垃圾;倾销 n. 垃圾(或废物) 堆;倾倒;倾销We dumped our bags at the nearby Grand Hotel and hurried towards the market我们把包扔在附近的格兰德酒店后就匆匆赶往集市。11.edge/ed/ n. 边,边缘;刀口,刃;优势We were on a hill, right on the edge of town我们在恰位于城镇边缘的一座小山上。 vi.失败;不及格;衰退 vt.(后接不定式)不,不能;使失望;有负于;没有通过(考试等);使不及格The Worke

6、rs Party failed to win a single governorship劳工党连一个州长职位也未能赢得13.fake/fek/ vt. 伪造 n. 假货,赝品 adj. 假的,伪造的The bank manager is said to have issued fake certificates.据说那个银行经理曾出具伪造的凭证 vi. 禁食;节制食欲 n.禁食;禁食期;节食注意:fast1 /fst/ adj., ddv. 快的(地);牢固的(地)Brindley was known as a very, very fast driver众所周知,布林

7、德利是个喜欢飞车的人15.feel/fil/ v.感受到,觉得;摸,触;摸索 n. 触,摸;触觉,手感;感觉,知觉;特有的气氛; 本能的鉴赏力I am feeling very depressed我觉得非常沮丧。16.field/fild/ n. 旷野;(一块)田;场地;实地,野外;领域;专业They went for walks together in the fields.他们一起在田野里漫步17.fill/fl/ vt. 装满;使充满;填满;积满;填补 vi.被充满 n. 足以填满的量;充分,足够Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow

8、 boil往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。18.find/fand/ vt.找到;发现;查明;感受到;认为 n. 发现;发现物 vt.(使)适合;(使)配合;(衣服)合 的身;安装vi. 适配;(服装等)合身adj. 适合的;健康的n. 合身;合身的衣服20.fix/fks/ vt. 使固定;修理;安装;使稳定;使集中;吸引;钉住;凝视;确定21.flash/fl/ n.闪光;闪现;刹那,瞬间 v. (闪)光;使闪光A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second突然一个闪电瞬间照亮了一切。22.foot/ft

9、/ n.脚(复数feet /fit/;英尺复数foot 或 feet )23.fry/fra/ vt. 油煎,油炒,油炸 n. 油煎食品;fries油炸土豆 n. 游戏;运动;比赛;总称猎物25.glance/glns/ vi.瞥,看一眼;扫视(at,down,over,round,through);闪烁n.一瞥;扫视(at,into,over);闪烁He glanced at his watch他匆匆看了一下手表。26.grill/grl/ n.烤架;烧烤店;烤炙vt. (在烤架等上面)烤炙vi. 受炙烤Place the omelette under a gentl

10、e grill until the top is set.将煎蛋饼放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。27.happy30.history/hstr/ n. 历史;过去;过去时间的记载;史;史册31.hour/a/ n.小时;时间,时刻;钟点32.inject/ndekt/vt. 注射;插(话);引入She kept trying to inject a little fun into their relationship她一直在设法为他们的关系增添一些情趣。33.Invite/nvat/ vt. 邀请;请求;征求;引起;招致;吸引She invited him to her 26th bir

11、thday party in New Jersey她邀请他去参加她在新泽西举行的 26 岁生日聚会34.job/db/ n. 工作;灵活;职业;职责35.King/k/ n. 国王;君主;口(某界)大王,巨子;(同类动物或事物中)首屈一指者36.kingdom/kdm/ n.王国;(某事物或某人)占统治地位的地方;领域37.moral/mrl/ adj. 道德(上)的;有道德的n. 寓意;-s道德;品行They have no morals.他们没有一点品行。38.orient/rnt/ n. the O-东方adj. 诗东的;东部的/rent/ vt. 使适应;给.定向;以 为方向(或目的)

12、(to,towards)You will need the time to orient yourself to your new way of eating.你还需要一些时间才能适应新的饮食方式。42.practise/prkts/ vt. 练习;实习;经常做,实践vi.练习;经常做;实践;从事职业(尤指律师或医生) Lauren practises the piano every day劳伦每天练习钢琴。43.print/prnt/ vt. 印刷;计打印;打上(印记等);铭记vi.印刷n.印出的字;印刷字体;印刷(术、业、品)44.private/pravt/ adj. 私人(用)的;私有

13、的;私立的;私下的Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain保柏在英国开办私立医院。45.put off脱掉;推迟;关掉,熄灭;使分心;使反感46.quiet/kwat/ adj. 安静的;平静的;轻声的;平静的vt. 使安静;(使)平静They will receive their awards at a ceremony in Stockholm他们会在斯德哥尔摩举行的仪式上接受颁奖。50.received/rsivd/ adj. 被普遍接受的;公认的He was among the first to question the received wisdo

14、m of the time他是那个时代首先质疑当时被普遍认可的处世之道的人之一51.reserve/rzv/ vt. 保留;储备;预订 vi. 预订,订座A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him特地为他预留了一间带阳台的海景双人房 across穿越;偶然碰见We ran across some old friends in the village.我们在村里偶然碰见了一些老朋友run away跑开,逃走;离家出走I ran away from home when I was

15、sixteen我 16 岁的时候离家出走了run into(使)撞在 上;偶然碰见;遭遇(困难等)They agreed to sell last year after they ran into financial problems陷入财政困境以后,他们于去年同意出售run out of用完;耗尽They have run out of ideas他们已经想不出任何办法了。53.sculpture/sklpt/ n. 雕刻(术);雕刻作品;雕塑品;雕像Both studied sculpture.两人都学习雕刻 off展览,陈列;炫耀;表现自己 All right, there

16、s no need to show off 好了,没必要炫耀show up揭露;暴露;(使)显而易见;显得醒目;来到,出席,露面He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leonov她在列昂诺夫面前让他难堪,他要教训她一通。55.stem/stem/ n. 茎;干 vi.起源于;基于,由于 造成(from)(此外作 vt. 遏制,封堵)All my problems stem from drink我所有的问题都源于酗酒56.Swing/tp/ n. (煤气、自来水等管道上的)龙头,阀门She turned on

17、 the taps.她打开了那些龙头。58.tip1/tp/ n. 顶端;尖端/tp/ vt. 给小费 n. 小费;内部情报;指点,指导;忠告The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers袖子遮住了他的手,一直盖到指尖。Thank you for your tip on how to get ink out of shirts.感谢你对如何去掉衬衣上墨水迹的指点59.upstairs/pstez/ adv. 在楼上;往楼上 adj.在楼上的 n.用作单或复楼层60.virus/vars/ n. 病毒;毒害;计病毒61.want/

18、wnt/ vt.要;想要;需要;n.缺乏,缺少The men were daily becoming weaker from want of manners and charm缺乏风度和魅力62.workat 从事于;致力于work on继续工作;从事于,致力于;对 有影响63.wrist/rst/ n. 腕;腕部代表语义已删除。)1.aboutprep. 关于;在周围;在各处;在附近;(时间上)在前后(或左右)ad.在四周; 到处2.allowance n. 津贴,补贴;零用钱Many children first learn the value of money by receiving

19、an allowance.(2013 嘉定一模) 很多孩子首先通过领取津贴来学习金钱的价值。3.alphabet n.(一种语言的)全部字母,字母表; 初步,入门;基础知识V lies in U and W in the English alphabet.在英语字母表中,V 位于 U 与 W 之间。4.annual a. 每年的; 年度的 n. 年刊She will help Wendy prepare her annual report.她将帮助温迪准备她的年度报告。( 2017 普陀一模)Kings College Summer School is an annual training p

20、rogram for high school students at all levels who want to improve their English.国王学院暑期学校是一项针对各级高中生,希望提高英语水平的年度培训课程。(2017金山中学)5.anymore ad.再也(不),(不)再He noticed that he didnt think about smoking anymore. 他注意到他不再考虑吸烟了。(2016 徐汇区二模) You wont have any excuse to skip class anymore.你不会有任何理由再逃课了。(2018 奉贤二模)6

21、.appn.(下载到智能手机或平板电脑等设备上使用的)应用软件;应用程序(application的缩略)You may be surprised by how much you dish out on Starbucks after using the app for a while.在使用该应用程序一段时间后,您可能会惊讶地发现星巴克的菜肴数量。(2018 徐汇一模)7.applaudvt. 向鼓掌;向喝彩;称赞vi. 鼓掌;喝彩8.appliance n. 器具;器械They will be able to collect real-time information on their en

22、ergy use for each appliance.他们将能够收集有关每个器械的能源使用情况的实时信息。(2013 闵行二模)9.applicationn. 应用;申请(表);(计)应用程序I was actually hoping you could write me a reference letter for my law school application.我实际上希望你能给我写一封我的法学院申请的推荐信。(2017 崇明一模)The robotic fly has been put into wide application.机器人飞行已被广泛应用。(2013 上海高考)10.

23、arousevt. 唤醒;引起;使奋发;使行动起来vi. 醒来;发奋Welcome to a never-before-seen world of wonder where you can arouse the magical dream within your heart.欢迎来到一个前所未有的奇迹世界,在这里您可以唤起内心的神奇梦想。(2017 虹口一模)But I strongly support this kind of activity which may arouse peoples concern about the environment by using less power

24、.但我强烈支持这种可能会通过减少用电来引起人们对环境的关注的活动。(2011 普陀二模)11.arrive vi. 到达;到来;达成(at)Too many studies test too few subjects to arrive at firm conclusions.太多的研究测试的受试者太少,无法得出确切的结论。(2018 徐汇二模)12.awakea. 醒着的; 意识到的;认识到的(to)vi. 醒;觉醒vt. 唤醒;使觉醒Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal to surface

25、 occasionally to avoid drowning.也许保持大脑的一侧清醒可以使睡眠动物偶尔浮出水面以避免溺水。(2011 交大附中)13.awakenvt. 唤醒;使意识到;认识到的(to) vi. 醒;觉醒;意识到;认识到(to)Not only does traveling force you to awaken your inner word bank, but it also teaches you about the large number of cultural quirks.旅行不仅强迫你认识到你内心文字库,而且它还教你大量文化怪癖。(2017 复旦附中)We s

26、uddenly awakened to the realization that our friendship was over.我们突然意识到我们的友谊结束了。14.backgroundn. 背景; 背景资料;出身背景Success does not depend on family background, but depends on diligence and good family education.成功不取决于家庭背景,而是取决于勤奋和良好的家庭教育。( 2017 七宝中学)15.bargainn. 协定,协议;特价商品;交易;廉价(品)vi. 讨价,讨价还价The cost of

27、 tuition and the availability of financial aid are other considerations, with public institutions generally a better financial bargain than private ones.学费和经济援助的可用性是其他考虑因素,公共机构通常比私人机构更便宜。(2015 闵行一模)16.bed n. 床; 就寝时间;(河)床;(湖、海的)底Your mind may start to connect your bed with work, which will make it ha

28、rder for you to fall asleep.你的思绪可能会开始将你的床与工作连接起来,这将使你更难入睡。(2012 宝山一模)17.behalfn. 利益;方面;支持on behalf of 代表.一方;作为.的代言人;为了 的利益Many adults in counseling sessions still recall with gratitude the one time that a stranger stepped in on their behalf咨询会议中的许多成年人仍然感激地回忆起一个陌生人进来代表他们(2018 徐汇一模)MPAA is a nonprofit

29、 organization formed by six large studios to work on behalf of the film industry.MPAA 是由六家大型工作室组成的非营利组织,代表电影业工作。(2015 黄浦一模)18.behavevi. 举止端正;表现vt. ( oneself)检点(自己的)行为Parents must provide the best environment and behave themselves better.父母必须提供最好的环境,让自己更好地行事。( 2010 十校联考)19.bonusn. 额外给予的东西;奖金;津贴I have

30、 found that having male nurses is a real bonus, and they definitely have a place in our hospital.我发现拥有男护士是一个真正的奖金,他们肯定在我们医院占有一席之地。( 2014 浦东一模)Parents and teachers are sometimes reluctant to offer a reward to a young person for doing something he or she should like for its own sake-a monetary bonus for reading a book, for example.父母和老师有时不愿意为年轻人做出他或她“应该”喜欢的事情而给予奖励 例如,读书的金钱奖金。(2017 八校联考)20.boomn. 低沉有回响的声音;隆隆声;嗡嗡声;(经济

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